For the most part, many people believed it was the end of Nimble's weirdness. The storm had stopped, the flood disappeared, some fish and other sea creatures including sharks were stranded on the street.
Cars were deserted, some even damaged by the harshness of the rain and the wind from before.
One person named Fadlir stopped the harsh wind because of some Windbreaking gloves he claimed were from Nimble. A man named Udanto also claimed that he got rid of the flood thanks to a magical straw that enabled him to drink the entire flood as a whole.
I, Marman, refused to believe it was the end of it. The real end that is.
Days have past since the storm and flooding occured. On television, what was previously going on in the world was now turning back to normal. Apparently there was a report that a few days ago, the pyramids in Egypt were turned upside down. But now they're back up again.
Stonehenge? They were racked like dominos, but they're back up again.
Snow in the desert? It's melted into water and absorbed by the sand now.
I was eating noodles, sitting at the vendor who made it for me. People around me were talking about Nimble, bringing up theories as to whether or not he's done with the weirdness by ending the storm, or if it's just a trick to temporarily render us as clueless before something else that's weird happens.
I tried nto to think about it personally, eventhough my house was also hit by the flood, and the houses of some of my friends.
After eating, I began to take a walk. As I passed by a vendor selling fish in plastic bags, I heard a voice.
"Hey", it said before I stopped in place. "Hey!"
I turned back, there was no one there, and even then, the fish vendor didn't say anything.
"HEY" said the voice louder, I turned to see one of the fish in the plastic bags glowing in light blue. My eyes became bigger, surpried and confused.
"Tell the people, the ones you can reach out at least, the ones in your area." The fish, who was yellow, spoke. "Nimble is prepared to end all of the remaining weirdness, there is just one more task that must be done."
"What kind of task?" I asked. Not asked when I hear my tone once more, it was more of a demand. How much more would the world have to endure this?
"The one that ends it all."