Toby's room stank of hot and some sweat in between, his body laying down face first onto the bed. The air conditioner wasn't working. He craved for a drink, but even that was a problem.
Jogging around the neighborhood twice really takes your energy out, he thought as the sweat ran down his body and onto the sheets of his bed, combined with non stop work hours at the office. He shook his head as the sweat found its way into his skin cells. "Alright I'm gonna get up." Splashing his face with water from the sink, his ears pricked up at the sound of music.
His heart dropped a bit. Now hang on, he said to himself, there's only me and my goldfish Finch.
Racing his way down the stairs, he saw the stereo in his living room was on. Turning it off. He saw his goldfish, Finch. FInch was a year old, yet Toby felt like he was part of his home for the longest time. Checking the front and back door, Toby scratched his head, then checked the stereo itself.
It wasn't playing the same Rave music on repeat, nor was it set now.
Probably just my imagination, he went to the kitchen and poured himself a glass of water. The hairs on his body rose as the music played again. Sticking his head out of the kitchen, it stopped.
Finch was in his bowl, swimming around.
Toby continued drinking, but the music played again. He swiftly jumped out of the kitchen. "AHA!" he pointed at the stereo but his eyes froze at the sight of Finch standing on its tail, wiggling about to the sound of music.
"But how" was the question that came out of his mouth but he was distracted by the sound of the doorbell. Answering it, he saw groups of men and women in dark cloaks...and this was a hot sunny day. "Yes?" Toby nervously called out.
The front man of the cloaked group of people gave him a note.
It was written: Greetings from the Electric Bungalow, we were invited from by your goldfish Finch to kick back and dance to the sound of your excellent stereo with high quality taste in music. We apologize for the sudden weirdness, but rest assured, we only wish to relax like you would normally do.
Toby looked at Finch and took out his phone for a quick moment: no plans today.
"Ah hell, why not?" Toby said as he needed some relaxation. "Come on in!"
And so Toby danced to the sound of the rave music booming through his entire house, Finch and the other people from the Bungalow getting their groove on.
Even the house moved back and forth dancing to the groove and beat.