
Thank you and goodnight!

There was once a family having a picnic by the lake. It was evening, nearly night, the father and mother were finished eating their snacks, watching their son draw things on the ground using a nearby stick he found.

"Something on your mind?" asked the mother to her husband.

"Nimble." he replied. "It's been days after that flood and storm incident, yet I feel that there's still some presence of him somewhere."

"I've heard people say that. On the Internet. On the news." the mother said,

"Mama!" their son stood up and spoe loudly. "Fish!"

"Yes son." The father said in chuckle. "There is a fish." He stopped, and saw the water wasn't as blue as it normally would appear within a lake. "Wait." he stood up and went to his son, picking him up almost instantly.

"What's wrong?" the mother asked. She stopped by the time she approached her husband and child, as the water turned to a bright shade of red, and a large "hump" went passing by the water.

"That can't be a fish." the father said.

"On the contrary sir." said the largest and booming voice the father has ever heard. The voice was gentle yet loud, shaking the earth. A large creature came out of the water, splashing some onto the family who backed off.

The parents had their eyes widened. Their son looked at the creature in awe. It was indeed a fish. The fish was huge, almost as tall as a 15 story building,covered in black and grey.

"Eww." The mother said as some of the red 'water' came into her mouth. "Wait. Soda?"

"Strawberry." said their son.

"Who are you? What are you?" the father exclaimed.

"You said my name earlier, sir." the fish spoke as the father realized.


"Correct." the fish approved. "I have been at a Weird War with the Electric Bungalow over there in Storm Falls, USA. I had caused the many weird things to happen around the world and this country was no exception. I had won the war considering the Bungalow blew up, but even then my joy got the best of me, and weird things began to happen more, my influence got out of me, and I need help getting it back."

"Your influence?" asked the father. "Then what?"

"Then I will return to the greater lands of space. I realized that some people were suffering because of the flood, and others couldn't really handle my weirdness, to think I wanted to see if they could face it and complete the obstacles ahead of them, but not everyone was succesful. I do not seek more chaos, for I feel remose to those who suffered, and truth be told, my victory against the Bungalow is now empty."

"If what you say is true.." the father said. "I'll do it."

"No, you're not doing this without me." the mother said.

"Actually." Nimble interrupted. "This involves your son."

"What!?" the parents spoke in unison as their son looked at him.

"You're not using him to get back your influence Nimble, or whatever it is you��ll be doing."

"But what if we say no?" the father spoke. "Do you want the weirdness to keep on going?"

"Let me say that I can't get my influence back myself." Nimble said. "As it is around the world, and only a few of it is back with me."

The mother looked at her husband, and the two had a moment of silence. They both looked at their 10 year old son.

"What does he have to do?" the mother spoke.

A purple box appeared and had an exclamation mark in yellow. On it were dials, a lever, and a microphone. There was also a piece of paper.

"The box is a device I made using my mind. Once it's activated it will gather all of the remaining weird influence here, and I will take it home with me. However. Your son must do it by himself. The paper contains the instructions."

"A challenge for him then?" the father exclaimed.

"I'd do it myself, but I don't have hands." Nimble said. "Also, it would be good if your son could do something by himself, right? Place him down."

"Step forward." Nimble ordered as the son was put down and he took a few steps. A red circle appeared and surrounded the parents. "If you take a step out of the circle, then trust me, you don't want to know." His eyes turned to the son. "Alright child. If you want to win, then you need to follow the instructions on the paper. Do it in order."

"If I do it right can I get some ice cream?" the son said as his father facepalmed.

"Of course." Nimble said. "Now, please get on with it."

The son went onto the box, doing an action for each instruction he read. "Step 1. Set the dials to MAX. Step 2. Say "Come back my influence", and step 3. Pull the lever."

"THat was easy." the father said as the ground was shaking even more, the son retreated back to his parents as the family saw a large gush of aura of different colors, all flying from different direction before going into the box. Soon after, the box closed tightly.

"Thank you humans, and child. As promised." Nimble turned to the size of a normal fish, the box floating with him. With a blink of his eye, an ice cream cone appeared in the son's arms.

"Thank you all three. With my influence back with me everything should be back to normal." Nimble then started to float above as the son waved goodbye.

"Goodbye humans, goodbye Earth." Nimble waved with his fin before he dashed into the skies above and beyond. "Thank you and goodnight!"