She frowns abit uncomfortably at him now .. then her furry frown goes still.
King Kip nods his furry head/face abit at her as an obvious '' yes '' to her. .. without saying '' yes. ''
King Kip : ( also normal toned as she is , soft and low .. just for her to hear ) ( possibly for the other cats to hear too ) '' Of course I am Desi. .. I'll be with Touphy and Tum anyway. .. No worries. * small smiles abit * I got this. , '' * he places his furry , front paws onto both of her furry , widened hips then almost slowly pulls her closer to his furry , long body until she brushes up against his yellow , white and tanned golden fur *
Queen Destiny weakly smiles abit back at him .. ' still ' not convinced. You must know that she ' wants ' to be convinced and let King Kip carry on , but he hasn't convinced her enough .. knowing what her Uncle is ' exactly ' like. .. and what he ' could ' do after herself and Daunnie leave. .. at a time like this.
Queen Destiny : '' Do you. ? ''
So much possibilities of Uncle negatively escaping out of this as soon as herself and Daunnie leave fly through her furry head/face in mid air. .. like in space or coming ' pass ' the milky way. She's never ' one ' to think so negatively.
King Kip : * says as he nods his furry head/face at her again in agreement once * '' Yes Desi. , I'll handle this. .. * furry , snout kisses her furry forehead then kisses her onto her right , furry cheek * okay. ? '' * Queen Destiny smiles abit him though blushing abit red , then nods her furry head/face looking abit convinced now * * furry , front paws already placed onto his furry chest now *
Queen Destiny : ( sounding as if she'll roll her furry , dark/light brown eyes at King Kip ) '' Okay Kipster. , ( back to normal toned ) mmmh ... I ' love ' it .. when you act like the King I have ' always ' wanted. .. '' * half , lidded , furry , dark/light brown eyes in deep interest , almost as if to seduce him * * little giggles as she almost slowly wraps her furry , long arms/paws around King Kip's furry neck *
King Kip : '' Mmm ? .. * himself and Queen Destiny snout kisses abit as she says : '' Mmm-hmm ... '' in agreement * do you. ? * she laughs abit at him playfully because of what he said , already knowing the answer * .. And I ' love ' it .. when you love that I do such a good job as your King. , even when you look like this. .. * Queen Destiny softly chuckles again abit at him , as she listens to him some more * If you keep looking this tempting and sexy .. we may need to run back to our own den .. and I can know ' why. ' ''
Queen Destiny laughs as King Kip blushes red abit .. smiling alittle at her right now. , then both furry lovers snout kiss more .. twice now while still staring at one another happily in love. , through furry , dark/light brown to deep , dark , neon green.
Queen Destiny and King Kip : '' ... ''
Daunnie rolls her furry , brown eyes at Queen Destiny and King Kip. , to the sound of kissing abit nice , slowly , yet sweet , full of passion and easy between the two , furry lovers. .. To hearing soft murmuring cat language starting with King Kip talking to Queen Destiny rather mysterious , easily lures her in and so seductively. .. with some flirting in the mix. , and Queen Destiny laughs abit softly or chuckles in response to him .. and she could lick his furry , right cheek more than two times.
Daunnie turns her furry head/face to look at King Kip who tilts his furry head/face to her. , and Queen Destiny turns her furry head/face back to look directly at Daunnie too when she's talking.
Daunnie : '' .. You sure that you won't change your mind .. or anything .. will you Kip ? ''
She keeps her furry concerned look at him. , wanting to let him know just how concerned she is about all of this.
King Kip : '' Of course I'm sure Daun. , * then he turns his furry head/face to look back at Queen Destiny again who turns her furry head/face almost slowly to look back at him again * and I want ' you ' to go with her now , fast. .. and not a minute more. .. Okay. ? ''
Queen Detiny : * small smiles at King Kip * '' Okay Kipster , I'm going. ... * moves back abit , but before doing so .. tilts her furry head/face to her right to snout kiss King Kip again nice and slowly * Do hurry .. I'll get lonely without you. ''
She continues moving away from King Kip until their furry paws ( King Kip's ) left paw brushes and separates away from her right , furry paw. .. But not before he pull her in again to snout kiss her onto her left cheek quickly. , it's hard to see him tilt his furry head/face to his right to snout kiss her this quickly. .. Then licks her against her right , furry cheek once.
King Kip : '' I know , I know love. .. I will ... just for you. '' * small smiles at Queen Destiny *
Queen Destiny pauses while smiling abit back at King Kip then talks again. As her last sentence before leaving off to the royal meeting with Daunnie.
Queen Destiny : '' I really love you Kipster. '' * small smiles back at King Kip *
King Kip : '' I really love you too Desi. '' * blushes abit red at Queen Destiny *
Daunnie comes trotting to Queen Destiny's left side as she continues to walk backwards away from King Kip. , making her almost quickly pass Touphy and Tum.
Queen Destiny : * small smiles again at King Kip * '' See you at the royal meeting soon Kipster. '' * winks at KIng Kip then blows snout kisses at him with her right , furry paw *
King Kip : '' Yeah. , see you soon Desi ... '' * small smiles abit at Queen Destiny , while blushing abit red more at her *
Queen Destiny nods her furry head/face once at King Kip .. still smiling at him abit before turning her furry head/face away to also exchange her greetings towards Touphy and Tum before she takes off out of her den.
Daunnie : '' Please don't be .. or come off stressed Kip. '' * small smiles at him .. though abit uneasy *
King Kip : * small smiles back at Daunnie * '' Thanks Daun. , * Daunnie almost blushes abit red at him * I'll keep that in mind .. now that you told me. ... ''
Queen Destiny nods her furry head/face to King Kip now fully convinced that he has got this - dealing with Uncle - for her. , with Touphy and Tum as back up.
In a pause , Flaunti takes this as a ' perfect ' opportunity to leave. .. because it's likely that he ' may ' be caught by Destiny since she'll probably spot a ' cat ' such as him .. in the corner of their den - right corner - that he is in right now. .. and ' will ' give him a serious talking to later on in the day. He's seen and heard ' enough ' for one day. .. Looking calm and less narrow eyed abit than before , but serious .. he turns his furry head/face to turn away from all of the other cats then goes into a wild run .. as if in a hurry or has been caught by Touphy and Tum , then quickly hops his way up rocky ledges then keeps running. , and in his running start .. he hops onto another ledge ahead with a huge stone boulder in the way and a tiny rock to it's right. He slips through letting only his short , furry tail to be seen. .. off to return back to Onaumi and his cubs .. to tell her what he ' overheard. '
Flaunti : '' ... ! ''
Queen Destiny turns her furry head/face to look at Touphy and Tum who both look down at her.
Queen Destiny : '' I'll see you two soon right. ? ''
Touphy nods his furry , big head at her once. , then smiles abit friendly at her than happily like before.
Touphy : '' You ' will ' Fluff. .. you will ... ''
Tum - on the other paw from Touphy - smirks abit happily at Queen Destiny.
Tum : '' In time .. we'll be there quick Puff 'n Fluff. ''
Queen Destiny smiles abit back at Touphy and Tum while Daunnie turns away from the three lions and keeps trotting ahead of Queen Destiny until she reaches the exit. .. outside of her den then stops and turns her furry head/face to look back at Queen Destiny waiting for her for a moment.
Queen Destiny looks back at King Kip who is smiling back at her again as he still looks at her. , then she winks at all three lions. And turns her furry head/face quickly away from the three lions looking at Daunnie.
Queen Destiny : '' Now let's ' hit it ' Daun. ! '' * small , furry smirk fiercely then gets abit narrow eyed in feeling as always *
Daunnie : '' Can we ' please ' not run too fast Desi ? , I'm not in a running mood today. .. ''
Queen Destiny starts walking pass Daunnie casually .. obviously as a way to taunt and mostly convince her to run if both lioness want to get to that royal meeting quickly like King Kip said.
Queen Destiny : '' Okay Daun. , unless you want to be late. .. You know it's highly unacceptable as a royal to be fashionably late .. no matter the reason. , depending on what it is , but you ' must ' always be prompt and punctual at all royal times. ... ''
Her furry , dark/light brown , half lidded eyes look back at Daunnie then smirks abit again happily. , obviously getting a furry reaction expected out of Daunnie and hit a nerve of Daunnie's instantly.
Daunnie : '' Okay , okay .. I'm coming Desi ... ''
Queen Destiny breaks into a run first turning to the right - more like a trot to save energy until she gets closer to the royal meeting , leaving her long , furry tail coming around the corner. , then Daunnie pauses a few seconds until she doesn't see Queen Destiny's long , furry tail no more then trots quickly ahead after Queen Destiny. .. Passing through a short hallway and her family den , trying to catch up to Queen Destiny who is already ahead waiting for her and looking at her on a few stone steps patiently.
King Kip , Touphy and Tum all turn their furry heads/faces to look at Uncle. , abit narrow eyed and remorselessly. Uncle pauses , looking back at the three lions as if innocently then frowns abit sadly .. already knowing what's about to happen to him.
A pause.
; then King Kip's tone of voice described as : an almost deadly , fierce and brutal returns again. He looks abit serious again and still abit narrow eyed.
King Kip turns his furry head/face almost quickly to look at Touphy and Tum who look down at him after at Uncle.
King Kip : '' Can you give myself and my Desi's Uncle the den for now ? , I need to speak with him personally. ''
Touphy and Tum pauses to look at one another in thought of what their furry , kind majesty simply asked of them a second ago. .. wanting to know what ' will ' or ' could ' he do with himself and Uncle in this den - this specific/particular room Queen Destiny and Flaunti have always hanged out in as cubs , besides '' just '' talking. .. If he'd be like Tawny when '' personal '' with a cat , like the both of them .. or even Tawny and his collision. It'll be described like this : pain and not so serious beatings , but a cat ' may ' have to get cleaned or licked up by a lioness back at the cat infirmary with Oll and Doo personally.
Touphy looks back at King KIp .. still not saying anything , then Tum laughs abit in sick , pitiless thought at Uncle. As Touphy elbows him with his right , furry elbow again .. as a way to not be rude in front of their furry , kind majesty. Tum grunts abit in some pain then stops laughing , still looking back at King Kip who still and blankly looks at them. , not really understanding the two , furry lions when they're like this. .. not knowing why did Tum laugh abit , but he knows as inhuman and merciless as these two , very tall lions are , he ' knows ' that it's not very nice ' because ' of Uncle.
- Only cat you ' can ' go to .. to understand Touphy and Tum .. are many cats. , but only Queen Destiny. .. since she's been around these two , very tall lions ever since cub hood. .. And been there for them through almost EVERYTHING possible that these lions have endured ever since then. .. though also there for all of her other , many , many cats friends too.
Because she ' knows ' what kind of lions they are. .. ALL mood swings , personality profiles weaknesses and sensitivity secrets that these two lions ' do ' have and many more to know about these very tall lions .. it'd make ' you ' curious too. .. Even if you ' aren't ' a cat.
Touphy : ( normal toned , but with a hint of cold aura as usual ) '' Sure. , ''
He turns his furry , big head/face away from King Kip. .. not caring if King Kip is still watching him along with Uncle. , Touphy almost slowly walks onto his very long , furry fours without looking back at Tum. Not even close to the exit of Queen Destiny's old , royal , family den yet. ..
Touphy : ( mistaken to be nice toned ) '' Let's back off abit Tum. ... ''
Tum pauses and hesitates in movement .. as he almost turns his furry , big head/face to look from King Kip , Uncle , then at Touphy. .. After a second , Tum looks back at King Kip then speaks as if low and under toned to him.
Tum : '' As you wish. , * turns his furry , big head/face quickly ahead to look at Touphy * coming brother. ! ''
Now padding his way into a quick trot out of Queen Destiny's old , royal , family den meeting Touphy who is already outside. .. Almost near by the edge of the stone , dingy and dirty ledge they're now on , who looks at Tum. .. who is still quickly padding his way closer to him. .. Then both look ahead at the view together in their usual , cold , brotherly silence until either Tum speaks first - sometimes happily , or Touphy .. who either drops a bomb on him or tells Tum bad , bad news. .. and it'll be hard for him to tell Tum , because he doesn't know how Tum is going to react. .. Like staying up at night or other day periods to look at the view from inside their family , little den .. before they rest for the day , take a cat nap or anything like that.
Another pause between Uncle and King Kip.
Both lions are ' still ' looking away from one another. .. as if waiting for the other lion to say something to the ' other ' lion. King Kip ' still ' looks abit narrow eyed fiercely in thought of Uncle. .. now frowning abit. .. And Uncle looks calm and in control of his furry feelings. , but his furry face ' still ' looks abit sadly .. because he ' doesn't ' want himself and King Kip to end on such very , VERY .. bad terms like this. ... It was the opposite of what he thought that should happen between the two lions right now. .. NOT that it was suppose to go his way or play out in ' his ' favor. .. Yes , he'd only pretend to get closer to him and ' then ' befriend him .. just so he can get back up again in his royal reign as a royal. .. but Touphy and Tum are always near by nowadays with the other royals , Queen Destiny .. Tawny AND King Kip. .. so he'd easily be had. .. AFTER trying to get the better of King Kip.
Uncle almost slowly - slowly - turns his furry head/face to look at King Kip. .. who feels Uncle's furry , calm , yet sad looking stare at him .. but not caring in the least bit as he is now. .. Would you care ? .. If not , it proves ' exactly ' how King Kip feels.
Uncle : ( normal toned , calm and still sad .. alittle bit ) '' I-I ... it's been .. so very long ... since you took my fluff away from me. .. * he sees King Kip huff abit softly in response , then tenses in thought of what he said * in a ' good ' way. .. I miss her .. and .. ' still ' trust that you ' are ' taking wonderful care of her. .. I mean .. the ' last ' time I've seen her , she looked beautiful .. just like her mother , but still has her father's - Fein's , sweet characteristics. .. And I ' hope ' to attend to my eldest granddaughter's wedding. .. since I've heard from Fluff during the first , royal meeting .. that you both are getting married. ''
King Kip pauses. , then tenses again at Uncle's strangely nice words .. that are hitting some of his nerves and have ' already ' done a very good job at making him feel uncomfortable right now. This ' is ' the first time .. that he's heard his Desi's Uncle say her father's name. .. as first King of Sundaya many , royal years ago. .. As in , during cub hood for ALL cats in the Indenius pride. Though it ' doesn't ' really matter anymore. .. he's suppose to hear of his Desi's father from Uncle anyways. .. - King Kip is so darn ' sick ' of Uncle coming off .. ' this ' , strangely nice to him .. almost as if to get on his good side. , or befriend him .. mostly to befriend him.
It easily makes King Kip upset his apple. , to ' try ' and end this between them as quick as possible. .. just as Queen Destiny wanted. .. for her and when it's over , not be stressed out .. just like Daunnie wanted for him.
King Kip : '' ... ! ''
Uncle : '' Please .. do this ' one ' thing for me. .. I don't want to miss my granddaughter's wedding. ... ''
King Kip quickly turns his furry head/face to look back at Uncle. .. Looking like much ' more ' of his nerves have been hit. .. It ' has ' been hit. A ' direct ' hit. .. Collateral damage ...
King Kip : ( an almost deadly , fierce and brutal toned ) '' I don't have to do ' anything ' for you. ... ''
Uncle still looks at King Kip .. then gets abit uncomfortable. , and looks like one of his feelings has been hurt. They have. ... Because he might ' not ' see his eldest granddaughter's wedding when the day ' does ' come.
Uncle : '' .. ( as if ignorning King Kip's tone of voice and what he said ) Well that's not really .. what I meant ... ''
King Kip walks up to Uncle abit slowly as he talks right now. .. while Uncle moves back still looking at him. , who blinks at King Kip as if Uncle doesn't understand King Kip. .. but such horror is building up in his furry , old system so quickly.
King Kip : '' Well ' news flash ' Unc .. or one of my Desi's old grandparents. .. I don't ' care ' right now what you meant. .. ! .. the only thing ' I ' care about is Desi. .. my commitment as King to her , Indenius pride , the animals ' and ' cats. .. NOT whatever it is you're trying to tell me right now. ... ''
While Uncle pauses , King Kip growls abit at Uncle who ' still ' doesn't say anything right now. .. His long , furry tail curled up abit into the air. .. A sign ' rarely ' seen from him , but I can tell you that it ' only ' means that he's VERY upset. .. more upset than he ever has been .. or was before. All cats that know Kip .. know this. .. Mainly Queen Destiny , Tawny especially - for being his first , past , old , furry lover , - but it's .. ' really ' Irediseatiess and Daunnie. Any cat that gets King Kip very upset .. - like what ' should ' be advised for Uncle , should be ' very ' careful what he/she says to King Kip , what he/she does , his/her's approach and ' how ' he/she talks to him. ..
Because .. ' if ' not , it's ' un-predict-able ' what King Kip will do. .. Usually he'll fight out his feelings. .. almost ' nearly ' hurting a cat back in the cat infirmary. .. Not to mention if he ' has ' does this to cats in the Indenius pride. ...
Sadly for Uncle , no cat is around to hold King Kip back. ...
Uncle : '' Well .. I can't blame you for not caring .. * looks down at the dirt ground for a second , then back at King Kip * but I was hoping we could talk ... - ''
Interrupted by King Kip .. who shuts Uncle up.
King Kip : '' ' Talk ' ? ! .. ' talk ' about what exactly. ? .. - * closes his furry , deep , dark , neon green eyes as a way to calm himself down abit * * , then opens his furry eyes * Look , if you ' don't ' get to the point .. ' I ' will. ... ''
He growls abit more at Uncle rather impatiently.
Uncle : '' What point ? .. I-I .. just wanted - and hoped , to see my granddaughter again .. at your wedding. .. a-and to say a few words to her. .. since I obviously upset her. ... ''
King Kip : '' You ' got ' that right. ! .. you did. ' Now ' you'll be hearing from me about it. ... ''
Uncle : '' No. ! .. please your kind , furry majesty. .. I-I - I know I did ' alot ' of stuff .. for so many years in Sundaya .. that I'm NOT proud of. .. and I see that already. , but you have to understand - and I ' know ' you will .. since you're understanding as my Fluff says , that I didn't ' mean ' to do .. ' all ' that I have done .. to ' you ' personally when I didn't like that you always come to see my Fluff during cub and preteen days. .. To have thought so ' bad ' of you .. when I should've listened to Fluff in the first place , everything. ... ''
King Kip pauses then stops walking up to Uncle. .. Then jerks his furry head/face back abit to look at Uncle in thought of what he just said.
King Kip : '' ... ''
King Kip : * after a pause * '' .. Heh .. * soft , little chuckle in thought * I have always wanted to know ' why ' did you refuse .. to let me see Desi during those many cub days and preteen , cat days. .. - knowing that my Desi is fighting to want to see me .. just as much as I want to see her , but now that I thought about what you said .. and take a good , furry look at you. .. You're ' L-YING ' .. to me .. as if you're life depended on it. ! .. * Uncle widens his furry , gray eyes abit at him * There ' isn't ' anything good in you at all .. is there. .. ? ( almost soft and low toned ) Heh .. I didn't think so. .. You're only saying that because everything you've done in Sundaya .. is finally coming ' right ' back at you. .. and has backfired in front of your furry face. ... ''
Uncle : '' ... ! ''
King Kip : '' And ' now ' .. you're all alone. .. and don't have any cat. .. A friend in the world , a soul , nobody. ... ''
He frowns at Uncle as if in so much hatred.
Uncle : '' Well .. that isn't true. .. Because I have Flaunt. ... ''
King Kip looks at him as he cocks his furry head/face almost quickly in confusion. .. wondering ' why ' did he mention Flaunt - one of ' his ' life long , bestest , lion friends .. next to Irediseatiess and many other lions and lioness. Not known to crush a cat's hope left in the world , faith and trust. .. But now that it has come down to it , - what exactly he's about to do right now to Uncle , he doesn't care anymore. .. Or have any second thoughts that may hold him back.
King Kip softly chuckles in front of Uncle's furry face as he puts his furry head/face down. .. then stops to almost slowly lift his furry head/face back up to look at Uncle. But this soft chuckle .. ' isn't ' such a sweet , innocent and sugary sound Irediseatiess , Tawny , Queen Destiny .. and many other cats he knows , ' LOVVVVES ' to hear. .. It's a very mean , soft chuckle. .. that isn't about to give him any hope , faith , trust .. or anything ' good ' .. left in the world. .. Just like what Uncle did to him .. whenever wanting to continue seeing and being around his eldest granddaughter : Queen Destiny. .. Even as hard as ' trying ' to get his blessing for himself and Queen Destiny. .. before they get married .. the ' last ' time the three lions spoke. .. With Flaunti too.
He's just - as it seems , ' simply ' .. giving back what Queen Destiny's Uncle gave him. The joke is ' already ' on him right now. .. as ' hi-larious ' as it was and still is .. ten years ago.
King Kip : '' Flaunt .. ' isn't ' with you. .. he doesn't care anymore. .. He knows - just like the rest of us cats do , that you deserve everything you got happening to you ' right now. ' .. Right up to this point. .. He ' may ' have given you a sweet request .. that I already ' feel ' like I've .. regretted making coming true to you , but .. ' only ' because he had pity for you , felt bad for you and is tender hearted .. at times like this. .. But such second feelings - moods , that he ' use ' to have .. ' will ' pass. , and it won't be so long .. until he moves on with his life as a father. .. and with his sweet and considerate : Onaumi. .. and you'll be forgotten. , and no cat will visit you. .. ''
King Kip : ( gets soft toned fast ) '' As it should be. ... ''
' Another ' pause .. between Uncle and King Kip again.
King Kip looks away from Uncle .. to his right as he sighs abit softly .. remembering to not stress because of Uncle. , and not concern and convince Queen Destiny even ' more ' .. that he couldn't handle her Uncle himself like he said he could - and that he got it , to her and Daunnie before the lioness parted from them as lions .. and left.
Uncle sighs abit sad and hopelessly .. obviously knowing that both lions are still on the wrong paw. .. - that's number one , and King Kip refuses to end up .. being on good terms with him .. however it can be resolved. .. whatever kind of resolution , that's number two. .. But he won't worry though .. or lose hope , trust in Kinny or faith. .. he knew after ' all ' that has happened - after King Kip became King of Sundaya , all cats .. ' aren't ' going to be so happy with one another - as it is between himself and King Kip , and ' will ' continue to be hostile. .. even if it'll one day .. either be the death of a cat .. or kill a cat. .. Just as King Kip is acting right now to Queen Destiny's Uncle. ..
Though he would NEVER be like this .. like Tawny is mostly , but ' if ' King Kip has a reason to be .. then he ' will ' be. Hostile.
Uncle : '' ... ''
Still having enough of wasting time with Uncle , King Kip speaks up again.
King Kip : '' If ' this ' is how you want to act and be with me - as ' your ' King , than ' I'm ' not left with much of a choice .. to do what must be done. , ''
He keeps on walking to Uncle .. who continues to walk backward onto his old , furry , long fours. .. Can't look over both of his furry shoulders because he doesn't want to lose eye contact with King Kip. Knowing it's very important to look at a furry royal when you're talking to one - a furry , good sign of respect , because if you don't - going to a lion .. since it's different for a lioness , ' he'll ' be challenged by King Kip. ..
And this time .. he's gotten ' better ' at fighting other lions in the posidome as practice. .. and .. in other cat fights by an accident .. - in which greatly surprises Queen Destiny because Tawny is known for starting lion fights .. but still does , over these ten years .. that have ' already ' went by. Mainly taught by Queen Destiny - as always , as a Queen and master of the art .. on hunting , tactics , skills 'n drills , Irediseatiess watching and giving him advice .. anytime he does something wrong .. with Queen Destiny's gang. .. first with Queen Destiny as his opponent , most times with Irediseatiess - though he would blush abit red and is smirked at abit .. by Irediseatiess flirtatiously , other times with lioness in Queen Destiny's gang and random lions that are willing to be a practice , fighting opponent for him. .. Not knowing that Tawny and some of his lions were watching from the exit of the posidome. .. after taking a very long walk around Sundaya - and talking alot , that day.
- Once losing to Tawny .. ten years ago. , so chances are .. - and these are chances ' big ' , King Kip ' will ' give him a serious beat down. .. envying his youth .. and being abit strong and healthy than he is , and ' will ' definitely win against him .. back in the posidome , for all cats to watch. .. As in the ' entire ' Indenius pride. , no matter how ' cold ' - as Tawny to Touphy and Tum are , foul , twisted , cruelly amused ' and ' entertained , cats - even lioness like Queen Destiny , who wouldn't mind spending a few hours .. or more. , to watch Uncle get his furry , old , royal beating down - or even get jumped or on slaughtered , coming to him. .. as many cats in the Indenius pride hoped , wished and wanted Uncle to have such bad things happening to him. ..
And Uncle ' knows ' that Fluff ' will ' be cheering King Kip on .. and ' NO ' cat will either stop or break up any beat down , onslaught or fight for him.
When giving furry , eye contact to a royal as a lioness .. it doesn't mean anything bad or serious .. as much as it would for a lion. , but don't think that a cat would have it easy as it sounds ' and ' .. as it's coming off to be , because most lioness ' will ' come off very hostile - like Queen Destiny for example and they're very strong - looking like it too , fierce and ' if ' a lioness ' has ' to put a lion in his place .. or fight him at the posidome , she ' will. '
King Kip : ( raises his voice ) '' ' You're ' royal , furry reign .. is over .. and I ' don't ' want you to be let free .. so you can make a royal , old , furry mess of things as expected from you. ! .. Now that Flaunti and Ioan .. is out of the way , I ' won't ' have any MERCY .. but to give you ' H-ELLL ' , pain , torment , torture , a wild goose chase and bad fortune .. ( voice goes normal toned and low again ) just as you have given me .. all of those furry , many years. ... ''
He turns his furry head/face to his right .. away from Uncle while he stops walking. , to close his furry , dark , deep , neon green eyes abit to calm himself down again. .. and sighs alittle to himself in thought.
King Kip : * mutters abit to Uncle * '' .. You ' may not ' .. get to see my Desi ever again too. ... ''
Uncle widens his light , furry , gray eyes at King Kip .. in much panic , pain , heartache and torture .. at the horrid thought of not ' only ' seeing his granddaughter : Fluff , but Flaunti either. .. Or Onaumi's mother that he's been dating and been with for many years now. ... She'll wonder what has ever happened to him .. and may leave him because she can't wait for him forever. .. besides the fact that he knows she will. She just might leave quicker than he thinks.
Uncle : * gasps abit softly in some fear and panic * '' No. ! , I mean .. please ! .. your kind , furry majesty. , I-I ' want ' to see my dear , furry fluffy again. .. and my boy Flaunt. , a-and .. Onaumi's mother. ! .. since you know that I'm with her. .. I-I ' can't ' afford to have her waiting for me .. for as long as I'll be chained up. ... ''
King Kip pauses to ignore Uncle's pathetic , horrible - just horrible , begging as he almost slowly turns his furry head/face back to look at him. .. Who is already close .. up in his furry face from such begging. Light , furry , gray eyes .. having hope in them so strongly .. even after he knocked it out. .. it's just .. if he ' does ' allow him to keep his love life with Onaumi's mother - and love story , going .. seeing his Desi again , Flaunti to his grand cubs and to go to their royal wedding .. then Uncle would have all of the hope he needs.
His furry face reaction now half lidded in disinterest , not caring , would rather see Uncle chained up with Touphy and Tum by now .. and would rather be with Daunnie and his furry , most dearest Queen Destiny .. he's loved for so many years. .. and has finally got her - twice , all to himself. .. while happily watching their royal meeting go down .. oh so terribly - though abit good because at least he's with her , now that Tawny is ' still ' in Sundaya. Frowning so horribly because not only is Uncle invading his personal space. .. he's just not buying or taking ' any ' thought .. or feeling into Uncle's horrible begging right now.
.. I mean , ' should ' he ? No.
King Kip pauses again after he has opened his furry mouth to let out another soft sigh to himself.
King Kip : '' Well .. that's ' NOT ' .. my problem .. and you know that already. ... ''
While Uncle almost slowly looks away from King Kip .. to look into space , deep in his thoughts ; King Kip turns his furry head/face away from Uncle then starts to walk abit slowly .. at his own pace away from Uncle. On his way to the royal meeting where his Desi waits for his return , Daunnie , the rest of the royals , that random lion that laughs so high pitched , and probably .. more cats that are making their way there .. all this time the royals talking and ' now ' all this time ' he ' has been talking to Queen Destiny's Uncle.
Uncle still pauses .. and in a wild , rush wind of speed , he is standing in front of King Kip still all up in his furry face. .. and still invading his personal space. .. Blocking King Kip's walk way who almost quickly moves his furry head/face back abit in irritation and annoyance at Uncle. .. for ' still ' getting and hitting his nerves. .. and now finished with talking to him for today , still ready to cast him away from himself , his Desi , the royals , animals , and all cats .. within the Indenius pride Touphy and Tum : in chains.
Uncle : '' But ... ! .. I-it is ' now ' yours. ! .. as your kind , furry majesty. .. I'm not saying that you have to do this for me .. it's all of .. the few things ... that I am asking of you. .. * King Kip pauses to look at him - very thoughtfully , up and down in so much thought .. this time , actually considering .. or probably pretending to , what Uncle is trying to say to him * and I ' will ' be in chains - doing my furry time , for the rest of my life .. if that is truly what you ' really ' wish of me to take .. such an ill and permanent , life punishment. .. of mine ... ''
King Kip : '' ... ? ''
King Kip pauses again .. still looking at him and thinking some more in consideration - not pretending anymore , on what has Uncle said. .. He holds in another low , very annoyed growl at him .. because of not wanting to be left alone by him. .. and hoped that their conversation could've ended so much quicker .. as played in his furry head.
King Kip starts to walk up abit two steps in front of him .. then holds his furry , still , standing stance. With his furry head/face already leaned closer to Uncle. Still abit narrow eyed , frowning , and the tone in his voice ' still ' hasn't changed.
He ' almost ' raises his voice at Uncle. .. almost because of parts that Uncle has ' just ' said to him - in his furry face , a second ago.
This would stop Uncle from opening his furry mouth abit .. wanting to try to add something to what he said to King Kip , but he shuts up already hearing what King Kip's about to say .. he won't ' want ' to say what he wanted to say anymore. ...
King Kip : ( almost raising his voice ) '' If you ' think ' I'll show you any kindness after what ' youu ' have done to Sundaya , Desi and I's pride , - even her and myself entirely .. back in the past - .. huoohh .. '' * almost chuckling so unkindly .. it's very stank and nasty *
Uncle : '' ... ! ? ''
Uncle remains where he is standing. .. still looking King Kip in his furry eye , but such horror that has already spread through his long , old , furry system .. has made it's way though his light , furry gray eyes. .. ' Almost ' for once in his furry life .. he's abit scared , alittle intimidated , feeling belittled , and feel ' sooo ' beneath furry , royal : King Kip right now. .. He doesn't know what else could he be thinking and negatively having in mind for him. ... King Kip ' won't ' tip one of his furry paws .. just for him.
- The horror Uncle has is just scary. .. to add another way to describe just how much in ' horror ' - the kind of horror .. if possible , he is now being tormented verbally by King Kip right now. .. And he's not done yet. .. It's only just begun.
King Kip pauses .. while Uncle is ' still ' in horror of many , self thoughts right now. .. that such thoughts flee because of hearing the sound of King Kip's voice. Uncle moves back alittle .. as if into a stumble as the inside of his furry , old , long body is shaking wild like in negative anticipation.
King Kip : '' Well let's just say that I will either ' lose ' my kind aura because of you. ... or I may fail to know what kindness even ' means ' ( voice gets raised abit more louder ) when I see your troublesome , trivalent , and treacherous furry face again. ! ''
Uncle : '' ... ! ''
Uncle ' still ' doesn't say anything. .. he freezes in place. His long , furry , old body that was wild like shaking in negative anticipation .. has drained out all horror that is now literally spilling all over his furry face , fur , long , hind legs , front arms/paws , long tail , big ears , whiskers , snout , nose , and long , furry , gray eyes. .. Now he's at a point with King Kip .. whereas , he ' doesn't ' know how he feels right now. .. But it ' can ' be described .. as if Touphy and Tum are both working together to tug at his furry , long neck .. after being killed. , And now his long , furry , old body is being dragged around for hours .. for the furry brothers cruel entertainment. - blood and fur everywhere .. onto the dirt ground , and King Kip is sitting upright in his throne in the posidome .. watching Uncle's furry death being carried out .. since both brothers haven't had enough yet. ,
and Queen Destiny is now entering in the posidome .. quickly through the exit instead. .. almost quickly walking onto her long , furry two's to King Kip. .. questioning to him how has her Uncle's torture been for hours.
King Kip doesn't say anything after this. .. still staring at Uncle while huffing abit softly in some anger at him. Low growling abit some more all over again. Uncle still looks back at him wondering what he'll do next right after this .. now that they're horrible , very personal talk that Queen Destiny ' won't ' know about .. seems to be over. .. And neither lion is saying anything else. But Uncle's furry pupils still shake abit out of nervousness in front of King Kip. .. as the rest of his long , furry , old body .. can't seem to respond to King Kip's body language.
King Kip looks at Uncle this same , furry way .. as his way of wanting him to say something .. since he probably will - not to test him or rudely shut him up , but ' wouldn't ' know - as far as he has gotten , if he would have more to say to him .. or not. , since all of his furry feelings , mood swings , and unfinished , royal business .. have already been said to Uncle just recently. But as it looks like now .. he'll waste ' more ' time being in here with Queen Destiny's Uncle .. and may be late for the royal meeting. .. It is wise to just leave .. after he has had his long and ' angry ' say.
Uncle : '' ... ? ! ''
Why ? .. because Uncle ' still ' doesn't say anything .. to King Kip right now - not wanting to be talked down anymore than he was now by King Kip , and ' still ' hasn't gotten what he wanted - to attend the royal meeting , see Onaumi's Mom , see Queen Destiny and apologize to her , and see Flaunti and his grand cubs. Besides that , he doesn't want to upset King Kip any further than he already has. .. but still looks at him , not sure if it is ' really ' okay to say something back to King Kip or not.
After a ' mad ' , furry silence between Uncle and King Kip ,
King Kip turns his furry head/face to his right abit .. almost lifting his furry head/face up , then roars abit for Touphy and Tum. Touphy , who couldn't help but eavesdrop onto his furry , kind majesty and Uncle's conversation while Tum is almost close by the view. , with his big , furry head/face already turned over his right , furry shoulder to look at Touphy. .. after already hearing King Kip's roar.
All it took .. was King Kip's roar , to have Touphy and Tum both quickly trot back into Queen Destiny's royal , old , family den. .. reaching closer and closer to King Kip's left side - Touphy first then Tum , and then stops. .. both almost slowly getting onto their very long , furry two's .. almost at the same time. Both lions turn their furry , big heads/faces to look at Uncle who almost slowly looks back at Touphy and Tum .. after still looking at King Kip.
After a little second , Touphy turns his furry , big head/face to look back at King Kip. , talking right now as Tum almost slowly turns his furry , big head/face to look back at King Kip right now too.
Touphy : ( normal toned , still cold as usual ) '' .. You have called your kind , furry majesty. ? ''
Frowning. .. - no reason why , mostly into a still , furry frown that doesn't express any of his feelings.
Tum comes in to talk next .. not wanting to be left out in the conversation.
Tum : ( almost mistaken for being nice toned ) '' What is it. ? ''
King Kip : ( almost deadly , fierce , and brutal tone of voice .. changes back to normal yet upset ) '' Yes I have Touphy and Tum. .. I'll be taking my leave right now. .. I ' must ' be at that royal meeting with Desi , Daun , the other royals , the animals in Sundaya , .. and the pride. ''
King Kip looks back at Uncle .. as Touphy and Tum break furry , colored eye contact away from King Kip , then joins in a still , plain , furry stare at Uncle with King Kip right now. Into a little pause.
Then ,
King Kip : '' Chain him up as quick as you can .. and hurry your way to the royal meeting as well. .. * Touphy nods his furry , big head/face once in agreement at him * * after two seconds , Tum nods his furry , big head/face once in agreement at King Kip too * Everyone out there is waiting for us right now .. and we can't be late. ''
He turns his furry head/face away from Touphy to Tum and Uncle then starts to quickly trot ahead on his way to the exit of Queen Destiny's old , royal , family den. Touphy says something just as King Kip continues to trot his way ahead. .. very close by the exit where a fork in the stone , dry ground/path is.
Touphy : '' We will your , kind majesty. ... ''
Tum : '' Yes. .. we'll be prompt .. and punctual. ''
King Kip stops trotting then quickly turns his furry head/face over his right shoulder to look back at Touphy and Tum again.
King Kip : * small smiles alittle * * , then nods his furry head/face in agreement at Touphy and Tum * '' Good. , very good. .. * looks back at Uncle , though still sounding upset * And Unc , * Uncle blinks at King Kip as if in response * I'll think long and hard .. on those things that you want. ... ''
He turns away from Uncle and Touphy to Tum then runs right pass a corner and pass the short hallway to the right. Almost passing the first room in Queen Destiny's old , royal , family den where Flaunti , herself , and Uncle sleep together , eat , talk , chill , and many other things as a family.
After hearing Uncle repeat himself twice.
Uncle : '' Thank you .. your kind , furry majesty. .. Thank you. ... ''
King Kip : '' ... ''
Even though King Kip doesn't respond back to Uncle. , but huffs abit still upset at him while running. .. And is also ignoring Uncle too.
After Uncle talks , he still doesn't say anything right now .. in Queen Destiny's old , royal , family den with Touphy and Tum. He turns his furry head/face to look back at Touphy and Tum. .. who almost slowly takes their time to look back at Uncle .. after looking at the path and corner King Kip has took before he left. Was staring into space and in thought on what King Kip said too. Both furry , iceberg styled , chilly , blue and volcano , fiery , red eyes look into Uncle's furry , light gray , hopeful eyes as their furry looks are icy cold like shooting daggers sliced through every furry part of his furry , old , long body. .. and such bad and evil thoughts to schemes already fill both of the furry brothers furry , big heads .. with ' him ' in every thought and plan.
Uncle : '' ... ! ''
Uncle widens his furry , gray eyes abit at Touphy and Tum as he can hear himself gulp abit hard down his furry throat. .. almost so loudly that Touphy and Tum may hear his gulp. Abit narrow eyed , Touphy and Tum soft chuckles abit in : '' Heh .. heh's '' abit repeatedly and low .. but Uncle can still hear them , as both furry brothers abit slowly turn their furry , big heads/faces to look at one another in evil , furry , shared thoughts. Then looks back at Uncle. Touphy cracks his furry , big neck abit quickly to his left and right letting the sound of bones within his neck crackle so sickening. , while Tum re crackles his furry , huge knuckles from his furry , front paws then does a quick u-turn to stretch out his furry , big neck too. .. also letting the sound of bones within his furry , big neck have an even more sickening sound than Touphy's furry , big neck did.
Touphy : '' Heh .. heh ... ''
Tum : '' Ohh .. mmmh ... ''
Touphy : '' Heh ... - ''
Uncle could only pause and look at Touphy and Tum after their malice and mean soft , chuckles and snickers fill Queen Destiny's furry , royal , family den. .. and their laughs continue to echo until the two , furry brothers and lastly Uncle's furry , widened look out of horror , up close to his furry , gray eyes fades abit slowly away.
Uncle : '' ... ! ''
Between Tawny and Ioan ,
Both life long , furry friends ever since cubhood come dashing together onto their long , furry fours from out of the direction to where the royal meeting is now held. It turns out .. that both lions were almost nearly early when arriving there. .. Already a very , very large number of cats from the Indenius pride scattered everywhere .. and about in the area where the first King of Sundaya's usual whereabouts are. And were very annoyed and disliked lion twenty's loud , country accented mouth going all off about what happened into Queen Destiny's royal , old , family den where all of the royals were. .. Into a very interesting , furry , claw gripping story most cats sat upright to look at lion twenty eight and listen. , others disregard him .. turning away from him to talk to other cats in groups of two's , four's , six , and the number goes really high from there.
Still running and quickly leaping their way up many , stone steps that lead to Queen Destiny's royal , old , family den but take the long way like the way Tawny took .. before he arrived in her royal , old , family den with Ioan. Both male lions reach pass Queen Destiny and Flaunti's claustrophobic den , leaping onto a few more stone steps until they reach the top , stone ledge above her den where they can get a better , wider view of everything ahead in Sundaya. Seeing from Tawny's entrance to his territory , the short way to '' Hills 'n Splitvilles '' the royal thrones of not only the Guardian of Sundaya and the Queen , but King of Sundaya , second King ( understudy ) of Sundaya , Prince of Sundaya , and an extra throne of the Guardian of Sundaya's helper too. .. In which has obviously been under reconstruction and updated within the ten years that have already went by.
, and lastly seeing the beautiful , up close sunset that is almost like a small , white ball surrounded by darkish and bright yellow sun background with some white rays flashing or beaming bright yet harmlessly around nature , stone/dirt ground , rocks , grass and all in Sundaya.
Up top ,
Tawny stops running coming off into a light , easy jog ahead of Ioan. .. almost close to the edge of the stone ledge they're on , then sits upright to look up ahead at the beautiful , sunset view. Ioan slacking off abit , looks up at Tawny in thought after making his way up this stone ledge. , then slowly walks his way to Tawny reaching closer and closer to him until there is alittle bit of a gap between them. , then turns away from Tawny and sits upright to join him .. looking at the view together.
It's still quiet between them .. just like it still was when both lions ran back here onto Queen Destiny's royal , old , family den because both lions needed to talk to one another. As told from one of them back in her den , before all of the royals started to talk about serious , royal business.
Knocked out of his thoughts , Ioan overhears Tawny sigh abit softly to himself as he almost slowly puts his furry head/face down in thought .. with his furry , very light , hazel eyes closed.
Ioan almost quickly turns his furry head/face to look at Tawny .. as if he heard him say something. Then blinks at him abit a few times for no reason.
Then he speaks. , not realizing his voice is coming off so soft in front of Tawny .. but normal toned.
Ioan : '' Why did you do that. ? ''
Tawny pauses still feeling Ioan look plainly at him in question. , furry , colored eyes still blinking at him. Tawny still pauses then rather slowly turns his furry head/face to look Ioan into his furry , clear , nice looking face for a lion .. and furry , colored eyes.
Furry , very light , hazel eyes always looking deep , mysterious , and you could say : '' hooked '' into a cat's furry face and furry eyes. In a ferocious , " I don't want to be bothered '' cold way.
.. Often mistaken to be looked at from a cat .. in a very fierce and hostile way , like a cat has done something wrong to Tawny. Or like Tawny has something against that cat.
Tawny : ( normal toned , oddly calm ) '' Did what I. ? ''
Ioan looks abit up and down at Tawny in thought then looks as if he either had a brain fart .. or doesn't know what he was ' about ' to say to Tawny.
Ioan : '' You know ' what ' Tawn. * Tawny arches his right , furry , black eyebrow at him in confusion , mistaken to be play pretend .. and not really caring what Ioan is saying to him right now * .. I thought you knew. ''
Tawny smirks abit at Ioan in ' some ' amusement. What amusement from out of Ioan you ask ? Don't know.
Tawny : '' Knew ' what ' ? .. ( said as if he didn't know ) as in Kippy hon. ? ''
Ioan : ( almost raising his voice ) '' Yes Tawn. ! .. Must you always pretend and act stupid .. any time a cat asks you a question. ? ''
Tawny chuckles abit softly at Ioan's question.
Tawny : '' .. You already ' know ' the answer to that question already I. .. Don't you look at me like I'm suppose to give you an answer. ''
Ioan pauses at Tawny. .. almost looking offended or caught off guard at what Tawny said. Who has already turned his furry head/face away from him .. after looking at Ioan then still continues looking at the view.
Ioan : '' I ' still ' need an answer on ' why ' did you do that to Kip. ? ''
Tawny almost slowly turns his furry head/face to look back at Ioan. Obviously not looking like he cares at all .. what Ioan is now saying to him.
Tawny : '' Why not. ? ''
He shrugs his furry , shoulder bones once at Ioan then chuckles abit softly some more in thought of what he '' did '' to King Kip back at the royal meeting.
Ioan : '' Because you're ' with ' a lioness now .. and you know that. ''
Tawny : '' ONLY for the time being anyways. .. I don't even know anymore. * almost slowly looks back at Ioan * If it's even for love too. ... ''
Ioan widens his furry , colored eyes abit at what Tawny just said to him. Who isn't looking at him right now , still at the view in his thoughts again some more. Just thinking abit on how exactly does Tawny being with a lioness '' for the time being .. ' if ' it's for love '' even sounds. .. He knows Tawny has screwed up right then and there .. and is known for doing that to too ' many ' lioness in the Indenius pride and Sundaya. .. And ' now ' that he's with Igie for some reason - was with her in the past before , and it ' has ' been heard around Tawny's collision those ten years when Tawny was ' out ' of Sundaya at '' Juviselle Dawn '' .. he knows that he'll be using Igie in a way , wanting her for her furry , long body and taking an interest in ' some ' stuff she likes doing to her personality , trying to own her - like he did with Kip , getting back at King Kip , and to not only make Queen Destiny jealous. .. but give ' him ' her undivided attention.
, and screw up her mind too.
But why ?
Ioan couldn't help but ask ...
Ioan : '' Then ' why ' are you with Igie then. ? .. since ' when ' did you ever love that lioness as much as you love Desi. ? ''
Tawny looks at Ioan .. almost looking as if annoyed or that he's sticking his furry snout abit too much .. into his furry , love life.
Tawny : '' Do not ' worry ' since when did Igie .. become the main , current lioness in my life. .. I ' do ' love her alittle bit .. but not as much as dawl and Kippy hon. .. You already ' know ' dawl .. will be my dream dawl .. and a lioness I ' will ' keep fighting for ' until ' she gives me ' another ' chance .. like she has once in the past. .. ''
Ioan pauses and still looks at Tawny. .. not knowing what to say.
Ioan : '' ... ''
Tawny : '' But Kippy hon .. I want ' more ' of a chance currently than dawl. .. I can ' always ' have dawl as a last option .. but until then , I'll need to get ' closer ' to Igie .. in order to get to dawl. .. then bounce abit with Kippy hon .. until he knows just how serious I am. ... ''
He turns his furry head/face to look ahead at the view again.
Ioan : '' As in .. give Kip the hardest time you ' ever ' gave him .. until he no longer thinks that he needs to see you in a different light as a lion .. in order to give you a second chance. ''
Tawny looks back at Ioan then smiles abit at him. .. But it's not a pleasant , furry smile. Just mysterious and mean for now. ..
Tawny : '' That is ' exactly ' it. ... ''
Ioan pauses alittle .. still feeling Tawny look at him , knowing he'll ask him another question again. Tawny's right. .. Ioan will ask him another question.
Ioan : '' What about Igie. ? ''
Tawny : '' What's up with ' you ' .. coming off soft on the big , old guy with Flaunt. ? ''
Ioan almost widens his furry , colored eyes as his furry head/face moves back abit with strong feeling. .. and almost at offense on what Tawny said to him. Tawny grins at him , obviously catching .. either a nerve from Ioan .. or has already pushed one of Ioan's buttons. Then arches that same right , furry , black eyebrow at Ioan in confusion on why is Ioan looking at him this way. .. and is so confused why is Ioan acting this way towards him.
Ioan : '' ... ( abit soft toned ) Um .. ''
Ioan almost slowly looks away from Tawny to his right in thought of what Tawny said. , while Tawny softly laughs - this time , at Ioan's furry behavior. A very , very nice and sweet , little laugh that doesn't fit his hostile , stotic , and cold personality. Or how cold , mischievous , mysterious , tricky , jealous , almost attention seeking , allure , soft , seductive spoken , and overly dominant he is. .. ' Almost ' alike from his father : Red. , Tawny always ' hating it ' when cats - especially like Blankey , Ioan , Fuse , Spark , big O , Slyimore or Zipett constantly tells him that he is soo much alike from his spoiled , rotten , very unruly , violently abusive , temperamental , very tricky , riot starting , fight starting , ferocious , snappy , has much attitude alot and very , very cold hearted father.
If you ever heard Tawny's laugh , you wouldn't think that Tawny could be such a cold and hostile lion like he always is.
Tawny : '' You know in my collision .. ' no ' cat has a chance to survive ... coming off as soft as you were I. ... ''
Ioan softly chuckles at what Tawny said.
Ioan : '' You were soft before .. almost ' lots ' of times .. with your father. ... ''
Tawny low growls abit at Ioan mentioning his royal , furry father's name.
Then as he does low growl abit some more , Tawny quickly swings his furry head/face to look back at Ioan away from the view again. , His very light , furry , hazel eyes shining in pent up anger and almost uncontrollable rage , so much hatred for his royal , furry father. Forgetting about his mother that just ' had ' to marry him.
Tawny : ( almost raising his voice , only in thought of his father ) '' .. Well ' such times ' like that don't count. * abit narrow eyed now , as he almost slowly turns his furry head/face away from Ioan again to look at the view * Not or ' never ' to mention those times he violently abused me .. much days , severely cold or rainy nights .. all ' because ' of Fuss ( family nickname from Fuse ) and Burn ( family nickname from Spark ) having nothing else better to do .. with their spare time , but to cause riots , trouble and cat fights while I wasn't around. .. Just to have peace and quiet to myself. , ''
Tawny : '' Well .. ' mainly ' Burn .. while Fuss would stick around him just in case something bad happens. .. In which ' does ' .. that I ' don't ' know about until they nag me about it when they return back to our family den. .. * Ioan blinks at him , almost with widened , furry , colored eyes looking like he wish that he hasn't mentioned his father to him right now * * , used to him speaking so cold and hatefully about his father .. though that's not ' really 'or ' entirely ' one of the emotions Tawny feels for his father * He did ' all ' of that violent abuse to me for his ' own ' cruel entertainment .. screw my mother's weak minded and sensitive opinion about only doing that to me .. was because my father had strong , good intentions for me. .. and had so much tough love for me ' more ' than Fuss 'n Spark. ''
Ioan pauses .. still not knowing what to say to Tawny right now. But it is always best for him to say something when Tawny goes on so cold and hatefully like this. .. It mostly is his own , odd way of wanting comfort and help to not always feel this way for his father. .. Since he still ' does ' love his father alittle bit in much ways .. that words cannot describe. Especially how stubborn Tawny is to admit it. .. It's better than not saying anything .. in which will make him feel as if no cat is paying any attention to him.
Ioan : '' Tawny ... ''
Tawny : * ignores Ioan with another cruel , low growl at him to shut him up * * Ioan widens his furry , colored eyes abit In some offense at Tawny , while quickly moving his furry head/face away from Tawny * * , then blinks at Tawny in thought and looks into space , still listening to Tawny right now * * looks back at Ioan in anger , though only for his father * ( raises his voice ) '' NO I. ! , * Ioan pauses * - well it's too bad that I ' didn't ' see any of his so called '' good 'n strong '' intentions for me .. like she always thought he had ... the ' last ' time she talked to me ten years ago. .. and all of those times I remember back in our furry , royal past as a family. She just didn't care - gave up on me , and you and I ' both ' know that. ! ''
Ioan : '' ... ! ''
Ioan still pauses looking at Tawny. .. obviously have not only .. hit ' most ' of his nerves , but such feelings he held back from his spoiled , rotten , royal and overly dominant family .. it must've been ' more ' than too much for him. .. as the eldest , first son born in his family. What Ioan said ' was ' abit of a joke .. that Tawny could ' always ' be in the mood to take , but it's always normal that not only him .. but most lions in his collision always bring up his father to him. .. used to always hearing him sound so hateful , cold and with pent up anger .. but ' wasn't ' expecting that today would be the day that Tawny would snap like a twig. .. Much like how Queen Destiny would act once she snaps. .. Speaking of her right now though .. is with good reason. , because she knew that this would happen and is the ' only ' lioness that doesn't nag or nitpick Tawny like this .. especially at the mention of his royal , furry parents. , definitely knowing that he hates the mention of his father's name , family and mother .. since both of his furry brothers have fled since the hyena invasion. .. and now he's been here in Sundaya for years ever since.
Still ' stuck ' with his furry , royal family's history. .. and having way too many negative memories his royal , furry family all put him through. .. and have already been put through .. as a family.
Ioan doesn't bother arguing with Tawny .. about his family knowing that he'll snap even ' more ' than he already has. .. and if he keeps at it with Tawny , he's going to walk or run away from him. So here we are , he makes sure he doesn't think about his thoughts that may involve his family , his furry , two brothers and his father in a certain way. .. like what he last said before Tawny snapped.
So here goes nothing. ...
Ioan : '' Okay Tawn. .. you're right , ''
even though he really feels that Tawny ' isn't ' right about what he said about his parents , mostly his mother and father. .. The rest of what Tawny said about his two , furry brothers : Fuse and Spark .. he's right. But Tawny won't know that he really doesn't agree with him. , he doesn't want Tawny walking or running away .. even ' before ' the rest of the royal meeting starts.
Ioan : ( still lying ) '' you and I ' do ' know that. .. - I guess .. the reason ' why ' I came off soft back there towards the Guardian of Sundaya was because .. I felt bad .. and sorry for him. .. Knowing that if he ' did ' get chained up , then Flaunti won't be able to see him. .. o-or Desi too. ... ''
Tawny pauses still looking at Ioan. .. his furry , very light , hazel eyes that were once filled with uncontrollable rage , so much hatred and pent up anger .. now cool off abit. .. With another deep sigh to himself as he turns his furry head/face away from Ioan. .. to the view , but doesn't look ahead , and puts his furry head/face down while closing his furry , very light , hazel eyes.
Ioan still blinks at Tawny. .. as he watches Tawny shake his furry head abit in much overwhelming thoughts , feelings held back and emotions possible .. not knowing what to feel anymore .. if another lion in his collision almost playfully mentioned his family or father's name again. Tawny lifts his furry head/face - after a pause , while opening his furry , very light , hazel eyes again that still shine with usual mischief and mysteriousness. The only thing that he ' does ' think right now .. is he already ' knows ' that Ioan is lying to him. .. because of .. as many times as Ioan playfully mentions his parents and family to him in arguments , he knows Ioan's opinions almost repeatedly .. it could be repeated so many times in his furry head.
He ' knows ' that his father had strong , good intentions for him .. but he wasn't able to see that yet. He ' knows ' that his father ' did ' have so much tough love for him .. and equally for Fuse and Spark .. but his mother didn't know what else to do with him anymore. .. How to handle his strangely hostile and cold personality .. that has been mistaken for years , - that she didn't understand , because when he acts that way towards his father - mostly , it was assumed from his mother that he'd have something strongly against his father. Then his ' mother ' would tell his father. .. If acted to his mother , he is just flat out rude to her. , and if acted to his furry , two brothers : Fuse and Spark .. that's very normal , brotherly bonding. .. Since Fuse and Spark are abit like him , but not so much though. Just to mention much of Ioan's opinions that he always tellsTawny whenever they argue back then at times. .. Tawny could go on forever. .. ' that's ' how he knows.
Tawny almost slowly turns his furry head/face to look back at Ioan. .. Looking all his serious , cold and with much attitude , furry self. His tone of voice still normal and oddly calm again.
But he won't tell Ioan right now .. that he's lying to him.
Tawny : '' Mmm ... * nods his furry head/face once in fake agreement once at Ioan * Hmm .. - Well if we both are being '' honest '' with each other , * Ioan gulps abit hard while still nodding his furry head/face abit in weak encouragement .. while smiling abit weakly * * , knowing that Tawny already knows he's lying to him .. whenever he puts air quotes on a word .. and he can already hear how the word sounds * then I don't know what will happen to Igie after this. .. Do you think Blank knows any of what I told you. ? .. or could at least guess ... ''
Ioan : ( still in thought on what Tawny said to him ) '' Mmm ... ? ''
Tawny : '' Wherever he is ... ''
He looks ahead at the view again .. now in thought of Blankey instead of his spoiled , furry , royal family. Or anything else that ' was ' on his mind before.
Ioan : ( normal toned and low ) '' Well I can say that Blankey .. would ' definitely ' guess some of this. ... Except the part of you wanting Kip again. .. even if you're with Igie now ... ''
Tawny : ( in more thought of Blankey than before ) ( uneasy and unhappy because of Blankey ) '' Heh .. yeah. .. even if he ' still ' doesn't support Kip and I ... ''
He sighs abit softly again .. under some stress , as he puts his furry head/face down again then shakes it some more in front of Ioan again.
Ioan notices how uneasy and unhappy he is .. because of the tone in his voice , when he chuckled abit weakly and when he sighed abit to himself. Tawny almost always does that when he is under stress , uneasy or unhappy.
Ioan : ( abit firm toned ) '' Tawny ... ''
Tawny almost quickly lifts his furry head/face to look at Ioan again. His furry , very light , hazel eyes wanting him to talk already , letting him know that he's listening. Ioan understood.
Ioan : '' Blank ' will ' come to support you in the near future. .. just not right now ... and you've ' got ' to try to put your furry , hind legs and paws into ' his ' .. in order to understand how ' he ' feels about this. .. It isn't healthy for you to act this way towards Kip. .. already ' knowing ' that Kip is with Desi. .. ''
Tawny sighs abit again in understanding to what Ioan just said while looking away from him. .. to his right. NOT at the view this time.
Ioan : '' Now .. you may strongly ' think ' that it's not that Desi and Kip deserve each other .. ' but ' just that you deserve Kip. .. and I can already see that you can't .. seem to live without Kip. Well you can , but ' can't ' get him out of your mind .. is what I mean ... ''
Tawny almost slowly looks at Ioan .. feeling comforted , but he won't tell Ioan. But he is showing that he's comforted , so Ioan already knows.
Tawny : '' But I'm ' still ' going to do it ' my ' way .. that I've already told you. ... ''
Ioan : '' About giving Kip even ' more ' of a hard time ? , trying to give Miss Desi your undivided attention AND using Igie in many , bad ways told .. but yet you still love her alittle bit. ... ''
Tawny : '' Yes. ... ''
He nods his furry head/face abit in agreement at Ioan , but this time .. it isn't in fake agreement. Just strong and positive.
Ioan : '' Wow. .. this ' really ' is going to hurt Igie. * Tawny blinks at him , still listening * And you know that right. ? ''
Tawny : '' Of course I do. .. yet she'll NEVER be as much of a lioness as dawl will be. .. She needs more of a backbone and attitude like dawl. .. I feel like I'm either walking all over her , easily persuading her and bossing her around too much. ... ''
Ioan smiles abit happily at Tawny. .. then softly chuckles at what he said about Igie. Tawny submits , joining along with Ioan's soft chuckles. Always loving and cherishing their furry , heart to heart talks like this. .. At least always having that ever since cub hood. And that ' Ioan ' wasn't a lion that has fled from the hyena invasion like most of Tawny's lions in his collision did.
Ioan : '' That's because she ' isn't ' the lioness that you're looking for. ... She ' really ' isn't the one you ' thought ' you loved and wanted ... ''
Tawny looks at him as if he light up like a lightbulb. , but in strong understanding. Because Ioan absolutely ' is ' right about Igie.
Tawny : '' That's right. .. I mean I love her spirit , zest , energy , that she is always there for me .. and she helps me through hard times we have together. .. but , dawl has ' always ' had everything that I'm looking for in a lioness and you know that already. .. I'll always keep loving her .. even if she ' used ' to love me back in the past .. and now , just doesn't love me anymore. ... ''
Ioan : '' You mean right now Tawn .. you drive her crazy. .. You're annoying , obsessive , blinded by ' true ' love and you refuse to leave her alone ... ''
Tawny : * laughs abit softly again * '' Yeah .. that's exactly how dawl feels about me. .. no matter how cold , rude , very difficult and mean her opinion is .. that's just the strong drive that keeps me going for her. ... ''
Ioan : '' What you have for her Tawn. .. ? .. Is beautiful. It ' makes ' love beautiful. ''
Tawny looks back at Ioan again. , then almost smiles abit at him , but does blush very red at him because of Queen Destiny.
Tawny : '' Well .. at least when I love , I love like I have NEVER loved before. .. And yes , I'm selfish , possessive and I would always try to own my lover. .. But I don't want to share my lover with any cat. .. He or she is ' my ' territory. .. I want that cat .. all to himself. .. and to love him/her forever. .. and I'll make it that long if I have to. .. * looks away from Ioan , then ahead at the view again * Just like what my father did to my mother .. even though their marriage had so many problems , it was always hard and doubtful - to Fuse and Spark , for me to tell them .. whether our royal parents were going to get a divorce .. and ' try ' to split us all apart like they did before in our past. , or to stay in their marriage .. for ' our ' sake. .. ''
Ioan : '' And that's a ' good ' thing about your royal , furry family .. rather than a negative memory. * Tawny almost slowly turns his furry head/face to look at him , almost wanting to smirk abit at him because he's right * * , then does smirk abit at Ioan * .. Right Tawny ? ''
Tawny stops smirking abit at Ioan then just softly chuckles abit at him again. Then nods his furry head/face abit three time in agreement at him.
Tawny : '' Yeah I. .. it is ... ''
Ioan : '' Mm-hmm .. ''
It gets quiet again between the two , life long friends as Tawny gets up to stretch his furry , long back until he is on his long , furry two's. , while Ioan almost slowly turns his furry head/face to look at Tawny. Then turns his furry face and long , furry body to Tawny and walks up abit closer to Tawny onto his long , furry two's.
Tawny stops stretching while turning his furry head/face to look back at Ioan again. .. almost up and down in thought.
Tawny : ( normal toned , yet playfully ) '' .. You ' dare ' tell me that I'm soo much alike from my father I. ? ''
Ioan smiles abit .. happy that Tawny still always ' does ' take this joke. .. even though he snapped , but he understands exactly how Tawny feels. , knowing that what Tawny said and felt ' had ' to come out soon or later. .. But in such a good way , Tawny's need to snap came out soon .. VERY soon , so nothing will come out of Tawnys furry mouth ' later. '
Ioan : ( normal toned , and playfully too ) '' I dare little light. ... ''
Tawny smiles abit at his old , furry nickname so many of his lions in his collision , Queen Destiny , and King Kip knows already. .. then chuckles abit softly at Ioan's playful and usual behavior in front of him.
First , he pauses.
Tawny : '' .. I'll NEVER forget how much nerve you've ' got ' I. ... ''
He furry shoulder bumps Ioan .. who greatly accepts their usual , furry shoulder bump greeting. Always knowing to pat one another onto the opposite of each other's furry , shoulder bones.
Ioan laughs at Tawny. .. who chuckles abit in return warmly. , just as both lions let go of their furry , usual shoulder bump then take a step back away from one another.
Ioan : '' And I'll NEVER forget how cold and how open you get when you talk about your '' feelings '' little light. ''
Tawny playfully low growls at Ioan. , after making Ioan flinch .. who moves back two more steps away from Tawny then starts to laugh at him.
Tawny laughs more softly at Ioan's furry reaction .. successfully making him flinch too.
Tawny : ( normal toned , playfully ) '' ' Don't ' you go there with me I. ... ''
Ioan laughs abit at Tawny some more who playfully speed walks his way to him. , as Ioan moves back more quickly away from Tawny. .. Ready to wrestle it out with him .. in his usual , favorite wrestling moves on Ioan.
Ioan : '' But it's true. ! , for such a cold lion .. you have a-lot of warm , sweet and '' fuzzy '' feelings. ... ''
Smirking abit at him in a way to playfully provoke him.
Provoking Tawny works. .. he low growls more playfully at Ioan who is already far away from Tawny as possible , laughing at him some more .. but ' still ' onto the stone ledge. .. expecting Tawny to still speed walk his way over to him - try to give chase , but Tawny remains standing where he is.
Tawny : ( normal toned , but more playful ) '' Okay I. .. you got me there. .. But you have to come back anytime soon ... ''
He turns away from Ioan then starts walking to where the stone steps are .. so he can get off of the stone , very long ledge that is above Queen Destiny's royal , old , family den. .. Mainly below Queen Destiny and Flaunti's old , claustrophobic den since cub hood.
Ioan still looks at Tawny while pausing. .. not knowing whether Tawny is ' still ' playing with him , this is a trap or not. .. So he starts to walk abit slowly after Tawny while speaking. , almost raising his voice at him.
Ioan : ( normal toned , still playful ) '' What you going to do with me little light ? ''
Tawny : '' I ' was ' going to think of something , but just for being soft .. see you at lion initiation when you and I go see how my collision of lions .. is holding up after ten years. ... ''
Ioan gasps abit as if dramatically as Tawny softly chuckles at him. .. all Ioan can see is Tawny's long , furry tail after already hopping off of the stone ledge and now on the first step. , turning his way to the second , stone step in front of him. Though Ioan can still hear his voice.
Ioan : '' Nah Tawn. ! , noo. ! * Tawny softly laughs some more at Ioan * - there's ' no ' way I'm doing lion initiation. ! .. Just for trying to help Uncle out ? ''
Tawny : '' Exactly. ... ''
He hops off of the second , stone step then truts into a light jog away from the stone steps right behind the wide , thick , dark entrance of Queen Destiny and Flaunti's claustrophobic den. Lifting his furry head/face to look up at Ioan who is still up from above the large , stone ledge.
Ioan : '' But Flaunt felt the same way too. ! ''
Tawny : '' Now you ' know ' .. that Flaunt don't count. ... ''
Ioan laughs abit at how messed up Tawny made it sound. Tawny grins abit in amusement at Ioan. , who is now taking his slow time to hop off of the two , stone steps that lead from above that large , stone ledge then is now on ground , stone ledge with Tawny. , still behind the entrance of Queen Destiny and Flaunti's claustrophobic den.
Ioan changes the topic quickly. No particular or specific reason why.
Ioan : '' Are we walking our way back to the royal meeting .. or running. ? ''
Ioan walks his way slowly abit to face Tawny from up close. , who is looking at his surroundings now. Not seeing any cat inside Queen Destiny and Flaunti's claustrophobic den. He knows Touphy and Tum must've taken big , furry , old guy with them .. to get ahold of a chain and ' then ' come back here to chain him up. .. Also knowing that really good looking , furry , King Kip's face pops up into his furry head .. seeing his furry , sugary sweet curve of a smile he always has when saying : " Hi '' to any cat like him for example. .. That King Kip must've finished the royal , furry job. Almost wanting to blush abit red because of King Kip.
Why .. he didn't think that King Kippy hon had it in him ...
Tawny looks quickly back at Ioan after taking in all of his surroundings. , and smelling cat scents of all furry royals , Touphy to Tum and big , old , furry guy. His way of saying : dawl's Uncle. Or dry , old lion.
Tawny : '' You know I always prefer running I. .. what did you think I'd choose between those two options. ? ''
He turns away from Ioan .. returning back to back to his cold , mean , with attitude and mysterious , furry self. .. It's as if when he accidentally snapped at Ioan , it never happened. To Ioan , it's amazing how Tawny changes and recovers quick and emotionally like that. ..
Tawny starts to run into a light jog reaching closer and closer to the stone edge.
Ioan : '' I know you always do Tawn. .. but for me ? , I was kind of hoping that we should walk and quickly jog there together. ... ''
He too , starts to lightly jog after Tawny. , trying to catch up to him. But instead turns right pass the corner of Queen Destiny and Flaunti's claustrophobic den then makes his way through half of the short hallway.
All we can see is a multi , white trail that ends from there .. onto the edge of the stone ledge. , up to Tawny's colored claws who is now hanging then lets go. Lands onto another stone ledge from below then turns away from the stone wall and starts running and hopping over stone ledge to ledge. Raising his voice so that Ioan from above can hear him.
Tawny : '' You ' either ' .. must think we're taking a nice walk in Sundaya. .. or want to be late for the royal meeting where the rest of the royals , dawl , the pride and animals are expecting us. ... ''
Ioan hops his way down from above. .. then sticks the landing to another stone ledge below where Tawny is now running and hopping pass him. Then he turns away from Tawny and takes another different path to his right .. besides so many paths in front of him. , talking as himself and Tawny keep on running and hopping abit together onto more stone ledges. , getting much further and further close by the royal throne area , the entrance to Tawny's territory , the short , grassy path to '' Hills 'n Splitvillies '' and to the right , rocky path ahead where Queen Destiny's royal tower is.
Their voice getting louder and louder into the still , abit windy air. .. still during sunset.
Ioan : '' No. .. but running isn't agreeing with me right now ... ''
Tawny softly laughs at what Ioan just said to him. , as if ignoring what he heard from Ioan.
Ioan : '' No Tawn. ! , I'm serious. .. ''
Tawny turns his furry head/face to look at Ioan as the two lions are still running.
Tawny : '' Really I. ? , I didn't realize ... ''
Ioan almost slowly turns away from Tawny then ahead of where both lions are running of to. , playfully sucking his teeth in some annoyance at Tawny as he is still softly laughing at his behavior.
Ioan : '' ... ''
Ioan : '' When ' do ' you realize .. when I'm serious Tawn. ? ''
Tawny : '' When we talked back there. ... ''
Ioan : '' That's between us ? ''
Tawny : ( sounding abit serious ) '' It oughta be. ... ''
Returning to the area that is one of the first King of Sundaya's favorite , royal whereabouts ,
As before .. all furry royals within the second , initial collision nowadays - except Queen Destiny , sit upright near by one another onto that same , high , stone ledge from left to right. The loud yet faint and echo like cheering coming from the animals in Sundaya. .. to the cats in the Indenius pride can be heard. , still cheering and giving royal respect to all furry royals first. Queen Destiny stood onto her long , furry fours by a rather large , open gap where all animals and cats within her Indenius pride surround her abit in style. .. Whether on furry , long or short fours , onto just their furry , hind two's with other lioness cubs below. Near by each other - brother , sister , twin or otherwise , behind their parents furry , hind legs no matter long or short. ,
also cheering for Queen Destiny the most .. always giving her royal respect and attention she doesn't really need .. but deserves. In all audible ness - without dialogue , a familiar snarl is heard as all furry cats - not the furry royals , quickly turn their furry heads/faces from behind. .. and making way for a male lion and most of his lions within his collision that has left and fled from Sundaya ten years ago. .. At first , all cheer , happy noise , and chatting from the furry royals dies out. .. from the many , many lions in the Indenius pride as Tawny takes his time strutting his way through with his lions. , onto his long , furry fours while repeatedly but almost slowly turning his furry head/face to look at any cat and cub .. that gives him furry , eye contact back. Even the animals that still cheer abit. .. but rather softly and it's ' still ' heard in the background.
Furry faces spread with much shock , amazement , and a wild rush of mixed feelings .. because of Tawny's return. .. Tawny doesn't pay much mind to so many furry looks onto many , many cats in the Indenius pride's faces. , as he passes by Queen Destiny with her left , furry paw onto her left , widened hip. .. and her furry , body weight is already shifted onto her left , furry , widened , hind leg. He looks at her in usual , seductive interest with his usual up and down , furry stare as she doesn't smirk or grin so challenging to him as she always does. Just into a still , cold frown because of his return and his so called '' royal '' position he thinks he has EVERY cat in Sundaya .. AND the Indenius pride believing. Most of Tawny's lions that are abit spaced out yet orderly , are also strutting their furry stuff while low growling abit and snarling as if to intimidate other cats in the Indenius pride. , but just to let other cats near by .. know of Tawny's return and ' if ' they don't want any trouble , don't go searching for it whenever these cats see them.
As Tawny passes by Queen Destiny while almost slowly turning his furry head/face ahead , such surprising cheering returns from most cats in the Indenius pride because of Tawny. Obviously missing him for ten years - ' that ' long , and relieved to see him still as the spoiled 'n rotten like , mean , and cold royal he always was in the past. .. And the lions in his collision have heard and told much cats about Tawny's return in Sundaya. .. And then ' still ' through surprise , the animals in Sundaya cheers get more louder , sure , and comfortable .. now that so many cats in the Indenius pride are now still cheering for Tawny and his lions so wildly. , still sitting upright already throwing their furry heads/faces to roar in royal honor of Tawny. Or remain standing onto their furry fours to call out Tawny. , cubs from below upright mew .. unaware of such happy commotion .. coming from so many cats from up above as all their view is furry , big bodies of other cats and millions of furry , hind legs from all directions. Some lioness mothers looking down onto their cubs to pay attention to them , others ignore.
Queen Destiny ' still ' comes off surprised at how quickly she hears such happy , royal , and honorable cheers that are just for Tawny and his lions. .. obviously expecting ' most ' cats to be hostile .. as in : growl , snarl , or roar at Tawny. , demanding and questioning his return in Sundaya. ' Why ' wasn't he with all of the other furry royals these ten years that went by. , ' why ' did he fled from Sundaya. .. all of his royal , furry business. Then after such demands and questions , it would break out into a scrap or a fight in a hurry. But as much as she felt the same way as many , many cats in her pride did just recently - you can say it may be a grudge , she ' did ' miss Tawny .. and already knows that this is ' still ' their royal , shared kingdom no matter ' how many ' times Tawny was exiled out of Sundaya.
And as Tawny and his lions ' still ' walk their way to the same , high ledge where the other furry royals are - yes , future prince Flaunti too , the many , many cats in the Indenius pride walk up abit onto either their furry , short or long fours to fill up the space and ever so large gap that Tawny and his lions took up. .. then continues to call Tawny out onto their furry , short or long fours. Or sit upright throwing their furry heads/faces roar more at Tawny , cub sit upright or stand to mew as loud as they ' if ' for Tawny , and now .. repeatedly bow from an upright position then bow until furry chins touch the dirt ground and keep on repeating the process.
From the entrance of this area , Touphy and Tum come running their way over to the overly large crowd of animals from the left side to right side abit .. while the many , many cats from the Indenius pride take up all of the space in the middle - also around the large gap where Queen Destiny is , and even late comers that come walking their way through the crowd of cats at the last minute hearing late about Tawny's return. From the back of the Indenius pride , Touphy and Tum come to a stop from running then sits upright together and - starting late , starts to throw their furry , big heads/faces back to roar at King Kip into the abit windy air of sunset .. first giving his royal respect to him. , and to let him know their way to devote most of their furry time , - not so much , but enough time , energy , and some of their life to serve him as royal guards. , and to obey and respect his every command possible. , then roars more in royal respect for Queen Destiny and lastly the rest of the royals too.
Even as much as the furry brothers can't stand Tawny , they both still roar him on abit. At least pretending too , though would NEVER roar for Tawny in such a good way like this.
Wildebeest : '' ... ! '' * Hmph's ! * * , rather nonchalantly as before .. but still cheering abit happily *
Most elephant almost quickly throw their furry , big , gray heads to swing their long , gray , dry looking trunks up into the sunny background and chilly air. .. as loud as possible into a very happy and joyful cheer for the royals and Tawny. , and then repeat in elephant fashion.
Gazelles throw themselves limp like about .. high into the air - possibly fifty feet or more .. or less , about to express such happiness for the royals and Tawny. .. as ones and mostly together ignoring the light , thumping sound that always comes from their hooves whenever they land onto the dirt ground. Monkeys kart wheel , furry hand stand , and climb about on top of one another like amazing , yet flexible , mind blowing acts you see in a circus. .. Screeching loud than ever and clapping their furry hands from above their heads. , or back flip in order then repeat.
After looking at the beautiful celebration and show in royal honor of Tawny and his collision .. animal and cat style , Queen Destiny almost quickly turns her furry head/face to look at Daunnie and King Kip who smiles abit very happily at her. , mostly Daunnie .. while King Kip winks at her adorably and with his usual , sweet innocence onto his furry face that no cat can pull off as perfectly as he can. She smiles back at her two , life long , bestest friends then at her gang of lioness such as : Mavile , Igie , Abblie , Lanna , and many other lioness that are in front of her behind much other cats. .. and those cats are behind most cheering animals in Sundaya ; as Mavile quickly runs up to Queen Destiny into a nice , sweet , furry hug onto her furry , long two's. .. then a second later , the rest of her gang of lioness and other random lioness group hug her onto their furry , long or short two's. .. while almost repeatedly rubbing against her furry forehead with some licks and purrs into the mix. ,
even some silly playing and paw slapping at furry , one another as their usual , lioness greeting when they see one another. , especially at celebrations , shin , furry digs ( parties ) , cat , family reunions , and cat celebrations like this.
Ioan roars and calls Tawny out abit as he walks and hops up a few or more stone steps from the right side of the same , high , stone ledge while some of his lions come into the middle of a run and hop at the same time to the left , to make their way onto more stone steps. , passing King Kip and Daunnie then almost quickly walk their way up onto the same , high ledge behind Tawny to roar at other lions they see that are very familiar in Tawny's collision.
And finally .. it gets quiet and as Queen Destiny goes off into a very intellectual or articulate , very well spoken , royal speech introducing and honoring Tawny so royal and wonderfully .. in the best speeches ever spoken in Sundaya , - walking abit and always swinging her furry , widened hips as she always talks , more roars from other cats in the Indenius pride is heard again for Tawny. , then the animals too as Tawny starts to show off as usual. .. while flexing abit , smirking abit happily at other lions in his collision that are looking abit surprised yet very happy to see him. .. roaring back at him in soo much cheer and talk .. such conversations like this can go on and on. Touphy and Tum start to roar abit more at Tawny .. after also being second ( understudy ) King of Sundaya. .. and to help and fill in for King Kip. , ' if ' Kinny forbid Kip ever leaving Sundaya for a reason .. or if he is injured in any way , Tawny can fill in for him.
Though they know that .. this furry , seeming picture between King Kip and Tawny ' won't ' be so pretty in the future.
Now when we come to the end of Tawny's royal celebration .. and his return in Sundaya , Queen Destiny almost slowly - and I ' really ' mean slowly , can't help but look at King Kip who also feels that he has to look at her too. .. Both in thought of the same topic and thing. Tawny. Then Daunnie joins in , first to look at Queen Destiny having Tawny in mind just by the worried and bothered , furry look onto her pretty face. Queen Destiny and King Kip almost look abit sadly at one another now knowing what can and ' should ' they do with Tawny. .. now that he is into all of their furry lives all over again. .. Like back in cubhood as a bully that used to .. - and ' still ' does most times , pick on , intimidate , and get power out of other cats .. just to have more attention and is very , very jealous for most , unknown reasons.
And lastly from here , King Kip turns his furry head/face abit quicker to look at Daunnie. .. who almost slowly turns her furry head/face to look back at him sharing the same thought about Tawny again. All three cats blocking out the sound of cheering from the cats in the Indenius pride , the sound of Touphy and Tum roars together , the sound of the animals noise and cheers , the sound of dialogue in cat language and in words between Tawny and his other lions , the sound of Tawny's low growls and snarls in a good and happy way. All sounds within a happy , royal celebration just for Tawny. .. Knowing that everything right now may ' sound ' peaceful and in normal , sociable , cat communication noq .. but when Tawny finds much ' more ' ugly truth in his position as a royal , all the three furry , royal cats can hear into their furry heads is the ' sound ' of chains clanking to free Uncle , the rioting sound of hostile cats in cat language .. all in a scrap. , and ' mainly ' the sound of Tawny's roar , snarls , and growls that demand royal order and certain commands .. all. over. again.
... ? !
Two days after Tawny's royal celebration - the return of Blankey ,
By the royals thrones ,
Tawny is found in front of all royal's thrones. .. pacing abit quickly left and right expecting Blankey's arrival anytime soon since he has heard from some of the lions in his collision that Blankey is coming back to Sundaya today. .. obviously all into helping Tawny another ten years ago after Queen Destiny was a wanted lioness in Sundaya and King Kip was chained up back in Uprising. Onto his long , furry fours .. his long , furry tail in it's usual , small curl from the very end but always lowered close and near by the dirt ground. , where a black shadow can always be seen.
He sighs abit to himself almost impatiently .. and having no patience in waiting whatsoever. Whether it's for Blankey - his number one , life long , best lion friend since cubhood or not. Tawny thinks about the ' last ' time Blankey and himself spoke together as one - above Queen Destiny and Flaunti's claustrophobic den , and with other lion friends of his as a group. .. It ended at Blankey NOT supporting him .. still loving King Kip. .. It didn't go well. By such a bad , furry memory like this .. that has already played into his furry head and remembered ' well ' , he now wonders when Blankey shows up .. what will he say.
Will both lions argue again like last time ? , is he still mad like he was last time ? , or - mainly , why does he not like and have a problem with his second , bestest , life long , lion friend : Ioan who he ' also ' met the same time he met Blankey during cubhood ? .. Knowing Blankey oh so very well , this isn't like him. .. Blankey NEVER dislikes or ' does not ' like any cat. , if he does .. he stops himself and tries to give that cat a chance .. ' before ' deciding for himself that he doesn't like that cat. It's pretty rare for Blankey .. since he likes and is cool with almost ' all ' of Tawny's lion friends in his collision. That's ninety five percent of Tawny's collision right there. .. All except Ioan. .. now he goes back with Ioan so , so .. VERY far , that those times when Blankey isn't ' always ' around .. Ioan is free and always hangs with him many Sundaya hours of the day .. wherever Blankey ' is ' or ' may be. '
And NOT only that .. Ioan has helped him with so many difficult scraps , close escapes , calls , and very personal cat missions just to get closure .. that the number is up to infinity. .. And Ioan is found to always walk into his royal , spoiled family den back then .. uninvited - without politely making his furry presence known to Tawny's furry brothers or his parents .. only because they're all used to see Ioan's furry face or Blankey lots of times , that he's always ready to drag Tawny into something either really spontaneous and exciting .. or really troublesome and stupid that will have his father : Red .. pissed off at him. .. and his mother losing her patience for Tawny and energy as a mother every .. day.
So Ioan is like a third , furry brother that is with Fuse and Spark to him. .. And Blankey ' seems ' to be competing for that title all over again. ...
After much pacing - ten minutes later , Tawny stops while almost quickly turning his furry head/face pass his right , furry shoulder .. to look ahead at Blankey's long , furry figure still running toward him ahead. .. along with other lions - lion one , two , and three , of his that are either quickly trutting or running with Blankey. , but abit spaced out from one another and behind Blankey.
Tawny grins in some happiness at the furry sight of seeing Blankey and his other lion friends at the same time .. but it's really in uncontrollable euphoria. As he almost quickly pushes his furry , long arms/paws to get himself to stand onto the furry , tippy toes of his long , furry two's. , still waiting for Blankey and his other lions friends to reach closer and closer to him.
Tawny : '' ... ''
When ' almost ' close enough to Tawny , he can hear soft pants coming from Blankey and his other lions friends as Blankey walks abit slowly onto his furry , long two's over to Tawny , while some of Tawny's lion friends sit upright a few steps away from Blankey. , or standing onto their long or short , furry two's or furry fours.
It gets abit quiet as Tawny and Blankey look at one another. .. then abit slowly up and down in deep thought. Both remember and ' know ' what happened the last time they talked that day .. and ' know ' how horribly it ended between them. In their silence , Tawny almost turns his furry head/face over his left , furry shoulder to look away from Blankey. , while putting his furry , right paw onto his left , furry elbow as if abit nervously. Blankey smiles abit friendly at Tawny as he starts to scratch his blue ringed to light blue , golden , and long , furry mane using his right , furry paw. .. with one claw sticking out.
The rest of Tawny's furry , lion friends are still watching this. , while two lions almost slowly turn their furry heads/faces to look at one another in thought. Now remembering why are the two lions making this abit awkward for themselves in front of them. .. Because of their last argument that day. ... is why.
Tawny and Blankey : '' ... ''
Then something tells Blankey to almost slowly turn his furry head/face to look back at Tawny who is now in the middle of turning his furry head/face abit quicker to look at Blankey too. .. feeling his still, yet friendly , furry stare.
Blankey's furry , right paw is already put down to hang by either his right , furry hip or side.
At the same time ,
Blankey : ( abit soft toned ) '' Tawn ... ''
Tawny : ( also soft toned ) '' Blank ... ''
Tawny : ( normal toned , but abit nervously ) '' You first. ... ''
He bites the right , furry side of his mouth in front of Blankey. .. after laughing abit soft and nervously at Blankey.
Blankey : ( normal toned , almost sounding serious ) '' You know .. just because I'm still mad at you Tawn .. during our last argument ten years ago. .. Doesn't mean that we can't have a good , decent conversation together .. without letting it come off awkward. ''
Tawny smiles abit at Blankey as if nervously. So Blankey still ' is ' mad at him. This was all he was going to say when he came here to talk to him. So they both won't argue with one another as he thought they would .. right now when they're talking to one another again. Tawny ' now ' knows he didn't have much to think or worry about before Blankey came here to talk to him again. Huh.
Tawny : '' Oh. .. r- right Blank. * small smiles abit weakly at Blankey again * ... ''
Blankey smiles even more at Tawny then walks abit closer to roughly shoulder bump him. , while he talks. Tawny always returns Blankey's furry , rough shoulder bump patting one another onto the opposite of one another's furry shoulders - like with Ioan , but keeps on patting as much as either lions want to .. as their usual , friendly greeting. .. When haven't seen on another in so long .. or when seeing one another again to hang out with other lions in Tawny's collision.
Blankey : ( normal toned and abit cheerful though not sounding cheerful ) ( , just alittle bit ) '' Tawn. ! , * roughly shoulder bumps Tawny * Why .. I can't believe it. * both lions release from their furry , rough shoulder bump then moves back to give one another their furry , personal space * After ten years .. and here you are , returning to Sundaya numerous of times. ''
Tawny smiles abit back at Blankey. , almost cheerful .. but in a foul way.
Tawny : '' Yes it has Blank. * small , dirty smirk * And I'm * snarl like * ' back ' to claim what royal power and territorial land that has always been mine ever since the royal , initial collision began - when ' I ' was suppose to take over Sundaya. ''
Blankey : '' He .. good one Tawny. , ''
Tawny gives Blankey a dead serious , abit narrow eyed , furry look.
Blankey : '' Oh you're serious. ''
Tawny : '' .. Oh I'm ' more ' serious than ever before. .. Tell more cats around Sundaya that you know. ''
Blankey : '' You got it Tawny. ''
Blankey quickly turns his furry head/face away from Tawny and the rest of his lion friends .. without saying anything back to them .. then runs off onto his long , furry fours ahead then makes a right turn through the grass or shrubs path. .. where rocks surround about near by from left to right. , and into the overly wide and open space. And much further on ahead until Queen Destiny's royal tower is seen.
Tawny goes silent in his thoughts again as he continues to pace abit quickly again onto his long , furry fours for no reason. .. after almost slowly turning his furry head/face away from the path and direction that Blankey just took. Other lions of Tawny as his friends .. also almost slowly turn their furry heads/faces to look back at Tawny. .. still watching him pace about from left to right in front of them as if stressed out.
After some thinking on what he just saw Blankey do by Tawny's royal order .. and what he heard Tawny ' just ' say to all of them , lion two says something that questions Tawny's next move much further than asked.
Lion 2 : '' .. Is that all you have in mind Tawny ? ''