
The Eraser

Judgment day. Test day. The day of another session of testing your knowledge based on things you'll probably rarely use in life.

Well, in my case, it's maths. Yes, it's useful, but I can't remember how often calculus was used in daily life. I know for a fact that I won't be in a career that highly involves maths, formulas or equations.

I do not see myself as a lazy teen. I tried my best to understand each of the formulas bit by bit over the past few days, but even then it takes time. Not everybody is able to get onto that exact level of understanding.

The bell rang, and it was the time for the test. I packed up my stuff into my bag, but I realized something was missing.

No eraser. Guess I'll have to borrow someone else's. Walking toward my classroom, I stopped a few meters away as soon as my shoes made contact with something. Felt like I was stepping on a rock, but it was more softer than a rock. Moving my foot, I saw an eraser. A very white and blue eraser at that.

"I guess I could return it to the owner later." I said to myself. "If there is an owner." I picked up the eraser and proceeded to carry it to my class, where we were all seated and the teacher handed out the tests. Multiple choice tests they were, but still, counting was still a thing.

Got the first two questions answered. Hopefully they're right. Now, onto the third. As I crossed out an answer, B in this case, I had a brainwave.

"Wait." Turns out it was C, so I grabbed the eraser and tried to erase my mark on B.

The B itself was gone instead. My eyes widened in disbelief.

"I'll be going to the bathroom for a bit." The teacher said standing up. "No funny business everybody." she then went out of the room.

So this eraser takes out the B entirely. What's next? The question itself? Although I was so curious I actually tried to erase question 4.

Question 4 was gone. Other than the number, the question was wiped out. I then erased the answer choices to that question. It worked as well!

I knew I was gonna have fun with this. The entire test, me erasing all of the other questions and answers and replacing them with things I'm more familiar with. I then proudly submitted the answers on the teacher's desk. If I was really lucky, then the teacher might have not noticed it, considering when it comes to math, there is really only one real answer, not to mention the teacher is bound to just pass me cause work.

Hmm, there's also the possibility of her checking the my paper to the others. Oh well, maybe it'll make an issue so bad that we'll just have to redo the test next time, meaning more study time for me.

Heading over to the bathroom after facing that test, I heard somebody else come in, and turned to see a guy my age wearing a green shirt.

"Excuse me, but have you see a white and blue eraser?" he asked. He must be the owner. Since I had the eraser in my pocket, I gave it to him. "Thank you." he replied, before he swiped the eraser onto my mouth. I felt a nudge, and turning to the mirror, my mouth was gone.

"Sorry." the guy said. "Can't let you abuse this eraser for things that could damage others. Orders of the Electric Bungalow."

I've heard of the Electric Bungalow. People be talking about it at school. I wasn't buying into that rubbish cause I don't believe in the weird stuff, but now? I guess I do.

I tried to tackle him in anger, but he pushed me back. He then hand his hands on both ends of the eraser, strecthing it causing the eraser to be longer and bigger.

He erased me from this school, from this Earth, literally. Starting with my feet, my legs, my torso, eventually my own head, reduced to empty air.