When the Father arrived at the zoo with his Son, he zipped through the crowds of people there. He held his Son's hand by the distance. The son, who was around 8 years old, had his eyes look left and right, at the crowds of people and animals that were outside and ready to be seen by visitors.
He could be anywhere, the father thought, his influence, Nimble's influence. He had been on watch about Nimble since the day it was announced that all forms of weird events that have happened in the country or the world were the result of his doing.
What could he be, the father was still looking for a suitable spot that wouldn't be touched by Nimble's weirdness. Could he be one of us? Or perhaps he has a form that is greater than us?
He stopped as soon as his son exclaimed and pointed at one of the animals on display. It was a full grown adult lion. A male one. The father held his son's hand tight, looking back and forth, and keeping him close away from the strangers.
Nimble could probably infect one of the visitors here with its weirdness.
The father felt his shirt being pulled. His son wanted to see the lion. Picking him up and holding him with both of his arms, the father continued to be watchful of those passing by him. The lion roared, and the son smiled. The son positioned his hands like claws, and let out a small roar.
The lion roared again, and the son repeated his previous action.
An elephant was heard from a distance, and the people felt a slight shaking sensation from the ground.
The son, hearing the elephant, shouted in a higher pitch.
Next came a bird, shaking the ground and piercing people's ears. The father kneeled down and covered his son's ears. That did not stop the son from shouting again.
The lion was silent as the events unfolded, then it took a breath before roaring as loud as possible, dominating the previous two sounds.
"No." the father said as the son took his own deep breath and shouted louder than ever. The son's screams were almost teenage like, and it carried on. People were still covering their ears.
The son soon stopped, and coughed slightly. He and his father saw the lion, once standing on all fours, before setting himself down onto the ground.
You had won, said a voice, the father looking at the lion's gaze from a distance. The son meanwhile was jumping and raising his hands in victory.
"You talk?" the father whispered.
"Master Nimble wishes nothing but fun for your son, eventhough it had to be as weird as this." the lion spoke to the father's mind. "Judging by your son's enthusiasm, I'd say that the Master's plan worked."