Final part - part 3 , of chapter 2 .. more arising problems with friends
After talking to Kip ,
Igie continues walking in any random direction and she ends up approaching all of the other lioness , obviously a major part of Queen Destiny's pride. Her dear and most closest friends whom she has known and been friends with for the longest in Queen Destiny's pride. , probably since cub hood. Approaching Abblie , Mavlie , Lanna and a whole bunch of other random lioness that happen to be huddled up - but not too close , abit spread out but un evenly , close by one another. Just as all cats in Queen Destiny's royal tower area are alined in this format.
Instead of Igie still looking at her , Abblie is the very first lioness that decides to strike up conversation again with all of the other lioness still , but includes Igie in the conversation this time.
Abblie : ( in her usual normal tone of voice ) '' Igie girl ! , I've missed you ! , girl I was wondering where you went after our home girl Desi and Kip was talkin' .. up at her royal tower there. I could've swore that you were with all of us girl. ''
Lanna : ( in agreement ) '' Mm-hmm. ''
Random lioness : '' That's right. ''
Random lioness : '' Where'd you go honey ? ''
Random lioness : '' Did you get separated from us in the crowd ? ''
Random lioness : '' We've missed you. ''
Random lioness : '' Where have you been ? ''
Lanna : '' What happened ? ''
After looking at each lioness that just spoke to her out of turn , Igie finally looks at Mavlie who is speaking right now to her.
Mavlie : '' What happened to you is right. I saw you talking with Kip just now. You guys have been talking for more than a minute now. If you don't mind me asking .. and .. NOT .. to be noisy - also NOT .. that I'm aching to know ; but what were you and Kip talking about ? , is everything alright ? ''
Now before Igie could answer Mavlie's question , Abblie cuts in abit quickly.
Abblie : '' Now Mavs .. even when you put it so nice , cool and smooth like that , we ' still are ' being noisy you know. That's just what we lioness do sometimes. , then how else .. are we gonna get the scoop on something .. as it happens in Sundaya ? ''
Random lioness : '' Mm-hmm. ''
Lanna : '' That is true. ''
Abblie : '' Well of course it is true .. now never mind this babbling. Just tell us all what you were talking about with Kip. , we won't tell our home girl Desi that's for sure. NOT .. unless we need to tell her. ''
Mavlie : '' Agreed. ''
Random lioness : * nods of head abit quickly in agreement *
Igie : '' It wasn't much that we've discussed .. really ladies. Kip started off askin' me .. if Desi told me about the appearance of the male cub. I told Kip that she hasn't told me yet because of her royal duties .. and the ' only time ' .. I've discovered about this .. male cub incident .. was through Daunnie. When Daunnie told me .. that Desi was hippo hunting alone .. and has found a male cub along the way .. by the hippo grounds area. Then brought the male cub to Kip .. and lastly to Abbs , Syibeen , Daunnie and O'don. ''
Igie : '' Then I told Kip that Desi finds him to be a wonderful King. , and in ' more ways ' than one. Kip asked what Desi meant by that .. I told him what Desi meant by that was when you took charge dealing with the male cub. And all of the other cubs in her collision. And taking charge on other matters and demands in Sundaya .. no matter how small the matter is. Even the way Kip confronted Tawny in front of her face , when all of the royals was on that tower of her's. I said talk about a King. ''
Mavlie : '' What else happened ? ''
Igie : '' Then I mentioned to him accidentally .. that Desi had a private talk with Tawny and got abit frustrated and infuriated with him. ''
Abblie : '' Ooh ! , ooh ! , ooh ! .. juicy stuff ! , did Desi say what she was talking about with Tawny ? ''
Lanna : '' I know that I'm not the only one .. but , I ' did ' notice .. that Tawny and Desi have been talking alot all throughout the meeting. , while King Kip was talking to the pride. ''
Mavlie : '' I'll say that it makes us all pretty darn curious. , you have to wonder .. what Desi and Tawny .. were talking about. , that made them talk while King Kip was talking .. all in front of the entire pride ! ''
Igie : '' And I'm beginning to wonder .. that it's NOT .. royal stuff anymore. , now I ' don't ' wanna believe it .. cuz this is our best , close friend since cub hood Desi .. that we're talking about here : but something is going on .. and I wanna find out. ''
Mavlie : '' I wonder why Desi ' didn't ' say what she was talking about .. with Tawny. ''
Abblie : '' Maybe it's best Mavs .. that Igi simply ' shouldn't ' know. , maybe it's private. ''
Lanna : '' Probably. ''
Igie : '' - And to answer your question Abbs , no. Desi wasn't specific .. in telling me .. what she and Tawny were talking about. One thing's for sure , I am ' definitely ' .. going to confront to Tawny .. about this. .. He has to know. .. and he's gonna have to tell his own girlfriend. ''
Random lioness : '' According .. to what Destiny has told us about Tawny , I don't think .. that he is going to tell you Igie. He'll probably just tell you .. that they're talking about royal stuff like always. , do you ' really think ' .. that Tawny will tell you ? ''
Random lioness : ( says in agreement ) '' Mm-hmm. ''
Abblie : '' She's right Igie. , Tawny will tell you ' no such thing ' .. and you know it. .. Just who .. did you think you was .. tellin' us that you'd confront Tawny ? , we all know that it's NOT .. like you .. when it comes to confronting cats in Sundaya now. That's a-lot more of our home girl Desi who always does that kind of reck less , bold thing. ''
Igie shifts her weight onto her right , furry , hind leg the ' exact , same way ' that Queen Destiny does .. while placing both of her front , furry paws onto both of her furry hips.
Igie : * scoffs at Abblie in very strong disagreement * '' I most certainly can be as assertive and confronting .. when it comes to cats like Desi too. , when I need to be and want to be. I can't believe .. that you honestly think that Abbs. ( says in a cool and sassy , tell you off way ) For your information , Desi isn't the only one .. that can talk to cats as assertive as that. And I don't need or have .. to prove anything to you Abbs , or any of you lioness. ''
Igie : '' You got A-LOT of nerve .. tellin' me that to my face Abbs. ''
Lanna quickly puts her furry arms/paws up in defense in front of all of the lioness and in front of Igie too.
Lanna : '' Well excuse us and Abbs Igi ! , it was only just Abbs's opinion. Don't get your tail in a knot now. , please ' don't ' take it personally. ''
Igie stares at Lanna unhappily. , still being alittle sassy and feisty right now.
Igie : '' Don't you tell me what to do Lanna ! , I am not a little cub anymore ! , and I don't care .. if it was ' only ' .. one of your innocent suggestions or not ! , you will NOT .. talk to me .. like I am a little , female cub ! , cuz I'm NOT ! ''
Other lioness '' Mmm '' .. just to push or shove Igie simply telling them off. , or giving them a piece of her mind.
All except Abblie that is .. who ' isn't ' going to be a pushover.
Abblie : '' Oh Igi girl ? , and who you tryin' to convince ? , me as in us lioness .. or you ? ''
Igie : '' What part of .. I don't need to prove any cat anything .. didn't you understand ? ! ''
Abblie hisses at Igie as a come back.
Mavlie cuts in this time. , surprising .. for her lively and energetic character.
Mavlie : '' Enough ! , will you both quit it already ! ? , there's ' no need ' for that ! ''
Mavlie : '' , what we ' need ' to do .. is to focus on the matter at paw here. , there's no time for this. We can all argue about this .. as much as we want to later , but not now. ''
All lioness look at one another ' after ' .. Mavlie has said this. And then a second goes by , and Igie and Abblie both turn their furry heads .. to look at each other awkwardly in thought. , as if Mavlie's words of reasoning and logic .. are making both lioness forced .. to look at one another.
Mavlie continues to speak.
Mavlie : '' The first thing we ' need ' to do .. is help Desi .. in any way that we can , in this cub situation of her's. We're going to come to her in open paws , being supportive and understanding .. as she would be for us. We're NOT .. going to tell her what to do or even judge her .. because Desi has been through A-LOT of sticky , tricky and really tough situations .. such as this , and it's NOT like .. she's never been through it before. , or even needed our help before. ''
Random lioness : '' True. ''
Mavlie : '' The ' next thing ' .. that we need to do , is to talk with .. all of the ' other lioness ' in her pride , that can help us .. and is willing to help us or especially help Desi , in any kind of way. .. in a heart beat. Us as a group alone ' isn't ' going to cut it .. and we're going to need all of the help that we can get. , at a very convenient time to ask , plenty of time to plan and ' just ' in the nick of time .. when she ' does ' come to us .. and asks us for our help. ''
Lanna : '' And what if .. for some personal reason that we don't know , and maybe .. this is her reason or .. both her and Kip agreed on this here - ; Desi doesn't want our help , maybe not now .. or maybe not yet ? , ''
Lanna : '' then what Mavlie ? ''
Mavlie : '' Well .. then the help is certainly gonna come to her , whether she wants it or not .. because ' I don't think ' .. that she can handle this cub situation alone. , well .. besides Kip helping her of course that is. ... , right ? , and it's extremely hard as it is already , that most of the pride .. is ' still ' hostile .. towards that cub .. and Tawny .. has a cold and heartless interest for the male cub too. , let's think about this .. and ' then ' let this sink logically ladies. ''
Random lioness : ( in extremely deep thought ) '' Mmm. ''
Randome lioness : '' Well .. that isn't .. such a bad idea. ... coming from you Mavlie anyway. ''
Random lioness : '' Mm , mm , mm. ... ''
Abblie : '' You know .. after putting so much thought .. into this , thanks to Mavlie , she's making A-LOT more sense than usual. , and that's saying a very , very good thing - it's .. saying something , especially .. when it comes to Mavlie. , ''
She turns her furry head/face to look at Igie.
Abblie : ( talking much more calmer now ) '' Well Igie , what do you think ? ''
Igie almost slowly turns her furry head .. to look at all of the other furry lioness's faces .. and sees colored eyes that read deep thought , logic , reasoning , planning , strong agreement and patience. , as her light gray eyes look wet , gentle but shiny and are also .. in so much very deep thought too. All before she was staring into space questioning every word .. that Mavlie said so far.
Finally , for what feels like all day , she comes to a conclusion to all of Mavlie's planning and analysis.
Igie : '' I admit , Mavlie's plan is great .. and it's .. really rare and never .. of an occasion or time , when Mavlie .. has these ' really , really smart ' , logical ideas 'n moments. But the only question .. that I have for you .. relevant to your plan , is .. what .. am I gonna do with Tawny ? , and with Desi when we talk again ? ''
Igie : '' Am I gonna have to confront her .. about talking to Tawny and ask what's up , or keep my snout shut about it and see that it's not my place to ask and .. it's absolutely ' none ' of my business ? ''
Mavlie : '' Well .. for Tawny , you're going to have to talk to him .. about how you feel , when you keep seeing him talk with Desi. I know and .. ' we all know ' , from seeing it just now .. that it looks .. the way that it is , but it's really not. Desi ' isn't ' like that .. and although her feelings for Tawny .. are extremely hard to decipher , one thing she ' does ' make clear .. is that she doesn't wanna be with Tawny at all. , and it's obviously true .. that she's kept her word .. ever since the past .. when at some point , she ' was ' .. in a relationship .. with Tawny, ''
Igie : '' Right. ''
Mavlie : '' When you talk with Desi again , yes .. be straight up .. and ask her .. what her and Tawny were talking about. And .. if she says that nothing is going on .. between her and Tawny .. or that it's just strictly , royal , private business ; then you believe and trust our best , close , lioness friend Desi .. and leave it at that. Although - truthfully , it .. ' really isn't ' .. your place .. to be asking Desi .. that question about Tawny. It's not like she's with Tawny .. the same way .. that you're with Tawny in a relationship. After all .. no matter how much .. Tawny and Desi but foreheads , are down at each other's throats and .. can't stand each other , Tawny ' still is ' a major part of Sundaya .. just as much as Desi is , because of having a really , really fair percentage of the kingdom so far. , that day .. that Tawny paided her a visit .. and he made an extremely serious , royal deal with her .. about wanting a great half .. of Sundaya too. , ''
Mavlie : '' just .. as much .. as she does. ''
All lioness look at Mavlie in very silent amazement. , there is a short pause .. between all lioness in the group. , even Mavlie herself .. has time to rest her snout from talking this much.
Abblie : ( says very , very curiously ) '' How do you know about that day .. when Tawny paid Desi a visit to Sundaya and made that royal deal with her ? , and if .. she doesn't take the deal .. according to royal rules and regulations of Sundaya , then she'll have to be married to him .. right on the spot ? ''
Mavlie : ( says happy and proudly ) '' Desi told me the story one day .. when I asked her. , I was curious to know. I NEVER asked her before .. whenever she ' did ' mention .. Tawny paying her a visit .. returning back to Sundaya , from attending to royal , family matters with his family and .. tying loose ends .. that still need to be binded .. in his life. ''
Lanna : '' But now that we all think about it , and the question is all out in the air now ; ' why ' .. do you think .. that Tawny made such an extreme , extremely serious , intense and no nonsense deal with her .. that would control her .. and force into a corner , force her into a .. stalemate of a situation ; where she'll have no choice .. ' but ' to marry Tawny ? ''
Abblie : ( says : '' Ah '' each time .. with a pause in between ) '' Ah ! , ah ! , ah ! ... Desi ' did say ' .. that if so , then she'd have to happily .. marry Tawny. , plus love him too. In which .. we all know that in a way , she does. ''
Mavlie : '' Does what ? ''
Abblie : '' She ' does ' .. love Tawny. ''
Random lioness : '' No she doesn't. ''
Igie : '' Ohh .. ' don't ' let Desi fool you. ' NO cat ' never does .. here in Sundaya. Desi is strictly honest and truthful like this. ... She ' does ' love Tawny. , seriously. She told me. I would know. ''
Abblie : '' So it's true. ... ''
Lanna : '' And .. so would Daunnie too , but we all know .. that Daunnie ' doesn't ' know this. ''
Abblie : '' I bet the ' whole pride ' knows .. that Desi loves Tawny. , and Tawny loves her right back. ''
Igie : '' The reason why Daunnie .. doesn't know this - and yes , Desi told me this too , is because .. Daunnie has a tendency .. to accidentally tell the truth to a cat , especially under stress .. or even under cracking pressure. So .. if Daunnie ' did ' know this , the word would spread ' even ' as further past the ' outskirts ' .. of Sundaya. .. Hell .. even the hyenas and wild dogs would know. .. ''
Mavlie : '' ' Including ' the animals in Sundaya. ''
Igie * says this to Abblie as she nods her head abit quickly .. in agreement * ( says alittle softly ) '' Mm-mm. , that's right. ''
Lanna : '' No offense Igie , but Tawny would break up with ' any lioness ' .. just .. so he can be ' and feel ' .. like a free lion , and .. keep trying .. to finally get Desi , and that's a fact. ''
Random lioness : '' Mm-hmm. ''
Other lioness murmur in agreement. , Mavlie nods her head .. torn between agreeing alittle bit , but also disagreeing against Lanna's opinion.
Random lioness : '' Yea. ... ''
Random lioness : ( says low toned , but is heard by all lioness ) '' That ' is true ' Igie. ''
Random lioness : ( says this gently , kind and nicely ) '' Sorry , but none of us don't mean to offend you. ''
Abblie's voice automatically stops .. all of the other lionesses murmuring of concurring .. on Lanna's opinion so fast. , that it gets quiet again and all lioness turn their furry heads/faces to look at Abblie.
Abblie : ( almost raising voice ) '' Alright , alright ... - hold it ! , now come on ladies. Even though ' I myself ' .. agree with Lanna's opinion too , but isn't that alittle too harsh and passed the subject ? , Tawny could come back to Igie .. if he wanted to , if he really , really loved her .. being in this relationship with Igie now. Hmm ? ''
Other lioness start to murmur in between. , saying : '' it's a possibility '' and '' 50-50. '' Others say : '' Fat chance '' and says in a singing tone way '' Not gonna happen. ''
Lanna : '' Now Abbs , stop acting like the peacemaker .. in this conversation. Pick .. a side. , ya can't have it both ways. , Voice your own opinion .. even if us lioness ' won't ' like it. ''
Abblie : '' Oh I am Lanna. , but this a 50-50 percent chance .. in your opinion. It was really foolish of me .. to agree with your opinion so fast. ''
Lanna : '' But you ' still agreed ' , nevertheless. ... ''
Abblie : ( says right back to Lanna abit quick and challengingly ) '' I can change my mind. ''
Mavlie : '' Well .. an opinion is just an opinon. It's only just a few words .. placed into a sentence. It ' hardly ' means anything. , besides .. how a cat feels or views it. ''
Igie : '' So .. what are you saying .. exactly Mavlie ? ''
She looks at Mavlie in confusion.
Mavile : '' I'm saying that Lanna's opinion is harmless. , don't let her opinion get to you. ''
Lanna : '' I think it ' already has. ' ''
She looks at Igie abit mean and very , very teasingly. , in all mean , catty amusement. Kind of like .. to hit one of Igie's nerves.
.. It ' easily ' works. ...
Igie : * almost raising voice ) '' Shut up Lanna ! , what would ' you know ' about Tawny ? ! ''
Almost saying with strong feeling.
Lanna : ( almost raising her voice abit ) '' Make me Igie , * she narrows her furry eyes abit in catty and mean amusement again , grinning with such rudeness at her * make me ! ''
Abblie : '' Ohhh stop it Igi and Lanna ! , ' both ' of you lioness ' pull yourselves ' together ! , ( says with alittle stifled impatience , some stress and annoyance ) * speaking as if .. through gritted teeth * We .. are NOT cubs ! , so quit ! .. * looks at Igie * acting ! .. * looks at Lana now * like .. ! * looks back at Igie * one ! .. Understand ? '' * quickly turning her furry head/face to look right back at Igie and Lanna again *
Lanna looks at Abblie in calm and cool as a cucumber silence abit challengingly. , all of a sudden .. straightening up her seat .. acting the ' same way ' .. that Queen Destiny does .. when she doesn't allow a cat to get the better of her. , or using this strategy .. as a way to not let a cat .. push her buttons or hit one of her nerves.
Her voice .. all of a sudden gets cool and calm. , for an unexpecting , odd and unknown reason.
Lanna : ( normal toned ) '' Ya know Abblie , you ' aren't ' even close .. to being me .. or Igi's mom. So ' don't ' tell us .. what to do. ''
Mavlie hops right back into the spotlight of the conversation easily .. with a saucy comeback.
Mavlie : '' She wouldn't have to .. if you both would just ' stop arguing. ' , as I've told you all before , we'll have plenty of time .. to argue .. some other time. ( she says ' almost ' .. with strong feeling ) NOT .. right now ! ''
Lanna scoffs softly .. and then rolls her eyes. Igie remains silent and folds her furry , long arms over her chest.
All of the other lioness begin to talk about something else .. going on in Sundaya .. that is probably gossip .. and it's something that I myself as the narrator , ' won't even ' wanna talk about .. or put .. into this story. In the background , the lionesses unique , multiple , all talking at once speech pattern continues abit quickly , all remembering Mavlie's plan .. but giving her plan a rest .. for one day .. not that for now , all is well .. and that all ' will be ' well.
Igie starts to walk abit slowly onto her long , furry two's .. keeping her long , furry arms folded onto her chest .. after she turns away from the other lionesses direction , and walks a few steps ahead , then stops. She studies - all the way at Queen Destiny's royal tower , the way that Tawny is talking with Queen Destiny .. all whom are ' still ' talking to Touphy and Tum. Both sitting upright and are having a .. surprisingly .. really good conversation. As relaxed , chill and cool .. that the group looks .. talking to one another.
Noticing Igie's behavior right away , she starts to walk abit closer to Igie ahead .. and joins her at her right , furry side. , onto her furry , short two's. Her furry head/face already turned to look straight at Igie curiously and .. with gentle sympathy , compassion , some trust .. and understanding.
For two , whole seconds .. it gets quiet between Mavlie and Igie. Both who look ahead of them in silence , now seeing other cats laying and sitting down .. ' round other high and in between ledges .. onto Queen Destiny's tower. , resting after gorging themselves with oh so much meat .. that their tummies can fill. Something that heavy weight , strong , packed with muscle and well builted cats .. are very well known for doing in the wild.
Feeling Mavlie's furry , compassionate , comforting and understanding gaze at her - wondering what's wrong with her , Igie finally speaks up to Mavlie. But out of nowhere , she speaks so , so softly in doubt and without much confidence in herself , in which is not like her.
Igie : ( speaking so , so softly ) ( , sounding like she's so upset , like she's about to cry or .. her voice is about to break ) '' Mavs ? ''
Mavlie : '' ... ''
Mavlie still looks at her listening. , she doesn't say anything .. but to Igie , her silence is so , so comforting , extremely welcoming , gentle and full of no judgement .. that Mavlie never needs to say anything in this case. A beautiful , very unique gift .. that Mavlie has to her personality. - And .. it makes Igie continue to talk to her right now , as if Mavlie said something right back to her.
Mavlie : ( says very , very softly ) '' Hmm ? ''
Igie : '' You were right. , and .. it's not like .. you were wrong. - What Lanna said ' did ' get to me. I don't even know why .. I even allowed her .. to get a mean reaction out of me .. ' and ' hit one of my personal and sensitive nerves. Desi taught me better than that. I .. don't know why Tawny .. always makes me feel so sensitive , weak and .. like a female cub. Now .. I know how Desi feels and .. I bet whenever she feels this way , she lashes and snaps at him .. cuz .. Tawny has such a mean spirited gift .. to stun all of a cat's weak points - emotionally and deep inside , that it's like he's shutting a cat's body down from inside. And .. keeps 'em out cold. ''
Mavlie : ( now talking very , very softly with Igie ) '' Get .. to the point Igi. What's ' really ' wrong ? ''
Almost saying questioningly.
Igie easily opens up. , not caring how Mavlie talked to her .. just now.
Igie : '' Do you think that .. Tawny .. even loves me .. now that he's with me ? , or .. is he just using me .. just so he can get Desi's attention ? , since .. now that Desi is about .. to be hitched by Kip , then .. in this way , she has one over him. .. So , maybe .. he's leading me on .. to loving me , so that .. once he knows that Desi is bluffing , then he'll kick me to the curve and .. try to have her right then and there. ''
Mavlie : '' I know .. the answer to that question , but if I tell you the answer , you ' won't like ' .. what you're about to hear. So .. instead of asking for my opinion , why don't you tell me ' your opinion. ' .. After knowing Tawny for ' so .. long ' .. the same amount of years .. that Desi has , what do you think .. is Tawny's real intentions for you .. in your relationship with him ? ''
Igie gets silent right now. , because of Mavlie being so deep with her .. she's now stuck and .. trapped .. in all of her overwhelming thoughts .. that her over crowding her mind and brain right now. , that she feels as if the dead has come to ambush her .. and take her with them , smothering her into the ground .. to death.
Mavlie stays silent as well .. patiently waiting for Igie to say something to her. To .. voice her opinion. , if she has one yet.
Mavlie : '' ... ''
Both lioness block out the very , very loud .. bubby , cheerful , chatty , inviting and sociable conversation of cats within Queen Destiny's pride. Now entering into the same temporary world .. of silence.
Igie : ( voice breaking , showing that she's hurt by this ) '' ... I .. I .. think that I have the ' exact , same ' opinion .. as you do. I mean .. I don't wanna believe and have .. the same opinion as you do , - I wanna believe .. that Tawny loves me .. and we're in this relationship together , but .. with Desi always seeming .. to be talking with him all of the time , and .. the way that he acts .. when he's around her - ''
Mavlie : '' What you ya ' mean ' .. the way he ' acts ' .. around her ? , he always acts the same way. ''
Igie : '' Well I don't mean it like that , but - how he shows .. how much he loves her , he .. doesn't really do that .. when he's with me. Only when he feels like it .. or whenever he wants to , is when he ' does ' show .. how much he loves me. And .. whenever I question this to him .. and bring up Desi , he always hugs me from behind , bites my left ear , tells me not to worry gently and says that he loves me. , and then I'm ' stupid enough ' .. to melt right .. into his furry , incredibly strong arms. And .. I forget .. that I'm suppose to always .. remain firm and direct with him , cuz Tawny .. is one distracting and tricky lion. He likes to butter cats up abit make ' em feel special .. and then makes ' em forget .. what they were even talking about .. with him. ... ''
Igie : '' He does that to me ' all ' .. the time. ... It's just .. getting ' so tiring. ''
Mavlie : '' .. ''
Igie : '' I always wanna know .. how Desi .. is able to talk to him so .. firm and direct .. as you ' always ' need to be .. when talking with Tawny. I need to learn. - I just .. feel .. so ... weak and like a door mat .. whenever Tawny always does this to me. I'm too soft and gentle .. like a sponge. ''
Mavlie : '' Then let Desi teach you how .. to talk to Tawny then. * chortles abit * I'm sure the ' ma-jority ' .. of cats .. within Desi's pride .. had to come to her .. in order to learn just how .. to talk to Tawny .. in a certain way. I knew from the start .. that he was one seducing , enticing and incredibly shifty lion. But .. ' none ' of you lioness .. ever listen to me. .. ' Now ' after those years went by , now you know that I was right .. and that Tawny is , ' exactly ' .. the way I .. and Desi .. suspected .. that he was. .. ''
Mavlie : '' Now who's the fool .. for not believing me ? , that's right .. ' all ' .. of you lioness. .. Not me. .. Ya should've NEVER been fooled .. or allowed yourselves .. to fall for his devilishly handsome looks in the first place. , on the day .. when you all first saw him here in Sundaya. He's exactly like an ' extremely ' devilish .. lion .. in disguise. .. What I tell ya ? ''
Igie : '' Yea. , I know , I know Mavlie. No need to rub it in my face .. or say '' I told you so. '' ' I'm ' .. the biggest fool of them all. , playing his game .. and it took me till meeting Desi .. to finally see and learn .. the kind of games .. that Tawny .. can really play .. on a cat. He's a warning ' very much ' worth given at the get go. , I just .. wish I listened to you .. and I was ' much more ' experienced and .. filled with wisdom .. just like Desi is. ... ''
Mavlie : '' Technically - and Desi ' should've ' told you this long ago , Desi .. was the biggest fool of them all. She was the one .. that put up with Tawny ' the most ' .. and was always around him. She knows all of Tawny inside and out .. and it all took her .. till knowing Tawny during cubhood , the moment ' after ' he was born , to know what kind of lion .. that he was gonna be. She mostly had a hunch - a gift .. as most cats call it , but Moon light .. told her first. My Kinny .. her family and any royal , past cat .. knows A-LOT .. about how a cat is gonna be .. or turn out to be ' before ' .. they are born. , and they even know .. the kind of generation of cats that ' we're in now. ' .. Call a gift of wisdom for older .. ' and wiser ' , royal cats .. ruling Sundaya for years now. ''
Igie : '' But .. Mavs , how do I go about .. telling Desi , that I ' really need ' lessons .. on how to talk to Tawny ? , I've NEVER .. asked her this in my life and .. all the years .. that I have known her and .. all of the years .. that I've lived here in Sundaya .. with her. - I haven't even told her .. that Tawny and I are a couple yet. , and Tawny hasn't told her yet either. ''
Mavlie widens her eyes abit .. after hearing Igie tell her this.
Mavlie : '' R..really ? ''
Igie : '' Yea. , if I continue to keep my furry snout shut and ' NOT ' .. tell her this , then when she finds out from Tawny .. she'll be pissed off at me .. for not telling her , hearing it from one of her closest , best friends first , in the first place. .. She may not even wanna talk to me .. after that. ''
Mavlie : '' Well .. that problem , is up to you. There's no easy route for that. Cuz .. neither routes .. will lead you .. to a beautiful sanctuary. But if you're asking for lessons on .. how to speak to Tawny , - like all cats did , just approach her and be straight forward about. ' Demand ' for lessons. ''
Igie looks at her in question.
Igie : '' Demand ? ''
Mavie : '' Yes. , truthfully and .. lucky for me , I don't need lessons .. on how to speak to Tawny. I NEVER had .. and NEVER will. I don't even talk to Tawny like that , and I see ' no reason ' why .. would I wanna talk to him anyway. He's not the kind of lion .. that I'd want to roll with. , so .. I always keep my distance away from him. .. And Desi's totally cool with that. ''
Igie : '' She is ? ''
Mavlie : '' Yes. ''
Igie : '' Do you think .. that I can pull off .. always , keeping my distance .. away from Tawny ? ''
Mavie : '' Ha, ha .. nooo. ''
Igie : '' Why not ? , what's so funny ? ''
Mavlie : '' Because Igi , no offense .. but Tawny sees you .. as the ' complete opposite ' of Desi. You said so yourself .. so .. me tellin' you this again , ' won't ' be an offense to you. - You're an easy target , fresh meat. A sucker seen ' and spotted ' .. from a mile away. .. He's already accustomed .. to your sugary sweet , gentle and very , very sparkly personality. So .. trying to start a new habit .. of keeping your distance away from him , won't be successful. - You aren't even going to follow through with that commitment successfully. You won't even succeed keeping your distance away from Tawny for a day. ... - Plus , Tawny's gonna notice the little , new habit of yours and as always , he has the ability .. to very easily .. pick up on .. these kinds of things. , and he can ' easily ' turn your new habit all around , ''
Mavlie : '' into naturally forcing yourself .. to see him .. ' even more ' .. compared to the way that you see him nowadays. Simple reverse psychology .. as it is really called , but in Tawny's version .. it's : '' simple , seductive manipulation '' .. in his book of treachery. So don't bother Igi. , forget .. that I even mentioned .. my strategy of Tawny to you. Just go talk to Desi about Tawny when you see her again .. that's you can do for now. ''
Igie turns her furry head/face to look at her.
Igie : '' Seriously ? , that's all that I can do for now ? ''
Mavlie : '' As deep in ' your situation ' .. as you are already in .. with Tawny , yes. .. It ' really is ' .. all .. that you can do for now. ''
It gets alittle quiet again .. between Igie and Mavlie. , then after another two , long seconds .. Igie speaks again.
Igie : ( sounding unsure ) '' Do I .. tell Tawny .. that I'm getting lessons on how .. to talk to him more direct and firmly ? ''
Mavlie : ( says quickly ) NO ! .. ( talks back to normal again ) absolutely .. NO. , ''
Igie widens her gray eyes abit at Mavlie .. then throws both of her furry , front paws up in defense in front of Mavlie.
Igie : '' Alright , alright. .. I hear ya once. .. - And .. can I ask , why not ? ''
Mavlie : '' Because ! , Tawny HATES IT .. when cats go to Desi .. for lessons on how to speak to him .. more directly and firmly. As Desi told me already , Tawny LOVES IT .. when a cat struggles .. or has a very , very tough .. and difficult time talking to him. He .. can use the way that a cat talks to him .. ' and ' the kind of weak , furry body language .. that a cat gives off in front of him , to his advantage. Tawny's that kind of cat .. that is always more than one .. step ahead. To be more precise , a-million .. steps ahead. If any cat against him ' has ' .. a plan , always remember that Tawny's plan .. is just as superior , just as bold , just as better , stronger , clever and ' much more ' bigger .. and well thought out .. than ' any cat's ' plan against him. So .. any cat ' might as well ' give up .. being against him and surrender. - For his mean amusement , Tawny takes a cat's body language .. and the way that he/she talks .. as a way to easily drain out power and confidence .. ' out ' .. of a cat , and then abuses such power all to himself .. so can talk to you .. into telling you .. what to do for him instead. , ''
Igie : ( says '' Hmph '' approvingly ) '' Hmmph. , but .. what does body language .. have anything to do with this though ? , I'm confused. ''
Mavlie : '' Because Igi .. everybody knows that body language .. has always been known .. to detect .. how a person - in this case , a cat , how .. a cat ' really feels ' .. while he or she .. is talking to Tawny. So for example .. if a cat talks to Tawny with confidence , but the cat's body is shaking and twitching nervously , Tawny can tell .. that whatever the cat is saying , ' isn't really ' how he or she feels. He'll know .. that the cat that is talking to him , is faking such confidence and .. trying to make a fool out of him. - Well .. end of bluffing in front of Tawny anyway. - So you ' must remember ' .. that .. if you are talking confidently to Tawny , your body language .. has to match up .. with confident boy language as well. So Tawny .. won't have to try to detect any body language signs from you. .. He'll be able to take you more seriously .. and he will have to try so hard .. to find a ' much .. better way ' .. to break you down this way. , ''
Mavlie : '' ' That's ' how Tawny operates as a lion. .. - At least .. what Desi has already learned long before .. and known from him .. all these years. ''
Igie : '' Mmm. , this .. is good stuff. ' Really good. ' .. I didn't even know any of this. ... So .. ' that's ' Desi's strategy or .. theory .. to Tawny. , more like a sure-fire way , a system it seems , to talk more firm and directly to Tawny. ( saying in a lot of thought , everything to her .. Is finally making sense , finally .. kicking in ) if a cat stands their ground .. and remains neutral and confident through body language ' and ' speaking .. then .. in Tawny's mind , he'll have an ' increasingly difficult time ' .. detecting .. how .. to break you down emotionally , physically , mentally .. ' and ' deep inside. ''
Mavlie : '' That's right Igie. * smiles at her nicely in agreement * , that's right. ''
Igie : '' This is genius. , Desi - as always , is such a genius. I ' knew ' since cubhood .. that she was destined for such extraordinary , royal things. Heck .. her ' whole family ' knew too. - I knew ' especially ' .. that she .. was gonna become her own Queen of Sundaya one day. .. and it came true. ''
Mavlie nods her furry head in agreement with Igie again silently this time. , still looking at Igie while she's finally .. putting everything of Queen Destiny's knowledge of Tawny .. in order to go against him , into place.
Igie : '' I can ' so ' pull this off in front of Tawny. ''
She smirks to herself in such mean and cocky thought.
Mavlie widens her eyes .. seeing Igie like this.
Mavlie : '' Now .. wait just a moment Igie , not so fast. Even though you ' already ' know this now .. about Tawny , ' don't ' think .. that it's as easy to do it .. compared to the way that I'm saying it. Remember that old saying that Desi always tells us : '' easier said .. than done. '' .. Tawny will ' already ' know .. and suspect .. that you'll be seeing Destiny for lessons .. on how to speak directly and firmly to him. , as he already knew .. for the maj-ority .. of cats within Queen Destiny's pride .. whom ' already ' spoke to her. .. ''
Mavlie : '' Remember just how big .. his collision ' really is. ' .. Well .. pretty much tied against Queen Destiny's collision and cluster of lionesses , a few lions and ' definitely ' Touphy and Tum as back up. Just like Desi does .. Tawny , has lions that ' will ' be eavesdroppin' and will be ' round .. just to get word and buzz on this .. just so he knows ahead of time and .. he can have ' plenty ' enough time to think .. about just ' how ' to avoid this , ' before ' such actions happen. In this way , Tawny and Destiny ' both think ' the exact , same way but , neither Desi and Tawny .. refuse to admit it .. to each other. .. being the best of friends , but still royal enemies towards one another ' all ' because of their royal families on going feuds long .. before they were born and ''
Mavlie : '' , ' both of them ' .. just want Sundaya .. all to themselves. ''
Igie : '' Desi told you ' all ' .. of this Mavs ? ''
Mavlie : '' Well yea Igie. , ' everything. ' .. I happen to be ' just as close ' with Desi .. as you and Daunnie are. ... Sometimes , me and her talk a lot. Well .. it's mostly me .. that starts the conversation and .. she's always busy or .. in the middle of something. But she ' still ' talks to me .. while she's doing something though. She never really minds setting against time for me .. or any .. of her fellow lioness .. that are ' already ' .. a part of her collision of lioness. ''
Igie : '' I wonder .. why ' didn't she ' .. tell me any of this. ''
Mavlie : ( rolls her eyes abit .. as she says the first sentence ) ' Never mind ' why .. didn't Desi tell you this Igie. * scoffs abit * Next thing you'll do .. is go confront Desi about this .. and it'll all turn into an ugly argument ! , no. Chill out with that. - Just be happy that ' I ' .. told you .. and filled you in .. with all of this incredibly valuable information instead. ... This is the many positive ups .. about being a part of Desi's lioness collision. We all help each other and pass around information if lioness like you .. aren't aware of what's going on sometimes and , life gets messy and .. it's hard to catch up and .. stay ahead with everyone else. ''
Igie : '' Yea. , you're right Mavs. That's the immature-ish thing .. that I would always do .. anytime Desi doesn't tell me stuff like this. , cause I'm one of her best , most closest friends. - It's honestly NOT .. worth my time , her time , worth my energy , nor her energy too. .. She's gotta ' too much ' to do .. as Queen nowadays anyway. .. She's got her wedding with Kip .. to look forward to , she's got that new male cub to take care of and .. she's got Tawny to deal with .. always trying to fight and argue with her .. about Sundaya. ''
Mavlie : '' That's right. , save all of your energy for real action when necessary. .. Do you remember.. that Dest taught us this long ago ? ''
Igie : '' Yea. , but I always forget as usual. ''
Mavlie : '' I know. ''
Igie : '' , Wait Mavlie ! , ''
Mavlie : '' What ? ! ''
Igie : '' Won't Desi wanna know the reason .. ' why ' .. I'm demanding lessons to talk to talk more firmly and directly to Tawny ? , then what will I say ? , tell her the truth ? ''
Mavlie : '' Well .. I don't wanna lead you on into .. picking the wrong decision but , ' this is ' your decision Igi. .. it's up to you. ''
Igie : * lazy , soft sighs * '' Aww .. but I don't want it .. to be up to me Mavs ! , I wanna know .. what do you think ' I ' .. should do. .. And I don't care .. if I won't like the decision or not. I'm asking for ' your help ' and for ' your opinion ' anyway. .. ''
Mavlie : * soft sighs , trying to be patient with Igie * '' Alright , you're right. - Here's what I think you should do : tell Desi the truth. Alright ? , you're one of her best , most closest friends. She can tell when you're lying .. so you might as well fess up and be real with her. ''
Igie : '' Yea. , even though I ' really don't ' .. like that idea. ''
Mavlie : '' Yeah ? , well you said that ya didn't care .. what the decision will be. So .. you wanted to know. ... ''
Igie : '' I know , I know. ''
Mavlie : '' ... ''
Igie : ( voice gets normal toned all over again ) '' , Mavlie ? ''
Mavlie : '' Yeah ? ''
Igie : '' Thanks. , so much .. for all of your help and .. always being there for me. .. I ' really ' appreciate it. ''
She smiles all sparkly and sweetly.
Mavlie smiles back cheerfully at Igie.
Mavlie : '' You're welcome Igie. , I'll always be here for you. After all .. if I hadn't meet you through Desi .. we ' wouldn't ' be talking to each other .. as we are right now. .. In fact , we wouldn't never met. ''
Igie : '' Yea. , that's right Igie. You're the best. ''
Mavlie : '' And you Igi .. are of many sides .. that I can never get tired of being curious .. to know more about. ''
Igie and Mavlie both side hug one another. , closing their colored eyes and wrapped each other around both of their slim and furry waists.
After much eating , much talking .. about more rising problems , pressing concerns .. and other issues .. that ' besides ' the new , male cub , Queen Destiny roars alittle loudly. , getting every cat in her popular royal tower's area attention.
No cat moves. , all cats stay where they are. Even the cats that are layin' and chillin' .. onto Queen Destiny's royal tower , look down at her listening. Some yawn into a snarl , other meditate while closing their furry , colored eyes .. laying in a spinx cat position.
Queen Destiny : ( normal toned , voice is abit raised ) '' In conclusion .. to Solo more , a new member of my pride and .. this .. will be ' my final ' decision here - through the good influence of King Kip * she looks at King Kip who nods his furry head at her in gentle , encouraging agreement * , all in favor .. roar ' I. ' ''
A great half of Queen Destiny's pride of cats - besides the royals and her closest , lioness friends , start to roar abit loudly .. voicing their opinions. , the cubs from below furry , long or short , hind legs to ground level .. mew very , very loudly .. looking up at their parents and older cats roar. , so they all mimic their furry , authority figures too , to be heard as well.
Tawny looks at her alittle bit .. in hesitation .. trying to understand .. where .. is her final decision to this male cub , coming from.
Other half of cats within her pride get a little heated and out of control , voicing their dis-agreeing .. opinions towards the agreeing cats that vote .. that Solo more .. be a part of her pride. , and right now .. Queen Destiny has to roar abit some more right now .. just to break the huge debate up.
When she talks , it's when all cats go silent.
Queen Destiny : '' Alright ! , alright ! - and , all that oppose , roar ' neigh. ' ''
And so many other cats .. do just that. Other cats say '' neigh '' very loudly .. in such an interfering , loud , funny , entertaining and an annoying way. Queen Destiny's gang of lioness almost quickly look around them. , the huge debate against Solo more is getting alittle ' too heated ' and ' too chaotic ' .. that .. they don't even wanna voice their opinions , or even participate .. in the fair , huge debate. Other cats also .. look at other cats who are a part of the debate .. and don't even bother roaring .. if they aren't even gonna be able to be heard .. by the Queen herself. , and all of the royals too.
as to whether .. the little , male cub stays .. or as cruel as it is , he is abandoned .. and left on his own , ' once ' .. a cat from the Queen's pride , volunteer .. to carry the cub away from Sundaya .. and place him wherever he came from. King Kip is sitting up right , Touph and Tum are sitting upright in the background , Queen Destiny is standing onto her long , furry two's right next to Touphy and Tum. , on Touphy's lelt side. Antevill is sitting up right next to a very thin platform of a rock .. almost close by the edge of her royal tower and finally Tawny .. is standing up onto his long , furry two's blocking the exit to the right .. with his gang of lions that are his best friends .. crowding abit close behind him.
Before Queen Destiny or .. any royal says anything , Tawny speaks up abit quickly making all cats stop roaring and go quiet. , wanting to hear Tawny's opinion.
Tawny : '' Wait Dawl ! , * says as he quickly walks up to confront Queen Destiny * and just where .. is this decision on the little , furry hairball .. coming from ? , * Queen Destiny narrows her furry , black eyebrows as he says this in front of her face * you wasn't talkin' about this when you , me and double '' T '' * addressing Touphy and Tum with a very quick gesture paw gesture * .. were havin' a good conversation ! ''
Both cats get into each other's faces , creating a very thin line of space between the two.
Queen Destiny : '' Since Kip and I .. ' just ' started talking right now. .. as if .. you weren't watching. ''
Tawny looks at her abit angrily. , then he growls abit loudly at her defiantly.
Queen Destiny : '' You're not my King. , so I .. ' don't ' need to address this cub situation to you. You said it yourself , you don't want nothin' to do .. with the male cub. And ' every cat ' here .. as heard you say it. , ''
She quickly turns her furry head to look at her audience pride of cats .. that are right in front of her. Tawny looks ahead of her quickly to watch.
Queen Destiny : ( shouts ) '' Am I right ? ! ''
A very large number of cats roar loudly in agreement. Blankey tries to roar abit softly in agreement too , but Tawny quickly shoots him a threatening , annoyed look at him .. making Blankey stop immediately. He speaks abit softly to Tawny.
Blankey : '' Just joking Tawny. , just .. joking. '' * laughs abit weakly at Tawny playfully *
Tawny and Queen Destiny quickly look at each other.
Tawny : '' Even when Kippy hon ' wasn't King ' * King Kip blinks at Tawny and Queen Destiny in alarm , then frowns unhappily * .. you always treated me differently and ' re-fused ' .. to accept the fact that .. ' we ' .. are ruling this reign ( says slowly while his right paw rotates In a circular motion ) to-gether. Admit it Dawl , you always had such a damn hard time .. accepting that ' I'm ' King .. of Sundaya. , ''
He quickly turns his furry head to the extremely large audience of lions.
Tawny : '' Now am I ' right ? ! ' ''
Many lions in the audience roar even more loudly to Tawny in agreement. , even Tawny's gang of lions from behind him .. roar in agreement with Tawny too , proving his point.
Then on cue , every cat goes silent again. Tawny turns his furry head right back to Queen Destiny. In time .. to see her roll her dark light and brown eyes at him in disgust and very strong disagreement.
Tawny : '' Get it Dawl ? ''
Queen Destiny : '' Oh yea Tawny. , ' got it. ' - Why .. do you even care to state your opinion .. for what's best for Solo more anyway ? , you're a cub killer. You'd just rather kill the cub .. while all of your lions playin' '' tug-of-war '' with you anyway. .. So what exactly .. is the point Tawny ? , riddle me that ! ''
Tawny : '' The point ? , there is ' no point ! ' .. I just love going against you. You got lucky for winning Sundaya back with her new King ten years ago. , now this time .. you ' aren't ' winning. And you need to know that. ''
Queen Destiny : '' Oh yeah ? , and you ' need to know ' .. that Solo more is staying here .. and my opinion is ' final. ' ''
Tawny : '' NOT .. without hearing all of the other royal opinions and yours truly .. ' my opinion. ' ''
Queen Destiny : '' Your opinion .. doesn't mean a ' damn thing ' Tawny. Now how's that .. for your opinion ? ''
Most cats in the audience gasps loudly.
Tawny : '' You wasn't sayin' that when we were together. ''
Most cats go : '' Ohhh ! '' instigating and encouraging .. Queen Destiny and Tawny's usual duo.
Queen Destiny : '' That was years ago ! , I'm a different lioness now. ''
Tawny : '' So am I ! ''
Queen Destiny : '' I NEVER said you wasn't. ''
Tawny : '' You've said that before. ''
Queen Destiny : '' That .. was years ago Tawn ! ''
Tawny : '' So ? ! , you said it .. so you ' must ' .. have meant it. ''
Queen Destiny : '' Should you have been exiled from Sundaya already ? , I am sure .. that you've been exiled for years now ! ''
Tawny : '' Shouldn't you be married to me .. ruling Sundaya with me , having my cubs and we be together forever for the rest of our lives ? ''
Sir Antevill : '' Enough ! ''
He roars abit loudly to shut Queen Destiny and Tawny up.
Sir Antevill : '' You guys wanna continue to argue ? , or do you wanna ignore the matter .. at hand here ? ''
Tawny and Queen Destiny look at each other again.
Tawny : '' Argue. ''
Queen Destiny : '' Matter. ''
Sir Antevill : ''Alright. , now I know that .. Desi and Kip want the cub to stay , * looks at Daunnie * Daunnie .. what do-you think ? ''
Every cat looks at Daunnie.
Daunnie blinks at every cat stupidly. , and after a second of silence and blinking .. she looks at Sir Antevill.
Daunnie : '' Well I think .. that little Solo more should stay. He's ' soo cute ! ' ''
Every cat watches Solo more run around in circles on cue and then fall down in style.
Most cats : '' Awwwwwww ! ''
Tawny rolls his very light , hazel eyes.
Sir Antevill : '' Not .. because he's cute Daunnie. We all need a ' real .. reason. ' ''
Daunnie : ( says in a whiny way ) '' But ' this is ' a real reason. ''
Sir Antevill : ( says abit quickly to Daunnie ) '' No it's not. , now try again. Why .. do you think he should stay ? , this is serious. ''
Daunnie : '' Alright , well , ( says in deep thought ) I think that Solo more should stay because .. he could grow up to be a great cub one day. , that ends up learning everything from Desi and all of us. .. He'll even learn mean ways from Tawny. ''
Tawny looks at her .. and mimics the way she talks.
Tawny : '' Ohhh .. well isn't that cute. - ( mimicking .. turns into mocking , and mocking .. turns into sarcasm ) And maybe , he'll grow up to be a really mean lion that hunts weak cats like you .. and will probably try to rule Sundaya. ''
Daunnie : '' Aw really ? , well that sounds nice. ''
Tawny : ( say rudely ) '' No ! ''
King Kip : ( says nice and reasonably ) '' Come guys .. quit it. We need to decide on this today. We don't have all day to be joking and foolin' around. This is for the pride's sake .. and what's best for Solo more , at least for the time being. ''
After hearing King Kip's very reasonable , neutral and calm opinion .. this makes the audience of cats decide even more quickly. Hearing the words '' for now '' .. brings relief to the crowd of cats and makes decision making .. a whole lot easier.
Cats : ( chanting ) '' Let the cub stay ! , let the cub stay ! , let the cub stay ! , let the cub stay ! ''
The cats continue to chant loudly in the background while the royals continue to reasonably negotiate with one another.
Queen Destiny widens her dark and light browns eyes .. at how incredibly fast .. the audience of cats finally were able to decide already. She looks at King Kip and smiles at him. King Kip smiles back.
Other royals look at the now happy audience of cats in front of them all because of what King Kip said .. in such good , positive awe and amazement. Widening their furry , colored eyes alittle and furry mouths .. are open into a very small '' O '' shape.
Sir Antevill : ( says in great , happy surprise ) '' King Kip , ( says while smiling ) what did you say ? ''
King Kip : '' I said the words '' for now. '' .. And all of this time , when we were mentioning the cub needing to stay and become a new member of the pride with us , we made Desi's pride think .. that this huge decision .. was gonna last and carry on forever. .. So , ''
All royals look and listen to King Kip as he continues to talk.
King Kip : '' In order to make it easier .. for Desi's pride to decide , why not let it be for the time being .. so together , we all can see how this turns out and if so or not . only ' then ' .. and then we can decide .. if this is really .. a good idea or not. ''
Daunnie : '' Well I gotta admit Kip , that's genius. ''
Tawny : '' Hmph. , not bad. ''
Ioan : ' Yeah. .. ''
Queen Destiny : '' I am ' soo glad ' .. that you really feel that way Kip. , I knew that you would eventually warm up to the cub. ''
King Kip : '' Yea. , '' * looks at the male cub *
Then all royals start to look at the male cub : Solo more.
King Kip : '' The little cub ' has ' grown on to me abit .. hasn't he. , under ' your influence ' my love. ''
Queen Destiny : * blushing alittle red as she says this * '' Awww , Kip ... ''
Tawny looks at her and then starts to chuckle abit at Queen Destiny's behavior.
Queen Destiny turns to hiss abit annoyed at Tawny.
Sir Antevill turns to Touphy and Tum.
Sir Antevill : '' What do you think Touphy and Tum ? ''
Touphy : '' I honestly don't care what you damn royals do. ... ''
Tum : '' At this point , I could care less. ... ''
Queen Destiny : '' Seriously you guys. , you know that I always respect and value .. you guy's opinions. What do you ' really think ? ' ''
Touphy looks at her. , then sighs softly in thought. Ready to tell her .. what he and his little brother really think.
Touphy : ' Set aside from .. our true feelings , we ''
Tum finishes his sentence.
Tum : '' think ''
Touphy : '' that ''
Tum : '' you royals ''
Touphy : '' should for now .. deal with cub. Maybe .. you could send the two of us to the ' outskirts ' of Sundaya .. and we could try .. to look .. for it's mother. ''
Tum : '' Wha ? , I sure as hell am not goin' , that's a very , very long travel. ''
Touphy's very long and big tail slaps him abit hard .. at the back of his big , furry head.
Tum quickly looks at him .. and then snarls loudly in Touphy's furry face. , still disobeying and disagreeing with him.
Touphy : '' You can snarl in my face as much as you want to. , but if Dawl ' really ' wanted us to go do this important task for her .. then you ' know ' .. that we both are in it together. Hell .. I don't wanna go neither. But you would go with me , wouldn't you brother. ''
Tum : * sighs alittle lazy like * '' Yea. .. ( in soft , agreeing mutters ) you right , you right. ''
Queen Destiny : '' I ' already know ' .. that Flaunt thinks .. that I should deal with the cub too. , so .. there's only ' one cat's opinion ' .. that we have NOT heard from yet ? ''
Daunnie and King Kip : '' And .. who's opinion is that exactly ? ''
Queen Destiny : '' Ant's. ''
All royals look at Sir Antevill.
Sir Antevill : '' Hmm ? ''
Queen Destiny : '' What d'-you think Ant ? , obviously in order to make this final decision for Solo more official , we need the Guardian of Sundaya's approval lastly. ''
Tawny : '' And mine. ''
Queen Destiny : ( says this .. as she gets into Tawny's handsome , furry face again ) '' Shut it .. Tawny. ! ''
Tawny : ( says this .. as he gets into Queen Destiny's beautiful , furry face again too ) '' Make .. me Dawl ! ''
Sir Antevill : '' Well I think .. that the cub should stay. , ''
King Kip and Queen Destiny say this unexpectedly .. at the exact , same time.
King Kip and Queen Destiny : '' Why ? ''
When both royals of her enormous land realize .. that they both spoken at the exact , same time , they look at each other .. then blush really , really red together.
Daunnie smiles sweetly .. seeing this.
Sir Antevill : '' Because .. we will never know .. what kind of cat .. will he grow up to be. He could turn out to be a great King ! , I can ' already see ' .. just from lookin' at him and .. lookin' into his eyes , that his future as a lion .. will be a very bright one. ''
Queen Destiny : '' Well .. I couldn't agree with you even more Ant. , I see lots of potential in little Solo more too. , in which is why .. I found it so hard .. to just leave him .. back at the elephants grounds where I found him to begin with. ''
Tawny : '' And ' I think ' .. that the cub should go. , don't get me wrong here Dawl and .. the rest of you royals , but .. this one cub alone .. ' could ' cause a whole mess of trouble .. and cat drama for all of us .. that we don't want .. or even need .. in our lives right now. - And I'm saying this completely .. out of all seriousness here. - Those are some ' really good ' reasons .. for the cub's being here , really , and I'm not disagreeing against that , or even saying that neither of you are wrong for that. But , ''
Tawny : '' in our cat nature and .. a main rule of thumb for developing prides .. such as mine and Dawl's here , we have absolutely ' no business ' .. having or taking a male cub that is NOT even a part of our cub generation .. with us. I mean .. who do we think we are doing this ? , what gives us t he judirisdiction to decide on this .. and do this ? , I mean .. sure , once a cat finds out about the male cub's disappearance and when they come here .. they find out that this was all of Dawl's doing ; they're not gonna get mad for the cub being separated , but .. they're gonna be glad that the Queen of Sundaya herself .. decided to look after him. But this , ''
Tawny : '' it's honestly for the cub's best .. if we just pretend that we never saw him , and just leave me .. wherever he was originally. It's worse enough .. that Dawl has taken the cub with her .. ' so much more ' .. that finding it being abandoned for .. Kinny knows how long. ''
For the first time ever , all royals look at Tawny with plain and simple understanding and .. respect him greatly .. for his opinion , whether they didn't wanna hear his opinion or not. Obviously .. they get where Tawny is coming from but , just why isn't .. never easy to just take Queen Destiny and King Kip's idea of temporarily keeping the cub then ? , where is .. the silver lining .. in this situation. It's all just a stalemate and .. no way out.
After being in understanding and very comfortable silence .. for a good few seconds , still hearing the continuing chanting of the cats saying : '' Let the cub stay ! '' , Queen Destiny finally says something to all of the royals.
Queen Destiny : '' You know .. out of all seriousness Tawn , we go at it all the time but .. I ' really , really , really ' .. respect and accept .. your opinion greatly. .. Even though at first , I misjudged your opinion too soon and too quickly and .. I should've done that just now. I'm so sorry for that .. and I mean that. , ''
Tawny : '' Well .. ain't this a sweet 'n sexy surprise .. comin' from you Dawl. .. * cocky smirks abit * I like this surprise. - He , apology accepted. '' * little smiles abit *
Queen Destiny : '' Truthfully you guys , at first .. I ' really did ' .. want to go with Tawn's idea towards the cub to begin with , and .. I know that every cat in my pride thinks so too - I even know .. that should've never brought this cub here into our lives in the first place and .. just forced this cub down all of you guy's furry throats. * looks at all royals with gently and very , very sadly * - This was never my intention. , I was just as mean and hostile to the male cub when I found him .. as you all were. . ''
All royals look at each other .. and get alittle quiet , taking in the Queen's words and .. finally understanding how she feels about the male cub in the first place. How she felt the same as all of her cats in her pride did. Even Touphy and Tum look at her abit sad and very , very sympathetically.
Queen Destiny : '' .. I am truly , so , so sorry you guys. , for getting all of you into this. ' I ' should be exiled out of ' my own pride ' .. and being forced to take of this male cub all by myself instead. ''
Tawny : '' Now .. hold on a min Dawl. Now you know .. that whatever sticky situations like that .. that you get into , ' we cats ' in your pride .. could NEVER allow you to do that. - And I think that .. I'm speaking for ' all royals ' .. right here and right now , that you .. are being alittle too hard on yourself right now. We get that you are wrong and sorry for bringing this hair ball along , but .. we all admire your change of heart as much .. of a cold hearted , mean , difficult and .. sexy .. lioness you are .. that is much a lot like me. , but we will all take this .. as a cub learning experience .. when we all become parents with cubs one day , based upon your own cub troubles. In the end it ' does ' sound like .. a very , very tempting offer .. to just exile yourself .. out of your own pride - so I can have your pride to myself , but ... ''
Tawny : '' even I .. wouldn't even bring myself .. to even do that. It'd un banish you , make a deal with you and decide .. to have you rule as my Queen .. right here in Sundaya anyway. It wouldn't be the same fighting you .. if you ever ' did ' get banished .. by your own pride. ''
King Kip : '' Ohh .. Tawny is right my love. * kind hearted smiles * , you said it yourself. This ' wasn't ' your intention but , this also wasn't .. your fault. I promise you .. that no cat here in Sundaya .. is gonna change the way that they feel about you .. as ' our Queen ' of Sundaya , all because of this cub being here. We're ' still ' gonna believe that .. you are the most greatest Queen next to your mother of all. * Tawny and Daunnie nod their furry heads at Queen Destiny in agreement * You're a chip of the 'ld royal , spoiled throne of your parents after all. , and from your Uncle too. .. I can also promise you .. that we .. are going to get through this together. , this time , we won't allow you .. to do this alone. ''
Sit Antevill : ( says in agreement ) ( says softly ) '' That's right. ''
King Kip : '' We're a pride and you're my Queen. , and I'm going to do this with .. or without you. ''
Queen Destiny smiles so warmly .. that she just melts into all of such kind hearted and warm hearted words .. that her royals are now giving her. She isn't even able to say anything after all that she has heard.
Queen Destiny : '' ... ? ''
She looks at Touphy and Tum who decided to take a turn into talking some reason and comfort to her.
Touphy : '' Come on Puffs , my brother and I know you better than that. You're not gonna do anything .. such thing. Not if we can help it. You go ahead and create a pity party yourself .. enough to wanna exile yourself .. out of your own pride. See what happens to us all. If I .. have to drag you right back to Sundaya .. pulling your tail so hard until your nails create multiple trails onto the dirt ground , trying to resist away from me. , and Tum Tum helps me chase after you .. whenever you try to break free ; then that's ' exactly ' .. what we'll do , if it'll get you .. to stop talking nonsense .. and see that your whole pride is with you on this. , on .. whatever it is , on any situations .. that you are going through right now. ''
Tum adds on to what Touphy has to say.
Tum : '' Don't take the easy way out into this .. your highness. That's not like you. ''
Queen Destiny sighs abit softly in much consideration to herself. , after all that she has heard from he royals.
Queen Destiny : '' Alright guys. , you're right. * continues to look at all royals as she says this * I owe you guys. , now .. I'm gonna need all of the help that I can get though .. if I'm gonna deal with Solo more. Alright ? ''
Touphy : '' Of course Puffs , just .. ''
Touphy and Tawny both say this at the exact , same time.
Touphy and Tawny : '' don't ask us to cub sit though. ''
Both lions look at one another alittle awkwardly. , and Tum quickly turns his big , furry head to look at both his eldest brother Touphy and Tawny's furry facial expressions and .. reactions. Both lions have fire in their ice blue , ice berg and very light hazel eyes .. indicating that they ' really ' .. have a very , very strong dislike .. for one another. It's a very , very long , ongoing story between cat history in Sundaya and .. having alot to do with .. Tawny being the ' main target ' .. that should've already been banished from Sundaya. , but such details .. will be given for a different story. , at a different place .. and at a very different time.
Surprisingly , both Touphy and Tawny chuckle abit meanly .. shockingly , having the exact , same mean humor together.
Queen Destiny smiles abit happily .. when seeing this. , she continues to talk.
Queen Destiny : '' - Now don't worry you two .. I ' won't ' ask you to cub sit. I probably will have some other important favor .. to ask you .. about Solo more anyway. , something that will fit ' both ' of lions skills. '' * happy smirks *
Tawny and Touphy both look at one another from the corners of their eyes abit awkwardly again.
Tawny : '' Aw .. come on Dawl. , I hope .. that you are gonna ask us .. to work together or some corny idea like that. ''
Touphy : '' Please Puffs , I'd rather cub sit .. that work together. You know how I feel about working together with cats. I ' ONLY ' either work alone .. or mainly with Tum Tum. You know that. ''
Tum : '' And don't try to bring my innocent self .. into this too Puffs. , * Queen Destiny looks at Tum , Touphy and Tawny abit playfully * I'm serious. ''
Queen Destiny laughs abit softly.
Queen Destiny : '' I won't tell you guys the idea that I have for all of you yet. , cuz I haven't thought of it yet. So , * she turns her furry head to look at the rest of the royals * have we all reached a final decision on Solo more ? ''
Sir Antevill : '' Yes. ''
Daunnie : '' Yes. ''
Ioan : '' Yes ! ''
King Kip : ( says playfully .. with enthusiasm * '' Yess-um. ''
Touphy : '' Yes. ''
Tum : '' Yes. ''
Flaunti : '' Hell .. yes ! ''
Queen Destiny looks away from Flaunti playfully.
Queen Destiny : '' Alright , yes indeed dee ! ''
Sitting upright still , the Queen of Sundaya gently stomps both of her furry , front arms/paws onto the dirt ground cheerfully.
Sir Antevill roars abit more loudly so it takes the crowd of cats in front of all of the royals , aback and then .. making every cat in the royal tower area , go silent again.
Finally .. after minutes of debating and chanting in one day , all cats look at all of the royals for the final time.
Sir Antevill : ( says abit loudly for all cats to hear ) '' We have all negotiated reasonably .. and have come to a decision. ''
The crowd of cats applause into roars , snarls and mews : normal yet natural cat language.
Queen Destiny : '' Alright , alright , ''
The crowd of cats simmer down easily.
Sir Antevill : '' Coming from all of the royals opinions , Tawny .. and the Queen of Sundaya herself , the male cub : Solo more .. stays. , may we now .. welcome him .. to the pride ! ''
The crowd of cats continue to cheer very , very loudly .. more than ever. Then the crowd of cats make a very huge path for the royals and all other cats like Tawny's gang. All royals hop down onto the very final ledge that is attached to Queen Destiny's royal , tower and start to slowly walk ahead , obviously letting Solo more himself , be the first .. to walk ahead. That way .. the whole crowd of cats will exchange so many : '' Welcome to the Indenius pride Solo more ! '' greetings and other welcoming and weird sniffs of his scent , licks onto his left or right cheek by random lioness , then to make every thing more easier ; Queen Destiny picks Solo more up .. and balances him perfectly onto her long , furry slim back so that way , it's easier for so many , endless cats to welcome him to the pride. , and they won't have to smother him with so much love and attention. As if .. all cats in the crowd ' weren't ' doing that to begin with.
The crowd , the royals and Queen Destiny herself .. all go into indistinct conversation all once very loudly in order to be heard by one another. Even Tawny and King Kip .. are walking with Queen Destiny - in which is not very much of a surprise really , : Tawny walking onto his long , furry fours onto her left side .. and King Kip walking onto his long , furry fours onto her right side. All of the other royals are strutting their stuff from behind Queen Destiny , Tawny and King Kip in a very small , lower case '' V '' shape formation. , and Tawny's gang of lions are lost into the crowd of cats .. talking with other cats and getting into their own kinds of conversations as well.
Queen Destiny's pride of cats all start to exit out of her royal tower even though they are very well far away .. from the exit. This area is pretty much cleared out , all except Touphy and Tum. Both over grown lions that are in the middle of hopping of the last ledge of Queen Destiny's tower area and .. following very , very slowly right after to crowd of lions. Not even wanting .. or even bothering .. to welcome a brand new member Solo more .. into Queen Destiny's Indenius pride.
It is clear .. that both cats ' really don't care ' .. for the new , male cub Solo more.