

There was once a man who, at the time that this tale is told, had undergone it's fair share of a blizzard, even though this was Indonesia and winter never occured here.

But Nimble, the Weird Being as some people would refer to him, has just caused that. The man wore a neatly uniform and was carrying a bag with him.

He went on as the slight blizzard blasted through his face, following a change of the weather: the sun was scorching hot, its heatwaves was enough to make the sun look like a warm and comfortable place.

The heatwaves were soon gone, as they were replaced by the loud and obnoxious gushes of wind, blowing through the man's face, trying to pull his cheeks and skin away from his face, as well as trying to knock him down.

But even as all these things were happening in his face and at this time, a time where people were afraid of the Weirdnes caused by Nimble, the man went on.

The wind soon disappeared, as he saw some light shedding upon a house. The house was only one story, and although the paint faded away, it was unlikely that nobody wasn't there.

Although a teen peeking out of the door proved otherwise.

"Mail, for Doni." the man said handing the letter.

"Must be father." Doni said. "Thank you sir, but the weather's been crazy just now. Did you walk all the way here?"

"Traffic on the streets. Really bad."

"Wow." Doni said staggered.

"It's the dedication young man." the man said. "Nimble can throw anything at me and I still won't give up from delivering important mail to people."