I am writing this entry of my journal following the aftermath of the sandstorm that has taken the houses of many and the lives of some.
People around me scatter and yell out that the Electric Bungalow is angry at this point, that it's currently angrier than a raging bull. I'm not sure how does a Bungalow extract feeling but I guess if it's a living thing then it has feelings?
The events that would soon happen started with a phone call. A very distressful one at that.
It came from a man claiming to be part of the Bungalow, a frequent occupant. "We're not sure what truly happened, what enraged it so bad that it caused a sandstorm. The Electric Bungalow has previously made it clear to non occupants that it should not be questioned or discovered, but now it wishes to speak out, but it does not wish to speak to any of us occupants. Instead it wishes to speak to you, whom I discovered is a reporter for the Storm Falls Daily. It wishes to speak to you because it sees you as the proper individual to spread news, and that it has decided to speak to a Daily reporter, out of all the other reporters the Bungalow has shut down. We understand that several reporters had to 'suffer' because of the Bungalow, but it has promised to be truthful to you and everyone else on explaining why weird things happen here, in compensation to the loss of your Daily reporters.
The call ended with. "Please come quick, we don't know how long it'll be before the Bungalow has another burst of anger. The Bungalow has moved to the highest peak in Storm Falls in the North, but you will not go there. It will make you go there."
I didn't know what the caller meant until I felt a large zap. Electricity ran through my veins as my head spun, before I found myself in a dark room, the only source of light being the electricity streaming down below me like fish in a pond. In front of me was a large statue of a man, almost reminiscent of the Thinker statue.
"So you are here." a large booming deep voice came out. I felt the soundwave from all directions, but I assume it came from the statue representating the Bungalow as a whole. "I've had many come here asking me the same question, why. Why cause all these weird events to many people, and shut down some of your Daily reporters. I've only given that answer to a few that understand my condition. I was wary of you at first, but I feel that Storm Falls has to know, the world as well perhaps while you're at it."
The world? I thought, is it really that bad?
"For years, I have been at war with a certain figure, a figure of the Odd. As with I, this figure will stop at nothing to be the Weirdest Among All, as he has been restrained from his freedom of self expression. Initially I did not want any competition with him as a fellow Odd, but he was stubborn. I'm doing my part in this war by causing weird things to happen, not only as a form of my own expression, but also to put him in his place. There were many times in human history where normalcy has been pushed to the next level, people being constrained from experiencing something different from others. The sandtorm I created yesterday was a declaration from me to him, saying that I want out of this, but he has yet to reply."
"Who is he?" I exclaimed, my note and pen at ready. "Give me the name of being you speak of!"
My note and pen floated toward the statue, and it began to write a name on the note.
The ground then shook, I then saw a small spark of fire from the corner of the Bungalow. Before I could move, I was engulfed by light, then it all faded away, as I saw the destruction of the Bungalow, yet I was unharmed, not a single scratch on me. The wood of the Bungalow scattered all around me, the statue of the Thinker was also broken, the wood below my feet remained intract, and some streams of electricity were still around.
Before I could question what is going on, I saw a floating note. My note! I caught it and read the identity of being the Bungalow spoke off
On the note was written: Nimble.
Whether or not the destruction of the Bungalow is the end of the weirdness happening here is beyond me, but if the Bungalow wants me to let the world know about Nimble's "weirdness", then so be it. Whatever form Nimble has, well, I have one statement for him.
"This is Weirdness! And Absurdity! Beyond comprehension for the brain to handle. Do you hear me Nimble!? Weirdness!"