The news of Storm Falls and the Electric Bungalow had been heard by the entire world. Indonesia was no exception. This was on my television as soon as I turned the channel to the WNN-World News Network. A Storm Falls Daily reporter named Charlie reported from Storm Falls that the Bungalow was at a Weird War with a being only identified as "Nimble"
The so called Weird War was documentated as not a war that has gone weird, but a war of "two beings going out at it to see who is the weirdest among all."
People have been going around discussing the whole thing ever since it was first brought up. Even on the radio as I was heading to work one day, talked about it.
"There have been speculation from various people that the being known as Nimble may be in Southeast Asia, as countries including Malaysia and Thailand have had odd events happen to their citizens. One such example of an even included how a man walked to his home only to disappear in thin air and appear upside down on a street pole, hanging like a bat."
"There has been speculations that Nimble is in Indonesia, as we've had a number of reports explaining absurd events that have occured, such as a man running from what he believes to be a Red Bull, just like the energy drink, and another strange occurence where a customer had a large zipper, and could be used to store or take out food from his stomach."
I personally found myself skeptical about these events being the result of a being called Nimble. However, my focus shifted away from the radio as I felt my car going through waves up and down. Such waves reminded me of waves at the sea when I used to go swimming there.
But I was not at the beach, nor the sea. I was on a highway, and I soon realized in front of my eyes, that the concrete of the highway began to move into my direction rather furiously, shaking my car and the cars behind me as well as in front of me. I did not hesitate to go out. People behing me did similar.
A giant wave of concrete went through the cars. We all swiftly ran to the sidelines, away from the wave of rock and destruction paving its way. Several cars that were still working had their lights and horns blazing.
We barely survived that.
I sat on the ground, bewildered at what happened. My head began to hurt, not just because of the immenesely large sound of the disater from before, but I heard someone screaming hysterically.
"Nimble!" the voice said. "He's here! Here in the country!"
So much for all of us surviving a near death experience, now we have to deal with panic because of 'Nimble'.