But Tum is stopped by Touphy who sticks out his very long , furry , right arm/paw in front of Tum .. to prevent him from making his way any closer to Tawny. Abit narrow eyed and looking very annoyed , Tum quickly turns his furry , big head/face to look at Touphy in question that would say : '' ' Why ' did you do that for. ? ! , I had him. .. ! ''
For now .. Touphy ignores Tum's furry , questioning stare still looking ahead at Tawny. , abit amused to see Ioan succor just for Tawny. .. or any of his other lions that are in Tawny's collision. .. As if Tawny would need the help. Touphy knows Tawny ' may ' have wanted this to happen. , as in .. himself ' ready ' to hold Tum back from scratching Tawny's furry , very light hazel eyes out. And Tawny could be planning this .. as usual. Ioan and Touphy will know , but Tum and Tawny won't.
Yes .. in sour , entertained , 'n mean amusement .. this ' could ' be good if Touphy hadn't held Tum back.
Touphy : '' ' Could ' brother .. we ' could. ' , but that's just what Tawn wants. .. * abit narrow eyed at Tawny * You ' may ' be King .. but Tum and I - and possibly the rest of the furry royals , know that it ' doesn't ' mean we'll bow down to you. .. or even ' think ' openly .. that you're ' here ' to * air quotes with his furry , huge , front paws * '' help '' * puts his huge , furry , front paws down by his furry hips or sides * our kind highness after ten years. .. because ( almost raising his voice ) the reality of it is .. it's that there ' isn't ' any room in the Indenius pride for you. .. and you might as well make a permanent trip back ' out ' of Sundaya again. , ''
Queen Destiny widens her dark/light brown eyes at what she's hearing from Touphy to Tawny. .. In the middle of opening her furry mouth abit .. but can't bring herself to say something.
Queen Destiny : '' ... ! ? ''
Flaunti too.
Flaunti : '' ... ! ''
Touphy : '' you ' won't ' be missed .. he .. just so you know. , that'll be the day if all you want to ' do ' is '' help '' our kind highness. .. Don't even ' dare ' try to fool or kid yourself .. or ' any ' of the furry royals. .. ''
Tawny frowns .. then low growls at Touphy.
Tawny : '' ... ''
Tum : '' ... ? ''
Tum decides he doesn't want to say anything right now. , NOT when his eldest brother is in the middle of saying something. .. He has learned .. ever since he was a young , male cub to NEVER interrupt Touphy whenever he talks .. or handles ' this ' kind of serious business. .. in means to keep his furry mouth shut for his own good. .. and to keep ' his ' furry snout clean .. since he'll angrily lecture him about being in trouble and having to go out of his way to protect him .. and make sure he is safe. , loudly. .. Even during many of his cub days when their cousin named : Cond wouldn't do well to look after him. , he remembers many cub days when he couldn't sleep because Touphy would angrily lecture to Cond almost for hours .. loudly. , and their cousin : Cond would try to reason with Touphy .. only for Touphy to get so shook up , he'd violently fight with Cond .. and all he can do is try to call either of them to stop. , and even be forced to watch .. what male lions are ' suppose ' to do .. and are ' known ' for doing. .. To kill .. blood and fur everywhere. .. and a small mixture of scent. , was ' all ' he can remember.
The LAST time he spoke .. to ' try ' and ' reason ' calm ' n gently to Touphy , he got scratched across his right , furry cheek very hard as a cub .. and saw how enraged and ugly Touphy looked that one specific/particular day as a male cub. .. It isn't that Tum doesn't want that to happen again , he just ' doesn't ' want to see Touphy angry and looking ugly like that again. , even after Touphy apologized to him .. and promised to never to do that to him again. .. As for their cousin : Cond , he too , split apart from Touphy and Tum and also fled from the hyena invasion .. promising to come back and see the two , very tall , furry brothers again someday. .. but very far in the long run.
.. And even ' now ' that Tum is older - much , much older than as a cub , - not that Touphy would hit him or get so upset he'll choose to fight out his feelings with him .. rather than talk , it may be worse and no doubt .. unpredictable if he ' does ' try to talk and reason with Touphy right now. .. I'd say it is a wise , yet difficult thing for Tum to do , hating it when Touphy gets all maddened like this. .. It means a fight waiting to go down. , it means blood , fur , claws and tears .. just like when he was a cub. , to stay away from Touphy a very , VERY .. fair distance as possible .. and wait another thirty minutes until Touphy cools off again. .. Lesson learned.
Touphy : '' That .. understood. ? ''
Tawny growls in front of Touphy's furry face .. refusing to give him the satisfaction. , he's not through with Touphy just ' yet. '
Tawny : '' ' Clear ' as crystal .. big '' T. '' ''
Touphy nods his furry , big head/face at Tawny in understanding.
Touphy : * mutters , abit softly * '' .. Good. ''
Ioan - also not wanting to give Touphy .. or Tum , the satisfaction , wants to say something .. only able to open his furry mouth abit .. but quickly decides not to. , not aware of the knowledge .. OR what could happen next if he ' does ' talk to Touphy .. ' without ' backup. , as much as Tum does. .. As in .. Tawny ' wouldn't ' stick up for him. .. almost coming off back stapping like that .. and not much of a close , life long friend since cub hood along with Blankey. , or so it looks like that.
Another , uncomfortable pause as Touphy , Tum , Tawny and Ioan are staring at one another coldly again for more than two minutes already. .. Seeing that this is a perfect time to get out of this den .. and leave Uncle behind , Queen Destiny spoke up quickly making Touphy , Tum , Tawny and Ioan turn their furry heads/faces to look at her. , Daunnie , Antevill , King Kip , lion twenty eight and Uncle look at her too.
Even Flaunti. !
Flaunti : '' ... ! ''
Queen Destiny : ( normal toned , serious again and almost raising her voice ) '' Touph .. and Tum Tum. ! .. I ' didn't ' want the both of you .. to come , because of Tawn. .. just my Uncle. , mostly from Kipster's royal order. ''
.. All cats blink at her almost abit slowly .. returning to reality - as in what she just said , as if they didn't understand what she said for a minute there.
Touphy quickly moves his furry , iceberg styled , chilly blue eyes to look Tawny's way. , he gets less narrow eyed than before - thought alittle bit now , then goes back to smirking coldly at him abit. .. Leaving a tiny bit of space in his furry , big mouth.
The tone in his voice returns to normal. , and almost nonchalant along with his brother : Tum .. at ALL times , but still .. nastily interested from what himself and Tum heard so far about Tawny. .. But loses less toughness in his words as he wanted his words to be .. because Queen Destiny is now in this.
He talks as if to Queen Destiny. , but not looking at her.
Touphy : '' Royal order .. by our kind 'n gentle highness huh. ? * from the other corners of his furry , iceberg styled , chilly blue eyes , King Kip nods his furry head/face abit in strong agreement at him * * , then smiles abit happily .. that Uncle will be escorted out of himself , Queen Destiny , other royals , in Indenius pride's furry sight - literally * ( in thought ) mmmmh ... ''
He puts his left , furry , huge paw up against his furry chin. , while almost quickly turning his furry , big head/face to look Tawny into his very light , furry , hazel eyes.
He hears Tum add on to his thought about Tawny as well. Abit softly , but he can still hear it.
Tum : ( abit softly ) '' Eh. ? ''
Tawny grins alittle at Touphy and Tum - Touphy mostly , with a furry , stingy look onto his furry face this time .. instead of cold. .. Ioan doesn't show mercy through his furry face , but still looks cold. .. but frowns disagreeably at the two , furry , very tall brothers.
Queen Destiny still stays furry , narrow eyed abit but also frowning so tightly. , King Kip still looks serious .. but with seriousness , also .. puts on his best , furry , very tough look that he possibly can. Uncle ' still ' looks like he can't move out of the place he is standing in. , Still .. furry , light gray eyes blinking at the distasteful and bad scene , furry sight of Touphy and Tum. , with Tawny and Ioan. .. Just as it looks like. ...
Touphy : '' Consider yourself .. and I , watched by my brother and I. .. Neither of us trust you Tawn .. and don't ever think that you will ' earn ' any of us cat's trust. .. I advice you .. as much as .. I'd rather you expect - and I , to figure this out your own. .. Watch your furry back .. and any ' lion ' you happen to trust and talk to. .. since we know you are ' very well ' connected. .. This kingdom is no longer yours .. so there isn't ' any ' reason you and your collision of cold lions .. to pry and meddle into serious , royal business between my brother ' and I. ' .. and the royals as well. ''
Tawny growls again back at Touphy and Tum. , who snickers abit at his attempt to try and push Touphy away by his words. .. Ioan abit slowly turns his furry head/face to look at Tum than snarls at him too. Tum stares bit intensely at Ioan .. with some madness through his temper.
Touphy : '' Indenius , Puff 'n Fluff and our kind highness .. has no use for you here .. anymore. .. So whatever ' areas .. out ' of Sundaya that you tried to commandeer ten years ago .. that you ' think ' no cat knows here in Sundaya .. - well ' I'll ' just say that you have much coming your way .. now that you're in Sundaya again. .. This kingdom and ' your ' percentage of Sundaya ' isn't yours .. any longer. .. It is ' our ' kind highness , Puff 'n Fluff's and ' ours ' now. .. * light , soft snicker * Hmm .. it ' almost ' seems like we all couldn't wait any longer after ten years of you turning your back on Sundaya , your percentage of the kingdom .. and , even your own collision. .. '' * turns his furry head/face to look at Ioan * * , who widens his furry , colored eyes in offense at Touphy refurring to him *
Tum : '' ... ''
Touphy leans forward .. closer to Ioan's furry head/face who is vice versa. , very troubled with what Touphy is saying to him. ' Some ' of what he's hearing from him .. the facts in Sundaya and the Indenius pride , are right. .. But how ' does ' he know ' this much ? ' .. And what about his brother : Tum ? , does he know ' this much ' too. ?
Touphy : '' It's pretty sad .. Tum and I ' can't ' go for a walk with a intruder having a history .. ' and ' reputation of being constantly exiled out of Sundaya. , ''
His furry , big head/face swings quickly to look at Tum who comes along.
Tum : ( as if sounding sarcastic ) '' Oh .. so very sad ... ''
Touphy smiles abit sassily .. abit happy that Tum is all in this biting talk with him. , wait till he gets in action with his eldest brother like old .. sub lion days back in the past. Good , parsimonious , cold , hidebound , furry times. ...
Touphy's big , furry head/face swings back to look at Tawny and Ioan. , who is still all in his furry face. , and Tum .. in which bugs him abit. .. He can't ' stand ' it .. when a cat is .. in all his furry face like this. .. Touphy too , but usually .. when it ' does ' happen , a cat goes flying in pain.
Touphy : '' and ' another ' cold lion in ' Tawn's ' collision .. that seems to be very well at having your cold characteristics .. like back in the past. , when your collision ' was ' very big 'n strong .. ( almost into a tease and riles up Tawny ) thanks to big , hateful , royal Red .. and his weak minded , furry wife : Lydia. .. * it works , Tawny quickly moves closer .. all up in Touphy's furry face having Ioan give him his space and try to push Tum away now * ; Oh .. just so you both are aware .. this ' is ' no warning from me. Oh no .. just something you both should think carefully and muse about .. before you make any fast shufflin ' , bait 'n switch and tyrannical moves .. ' any ' time soon. , ''
Tawny : * light , soft chuckles * ( acts stupid , trying to annoy either Touphy AND Tum ) '' That so. ? '' * still lightly chuckles to himself *
Tawny : ( abit softly ) '' .. Hmph ... " * grin , smirk , breaks into a fouled , furry , small smile *
Aware that Tawny is trying to annoy himself .. and Tum , Touphy remains calm. .. not at all annoyed by Tawny. .. Just wants to finish his big say in this .. and move away from him and Ioan with Tum. Simple. , but it really ' isn't. '
Touphy : ( almost happily , but fakes such happiness .. it goes very sour ) '' Of course. ! , ( normal toned , now calm ) so it ' won't ' be long until any of us cats will see your .. ' usual ' , cold and tricky .. furry ways. ''
Tum : '' Uh .. brother. ? , I ' may ' want to pass on that. .. I rather head back to our family , furry den. ''
Touphy ignores Tum .. not taking his furry , iceberg styled , chilly blue eyes from off of Tawny. , but .. to show that he was listening to Tum , he slaps Tum with his very , very long , furry tail upside his furry , big head as a way to strong and rudely unaccept. , not wanting to see Tawny again .. solo since they always go together everywhere as one. .. So it'll be hard for him to not have Tum along his furry side.
Tum roars abit loudly at Touphy in protest .. then quickly turns his furry , big head/face to look at Touphy in question that says : '' What was that for. ? ! '' .. and some backtalk that Touphy HATES strongly .. it only makes him growl at Tum even more. , or hit him even more. That would say : '' .. I know you probably don't want me to leave you with Tawn .. but I ' don't ' want to '' visit '' him. ''
Touphy quickly turns his furry , big head/face to look at Tum .. then looks into his volcano , fiery , red eyes. Then he roars back abit loudly to Tum. , it's into a dictatorial response coming back Tum's way .. shutting him up as always. Sometimes Tum ' does ' win an argument , misconception , disagreement or misunderstanding .. sometimes he ' doesn't ' win. , but one of these times .. it is obviously seen from all of the other royals , lion twenty eight and Uncle .. that Tum has lost the argument. Furry , iceberg styled , chilly , blue eyes gleam in fierce demand. , and obviously in some rage and irritation for Tawny. , Tum can see that Touphy doesn't want to go too. ! .. but both lions have to.
All furry royals , Uncle and lion twenty eight still watch this between Touphy and Tum. , a furry , sure nod from Tum in agreement to Touphy - whatever Touphy said in terms of them going to see Tawny again .. Tum finds fair and agrees , then both turn their furry , big heads/faces back to Tawny and Ioan.
Touphy : '' Only because .. it'll be for Puff 'n Fluff and .. our kind highness's sake. .. , ''
He leans his big , furry head/face back as Tawny and Ioan do the same. , not reacting to what Touphy .. and alittle bit of what Tum is saying. , then Tum leans his furry , big head/face back last.
Touphy : '' My brother and I - as you can see , ' aren't ' so happy to see you. .. and we ' aren't ' pleased to meet your acquaintance. ''
.. Tawny doesn't seem to mind Touphy and Tum's usual , switching , many timin ' , personality and change of mood swings. , often used to them treating him like a carcass of bones scattered abit in a lion's den. , or in '' Sombi's Realm '' .. after such a very huge and much , much taller lion than the furry , very tall brothers are put together. .. would be through eating off a cat's bones .. or another living things bones. .. Yes - if you've noticed the conversation between Touphy , Tum , Tawny and Ioan , all lions have .. abit of a history together - not that much - from the past AND also the present .. right now. .. Tawny also .. is used to being treated as cold as himself is .. by the furry , two , very tall brothers.
Never allowing ' any ' cat to get to him , frustrate him or get the rise out of him.
Tawny : '' Yes , I can ' see ' enough .. how the both of you lions feel about me. Cold as it ' said. ' * furry , little smirk in amusement * but it sure is ' nice ' to see the both of you lions ' still ' looking cold and atrocious as usual .. for two , very tall lions .. such as a very complicated pair like you two. .. , ''
Tawny : ( tries to make Touphy and Tum - mostly Touphy's blood boil ) '' .. It's been ten years and .. you both ' still haven't ' .. seen Con .. haven't you. ? '' * furry , problematic , cold smirk that widens abit enough to show his white teeth *
Alittle pause. , while Touphy turns his furry , big head/face to look at Tum .. then Tum almost slowly turns his furry , big head/face to look back at Touphy. .. Both reacting , after already hearing the sound of their furry cousin : Cond , but nicknamed : Con. Tum sniffles .. as a way to show his sadness for Cond. , but his volcano , fiery , red eyes sensitively shows , that he often thinks about Cond .. but would always try to ignore this feeling and put it at the back of his big , furry head almost every NIGHT .. since that day Cond fled during the hyena invasion.
' Try ' to fight it off .. and avoid coming off weak , like he was .. back in the past. So - for a change , he wants to be strong like Touphy too. Touphy - abit sadly , could see all of this through Tum's now furry , mean looking face and cold frown .. but mostly into his volcano , fiery , red eyes. He pauses abit sad and uncomfortably as if for Cond himself .. then sighs abit softly to himself. His furry , iceberg , chilly , blue eyes show - but not as sensitive as Tum , some pain , tears deep inside , frustration , anger that Cond left both of them in Sundaya .. but he had to stay for Tum's sake , fear and - dare it be said when it comes to Touphy , had unconditional love for Cond .. as many times as he was very upset and angry at him ' because ' of Tum. , failing in so many ridiculous and bad circumstances on trying to look after Tum and protect him. , though he has always been the ' only ' remainder of their family to Tum .. and that will NEVER change , but Cond also helped look after Tum back when he was a cub and sub lion. , known for wanting to do everything with Touphy .. but would always reject little Tum and hand him over to Con to deal with.
After the day Cond has fled from Sundaya during the hyena invasion , Touphy - too , often overthinks and meditates sometimes .. on ' why ' Cond left the both of them here in Sundaya. , ' why ' did he do what he had to do .. that was best for them all .. at that time. .. Even though he already ' knows ' the reason why , but just refuses to accept that reason after all of these years. .. By those years , Touphy's been trying as a single , eldest brother - NEVER easy , to stay strong .. just for Tum. .. at times allowing himself not to feel anything .. just so that Tum can hold on alittle longer on his own too until better times and ' better ' days come along.
As NOT very sensitive as Tum is abit , Touphy would NEVER tell him this. , even ALL of those times they both talked in their little , family den they lived in ever since cub hood. , their parents not around and Cond gone as well .. only because it ' might ' shatter Tum's spirit and hope left in the world. .. But ' would ' tell Queen Destiny .. one hundred percent.
Touphy ignores - as always , this feeling of caring deeply and loving unconditionally for their cousin : Cond and then chuckles abit softly , alittle at Tawny. , aware of him trying to enrage and target him mostly.
Touphy : '' Ha. ! .. nice try Tawn ... ''
, but in this ironic twist , ' this ' only makes ' Tum's ' blood boil abit.
Tum growls abit loudly at Tawny who chuckles abit softly. , Touphy may not be affected by making his blood boil to hit him where it hurts .. on the inside , through their hearts , but at least he got Tum. , while Ioan chuckles abit softly too with Tawny. , also finding this funny.
Blocking out Tum's loud growls at Tawny , Touphy turns his big , furry head/face to look at Tawny .. and Ioan. , while Tum already leaned his big , furry head/face to Tawny and Ioan .. ready to rip their fur right off of their furry , long bodies with his furry , huge paws .. until both lions are bald completely. , or pile drive them both as practice , lion dummies in one of Queen Destiny's playful , deadly , competitive games any lion not only Tum knows .. but Touphy knows too so they'll play together. , or if Touphy is up for wrestling him .. also ' with ' Tawny and Ioan as practice dummies.
Normally , he'd be held back from Touphy to try and go after Tawny and Ioan - as immature as it is , - and often switches it up abit from time to time , but this time .. he stands in place to growl : loudly his anger , frustration , some hurt and irritation to Tawny and Ioan. .. before he is ready to storm off to the two lions. Touphy ' knows ' Tum at a moment like this , is like a ticking bomb that will blow up anyway .. whether a cat blows on his fuse or not. , and he'll only stop his timer ' if ' Touphy convinces him to calm down in time.
Touphy : ( normal toned , but abit angry and upset ) ( , almost raises his voice ) '' .. ' Our ' talk .. ' isn't ' over yet. ! ''
Flaunti : ( mutters softly to himself ) '' It sure ' don't ' look like it. ... '' * light chuckle to himself abit *
Touphy quickly turns his furry , big head/face to look at Tum who is now narrow eyed to the fullest. , furry , shoulder bones hunched up abit , furry , huge , front paws clenched into fists by his furry hips and sides. , and his left , furry , volcano , fiery , red eye twitches abit as if losing it abit constantly. , his fur coming from his very , very long back abit on end - even at times BEFORE himself and Touphy fight , and constantly , huge , puffy balls of white , faded smoke coming out from his furry snout and nostrils. .. Almost like the way ' he ' looks when ticked off or fuming. , except his iceberg , chilly , blue eyes ' don't ' twitch. , but his very , very long , furry tail swings about rapidly like crazy. .. an obvious , explosive warning.
Touphy can't help but let out alittle , soft chuckle .. since there's too much alike when it comes to the brothers .. even if they have so many differences. , they always argue and fight to the max .. over stuff that's not even serious and test one another's limits .. until either of them can't dish it out .. and the heat. , and one of them is forced to deal with the other lion's request. , no matter what it is. As he slowly walks his way closer to Tum .. in front of him and then goes in usual cat language both lions ALWAYS use to communicate .. besides talking. , known for doing that ' more ' than any cat does in the Indenius pride .. and Sundaya , trailing off.
Also blocking out Tawny and Ioan's laughs in the background. , and their trivalent , petty and taunting remarks.
To help Touphy out , Queen Destiny speaks again getting all royals attention again .. and lion twenty eight. , except Touphy and Tum who are trailing off. Tum coming off as cool as a cucumber and like the way he acted before .. a while ago.
Queen Destiny : '' Now that ' this ' squabbling - that Daun .. obviously didn't like , is over .. all of you royals .. * looks at lion twenty eight * and ' you ' too , * lion twenty eight smiles abit cheesy at Queen Destiny , then nods his furry head/face abit enthusiastically * * looks back at the other royals * meet me by the area my Dad usually hangs around at .. where I've announced all of us royals .. in spite of Tawn's announcement. , ''
Queen Destiny : '' And be quick about it. .. we all mustn't waste any time .. than we already have recently. ''
All royals almost slowly turn their furry heads/faces to look at one another in silent thought. Daunnie and Queen Destiny give each other a silent , thoughtful look. , Tawny and Ioan , Antevill and Ioan. , and lion twenty eight to Uncle. Strange pairs huh. ?
Flaunti : ( abit softly , to himself ) '' Nooo. , Tawny. ? ! .. h-he ' can't ' be a royal again Desi. ! , or the second ( understudy ) King of Sundaya. .. that'll ruin our last New year resolution wishes , hopes , dreams .. and new changes of cat and animal life in Sundaya. ! '' * widen his furry , cerulean eyes abit in some shock and surprise *
From here , no royals ' still ' don't say anything .. after what Queen Destiny said. .. Then Daunnie does.
She looks at Queen Destiny. , abit unsure .. and don't know how to go about what Queen Destiny just said.
Daunnie : '' .. Really. ? ''
Queen Destiny smiles abit at Daunnie.
Queen Destiny : '' Really Daun. , I'm sure of it. .. I'll do all of the talking anyway. ... ''
Antevill blinks at her .. not believing what he's hearing from her.
Sir Antevill : ( normal toned , but as if anxious ) '' You ' are ' serious about this .. aren't you. ? ''
Almost said this softly .. and with some feeling. , not alot of feeling.
Queen Destiny : '' Of course I am Ant. .. go and .. notify the rest of the pride of our royal , furry arrival again. .. Myself and the rest of us royals will be there as quick as we can. '' * nods her furry head/face at him reassuringly .. to convince him *
Antevill doesn't move. , but still looks at her .. not given a lift just yet. Before he can open his furry mouth abit to say something back to her , lion twenty eight comes in. .. but abit excitedly and free.
Lion 28 : '' Can ' I ' go ' ith furry , Mr. A .. your honey colored ma'jesty. ? '' * smiles abit chintzy *
Queen Destiny couldn't help but smile .. at lion twenty eight then softly chuckles alittle at his furry , cheesy smile at her .. still right now.
Queen Destiny : '' Of course you can. .. and any cat that comes late , you can fill them in - like telling a story , to entertain the cats until we all get there. ''
Lion twenty eight rapidly nods his furry head/face at Queen Destiny .. having the eagerness and excitement of a cub whether a male or female. Then smiles abit at her.
Lion 28 : '' A'right honey. ! , yerrr-hoo. ! '' * laughs abit high pitched *
In all excitement , he turns away from all of the furry royals. .. gets onto his long , furry fours then runs off ahead out of the den then makes a turn. , now passing through the very short hallway as I say this to you. After all furry royals have seen this , they all don't hear lion twenty eight's over the top , annoying - Queen Destiny and Tawny ' will ' say , and high pitched laugh.
Then all furry royals turn their furry heads/faces to look at Antevill. , who ' still ' looks at Queen Destiny .. unconvinced , mostly through his furry , colored eyes. And sighs alittle as he puts his furry head/face down. .. then lifts his furry head/face back up again , all furry , colored eyes are still on him , but mostly is looking at Queen Destiny.
Sir Antevill : '' I guess .. I better go catch up with him. ... * turns his furry head/face to look at the direction lion twenty eight just took a minute ago * * , then looks back at Queen Destiny and also .. at the other , furry royals * ; You ' sure ' you got this Desi. ? ''
Queen Destiny : ( abit normal toned , but sounding abit serious than expected ) '' .. I am Ant. , go on ... ''
Silently , he turns away from Queen Destiny and all of the other , furry royals while walking abit slowly onto his long , furry fours away from the furry royals. .. He stops walking then almost quickly turns his furry head/face to look at Queen Destiny again one , last time. He nods abit at her to show her that he is abit convinced ' for now ' , but not that much. , only hoping to be more convinced as he goes along with her towards this. Queen Destiny nods her furry head/face abit too at Antevill , satisfied. , it's good enough he's abit convinced .. for now , thanks to her.
Sir Antevill : '' I'll see you then Desi. , ''
Queen Destiny : '' Oh you will Ant. , * small smiles * you will ... ''
Antevill almost quickly turns his furry head/face to look at Ioan. , who looks back at him .. after feeling Antevill's furry stare on him.
Sir Antevill : '' And to you I. ''
Ioan smiles abit at Antevill.
Ioan : ( normal toned and friendly ) '' Of course you will Ant. '' * winks at Antevill *
Sir Antevill : ( abit softly as if for Ioan , but all royals can hear him ) '' Good. , very good ... ''
He turns away from all furry royals .. then trots his way further out of the den - like for lion twenty eight , not minding Flaunti still eavesdropping near by. When he reaches a fork from out of the little den , he turns right making his way into a run through the quick hallway outside.
Queen Destiny turns her furry head/face quickly over to Daunnie.
Queen Destiny : '' Daun .. can you stay w-me .. until I finish talking with Touph and Tum Tum. , that way we can run our way there together. ? ''
Daunnie : ( so happily than the way she is , ) ( normal toned ) '' Sure Desi. ! '' * small smiles at Queen Destiny *
King Kip : '' ... '''
Tawny : ( almost sweet talking , but abit seductively .. only because Queen Destiny came off like that when he arrived ) '' Aw Dawl .. I NEVER knew you saw me as a royal .. and a ' king ' as well. ... ''
Queen Destiny frowns abit angrily at Tawny .. obviously annoyed with his behavior and attitude. She knows what ' game ' he's trying to play with her. , He thinks that she came off abit seductive when he arrived .. and she went to see him happily. * scoffs * As if. , and now she knows that he's trying to come off seductive .. like she's suppose to go red in her furry face. .. or nervously talk while in his furry presence , losing what confidence she has in her voice at all times.
They ' do ' say two can play at that game. , two ' cats ' actually.
Queen Destiny : * abit narrow eyed * '' ' Don't ' flatter yourself Tawn ... - ''
King Kip turns his furry head/face to look at Tawny .. up and down abit , then growls at Tawny abit. Who turns his furry head/face to look King Kip into his deep , dark , neon green eyes that are telling him to back off. , he's annoying and is getting on his nerves. But ignores King Kip's emotions through his deep , neon green eyes. .. looking as if it's love at furry sight for him all over again.
With a sly , cool look and sweet 'n bitter , little , furry smirk onto his furry face. , abit open from his furry mouth. Furry , hazel eyes always hard to please .. but when very interested in something .. or a ' cat ' , it's very hard and difficult for him to stop staring , wants to make everything ' he ' wants ' his ' and to back off.
King Kip : '' ' Must ' you always flirt with my Desi Tawn. ? ''
Tawny : '' - Yes Kippy hon .. * talks as he leans his furry head/tilted to his left face , very close to him as if ready to snout kiss King Kip * * King Kip leans his furry head/face almost frightened , but shyly away from Tawny * and I can do ' just ' the same to you .. if what you're telling me right now .. is that you feel left out. * King Kip quickly turns his furry head/face to look at Queen Destiny who rolls her furry , dark/light brown eyes in thought of Tawny * * then looks quickly back at Tawny , chuckling soft and very nervously at him * Now .. do you. ? '' * light , breathy , soft chuckle because of King Kip's soft and nervous chuckles *
King Kip : * easily goes red in his furry , clear face , very red * ( normal toned , but stutter like and nervous ) '' No .. ! .. t-that's not what I'm saying. .. just for you to please ' don't ' flirt with her in front of me. .. t-that's all ... '' * sweats alittle from his furry , forehead then lets out alittle soft , awkward chuckle to Tawny *
Tawny : ( abit softly , but King Kip and the other royals can hear him ) '' .. Hmph .. * nods his furry head/face abit in fake agreement at King Kip * * , though won't listen * is that ' really ' how you feel. ? ''
King Kip ignores Tawny's fake agreement .. and mean way of pretending he understands him , but will ' still ' flirt with his Desi anyway. ..
King Kip : '' Yes .. ! , it ' is ' how I feel. , as much as I don't ' want ' you to do this , but I'd rather have you flirt with me .. than Desi. .. Anything to keep her from being .. normally surly and unfriendly. , or even annoyed by her. ''
Tawny : * nods his furry head/face in fake agreement at King Kip again * '' Mmm .. really. ? , hmph ... ''
Both royal lions quickly turn their furry heads/faces to look at Queen Destiny. , hearing her normal way of speaking so cold like .. and known to push away from her. .. Only to bring cats closer to her .. ironically ...
Queen Destiny : '' Then ' I ' won't like it .. when Tawn flirts with you Kipster. .. ''
She argued to King Kip.
King Kip : '' True Desi .. but I won't be too bothered by Tawn's flirtatious and sneaky behavior. ''
He almost turns his furry head/face to gasp abit in some surprise .. that Tawny is ' still ' all up in his furry , clear , rather good looking face. .. and deep , dark , neon green eyes.
Tawny : '' You ' sure ' ' bout that. ? ''
Knowing that he is ' very ' bothered by his flirtatious behavior .. and his very seductive charm. .. and a whole lot of mischief. , but he knows that he won't tell Queen Destiny this .. he's just going to ignore the rest of the way .. until he gets King Kip to crack.
King Kip : ( almost lying ) '' Yes. , T-Tawn. .. I'm sure ' ' bout ' that. '' * nods his furry head/face abit to Tawny , then turns his furry head/face to look at Queen Destiny and then nods to her *
Queen Destiny smiles alittle at King Kip then nods her furry head/face abit silently with meaning and understanding at him. , almost blushing abit red at King Kip who is so very good at fending off other lions .. who flirt with her .. but don't mean any harm , lately. It's always much appreciated to her .. and she almost rarely lets him know this .. but would affectionately either snout kiss onto either his left or right , furry cheek. , rub against him or kiss him to show him her appreciation. .. She knows that he knows this whenever she does show affectionate.
She knows that it would be his way of telling other cats .. that she's ' his ' but not through possession , but his very , very special swain .. that means so much more to him than she'll ever be ever since cub hood. - In a good way. .. And if he has to fight for her again like .. ten years ago in the posidome .. to prevent her being taking away from Tawny , he ' will. ' .. Even if to the death , even if he loses. .. he'll keep getting up and try again.
Queen Destiny and King Kip ' do ' have a very romantic , lovey dove like , beautiful and wonderful history together .. obviously have been together back in the past. .. besides Irediseatiess being out for Kip back then .. after times of Kip being in a abusive relationship with Tawny , bouncing off to Dale , Igie and many , many other lions and lioness. .. Until Irediseatiess snout kissed him in order to break up Kip's abusive relationship with Tawny. ..
The same strong feeling returns .. when King Kip always makes her feel special and ' exactly ' as the Queen she is. , he'd be so very good to her .. her royal parents and friends - especially lions , and lioness would find this easy to believe , but too good to be true. He gives her space .. if she needs it , he'd let her be who she truly is , take her - all of her , as she is , rather than judge and try to change her. , and would cold and carelessly watch her go. He wouldn't own her .. or would get jealous , possessive and angry that she's with other lions. , he wouldn't dare hurt her or even abusive her .. she'd bet King Kip wouldn't forgive himself if he did try to abuse her one day. , He doesn't want her just for her beautiful , furry , curvy in all of the right places , long body .. his interest has always ' been ' on her hard as a rock and full of attitude personality. , for the kind of lioness she is , and everything about her.
He treats lioness and her .. with very wonderful , polite , kind and almost articulate .. or intellectual respect , rather than some lions either in Tawny's collision .. or Antevill's collision. She always ' knows ' she is lucky to have a lion as amazing and overly odd 'n different and unique as King Kip. And she loves strongly about the way King Kip is as an older lion.
A pause.
Tawny turns his furry head/face to look at Queen Destiny.
Tawny : ( almost sweet talking , abit seductively to Queen Destiny again ) ( now teasing ) '' - It almost sounded like you don't need Kippy hon .. as your King of Sundaya anymore. .. ''
His furry smirk widens abit and opens .. while still looking at Queen Destiny right now.
Queen Destiny pauses alittle .. looking abit carefully at Tawny again. , almost thinking he has stopped playing ' this ' game with her. .. But oh no , he isn't. .. ( sarcastic ) Great.
Queen Destiny : '' .. * ignores what Tawny said * Go on Tawn .. ( teasing Tawny back ) if you want to ' still ' be a royal .. and my backup '' King '' .. in case .. dear Kinny forbid somethin ' happen to Kippy. .. as ' if ' that's all you're here to do now ... ''
She smirks abit in such an innocent way .. Tawny always knows the meaning to it .. and it's something he thinks about in his furry head when it comes to her and he'll NEVER forget. .. He knows that furry smirk. .. more than King Kip would know. .. Although King Kip knows her furry smirk too. Meaning : it's so alluring .. almost always acting like a temptress .. ONLY to trick and outwit Tawny into getting her. , and him having his way with her - not sexually .. more like intimately , and at the end of it all .. she just walks away from him .. leaving him to his confused thoughts about her. .. while always can't help .. but look at such beautiful swagger and sexiness .. that's in her furry walk at all times.
As if her walks always says : '' Come and get me ... I ' might ' give you somethin ' , if you behave. '' * winks *
Tawny frowns abit what Queen Destiny said .. knowing she's saying ' something. ' , well aware of his intentions .. after he arrived here in Sundaya .. after ten years. He ' did ' mention to us how smart Queen Destiny is. .. He grins abit at her , pretending to act stupid and have absolutely NO thought or idea .. on what she is saying.
Also with frowning , he gets abit narrow eyed then almost half lidded .. ready to get a hold of her. .. Like pull one of her furry , widened hips closer to his long , furry body .. and wouldn't care if King Kip or Daunnie are watching them right now.
Tawny : ( smooth talking .. as always ) '' '' Help '' I will dawl .. and Kippy. * looks at King Kip then winks at him * * King Kip widens his furry , deep , dark , neon green eyes at Tawny staring at him .. then blushes really red at him , then looks away as if staring at something of interest .. to keep Tawny from looking at him * * looks back at Queen Destiny * , and many ' more ' dawl. '' * winks at her almost suggestively *
Daunnie : ( abit softly to herself , but the rest of the furry royals can hear her ) * still looking at Tawny in deep , almost serious thought * '' Hmm ... ''
Ioan : '' .. We'll see you very soon .. Miss majesty .. * turns his furry head/face abit slowly to look at King Kip * and your highness. ... '' * King Kip quickly turns his furry head/face to look at Ioan .. almost in some surprise that he is talking to him .. almost thinking it was Tawny for a minute there * * he nods his furry head/face abit in agreement at Ioan then smiles alittle kindly * * nods his furry head/face once at King Kip *
Queen Destiny : ( normal toned and outgoing )'' You sure will I. '' * small smiles at Ioan *
Alittle pause between Tawny and Ioan .. as Ioan turns his furry head/face to look at Tawny. , who is already looking at him. Then motions his furry head/face right in the direction of the den .. as his way to want to leave. .. and leave very quickly without saying anything.
Ioan quickly turns his furry head/face away from Queen Destiny , Daunnie and King Kip then runs as a head start .. already onto his long , furry fours. .. Making his way much further from out of the den. Tawny grins at Queen Destiny again .. into a soft , little , meaningful chuckle. His furry , very light , hazel eyes showing emotions to her .. but are unknown at this moment. She can guess it's a bunch of mischief .. and trickery for sure. .. but she ' could ' be wrong .. - as much as Tawny is like that.
Tawny turns his furry head/face quickly away from Queen Destiny , King Kip and Daunnie then runs off speedy quick .. already onto his long , furry fours. .. All royal cats could see Ioan's long , furry tail swung out into the area after turning a corner. , and now Tawny's long , furry tail too .. reaches that corner , but still goes ahead. He stops , turns ahead , moves back and lets himself fall .. until his right , furry , clawed paw is gripping the edge. , then swings and lets go flying somewhere onto a rocky ledge from below as a quicker way - like for Touphy and Tum , to meet up with Ioan from below.
There ' is ' no pause .. if that's what you thought. , still the low , soft and murmuring cat language between Touphy and Tum. Queen Destiny , Daunnie , Uncle and King Kip turn their furry heads/faces abit quickly to watch them talk until the both of the brothers are done. , not wanting to interrupt. While Touphy trails off again , Tum - feeling the rest of the royal's furry looks at himself and Touphy , tilts his furry head/face as far as it can go until he looks back at Queen Destiny , Daunnie , Uncle and King Kip. Wondering what is Tum looking at , Touphy almost slowly turns his furry , big head/face to look - while rotating his very , very tall and long , furry body to all of the other , furry royals. , then almost slowly walks up to himself and the rest of the royals .. with Tum who follows along. , much , much slower though.
' Now ' it's quiet. , while Touphy smirks abit happily at Queen Destiny first , ' then ' breaks the ice.
Touphy : '' Thank you .. Puff 'n Fluff , for getting Tawn and I out of here. .. those two ' need ' to also get what's comin ' to ' em. .. ' If ' you know what I mean. ... '' * looks away with his iceberg styled , chilly , blue eyes , without turning his furry , big head/face * * abit narrow eyed in thought of the two lions .. looking into space *
Queen Destiny : '' Well Touph .. * also abit narrow eyed in thought while looking into space * I couldn't agree with you more. .. * looks up at Touphy * but - in a way , this ' is ' still Tawn's kingdom. .. ( normal toned , but gets low ) ( , though other royals can hear her ) well .. shared by ' my ' percentage anyway. ... '' * Touphy looks at her , alert and interested * * shakes her furry head/face in abit angry thought *
King Kip : '' I'd be ' lying ' if I said .. I didn't agree with you Desi. ... ''
Queen Destiny turns her furry head/face to look at King Kip then smiles abit at him. King Kip smiles abit back at her.
Daunnie : ( normal toned , almost raising her voice abit happily ) '' ' Me too ' Desi. ! , * Queen Destiny smiles abit at her too * * turns her furry head/face abit to look at Touphy * and ' you ' both .. don't like Tawn either. ? ''
Touphy nods his furry head/face once at Daunnie as his way of saying : '' Yes '' most times like this.
Touphy : '' ... ''
Daunnie turns her furry head/face looking at Tum next.
Tum : ( almost in hate ) '' He's the ' only ' lion .. that's been a number one , wanted intruder .. exiled out of Sundaya for so many years. .. even ' as ' a sub lion. .. As a cub , it was already known from the first , initial group of furry royals that Tawn .. ' wasn't ' going to do things other cat's way. .. Like most of us cats in Fluff's pride , Tawn does things on his ' own ' terms .. and always finds a way to get what he wants. .. so it's almost like any time he ' doesn't ' get what he wants , that cat ' might ' as well give him what he wants .. since he'll get it anyway. .. Though that isn't part of the point about Tawn. , ''
Daunnie turns her furry head/face to look at Touphy who nods his furry , big head/face to her .. agreeing with Tum strongly.
King Kip cocks his furry head/face in deep and serious question about Tawny .. but doesn't bother to say anything because he doesn't want to interrupt Tum. .. or Touphy. ' If ' Touphy's about to say something. He obviously looks very interested .. and abit surprised. .. Shock doesn't come to him yet. ..
Tum : '' - He's always found his way back in Sundaya whether exiled or not. .. and because of going to '' Juviselle Dawn '' like my brother said .. * looks at Queen Destiny , more than the other royals * ' he's ' got some ' more ' power in him as a royal and now '' second '' King of Sundaya than you royals realize. , '' * Queen Destiny widens her furry , dark/light brown eyes in thought on how very serious this is .. about Tawny * * , almost wanting to look away from Tum .. into space , but doesn't .. wanting to hear more new intel she knows ' some ' of , but not all *
Touphy starts Tum's new sentence for him.
Touphy : '' Now , ''
Tum finishes his thought.
Tum : '' for all ' we ' know , Tawn ' could've ' went further ' out ' of Sundaya .. pass other dangerous areas , ' had ' to have meet up with other lions in his collision back in .. either ' his ' realm .. or at '' Cat's sanctuary. '' .. that's even the worse part about it. .. ''
Another pause between Queen Destiny , Daunnie and King Kip. .. Uncle looks into space .. in thought about what Touphy and Tum ' just ' said. .. He doesn't know what to say or ' how ' to make out of all he heard .. and wasn't ' suppose ' to hear. .. it's not his place - no longer as Guardian of Sundaya , anymore. .. It's Sir Antevill and Ioan's now. ...
Queen Destiny looks into space again away from Tum .. and Touphy in thought. , still abit narrow eyed , then looks at Tum and Touphy again. Almost nearly throwing her furry head/face back.
Queen Destiny : * abit narrow eyed * ( normal toned , obviously irritable ) '' .. Well this is ' very ' disturbing , cat news. ... '' * frowns in thought then looks into space again *
She puts her right , furry paw onto her widened , right , furry hip then turns away from the furry , very tall brothers and starts to almost slowly pace about in alittle circle .. going in no particular or specific direction.
King Kip widens his furry , deep , dark , neon green eyes in some fear - and now shock , at how serious this is about Tawny. He doesn't ' want ' to believe this , ' doesn't ' want to understand this , while already looking into space in thought .. on all Touphy and Tum tell taled to them. .. but what other cats would know about his ' besides ' Touphy and Tum as two , very tall lions as guards that show strength , power and dominance .. that would have lions like Uncle , Tawny and other lions run for cover ' out ' of Sundaya. ? , who else ?
He lifts his furry head/face up abit to look at Touphy .. and Tum.
King Kip : ( normal toned , but hurt besides in shock and with lots of surprise ) '' .. I ' didn't ' know about this. ... ''
He almost slowly turns his furry head/face to look at Queen Destiny. She looks at him .. frowning abit sad and apologetically. .. seeing the hurt in his furry , deep , dark , neon green eyes.
King Kip : ( abit softly , though other royals and the furry brothers can hear him ) ( almost mistaken for sounding upset or abit mad ) '' And you ' knew ' about this Desi. ? ''
Queen Destiny : ( still normal toned , but in guilt and unhappily ) '' Kipster .. I didn't know how to tell you this .. and it'd be hard for me if I did .. but I'm - ''
She doesn't get to finish her sentence .. because King Kip interrupts her.
King Kip : ( almost raises his voice abit ) ( abit out of key , though not meaning to sound out of key ) '' ' Did ' you. ? ''
Queen Destiny : * widens her furry , dark/light brown eyes at King Kip , obviously hearing how firm and out of key he sounds * * , that has easily shut her up * * sighs like * '' Yes Kipster .. but it ' wasn't ' the right time to tell you. .. and back then you were with Tawn .. and I didn't want to put anymore pain and torment on you .. than you had years ago. ''
Before King Kip could almost slowly turn his furry head/face away from Queen Destiny .. not wanting to look at her right now. , and his furry , deep , dark , neon green eyes start to create a thin , wet layer over both of his eyes - they grow heavy before developing into tear drops , feeling abit bad for raising his voice and sounding out of key to his lover Queen Destiny only because he can't think clearly. .. and these feelings he does ' not ' want to feel are betraying him right now ; Touphy's words stop him from doing this.
Into an upset frown and unhappy , furry look , King Kip lifts his furry head/face to look up at Touphy again. His furry , iceberg styled , chilly , blue eyes comfort him .. though cold and roughly toughens him up abit. , to focus on the matter of Tawny at paw. , yet is fiercely firm .. meaning everything he says .. is only said because he means well for his furry highness .. same as Tum does.
Touphy : '' If I may say so your highness - and if this is not my place .. do say so , don't be upset or mad at her. .. She meant very well for you .. and for now you ' must ' understand as hard as it is for you. You ' do ' have a right to know , but .. ' this ' that was best left unsaid , ' could've ' hurt you , you'll end up fearing Tawn ' more ' than you have before and .. you may even ' become ' .. stupid enough .. to lay your furry life on the line for him. ''
Tum adds onto Touphy's sentence .. which is obviously what Touphy will say next.
Tum : '' .. And ' don't ' say that you won't your highness .. because us three - my brother , I and even Fluff , know you would. ''
King Kip pauses as he looks down then ahead into space in thought. , not by just Touphy's words , but Tum's words too .. This makes him let go how upset , hurt and abit mad he is that Queen Destiny didn't tell him who Tawny ' truly ' was. .. back then AND now. For now , he ignores Queen Destiny , Daunnie , Touphy , Tum .. and even ' Uncle's ' furry stares at him .. who are all waiting abit patiently for him to say something. .. Now he feels abit hurt - again , angry , very upset , frustrated , betrayed , played and used than he ever has before when with Tawny. ' Tawny ' probably already knew this but didn't even tell him. ! , ' he ' expects him to come back to him .. ' because ' he still loves him and wants him back .. but now it's gotten complicated and incoherent - blurry , between them now.
' Why ' didn't Tawny say anything. ? , WHY. ? ! .. he deserves an explanation. , he deserves ' that ' much.
Queen Destiny looks abit worried while still looking at King Kip .. still .. in guilt , hurt and regret. She didn't want any of this to happen the way that it did. , it came out ' all ' wrong .. not that it played better in her head .. and it's all about her. NOT that there was a better way .. that this could play out. She wanted to tell him SOO badly .. but it's unimaginable - ' hard ' to imagine , how he would feel about his old , furry , past flame/lover is a wanted and exiled intruder towards Sundaya AND the Indenius pride put together.
.. How would ' you ' take it .. if your loved one , is a wanted intruder in Sundaya. , in Queen Destiny and King Kip's pride - if the both of you were cats. ?
Queen Destiny : ( abit softly , low and gentle ) ( but all royals and the furry brothers can hear her ) '' Kipster .. are you okay. ? ''
Alittle pause. ..
Daunnie : ( normal toned , but rather softly too ) ( and yes , the other royals and the furry brothers can hear her too ) '' .. If it makes you feel any better Kipster .. ' I ' didn't know anything about this. .. Today is the day I'm ' just now ' hearing this too. ... ''
King Kip quickly talks .. to Queen Destiny first , as if ignoring Daunnie and the furry brothers.
King Kip : ( lying , alittle bit ) '' Yeah .. I'm okay. , I mean .. fine. * still looks at Queen Destiny * As much as I'm probably a terrible liar right now .. and I ' know ' I'm not telling the truth - well some of what I said ' is ' true , but .. Touphy's right. This ' is ' hard for me. .. this even turns around Tawn helping me AND being second King ( understudy ) of Sundaya. , now I got a wanted/exiled , furry intruder .. ' and ' a fugitive that has already been on the lam .. over ten years ago and now it's like the both of us are life long , close , best friends that have always had a different way of connecting all over again. ''
Queen Destiny remains silent. .. not knowing what to say about this.
Queen Destiny : '' ... ''
Daunnie remains silent too.
Daunnie : '' ... ''
Touphy and Tum can only turn their furry , big heads/faces to look at one another in very , very serious thought about Tawny .. and the royal situation itself.
King Kip : ( normal/soft toned , but still feeling hurt and bothered ) '' I should've been told this .. on the sly by you Desi , or either of you lions .. and even Tawny. .. I'd promise that I wouldn't let the cat out of the bag. , but whether or ' not ' that it hurt me - and I ' know ' you lions ' and ' my Desi meant very well for me .. and my well being , but I needed to know this about Tawny a ' long ' time ago. , like when I found out that Oan liked me .. or something. ''
Queen Destiny stops walking , turning her long , furry body to look at King Kip again. She takes her right , furry paw from off of her widened , furry , right hip then lets her right paw/long , furry arm hang by her right hip and her furry , right side. She shifts her weight onto her left , furry , long , hind leg with a little swing of her left hip , then keeps her left , furry paw onto her left , widened , furry hip. Her long , furry tail remaining all twirl like and swirly.
Queen Destiny : ( normal toned , and on edge ) '' .. Well that advice could've been helpful .. over ten years ago. ... ''
She gets narrow eyed abit at King Kip .. pretending to be abit angry at him , but just tight. Furry head/face already leaned close to him. , and frowning so meanly. Frowning into a little snarl. King Kip leans his furry head/face back as if away from his lover : Queen Destiny .. then chuckles abit nervous and ironically .. as his way - sometimes , to apologize to her.
Even as she still frowns , but doesn't get narrow eyed right now .. apology accepted.
Daunnie turns her furry head/face to look back at Touphy and Tum. , who both look at all three cats except Uncle.
Daunnie : '' .. Why couldn't either of you tell Kip this. .. about Tawny. ? ''
Touphy and Tum almost quickly turn their furry , big heads/faces to look at one another .. almost not knowing how to answer Daunnie's question for a minute there. After a second , Touphy .. and Tum turn their furry , big heads/faces away from one another and back at Daunnie again.
Touphy pauses before he speaks. , thinking about what he is going to say before he says this.
Touphy : '' We couldn't. , * shakes his furry , big head/face * * , then gets narrow eyed at the other royals in thought * won't do any good. When our highness ' was ' with Tawny - years ago , ' every ' lion in Tawn's collision knew that our highness was Tawn's lover .. and old , past lion friend. If Tum and I ' did ' pay our highness a visit , - back then , then one of Tawn's lions - mainly big O , and his reinforcements would've suspected the bad news .. and would've told Tawn's collision , big O ' and ' Tawn .. after we told our highness. , ''
Tum finishes Touphy's sentence.
Tum : '' It's a very risky move. , mainly a stalemate. ''
Queen Destiny talks as she almost slowly .. turns her furry head/face to look at King Kip.
Queen Destiny : * still narrow eyed in thought * * , though also not * '' And even ' if ' I did tell you on the sly Kipster .. it is guaranteed that Tawn or one of his lions .. coming from his collision , would know that I told you whom Tawn ' truly ' was back then .. and ' still ' is now. ''
King Kip opens his furry mouth a tiny bit .. ready to say something to his lover : Queen Destiny , but Touphy interrupts him. He only wastes his breath instead.
Touphy : '' .. ' Never ' you mind needing to know this .. whether you'd be hurt or not , your highness. * looks at Queen Destiny * - Myself and probably Tum .. are glad to have come after the big , important , royal meeting. .. You know weeks ago .. before the meeting , that Tum and I have strongly agreed to see you .. and all of the other royals , personally .. and on a serious note. , because we just ' had ' to tell you this. , and the other royals. ''
Tum addes onto Touphy's sentence.
Tum : '' You all .. ' needed ' to know this. ... ''
Touphy : '' ' We ' both felt that this .. NEW , last updated intel on Tawn and anything else going in Sundaya - and your pride , could be of .. an endless and ample amount of knowledge ' more ' than useful to you. ''
He smirks abit in a sunny way .. not like Touphy normally , but in a troublesome way that Queen Destiny and Tum can see. , looking very much forward to see and put into action , how herself .. and all of the other royals are going to pull this off. Then nods his furry , big head/face as his way to be very open with what either herself and King Kip want himself and Tum to do for the time being.
If it's .. ' anything ' to not see Tawny , Ioan and many , many other lions in Tawny's collision .. ' again. '
Queen Destiny walks abit slowly onto her long , furry two's over to Touphy's left , furry side as she talks to Touphy and Tum. , for now .. not King Kip and Daunnie who are still watching the three , furry cats.
Queen Destiny : ( normal toned , but abit softly ) ( though all furry cats can hear her ) ( with some feminine , sugary sweet , royal charm and almost sexy ) '' Thank you Touphy and Tum Tum for all you've done for me. .. and Kipster. * after walking by Touphy's left , furry side , she stops then leans forward close to Touphy * .. and all of the other royals too. ... ''
Touphy and Tum pauses. , mainly Touphy. .. as he is trapped into Queen Destiny's dark/light brown eyes. Seen with much warmth , sweetness .. kindness and with some seduction .. for some reason. .. Least that's what is seen in her eyes right now. And he is also trapped into that small , bright , furry smile that she always does .. and King Kip always loves too. At many times , it shows how happy she is .. but wouldn't be too happy or over hyper active .. depending on the good things that happen in Sundaya. .. But when Touphy sees her furry smile , it makes it easy for him to smile .. and do things he wouldn't normally do.
Like smile or laugh abit. How does she do it ? .. he'll never know after all these years himself and Tum has known her. .. And that's alot of years.
Though half in a trance and also still looking down at Queen Destiny now , he sees her gesture her right , furry paw to him so very convincing yet playfully .. and sexy , no lion could ever resist or decline. At times , - sometimes , himself and Tum knows what this means. .. UNLESS they both deserve it .. that's the catch. .. It NEVER comes easy .. when it comes to Queen Destiny.
Though he questions her furry action/demand anyway .. since sometimes it isn't always a snout smooch onto either their furry cheek. , sometimes a lick and .. even a surprising rub against either their furry cheek. , easily making either brother/lion go red into their furry face. , or overly blush red while caught off guard.
Touphy : * leans his furry , big head/face and upper , furry body forward in front of Queen Destiny without looking at her * ( normal toned , but low and soft ) ( , Queen Destiny and the other , furry royals can still hear him ) '' Why do you want me to lean forward to you Puff 'n Flu- ? ''
He doesn't get to finish his sentence as Queen Destiny almost quickly leans her furry head/tilted to her right face to snout kiss Touphy onto his furry , left cheek. , always hearing the soft sound of a smooch into the den and in the air. Touphy lets out a little , soft rumble .. though into a purr as he almost slowly leans his furry , big head/face to upper , furry body back. , still red into his furry face. Then turns his furry , big head/face in dazed interest to watch Queen Destiny almost slowly strut her way over to Tum who is already leaning his furry , big head/face to upper , furry body expecting a furry , sweet smooch from Queen Destiny. .. hiding his excitement , but his very , very long tail is slamming about onto the dirt ground from behind him showing off his excitement.
Queen Destiny cups Tum's furry , big chin into her furry , left paw in time while walking her way to him. , then stops to also almost quickly lean her furry head/tilted to her right face to furry smooch Tum onto his left , furry cheek too. , letting her furry , left paw trail softly .. from under Tum's big , furry chin then walks further pass him .. ignoring another soft sound of a smooch into the air and in her den. , and another soft rumble of a happy purr coming from Tum. , while going much more red into his furry face. , while almost quickly leaning his furry , big head/face to upper , long body back.
As always , Touphy's furry face goes back to normal so very fast as he quickly turns his furry , big head/face to look at Tum who is still in his daze .. loving Queen Destiny's furry , sweet smooches himself and Touphy get at times like this. .. still purring abit more with tiny hearts replacing his furry , volcano , fiery , red eyes. Looking at Queen Destiny still walking her way almost slowly over to King Kip. , always known to swing her furry , widened hips NEVER missing her normal tempo or a beat. , eyeing her furry , widened hips especially. .. - Touphy not one to get in a daze whenever being snout kissed by Queen Destiny .. - should he do so , he'll come off like Tum right now. .. or the way other lions acted like during that royal announcement because of the '' kings ; only kings competition '' ten years ago. .. It's seems to come off hypnotizing AND dangerous. , sometimes it is dangerous.
Touphy slaps Tum at the back of his furry , big head .. always enough to get him out his furry daze for Queen Destiny who is now softly laughing at himself and Touphy. , still standing by King Kip's left , furry side. Her furry weight onto her left , long , hind leg again and left , furry arm/paw onto her left , long hip. , and her right , furry arm/paw is already hanging by her right , furry , widened hip or side and being covered over to softly laugh at the furry brothers sometimes. Entertained by the way they always behave towards one another.
After laughing alittle too , Daunnie smiles abit at Touphy and Tum's furry behavior. , who - Tum specifically , is stunned abit from Touphy's furry hit/hard slap from his furry , big back of his head with tiny , red hearts swinging in circles like in a cartoon. He stops .. then rapidly shakes his big , furry head/face to get out of his furry daze for Queen Destiny then swings his furry , big head/face to look at Touphy with a very loud , questionable and a very demanding growl. Looking like - sometimes , Touphy and himself .. when ticked off by a lion mostly. .. or at annoyingly , playful scams of furry cubs. , and other cats.
Touphy still looks at Tum .. ' dead ' in his furry , volcano , fiery , red eyes like at times when he is very , very upset with him. .. or he's lost his patience with him and can't ever deal with his bad and dirty attitude ' most ' of their furry times. .. that always demands attention from him anytime he's being ignored or not listened to , wants and then demands rudely to come with him everywhere ' he ' goes , hates it .. when Tum gives him a talking to sometimes .. as if to mimic him all those times he give Tum a talking to when getting into trouble .. and either .. patronizes or tease him sometimes. , and when Tum gets into .. older , cat business against Touphy .. - even ' if ' what Tum says .. he could end up being right too , when it's NOT his place to say something. , then gets hit very hard by Touphy .. and he looks at him - just as he is right now , daring and waiting .. for Tum to say something else. .. so he'll get hit again.
After a short second , Touphy loudly growls right back into Tum's furry face already leaning his furry , big head/face to him. Touphy gets abit narrow eyed at Tum now , then stops and his furry face reaction remains cold and serious while leaning his furry , big head/face away from Tum. He almost slowly folds his very , very long , furry arms/paws over his furry , muscular and long chest and almost stubbornly stands where he is. , still looking at Tum .. waiting for Tum to say something. Again.
Tum gets narrow eyed .. at what Touphy said to him through cat language. , then growls abit softly though stubborn as a mule. .. still not agreeing with what Touphy told him , but it's one of his ways of letting conversations like this one .. go. Then turns his furry , big head/face to look back at all of the other royals. And stops his soft growls for Touphy .. and goes silent.
In a rather comfortable pause ,
Queen Destiny was ' about ' to say something to her Uncle - after almost quickly turning her furry head/face to him , but Daunnie does .. but is also saying the same thing Queen Destiny was about to say.
Her furry head/face already turned to look at Uncle - pretty , furry , brown eyes staring back into his light , gray eyes , who is now looking at her too. .. after almost very slowly and hesitantly , looking at Daunnie's furry , clear , pretty face .. feeling her furry stare at him.
Daunnie : ( suddenly soft toned , low and alittle normal ) '' .. You remember these two , furry , very tall brothers .. don't you sir. ? '' * motions with her furry head/face abit to her right towards Touphy and Tum who quickly turn their furry , big heads/faces to look directly at Uncle .. in so much tempting , mixed and turbulent emotions *
Uncle still looks 'n blinks back at Touphy and Tum who takes a step closer to him. , but he almost slowly moves backward .. away from the furry , very tall , very strong and powerful brothers one time. .. Who still stare as a mean , furry machine of tag teamin ' , unpitying and obviously with a killer instinct. Still looking abit narrow eyed again. - Uncle ' doesn't ' say anything .. hearing the vibrating , hard , yet furry body twitching hammering sound that is in his red , old heart. .. Into ' like ' .. a gasping pause but really holding in such a long breath he didn't even know he was holding in. ..
Uncle : '' ... ? ! ''
Touphy and Tum almost quickly turn their furry , big heads/faces to look at one another in un appeasable and mortal thought. , then fleer abit together while Uncle is ' still ' staring at them .. in such a horrid way , it makes King Kip smile on the inside , Queen Destiny smirk abit without pity and Daunnie ' wish ' strongly the rest of the furry royals were here to see Uncle's furry , facial reaction right now that's soo funny.
A very , heated and howling pause between the remainder of royals left over in the den. , but mostly between Uncle to Touphy and Tum.
Flaunti couldn't even ' think ' about saying anything compared to what his furry , eye blinking , cerulean , blue eyes are now seeing.
Flaunti : '' ... ? ? ! ''
' This ' could be it for his Uncle. .. his end.
After both furry , very tall brothers have stopped fleering at Uncle .. over a second ago , Touphy fleers again abit softly to himself , but in front of Uncle's furry face again in thought of himself and Tum's : Puff Uncle. He takes a few more , slow steps to Uncle who this time .. doesn't move back , but remains standing where he is now. Then Touphy stops walking , now standing very , very tall 'n furry in front of Uncle. , always creating a almost very dark and shady shadow that harmlessly washes over Uncle. .. whenever himself or Tum together , face a furry cat. .. Sometimes a shadow , sometimes no shadow.
Tum remains standing from a few , very long , hind , furry steps from Touphy. , letting ' him ' make Uncle fear him or get him horrid up .. until ' he ' can come in to tear away his fur .. and start cracking one of Uncle's bones .. until he talks. In other , short words , to belittle , bully or .. render any furry trace and bone of Uncle. .. NEVER remembered to be a royal as '' Guardian of Sundaya '' , as royal , furry family to Queen Destiny and Flaunti , a furry member of the Indenius pride. .. Everything.
Tum : * blinks his furry , volcano , fiery , red eyes at Uncle * '' ... ''
Touphy's furry , big head/face starts to almost slowly look down at Uncle more .. than before.
Touphy : ( still normal toned and - without a doubt , struck ) '' Ohhh ... * chuckles very , very softly but heard * after ' ten ' years .. you ' still ' feel you must be a part of Puff 'n Fluff , the rest of the royals and our kind/soft majesty's pride .. huh. ? .. Like Tawn , ' I ' and the rest of his collision. .. if ' only ' you could join them. .. ''
Uncle ' still ' remains silent .. feeling that he might as well listen to his own , very loud heart beat that is still going off into a wild , furry pound in his furry , old chest. .. Least have a few seconds to live .. and feel free. , in ' this ' manner though. ...
Tum : ( rather softly , but normal ) ''.. Um brother. ? ''
Touphy pauses .. in the middle of talking to Uncle , while he turns his furry , big head/face to look at Tum. .. still abit narrow eyed but without question. Except his furry , iceberg styled , chilly , blue eyes staring at him now in their silence .. in question. .. Not frowning nor smirking. , just a still , straight , furry look onto his furry snout/mouth.
Tum pauses , hesitates alittle , then lets out a little growl reasonably at Touphy. .. then shakes his furry , big head/face at him to stop him from further horrifying him - Queen Destiny and Flaunti's Uncle , not for Puff's sake .. but Flaunti's. .. Mabye that ' he ' can't join in on the jesting with Touphy too. - ' Also ' abit narrow eyed , but frowning with a very , very wise reason that Touphy , Uncle and the rest of the royals wouldn't know. A very , very firm , furry nod that now makes Touphy consider and question : '' Why would Tum Tum request this ? .. weren't they ' suppose ' to hypnotize and take over the furry , big , old lion .. right here and now. ? '' Into his furry , big head. ..
Aren't we suppose to be on the same ' tail ' length .. as always. ?
Touphy pauses again , still holding his furry look at Tum. Then almost slowly arches his furry , right , black eyebrow in confusion at Tum .. to let him know not just how .. ' confused ' he is , just .. ' why ' must he go along with Tum towards this .. at the last minute. ? .. That just stacks stress and agitation towards his feelings. .. That are all mashed up like amalgamating pancake mix together one morning .. before putting in into a pancake batter to make your first pancake.
Mmmh ? .. how ? .. w-wha ? .. ? ?
Touphy : '' ... ? ''
Tum growls some more softly at Touphy .. to add onto his thought of going along with this .. with him - just for now , until both brothers leave .. and off to part two : of the royal meeting in honor of Tawny and his shocking 'n mysteriously cold return to Sundaya. , Rather nicely , not normally the way Tum would act .. because he always rudely demands to Touphy whatever he wants. .. and almost impatiently waits until Touphy gives him his usual , hard : '' Yes. '' Meaning : just this once .. don't get too comfortable or used to this. Or a : '' No. '' Meaning : Don't bother asking me again .. now move away from me .. you're furry , nagging presence is urking ' most ' of my nerves. '' Once Tum hears that , he knows he ' can't ' ask Touphy again .. and he ' must ' move away from Touphy. ONLY ' he ' knows why.
Almost this '' once '' - when he ' does ' say yes to Tum , Touphy nods his furry , big head/face in acception to Tum. .. who smirks abit happily - a very tiny , furry smirk , to normally express how thankful he is .. to get what he wants from Touphy right now. , then he nods his furry , big head/face back once to Touphy .. remembering that he ' better ' have a very , VERY good explanation towards this. Just before Touphy's usual , soft , dirty 'n demand growl to express discipline and has gotten a very firm and respectful : '' Okay. '' from Tum.
While turning his furry , big head/face back over his left , furry , huge , shoulder bone. .. looking away from Tum then back at Uncle again.
Touphy's voice doesn't change .. now changing his approach from before .. and starting onto a ' new ' sentence.
Touphy : ( still normal toned and struck ) '' .. Ohhh , so ' you're ' the lion .. myself and my ' brother ' remembered .. ten years ago , back at the posidome .. during the last : '' Kings ; only kings " lion competition - that is ' now ' an intruder or .. nomad .. , that's on nothin ' but .. royal grounds and royal territory. .. * laughs abit softly .. as his very , very long , furry back straightens in much funny , strong feeling * ' I ' may got out .. of my brother and I's family den .. on the ' wrong ' side of the dirt ground .. - all groggy , extremely cranky and known to scratch cats in my sleep from bad dreams or nightmares , but ' I'm ' going to enjoy .. helping my brother deal with ' you. ' '' * snarls abit into another soft , happy laugh *
Tum laughs into a very soft : '' Hmph '' chuckle with Touphy. , as he almost slowly walks his way over to Touphy's right , furry side. .. then almost slowly turns his furry , big head/face to look at Touphy .. as if eagered to know what's Touphy looking at , then quickly turns his furry , big head/face to look back at Uncle. .. Then starts to chuckle softly some more.
Tum's voice sounds very much '' ready '' to start the next step on handling Queen Destiny and Flaunti's Uncle. , as if he's crackling his furry knuckles coming from his very big , furry paws coming from both of his furry arms right now.
Tum : '' Where do you want him. ? ''
Both furry brothers looking at Queen Destiny , she already knows the answer.
Queen Destiny : * abit narrow eyed in thought of herself and Flaunti's Uncle * '' In ' here. ' .. chained up - just as Tawn suggested. , and a very ' good ' suggestion I'll admit. .. so he won't embark wherever he wants in myself and Kipster's kingdom. .. and all of the other royals too. .. Especially NOT when the rest of the Indenius pride sees him for as the old , furry , grown lion he ' truly ' is .. they'll want to go on strike in order to chase him away , you both ' may ' have a serious bone to pick with him and the other members in Indenius .. ' will ' be mean and hostile towards him. , ''
Queen Destiny : '' - Even try to take on myself , Kipster , the other royals , ' and ' Tawn .. or overpower one of Sundaya's dangerous areas from ' out ' of our enormous land. .. All of these bad , negative , 'n sour reasons are why he ' cannot ' be let free under ' any ' cir-cum-stances .. as Tawn has warned us royals hours ago. .. and there's no way in ' hell ' or ' heck ' that Uncle will be let free. .. ''
Before Touphy could ask this question , Daunnie does first. .. making Touphy , Tum and the royal , furry couple almost quickly turn their furry heads/faces to look at her.
Daunnie : '' But Desi .. what if he ' does ' get set free. ? .. * Queen Destiny arches her furry , black eyebrow at her in confusion * * King Kip cocks his furry head/face at her .. also in confusion * * , and Touphy and Tum laugh abit in silly thought .. obviously knowing that Uncle definitely ' won't ' be free .. under their furry supervision , watch and also having reinforcements * * Daunnie sighs alittle .. knowing that she much explain what she means to all of the other cats * as in escape. ? ''
Alittle pause coming from Queen Destiny .. who is about to talk , but King Kip does though.
King Kip : ( sounding uneasy and rather jumpy .. ' if ' Uncle ever ' did ' get free one , Sundaya day ) * quickly turns his furry head/face to look at his lover : Queen Destiny * ( suddenly sounding serious , also in a way to make her reconsider what she said before ) '' As dangerous as he ' now ' is .. he can't ' EVER ' be set free .. even to walk or stretch out his bones. ! * Queen Destiny chuckles abit softly at what he said , not making her reconsider what she said at all * - As far as he ' could ' go out of Sundaya .. he can get almost get ' any ' cat from other areas ' out ' of Sundaya. ! , he may ' seem ' like he doesn't have any royal power right now , but there's no ' telling ' what ' hell ' , torment , chaos .. and * pauses in thought * ''
Touphy adds a word for King Kip .. as a guess on what word he meant to say next.
Touphy : '' Mayhem ... ? ''
King Kip : * quickly turns his furry head/face to look at Touphy * '' Mayhem. ! .. that's the word. ! * he smiles abit thankfully at Touphy , he smirks abit happy and thankfully at King Kip , then nods his furry , big head/face one time as his way of saying : '' You're welcome .. your kind , furry highness. '' * Tum blinks at King Kip .. also looking dead panned in disinterest at King Kip * * quickly turns his furry head/face to look back at a half lidded in disinterest and obviously not worried : Queen Destiny , who keeps a still , smirk at him .. as if waiting to be convinced first ' then ' she'll reconsider next * he can bring. ! .. or worse. .. Desi , please .. ' think ' on the negative possibilities and outcomes that ' could ' happen .. once your Uncle and Flaunti gets ' his ' undeserved and wrongly given freedom. ! ''
In a pause , Queen Destiny doesn't get the chance to speak to King Kip yet .. because Touphy now says something as both furry lovers .. Tum and Daunnie almost slowly turn their furry heads/faces to look at Touphy.
Touphy : ( almost in hate ) '' Just like Tawny. ... '' * narrow eyed in thought , while looking into space * * Now folding his very , very long arms/paws over his furry chest *
Tum still stares at him .. then growls with Touphy in agreement. .. also as his way to always comfort Touphy during a time like this. Sounding like a pretty soft : '' Mm-hmm. ... ''
Tum : * soft , little chuckle in irony * '' .. Well this certainly ' will ' be one , dangerously interesting , royal year .. I'll tell all of you that. .. ''
He continues to softly chuckle some more to himself in irony. .. folding his very , very long , furry arms/paws over his very buff , muscular , huge chest then quickly throws his furry , big head/face to still continue soft chuckling to himself. .. ' still ' in such irony.
Touphy's very long , furry tail comes quickly from behind himself and Tum .. to slap Tum's big , furry head. .. always as his way to shut and stop Tum from commenting about a certain situation. , like the situation they're ' still ' in right now and what Tum just said .. right now.
Tum quickly turns his big , furry head/face to look at Touphy. .. still narrow eyed , but more at how painful Touphy hit him with his very long tail. , looking at him in foaming thought on ' why ' he was hit by Touphy. He growls very loudly at Touphy in question .. now being a good time to ask why was he hit by him. .. what did he say wrong. Touphy snarls loudly at him , more narrow eyed than Tum is with his furry , big head/face already leaned close to him. , to tell him know it's just what he said - that now isn't the right time to say that , that made him hit Tum with his very long , furry tail. .. and to not say anything smart again.
Queen Destiny quickly turns her furry head/face to look at King Kip again who frowns sadly at her. .. still obviously looking worried , possibly abit jumpy and suddenly not safe.
Queen Destiny : ( almost sounding annoyed by King Kip ) '' Well .. apparently Kipster , allowing of myself and Flaunt's Uncle to be set free over such kind and pointless reasons .. ' obviously ' is a stupid idea. .. that can make it very ' easy ' for Uncle to want to escape .. since he ' still ' has fighting experience as a lion to give a cat a scratching ' and ' beating .. if any cats push his luck. , test him or challenge him. .. ( normal toned and very reasonable ) So having him chained up is the ' only ' , reasonable solution - chains that are impenetrable to be broken , that will lower his chances of escaping. .. Tawn is right , we ' can't ' show any mercy. .. ''
King Kip still looks at his lover : Queen Destiny .. and pauses. , thinking on everything she just said now. .. No , her opinion ' still ' doesn't change .. as in , hasn't reconsidered slowly the outcomes 'n negative possibilities towards .. ' if ' one , Sundaya day Uncle ' does ' get set free. .. but somewhere in her answer it ' has ' been given much deep thought. , and reconsideration .. just as he simply wanted from her.
He looks away from her as Queen Destiny stares back at him. .. then quickly turns her furry head/face to look at Touphy who speaks to her , while her lover : King Kip .. is ' still ' stuck in his furry lover's thoughts on Uncle. .. He may NOT have gotten a straight answer out of her - possibly part of it , but he'll take whatever he's ' got ' from her.
King Kip : '' ... ''
Touphy nods his furry , big head/face at Queen Destiny in agreement .. and in cruel thought of Uncle - though hidden through his furry , facial reaction , then speaks. Making Daunnie and Tum turn their furry heads/faces to look at him. King Kip is ' still ' into thoughtful space.
Touphy : '' I ' will ' see to it. .. that I find the best , impenetrable chains back in the posidome. , that'll be very hard and ' difficult ' for big , old , furry guy .. to escape or find ' any ' way out of. .. * brushes or rubs his furry , big chin with his left , furry , very big paw in deep thought * Possibly see if big Doumphy .. or any other cats back at the posidome .. can give me a very , very heavy .. good set of chains .. that are ' perfect ' for him. '' * grins abit in cruel thought on Uncle *
Tum looks at Touphy then smirks abit in cruel thought on Uncle too .. but doesn't add on to how he feels towards Uncle. Instead , he frowns abit .. while almost slowly turns his furry , big head/face to look at King Kip. .. Asking him a question he needs to be ' sure ' himself and Touphy's kind , furry majesty will agree towards. .. with Queen Destiny , Daunnie ' and ' the royals , so no confusion .. or last minute confessions will stop himself and Touphy from chaining up Uncle.
Tum : ( almost serious toned - calm , yet thoughtful ) '' And .. you ' agree ' with Puffs on big , furry guy's punishment .. yes your kind , furry majesty. ? ''
This ' almost ' surprises him. .. King Kip quickly turns his furry head/face to look at Tum , Touphy , Queen Destiny and Daunnie .. as a way to easily be stuck out of so much .. of ' his ' thoughts that his lover : Queen Destiny told him .. about her Uncle and ' still ' adding up more parts and reasons to make use of all she said for her Uncle. .. He found out that in ' his ' way .. it ' can ' be reconsidered slowly and thought out more. .. but not too much.
But .. what makes her say all of that about her Uncle in front of his furry face .. and NOT give him a straight answer instead. ?
He shakes his furry head abit to ignore his last thought for a moment .. hoping he'll remember to ask her this .. once the two , furry royals are alone. , have peace of mind and are in the company of others.
King Kip : ( normal toned , almost hesitantly because of being in more thought again on what Queen Destiny said about her Uncle ) '' .. Yeah I do Tum. ... ''
Queen Destiny pauses to still look at King Kip again .. but almost looks closely at him , without moving her furry head/face closer to him. She smiles abit .. as a way to be alright with his opinion and seeing that they're both on the same page as one another , but when he turns his furry head/face to look back at Touphy and Tum with Daunnie , she frowns abit at him. .. in thought of ' why ' is he acting so hesitant about Uncle's chained up , furry punishment. .. There ' isn't ' any big deal. .. as ' she ' remembers , Tawny has been chained up LOTS of times in the past. .. besides the abusive times with his father : Red .. when his mother wasn't around. ..
But it almost goes back to what he said to her Uncle in front of ' all ' of the other royals. .. Has he been untrue about that ? , was it cruel entertainment for all of the other royals .. including her ? , was what he said to Uncle a lie ? .. And now up to this question : Does Kipster ' still ' want Uncle chained up .. as much as he said so to other royals before. ? .. and to her ?
Queen Destiny : '' ... ''
Touphy ' also ' pauses to look at King Kip too .. not looking like Queen Destiny was , when she was still looking at King Kip when he wasn't looking at her , but has the ' same ' thoughts about him too. It's like he has cold feet .. before being married. .. He doesn't know what to say , that ' much ' in thought .. three dots pop up into his furry , big head .. and keep on repeating themselves ' still ' having nothing to say right now. .. He turns his furry , big head/face to look at his brother : Tum .. to see his reaction. , or if he has to say anything. .. Smart or not.
But Tum ' doesn't ' say anything. .. but also turns his furry , big head/face to look right back at Touphy. .. sharing ' almost ' - almost , the same thoughts he has on King Kip. .. Except ' maybe ' he's abit nervous before having himself and brother chain a cat up. Puff's an expert. .. having ' so much ' experience as a royal .. and Queen , she knows ' all ' of the cat's punishments .. depending on the situation. .. It's no wonder .. she's ' still ' Queen of Sundaya after another ten years .. and will ' still ' proudly .. be carrying on in her royal reign .. and guide the animals in Sundaya , ' her ' pride and collision .. towards ' anything ' like now .. having a cat being chained up.
It's understandable that himself and Touphy's kind , furry majesty feels this way. .. it's his first time seeing , establishing and listening in on .. any further actions that need to be taken , ' until ' big , old , furry guy is officially chained up. .. He won't know anything .. ' yet. '
Daunnie turns her furry head/face to look from Touphy to Tum , Queen Destiny , then lastly King Kip .. also thinking and wondering why would he be backing down abit .. on wanting to get rid of Uncle. She doesn't arch one of her furry , black eyebrows in confusion but stares into space. .. turning her furry head/face abit ahead .. can't even think or ' hope ' that Kip will be alright. , that he could ' just ' get his furry , royal act together .. before the rest of the royals - along with Touphy and Tum , reach part two : of the royal meeting. .. and may say something stupid .. if for Tawny .. depending on the reason. .. or if he .. would like to say a few words or more on Tawny .. who will help him as second King of Sundaya.
Daunnie : '' ... ? ! ''
In this furry pause - literally , Uncle spoke up to Queen Destiny mostly , but the rest of the royals too. , and Touphy to Tum. .. after being quiet for soo long.
Uncle : ( normal toned , but abit soft and low ) '' Please Fluffy .. why are you doing this to me. ? ''
His light , furry , gray eyes stare back at her .. through her dark/light brown eyes .. searching for answers to his one question. , that .. ' he knows ' she won't have any mercy on giving him a straight answer .. or backing down , now that it's come down - still - to him. Her furry , facial reaction that is abit narrow eyed and her furry mouth open into a almost small smile like she's mean or demoniacally laughing abit in front of her Uncle's furry face. .. it ' looks ' like it though.
She pauses before answering her Uncle. .. almost slowly shifting her furry weight onto her right , long , furry , hind leg. .. then drops her left , furry , long , arm/paw down. .. letting it hang by either her furry , left hip or furry , left side. She almost lifts her furry head/face up abit .. preparing to speak with her Uncle. , not minding furry stares coming from King Kip , Touphy to Tum , Uncle himself and Daunnie.
Queen Destiny : * into a demoniac , furry , little smirk * ( normal toned , alittle low and heartless ) * little , soft laugh at what her Uncle said * '' .. Come now ' Unc ' .. now ' don't ' play innocent and helpless. .. It's NOT like .. I'll care ' one bit ' - or one percent - that I'm doing what I ' must ' do for you. .. * leans her furry head/face closer to Uncle's furry face * You should tell a cat whom cares. .. because .. ' I'm ' not the cat you're looking for .. or Flaunt. '' * frowns abit .. faking sadness with Uncle then softly chuckles abit again *
Flaunti stares .. not knowing how to make out on what his eldest sister said to ' their ' royal , old Uncle. .. Does something ' need ' to be said ? .. he doesn't know.
Flaunti : ( soft in thought ) '' Mmm ... - ''
Uncle : '' B-But ... ! , b-but ... - ! ''
Queen Destiny : * leans her furry head/face back away from Uncle , then quickly leans her furry head/face forward again to her Uncle right now , pretending to hear her Uncle so meanly * '' But ... ! , but .. what. ! .. Do you ' really ' expect me to consider .. at the last minute , on letting you go .. or chaining you up. ? .. even ' if ' you're ' still ' royal family to Flaunt and I. ? .. No .. * narrow eyed more than before in anger * ' you ' don't belong here. .. why ( raises her voice abit ) you NEVER ' did ' ever since the day our parents left us .. as cubs. ! , ''
Queen Destiny almost slowly walks her way closer to her Uncle. .. then stops walking when close to him then almost slowly leans her furry head/face closer to Uncle's furry face again. Light , furry , gray eyes that follow his grand daughter's ' every ' furry move right now.
Queen Destiny : ( normal toned again and lowers her voice ) ( , other cats can still hear her ) '' ' You ' .. lied .. to Flaunt .. and I. ! , ' everything ' you told us .. - from ' that ' day we lost our parents forward , was a ' lie. ! ' .. * shakes her furry head/face abit as she looks away , for a moment .. can't handle looking into her Uncle's dirty , furry face and lying , gray eyes no more * * pauses abit after a little sigh , then looks abit quickly at her Uncle again * ' We ' both .. trusted you. .. even ' if ' I had hard , trusting issues towards you .. and .. I was right .. all along. ( soft toned ) .. I ' knew ' I and Flaunt .. should've gotten rid of you .. when I had the chance. ... '' * turns her furry head/face away from Uncle with her dark/light brown eyes closed in thought , in a pause *
Uncle widens his furry , light gray eyes abit at his eldest grand daughter : '' Fluffy-mc-Puffy. '' .. He too , trusted her. .. with his furry , old life. They've been close for years. .. she was a frequent visitor .. when seeing him at times when he meditates , wakes up from his nap or simply looking at a sunset. She'd talk with him about anything .. and ' everything. ' Even their own family as spoiled royals. .. but NOT as spoiled and regal as Tawny's furry , royal family. .. And she'd listen to him for hours .. on how much wisdom he gives and tells her. , then go all out into a play session together : chasing one another around like in her famous , deadly , competitive games .. back in the posidome. , and at times .. he'd let her tackle him and others , she'd tackle him fair and square. .. sometimes being ' too ' rough .. because of having A-LOT of experience when fighting with other lions. .. and sometimes lioness.
Now such .. furry , dearly missed , innocent memories of the two vanish .. into a flowing and swirling river. .. with white fog swirling along with the currents with beautiful water colors joining in such a swirling , never ending dance. , as if a kid drained all of their paint into the river because he/she gave up their love of art , and then ran away crying softly. Like such memories NEVER existed .. or have been remembered at times when he was alone. .. ten years ago to mention ' those ' times.
He NEVER knew .. that she - in a way - had it out for him. , that she ' wanted ' to get rid of him for ' this ' long. .. ever since cub hood .. and when she was a preteen lioness. This hurts from ' every part ' of his long , furry , old body. .. He pauses - still after she has said this to him , then looks up at her after looking into space in so much thought like he was before.
Uncle : ( now soft toned ) '' .. Mmh .. Fluff ... - ? ''
Queen Destiny - still turned away from her Uncle , starts to walk abit slowly away from her Uncle without saying anything. , then stops walking .. standing by King Kip's left , furry side. And lifts her furry head/face to look ' still ' heartless and now as Judas kiss .. if ever before. .. or during ' another ' serious time like this.
Queen Destiny : '' ... ''
She doesn't say anything. .. in too much emotions to really .. give her Uncle an answer. .. just all that he is now asking for. Now shaking her furry head/face abit usually as her way of not wanting any cat to talk to her any further about anything else. ' Exactly ' what already happened between her Uncle and herself right now.
Uncle widens his furry , light gray eyes at her in some shock and surprise at her. .. a furry look that would now have himself questioning .. what happened to his eldest granddaughter he used to know. Then almost slowly - really slow - turns his big , furry head/face away from her. , to King Kip and the rest of the cats in her den now.
Before any cat could say anything - like Daunnie - King Kip speaks up. , creating an almost deadly yet fierce , harsh and brutal tone in his voice that carries throughout her den. .. and makes the rest of the cats easily oblige to what he's about to say. , and get out his way. Fast.
This surprises Uncle abit. .. who turns his furry , big head/face abit at him. A furry look that .. almost tries to see how much King Kip has grown ever since cub hood. - The second to last time he saw Kip with his eldest granddaughter. .. trotting or padding so sweetly in the air and atmosphere .. that furry eyes have ' always ' been on him .. since he's always been by the Queen's furry , royal side. To understand what his eldest granddaughter has told him about Kip in his furry lifestyle as a cub so far. But ' most ' of what King Kip has been through right now .. doesn't make any sense comparing to this royal , furry reign between Queen Destiny and Kip. .. But .. certainly has gotten tough and .. obviously mentally strong from all of this furry , royal years.
King Kip : * abit narrow eyed in thought as he almost slowly turns his furry head/face to look at Queen Destiny * '' .. In fact my Desi , ' he wouldn't ' be expecting anything ' good ' from you. .. Certainly not choosing to let him go after all he has caused .. these many , royal years in Sundaya. * Queen Destiny blinks at him abit .. going quiet , noticing the tone in his voice .. almost furry , widened eyed at him * * looks back at Uncle to all the rest of the cats with one , little turn of his furry head/face * I regretted not finishing ' this ' kind of job with Tawn. .. I'm NOT .. going to make the same mistake again. ... '' * looks back at Uncle .. more narrow eyed than before *
Queen Destiny blinks again at King Kip. .. still looking and not knowing whether she should say anything to him or not. Then she frowns abit .. crossing her right , furry cheek uncomfortably. .. now that King Kip's tone in his voice has already changed the atmosphere. She almost slowly turns her furry head/face to look at other cats with one little turn of her furry head/face .. to look at all of the other cats furry , facial reactions. Daunnie still pauses , looking back at the rest of the cats furry , facial expressions too. ! Touphy and Tum are in their own pause together too , now looking at one another with some , shared thoughts. , some are different and mixed too. Then almost slowly turn their furry , big heads/faces to look at King Kip still staring at Uncle abit brutally right now.
Uncle is ' still ' looking back .. keeping eye contact , since a straight , furry look in the face from ' another ' lion means a challenge or a fight. .. and he's NOT willing to show submission to King Kip. .. or let him overpower him like he already has .. as King of Sundaya. .. and .. other furry royals ' now ' over throwing him .. from out of his own furry , royal reign. Too late for .. NOT wanting that. ...
Uncle widens his furry , light , gray eyes abit at King Kip. .. seeing that he's ' going ' to make this personal with him. .. and what he's ' about ' to hear from King Kip .. he ' won't ' like it. ... King Kip ' still ' holds furry , eye contact with Uncle. .. starting to low growl unmannerly at him. Right now , Uncle doesn't know if he should growl , snarl , roar or make any noise of cat language/communication possible. .. He just stays silent for now. ..
In the same pause - after four minutes ,
King Kip almost turns his furry head/face abit quickly to look at Queen Destiny who looks back at him again in surprise and take aback. .. from looking at Daunnie in question about him .. and Daunnie looks back at her abit in question about him too , not knowing what has made King Kip act this way so quickly. .. Not realizing that King Kip was looking at her a second ago.
She blinks abit back at him as if a way of wanting him to talk to her now.
King Kip : * not abit narrow eyed in thought of Uncle , for now * '' My Desi , you go with Daun at the royal meeting .. and ' don't ' leave at all for me .. no matter ' how ' long I take. .. Though I ' won't ' be long , but still. .. * Queen Destiny immediately nods her furry head/face in dead seriousness once at him * Let the other royals know that I'll ' still ' be here for now .. seeing to you and Flaunt's Uncle is physically in chains. .. ( coming off sick in a dastardly way ) I'd ' like ' to be the very first lion to see what kind of ' chains ' will be in use. ... '' * looks at Uncle then smirks abit rottenly at him , then at Touphy and Tum * * Touphy encouragingly nods his furry , big head/face at him .. sharing the same rottenness together .. and Tum laughs alittle , amused to see such foul played , yet well deserved act for Uncle today *
Queen Destiny almost slowly turns her long , furry body to King Kip .. still looking at him as he almost slowly turns his furry head/face back to her. .. Hearing Touphy and Tum laugh abit together in more rottenness than before. .. If because of him .. we do not know. ...
She almost nervously smiles abit him. .. not knowing whether she should softly chuckle with King Kip , Touphy and Tum .. be uncomfortable or creeped out alittle.
Queen Destiny : ( normal toned , soft and low .. just for King Kip to hear ) ( possibly for the other cats to hear too ) ( in some concern , almost worried - this is a first for her ) '' .. You going to be okay with my Uncle Kipster. ? ''
She frowns abit uncomfortably at him now .. then her furry frown goes still.
King Kip nods his furry head/face abit at her as an obvious '' yes '' to her. .. without saying '' yes. ''