I've never been a fan of shopping, sadly Katie is one of those people.
I wasn't concerned about what she bought, it was a problem of how long she would take to get what she want. Even if by some miracle, she finds the exact clothing she wants, it's either the size doesn't fit her, the size she wants isn't in stock or the color isn't the one she wants.
I'm surprised she has an artist's eye, I could never tell the difference between what she refers to as lemon yellow and banana yellow.
Being on the phone never really help all the way when your waiting for someone to get their thing done. In this case it's my wife.
I could just bite the lemon and be lucky that she ain't a shopaholic whose married a man just for his money, but then again waiting for her to choose and try on clothing is like watching paint dry.
No scratch that, maybe paint does actually dry faster.
Katie's had a knack for clothing and I was there for her to get what she wants. On today's ocassion, she wanted a sweatshirt. Not sure how that's different from say, a sweater or something normal like a T-shirt, but the last thing I need is making an argument out of a clothing piece.
"Be patient." Katie once told me after we left the 3rd clothing store in Storm Falls we visited. She's been more focused on clothes compared to all the weird stuff that's been happening. Am I really the only one whose probably wondering what is the Electric Bungalow.
I guess I am, considering she doesn't bat an eye whenever I tell her how fixated some people can be when it comes to curiosity and the Bungalow.
At this point, we were getting ready for bed, and a knock was on my door. Slightly annoyed, I went over and answered it. Nothing was there minus a large packet below, just sitting on the welcome mat.
"WHat is it?" Katie asked as she peeked over my shoulder. "It's here!"
"What is?" I asked.
"A sweatshirt! I ordered it online." I felt like frowning, but I couldn����t. At least she had the effort of trying to find one. Opening it, it revealed a yellow lemon like sweatshirt. She tried it on for now, and giddied in excitement that it was a perfect fit. Good for her, good for me so that we don't have to go sweatshirt hunting again.
The next morning she went out for her morning jogs like she always does, this time with that sweatshirt she just got. I was at home drinking my morning coffee, looking at the Storm Falls Daily newspaper.
Phone rang. "Yes?"
"It's me." Katie said. "I'll be coming back." Seemed weird for me. Considering it's only been an hour. She then added. "Dunno why but I'm sweating faster than usual."
"Take your time." I said. "No need to jog. You could just walk."
2 hours passed. Our house is quite the distance but this seems longer. My worries for her faded away as I heard a knock on the door.
Although I saw a police officer instead. "Hello sir. We found your wife."
"Found?" I said in shock before he revealed a wet sweatshirt, and plastic bag filled with water.
"Hi John." Katie's voice came from the bag filled with water.
"The Electric Bungalow's been looking for the sweatshirt your wife accidently wore. I'll return to them and ask them what they can do to help your wife's current situation." The officer calmly spoke. "Expect me within an hour at the most."
There are two bad sides to this story. 1. My wife is now a pile of sweaty water. 2. We'll have to go sweatshirt hunting again.