King 6

Chapter 3 : Down with Queen Destiny's old , royal , sick Uncle ( Part 1 )

After the huge , royal meeting with Queen Destiny and King Kip's pride discussing Solo more's stay , after walking around very popular and normally crowded areas in Sundaya ; King Kip talks with Queen Destiny about stopping by to see how her old , royal Uncle is doing. Queen Destiny argues not to go see her Uncle because he's such a ' huggge ' waste of time and she doesn't even wanna see or deal with him anymore. She tells King Kip that she doesn't want anything to do with him. King Kip reasonably argues with her to at least see how Touphy and Tum's job is going with wacthing and dealing with Uncle. King Kip keeps reasonably arguing with his Queen until Queen Destiny finally adheres with him. She sighs exasperatingly and right now - together , both furry royals are slowly walking their way onto their long , furry fours on their way to her old family den where all royals used to live , but not anymore.

Because all royals have out grown their royal family. - Along the way , in mizzling rain , Queen Destiny and King Kip continue to talk until both furry royals hop up from rock ledge to rock ledge. , till they reach the very top entrance of Queen Destiny's old , royal , claustrophobic den.

Both royals ignore the mizzling rain that sounds like it's gently dripping and dropping onto an old roof. The muzzling rain already soaking both of the furry royals fur coats. Queen Destiny and King Kip's furry manes are soaked down and are blocking their view all over their furry faces and furry eyes. Covering up a great percentage of their furry faces.

Queen Destiny : ( normal toned and very calm ) '' You can continue to reasonably argue with me , about seeing my Uncle all you want to , but I ' still ' don't want to see him. ( in detest ) I don't even wanna look at him. ''

King Kip : ( still talking to her soft , gentle and very kindly ) '' I know .. that you don't Desi , I know that you don't. But ' please ' .. do this for me. As king , I gotta see what's up with your Uncle. I wonder what he's plannin'. - And I'm not fooled .. just because he's all tied up to a chain. So what. , as big as you're Uncle is ... - * says softly to himself , but Queen Destiny can hear him * Hmph ! ''

Queen Destiny smiles alittle entertainingly at King Kip.

Queen Destiny : '' That's my Kip. , I'm so very proud of you .. for not being as naïve and beguiled as you were when we were growing up as cubs. ''

King Kip smiles at her very warmly after what she just said to him.

King Kip : '' Thanks my lovely Desi. , that means a lot to me .. coming from you. ... '' * blushing alittle red *

Queen Destiny smiles abit warmly at him right back. The two royals start to slowly take their time hopping up to overlapping stone ledge to ledge , still at the very bottom. Neither cat Is even on an overlapping , stone ledge that leads to the royals family , old , cub hood den.

Right now , both royals stop moving and stand in front of one another.

Queen Destiny : '' Well I'm extremely glad that my heartwarming words mean a lot from me to you. I meant every word from the bottom of my heart. As for my Uncle , I've had enough of him. Trying to control Flaunt and I , trying to controlling ' my royal reign ' when my royal parents and Moonlight told me long ago .. when I was ' still ' a preteen cat. Trying to come up in our lives and act like a good Uncle. Something that he should've done for both Flaunt and I for a long time now. * pauses abit at the end of her sentence * ... ''

King Kip remains silent and just looks at her sympathetically. , then he continues to give her empathy through his words. He doesn't say anything right now. .. and could only look at his Queen empathetically.

King Kip : '' ... ''

Queen Destiny : '' At this point in my life , - and Flaunt's , I'm done with him. Before my royal parents kicked the bucket , my father - you know , the ' original , favorite , popular King of Sundaya ; told me to look after every , single , one of my siblings. Dal , Sassy , Cassy , Flaunt , even my cousins included too. Course that's abit too much of an overload for me , as the eldest sibling in the family but still ; the point to what I'm saying here , is that I gave my father an oath that I would. , ''

Queen Destiny : '' and right now , I .. am choosing to make .. a very hard , hard , difficult decision. ' I ' gotta decide what's best for Flaunt - for the time being , until the rest of my siblings return back to Sundaya. No matter how big my Flaunt 'n taunt gets , - that was my very first nickname .. that I started to call Flaunti all our furry lives by the way - back during cub hood , it's always going to be my job to take care of him. , to continue to look after him , to make choices and decisions on his protective account. ''

King Kip nods his big , wet head at her in understanding. , in the muzzling rain still right now.

Queen Destiny : '' Even if right now in his life , he's big enough to take care of himself. He's got Onaumi and cubs , a family to look after of his own. You know how I feel about Flaunt and my family baby. I NEVER wanna think about .. - dear Kinny forbid this , the bad things that ' could happen ' .. to Flaunt and the rest of my family. But I don't wanna think about that , I'd rather do ' everything ' in my power , to keep them safe and keep up with their tracks and paw , foot steps rather than slip up and not be cautious , and live to regret it when something bad does happen to them. ''

Queen Destiny : '' Kip , you're the eldest in your family too. I know that you would go crazy if - dear Kinny forbid this , something bad happens to Oan. , or worse , Oni especially. He's the youngest in your family. You know and understand how this feels. ''

King Kip : '' Yea. , of course I do Desi. I ' don't ' .. want you to think that I'm NOT saying otherwise Desi , it's just that .. no matter ' how ' you feel .. about your family , they're ' still ' your family .. when the days ends. And you can't change family. You can't choose your family. Family always chooses ' you. ' .. And , if you ' don't ' want them to choose you , then take on that statement - or claim , to Kinny. Because he's the reason .. - as well as your royal parents , why you have and been given the family that you have now. ''

King Kip : '' Boy .. I remember feeling the ' same , exact way ' as you did. * smiling at Queen Destiny abit in comfortingly * , have I ' ever ' told that time when I ran away from home for the very first time ever , in my life , as a preteen cat ? ''

The vision , the picture , of the furry royals in the muzzling rain still , quickly changes transitioning the view to .. what looks like very , very clear water surface. With lots of beautiful , motioning ripples , rain drops that slowly drip onto the surface and create even more beautiful , slow and in sync ripples.

Then a very clear picture of Kip's memory automatically clears up , to show a younger version of a male cat named Kip , who indeed ran away from home one night. Slowly tip toeing in pure darkness and his only source of light shining would be his dark , deep , neon green eyes ; away from his family of five - counting both of his parents , away from the spot he always slept between Oni - to his left , and Oan. ( to his right )

Then scampers more quickly , then he ' ever did ' before .. in all of his life , passed his sleeping parents .. deep into their marriage of little arguments that aren't often discussed as they should be and .. love that is slowly starting to die out. , whom are always sleeping by the entrance of his family's den .. so that dear Kinny forbid danger comes trekkin' or passin' by the entrance , his parents can automatically wake up and protect their family with their lives.

Seeing the view .. just as much as King Kip is , Queen Destiny continues to talk to King Kip.

Queen Destiny : '' No Kip. , I ' never knew ' that you ran away from home before. You've ' never ' told me that story before , being the best of friends for life for ' this long. ' ''

As we readers can well imagine , while King Kip and Queen Destiny are imagining this together , he almost slowly turns his furry head to look at her. Then answers her.

King Kip : '' Well there was a ' reason ' why I couldn't - no , didn't .. want to tell you this yet Desi. The answer - I mean .. reason , was ' too complicated at first. ' ''

The royal's voices turn into a voice over , while King Kip tells her the story of him running away from home for many personal reasons and we see what happens in the story very clear as crystal.

Queen Destiny : '' Well .. continue telling me the story. I wanna hear this. ''

King Kip : '' Okay. ''

By such friction , such fussing , such bickering , such morass , such negative energy and especially .. witnessing his parent's marriage with his very own dark , deep , neon green eyes .. as the eldest in his family ; was taking ' more ' than a major toll on Kip. He's an at peace lion and - alike Oni , if he's surrounded by cats or even hears cats that are disputing or having a negative battle with words , then he'll just run off and cry in a corner , incredibly sensitive and doesn't like it when such peace , love and harmony is broken.

When his parents found out , - through his best friend Irediseatiess , but he didn't really tell his parents , his parents easily figured it out themselves together ; that Kip is more gay than having a very strong attraction and liking to lions ' and ' lioness , that is the straw .. that broke the camel's back for Kip. ' That's what ' made Kip .. run away.

As King Kip tells his story , we imagine it happening ' exactly ' .. the way that he is telling the story.

King Kip's voice over : '' After running completely out of my family's den , being sure to scamper very , very lightly on my feet - ''

Queen Destiny's voice : '' Yea , you always were light on your feet. ... And so was I. ''

King Kip's voice over : '' so that my parents could not hear me and won't wake up to see who's out so very , very late at night ; I don't remember too well .. how many directions and how ' fast ' I went .. as I ran away from home completely , never to turn back , never to look back. ''

We see a young lion of Kip still scampering an in-credible rush of directions , until he is at an extremely far distance away from his family's den , in pure darkness , but in the very , very distant , not so popular , very far and pretty much , the ' other ' outskirts of Sundaya , that cats seldom hang out at. ONLY other animals in the Sundaya hang there. But those areas of Sundaya are always silent as a grave and a complete waste land.

His dark , neon green , soaked with upsetting and angry tears , eyes are still shining ever so brightly into the darkness , ever so quickly maneuvering his way through Sundaya in pitch darkness , in un godly and incredibly un safe , extremely dark hours of Sundaya. , where pretadors like other lions from different territories that Touphy and Tum still patrol and be out on the look out for .. have a walk. , and also where wild dogs and hyenas roam , probably out for a snack or maybe a drink of water as well. After dark hours , as the Indenius pride calls it , when after Touphy and Tum finish patrolling ' all ' areas and parts of Sundaya , then it's time for bed. And by then , it's midnight , coincidentally , the time that young Kip is out right now.

King Kip's voice over : '' Sure of myself enough .. that I was com-pletely away from my family's den and nothing of my family reminds me .. of the new surroundings that I'm in right now , I was at a very , very dark and yet shady area. Where I remember there was .. an incredibly small den in the very , very corner of two huge , stone , dark , navy blue , scarred boulders and a very skinny piece of stone that was long enough to balance itself on both of the boulders , so that the little sanctuary was like a little house to me. At first .. it was quiet , then I heard a dangerous sound of a pretador's call. I'm not sure if it was a hyena or wild dog , but I heard one of their distant calls so , alittle scared and for now , I've stopped crying to myself along the way ; I quickly ducked while squeezing my way in this .. little , new sanctuary that I've discovered for myself. , ''

King Kip's voice over : '' I lifted my little , furry head back .. looking real high all around me how this little den looked like .. while almost slowly walking further and further inside this den. Seeing that this den was bigger on the outside , than it was on the inside. I stopped all of a sudden , almost tumbling. Then I quickly looked ahead of me to see wall and a very small corner where the second huge boulder was , that holds up one half of this den that I was in. I sat upright behind with my small , furry back slouched , I put my little head down , ignoring the little growing hair strands of my mane that are oddly sticking and covering the middle part of my furry face ; and I started to cry. A-lot. I don't even .. remember .. how long I cried and .. how long I was in that den. It felt like .. the whole night or .. maybe hours. But I was all alone. ''

King Kip's voice : '' I was hurt , I was very , very upset , I was really angry .. that .. all throughout my en-tire life as a lion , I was struggling and had it so bad .. being who I am and dealing with my sexuality and .. who I found attractive and who I didn't .. find .. so very attractive. Yea , you guessed it. They even got so very angry when they found out eventually , that I was first dating and in a relationship with Tawny .. ' and ' my best friend Irediseatiess. My father forbid that I even see the ' both ' of them ever again. , even strictly saying , for me to NEVER .. be gay .. ever again. , always tellin' me that he never raised and never wanted to raise .. a gay , eldest son in the family. , a gay , young lion. ''

King Kip's voice : '' But in that den , I realized that I have always been in love with Irediseatiess .. after the many cub hood days of us two , being the best of friends and I knew that Irediseatiess , felt the exact , same way too. Now Irediseatiess .. suffered part of .. what I was going through too. His parents also didn't like that he was gay too and he loved me a lot and had a very strong attraction to lions more than lioness , the same way as I did. ''

Queen Destiny : '' What happened ? , when did you get to see Iredise again ? , when were you finally accepted of being who you are when it came down to your sexuality love ? ''

Barely sounding like a question.

King Kip pauses abit towards the middle of his story , before finally deciding to answer his Queen's question.

King Kip : '' I'll tell you that after I finish my story. ''

Queen Destiny : ( still speaking softly ) '' Okay. ''

As the King of Sundaya talks , his vision of his dream starts to almost quickly change into a picture of his best friend Irediseatiess. Showing the blurred , initial vision at the start , assuming that it must be the next day. A new day. We start to see Irediseatiess and his father arguing fiercely , so ugly and nasty about the situation at hand. His father is going completely off about Kip , Kip , Kip and more Kip. How Iredisetiess is with Kip , in this relationship with Kip and how at first , he was perfectly fine with Kip being his best lion friend all of his life. , until he realized that his only , eldest lion in their family - Irediseatiess's family , has been in a secret , gay relationship with his best friend Kip .. this whole time and all his life.

Irediseatiess's mother is sitting upright , near by Irediseatiess and her husband listening very carefully in on the conversation. Clearly looking very , very troubled , hurt that her own son didn't tell her at all about this .. between himself and Kip , looking very stressed and over whelmed with the arguing and constant fighting between her son and husband - as always , and sad that her son and husband can't not only get along , but don't really have an kind of fatherly relationship whatsoever and don't really interact with each other like that.

Irediseatiess looks very , very pissed off yet is making excellent , reasonable and great points to his father , trying to get him to see how he views Kip and having Kip in his life , but the more that his father hears the name '' Kip '' come out of his only , eldest son's voice. The angrier , fierce and furious he gets when he realizes that his son is madly in love with his best friend. Then out of no where , his father quickly slaps Irediseatiess extremely hard with his right paw , that it quickly makes Irediseatiess quickly turn his head right then quickly get into his father's furry face. , and together , both father and son are fiercely growling at one another and the mother quickly runs in time to separate them apart.

King Kip : ( back to voice over ) '' Like how my parents found out through the grape vine , Iredise's parents .. quickly caught on as well. That same day , I didn't realize that Iredise's father was extremely pissed off and angry because he found out that he's gay and that he's been sneaking off in love , but used our friendship of being together all of the time , to cover up our love for each other. , and be able to be together as one and have alone time .. even as a couple ; behind their backs without even telling them. Iredise refuses to tell his parents about the history between me and him , because he knew that .. since his father has so much animosity towards - him since birth , then his father is guaranteed to be cold , heart less and extremely judgemental towards this. , ''

Queen Destiny : '' What about Iredise's mother ? , how did she take it ? ''

King Kip : ( answering his Queen's question ) '' Iredise's mother was a different case. She was extremely understanding with Iredise and exactly .. how he felt .. about sharing his love life about Kip and history with her in the first place. Iredise and his mother have a very sweet , gentle and overly protective relationship , but his mother is constantly trying to keep tabs on his every move and .. making sure that he's safe and well , and although Iredise always told me that he appreciated that , he always breaks away from her .. and is incredibly independent. He's hardly ever lived with his parents throughout all of his life secretly , because the situation and .. relationship with his father is so serious , that Iredise does not feel safe in his family's den anymore. So he lives in a very , very far and private den that he and I know of and he's obviously capable of hunting on his own. ''

Queen Destiny : '' Does his parents know the location of his den ? ''

King Kip : '' Thank Kinny no. , if anything , Iredise's parents are very , very lucky to be completely oblivious to the brand new location that Iredise lives , now that he's lived by himself throughout most of his life. It ' does ' get lonely though , that's why I'm always in that den with him. He always tells and keeps trying to ask me many times .. that he wants me to live with him , to stay with him , to be with him ' all ' of the time .. even to spend the rest of his life with him in his den for a lifetime. But I've gotten incredibly over whelmed with .. keeping up with everything that he's been through and .. everything that's been going on in his life , that I've been unable to ever give him .. a straight answer. You know , really , really , ' really ' have the chance .. to give him a yes or no answer. ''

Queen Destiny : '' I never knew that Iredise asked you to marry him. ''

King Kip : '' Well yea , I couldn't tell you that because originally , after Iredise asked me to marry him - and this was during the time that I was in that abusive relationship with Tawny , that day during the night ; at that beautiful place that I went with you and came up with the idea of having a wedding with you behind your Uncle's back. Remember ? ''

Queen Destiny : '' Oh yea ! , that place. Go on. ''

King Kip : '' I remember that I was incredibly upset that day. I don't think that I had a very good day at all , on that day. I think I had a miserably bad day with Tawny. I had this huge , comforting and happy conversation with Iredise. We were sitting upright by the little sharp rocks where the breezy , ever so dark green grass always was and .. the conversation started to change very quickly , after I was crying to him .. telling him all of my problems with Tawny and how unhappy I was , in my abusive relationship with him , that Tawny refused to end things between us back then. I told him that I wanted my abusive , controlling and in-credibly toxic relationship with Tawny to come to an end. , I told him that I couldn't take it any more and that I couldn't live like this .. the way that I'm living and dealing with Tawny anymore. ''

King Kip : '' Iredise understood and took in every thing that I've said , like never before and suggested the best thing that I can do , to end a relationship , is to kiss a cat or cheat on Tawny .. with another cat. Or even have an affair or even secretly get married to another cat that ' isn't ' Tawny. ''

King Kip : '' Now keep in mind that .. as I kept talking with Iredise , I was still crying a lot and sniffling and I was very , very troubled , stressed out , I was freaking out a lot and I was upset. I couldn't calm down .. and I couldn't think straight. And that breezy night , he managed to calm me down , stop me from crying and make me feel better within a single , half second. He could always set the world record when it came to calming me down and making me feel better , the same way that you could. ''

Queen Destiny : '' Awww .. Kip baby , that really means a lot. I love you. ''

King Kip : * cheeks get red * '' Aww. , I love you too Desi. ''

King Kip and Queen Destiny share a quick , romantic , furry snout kiss.

King Kip continues to talk.

King Kip : '' I told Iredise that I could never cheat on any cat with Tawny. I remember that I was scared for my life , that ' if ' I even thought about cheating on Tawny with another cat , it'll already feel like I'm a dead lion. It's like Tawny has a six sense as a lion or something. He can automatically tell when a cat does something mean , trifling or trickery towards him. And you told me that Tawny's always had a six sense as a lion his whole life. It's something that he's born with. - Anyway , I simply told Iredise that I just couldn't do it. As sweet and as much of a good lion that I am , I have absolutely ' no bad bone ' .. in my furry body. So Iredise crossed out all of those bad options that he ' already knew ' long before he already suggested those options to me , that he knew for sure .. that I couldn't or didn't have the heart to do. , ''

King Kip : '' The only smart , reasonable and reliable option that I had in order to escape out of my relationship with Tawny , was to kiss another cat ' and ' get into another secret relationship with another cat. Simply put in his words : '' have an affair. '' ''

King Kip : '' I thought about the option .. ever so long and ever so hard .. that I didn't realize that Iredise began to sit more closer to me and smile meanly in thought .. knowing that I got the idea and huge thanks to him , and I am now .. more than ever , influenced with his bad and negative idea. But if it meant not being Tawny's taken and spoken for mate , then I was down with that. I-I had to be. , I just couldn't do it anymore .. being with Tawny at all. ''

King Kip : '' I finally answered him .. not even realizing .. how long I had Iredise waiting for me to respond right back to him. , but being with him , he's always loved and enjoyed the peace and silence that me and him always have and share .. whenever we're talking and having ever so long conversations together. I eventually told him so , so low and so , so calm and softly who .. just who .. could I be .. in a relationship with. Who could I possible be .. in an affair with ? , when I don't even know what cat out there even wants me or .. what cat out there in Sundaya is even interested in me , or even secretly loves me. I asked him again who. ''

King Kip : '' Iredise began to look at me very , very smooth , sly , confident , so cool and seductively. He told me in the most coolest tone of his voice that I've ever heard him to speak to me before and it was growing extremely hard for me to tell whether he was going to suggest to set me up on a blind date with some of the finest lioness like you .. or the finest and handsome lions in all of Sundaya. But surprisingly , it wasn't what he was going to suggest to me at all. ''

Queen Destiny : '' What did he say to you then ? ''

King Kip : '' His exact words were .. I ' already am ' in a affair. I said in such surprise and in great shock really .. then I demanded to know who. , and he told me that I'm in an affair with him. He said why don't we get into an affair together , make it official and then kiss on it , to make sure that the both of us knows that this is real and serious between us , and also that there's no turning back. ''

King Kip : '' It took me a good second to process what he told me , until I started blushing extremely red at him , I started to get alittle nervous - you know , my cutesy nervous .. the kind when you know that I like a cat already , but that cat doesn't know that I like him .. or her , I started to stutter , I realize .. that the whole left , furry side of his body was already leaned very comfortably and cool like , against my right , furry side of my body and as we were still sitting upright together very , very close by one another , his right , furry paw was already brushing up closely against my left , furry paw. ''

King Kip : '' He started to laugh abit softly when he finally took notice of the furry , blushing red look on my face , to my cutesy nervous body language , already knowing that I catch on fast to what he's telling me right now , that he wants '' us '' to be together as one. I stupidly tell him that we're just best friends since cub hood. I very , very nervously told him that I didn't know if there was love between us , or if there was , have we re ignited the flame that was still setting light on the both of us for all of the years that we've been best friends together , but neither of us .. has over time , completely forgotten .. about the lit flame already. , I already know that he did look at me very , very , very hurt at first , when I said the stupid thing about us just being best friends , that I didn't mean to say to him .. the way that I just did. , and I stupidly realized that it was way beyond too late .. for me .. to take that back. Because he quickly changed his furry face back to looking at me seductively , to hide his hurt ness , but I already knew that the next time that we talk again , he ' will ' definitely bring up the stupid thing that I just told him. ''

King Kip : '' He finally told me .. that there definitely is love between us. He confessed to me that he loves me. He always has from the day he meet me , when he first looked into my eyes and he always will. He didn't need to tell me that he is interested in me , because I could ' already ' see the deep interest , the deep and strong liking that he's always had for me , hidden .. deep inside his eyes. More like in his pupils. I got awkwardly quiet again .. and he looks at me very , very entertained , but still seducing me and still being very , very seductive towards me right now , at the exact , same time. He didn't mind me pausing alittle bit right now , getting very quiet in front of him , then stupidly asking him if he really , really , really loves me .. as he just said he did. He told me that he definitely does love me and that he's been crushing on me for years and it's the truth. ''

Queen Destiny : '' And what did you say Kip ? ''

King Kip : '' I told him even more nervously , that I liked him too , but I realized and can already hear through my voice that I was stuttering too. At that second , the seductive , seducing and sexual tension that he was presenting and creating .. into our chatty atmosphere , along with the breezy , breezy night and hearing the soft rustling of the grass moving .. whenever the wind blows ; it was already too much for me. It was getting to my head. I started to feel very , very sexually aroused and I was already seduced much more faster than I looked. I found myself and body take over. I found myself lean daringly even more closer to him , but before I could feel either Iredise's nose or snout , we both came at each other's noses and snouts in such a romantic , hurried , sexual and needy rush. We kissed. , and it was the kind of kiss that equaled sex instantly. ''

Queen Destiny : ( sounding more entertained , than surprised ) '' Oh my God Kip. , you kissed your best friend .. like you kissed me. ''

She smirks as if she's hearing the most juiciest and hottest gossip in Sundaya.

King Kip : * blushing extremely red and cheeks turn even more redder * ( sounding alittle awkward at first ) '' And secretly , between you and me , that was my very first snout kiss ever coming from Iredise , just like I already had my very first snout kiss with you years ago. Back then , I had to lie to Tawny that I've ' already ' snout kissed another cat. , just to keep him from askin' who was the cat that I snout kissed. He ' has tried ' to ask me numerous of times , what cat is so lucky enough to snout kiss me first and although it was truly Iredise .. before you came along my love ; I could NEVER tell Tawny that , because I knew that if I did , Tawny could easily put all of the puzzle pieces together. He would've already had the suspicion that Tredise and I , has probably already been havin' a history together for so , so many years in Sundaya. ''

King Kip : '' I was afraid what would happen if I told Tawny that my very first , only lion best friend , that was the very first to meet me in Sundaya ; was Iredise. .. And if I ' did ' tell Tawny , I thought to myself that Iredise wouldn't want me to tell any cat that he snout kissed me first. If it happened , I was terrified as to what .. would Tawny do .. to Iredise ' if ' he found out , that Iredise .. was the lucky lion all along. And you already know that Tawny's one nasty piece , of lion jealousy. You know that when Tawny likes or has an vey strong and addicting interest for a cat , he'll cut off ' any cat ' .. that happens to take away the attention that he's trying to give , to the cat that he likes so much. ''

Queen Destiny : '' Yea. , I've told you that long ago Kip. I'm surprised that you remembered that very important detail about Tawny. Lots of cats in Sundaya .. ' do not ' even .. know .. or even remember this , about Tawny. .. And it's not something to be ignored either. I feel like .. ' any cat ' .. that knows Tawny , should know this important detail about him. ''

King Kip : '' Right. , - me too. I'm surprised that I remembered this about Tawny too. Having a history with him for all of these years , - well , he forced me to have a history with him , truthfully , I've learned so much about Tawny , I've misjudged him .. on the day that we first made eye contact and I looked away shyly first , even though I ' still felt ' .. that he was still holding his look at me. I always felt that his eyes were always on me , anytime I ' did ' look away , in which , you knew already , was alot of times that has already happened to me before. ''

Queen Destiny : '' Well , you should ' finally ' know by now , how Tawny operates and exactly .. the kind of lion that he is. I'm so proud of you on how much you know about Tawny all of these years now and how much you have grown completely away from Tawny , but ' still ' feel yourself connecting to Tawny like a magnet , the same way that I am. ''

King Kip : '' Before I continue telling you my story , real quick , can I ask you something Desi ? , is it a bad thing .. that we're both connecting to Tawny ? ''

Queen Destiny : '' Well , the connecting part about Tawny .. is honestly , extremely bad. When we're ' still ' connected .. towards Tawny in this way , but - I ' will not ' say .. grown apart from him , because .. neither of us are , I mean , the ugliest truth about it .. even ' I'm not ' grown apart from Tawny at all .. and you know that I would hate very much .. admitting that , even admitting it .. right in front of Tawny's face. ''

King Kip : '' True. ''

Queen Destiny : '' And neither have you grown apart from Tawny as well. You told me ten years ago , that you ' still ' love Tawny and Iredise at the exact , same time and when you had two options - other than me , when all love odds were stacking and stumbling against you ; you ' still ' picked to love and be with me regardless. And * blushing really , really red * although I'll never believe and find it being a complete surprise that you'll always pick me to love and be with , I can't help but feel that a huge part of you .. wants to be with Iredise ' more than ' me. I know that you're struggling a-lot to let me go , as an extremely long and lost love of yours. ''

King Kip : * looks at his Queen awkwardly * '' Yea. , i-it's true. Since you admitted this .. and brought this .. to our attention. ... - But , you love Tawny too. You .. loved Tawny for years. You never needed to tell me this , as your best friend in all of Sundaya and since cub hood , because .. I ' already ' knew long before al throughout our friendship. ''

Queen Destiny : * loses her redder blush at the mention of Tawny * '' I will NOT admit that ever .. to any cat .. in all of Sundaya and not even to you Kip. It's completely uncalled for. ''

King Kip : '' You're right Desi. , but we're going to have to deal with that right after Solo more gets comfortable in our pride. We may not be together anymore after that happens. ''

Queen Destiny : '' Well Kip , that may be true , but you know that you and I will NEVER .. be able to get over one another. We've been on and off together all these years that we've been together. Minus the cub hood years. , those don't count between us. ''

King Kip : '' Also true. , Tawny and I .. will never get over each other neither and we've been on and off all throughout our years that we've been together. Except during cub hood. , you're right. Those years don't count. But this also applies between you and Tawny as well. You guys will never stop until the both of you are married and having cubs together and ruling Sundaya together without me. ''

Queen Destiny : * sighs patiently and thoughtful , because of what her King said * '' Interesting theory. Maybe. - I on the other paw , can stop. But Tawny can't. Tawny refuses to accept between us that he will NEVER be able to EVER have me .. the way that he wants to. I'm not going to let him win .. or even give him the satisfaction. ''

King Kip : '' As you shouldn't , as you shouldn't. - But , at least , you let me have you .. the way that I've always wanted to have you , all those years that we've been together. Tawny will NEVER know .. how amazing .. that feels. '' * blushing even more redder *

Queen Destiny : * blushing even more redder at her King , then smiles abit * '' Awoh Kip. , stop it. ... ''

King Kip : '' No really Desi , really. It's true. I always tell you .. how lucky .. that you ' really are ' because it's true. Any lion in Sunday would be ' extremely lucky ' to have you .. and be in a relationship with you. It's exactly why the King competition and the King games were such a major deal ten years ago and it was so , so important. You're precious and angetic. ''

For the first time ever , King Kip quickly but gently cups his right , furry chin into Queen Destiny's furry chin and then romantically leans in for a very quick snout kiss. It's the kind of romantic , passionate kiss when a man shuts a woman up romantically with a kiss , to keep her from talking so much.

The snout , furry kiss was very , very needy , alittle passionate , romantic , one of the most meaningful , snout kisses that the King and Queen of Sundaya have ever shared and it was very , very special.

After a quick second , Queen Destiny and King Kip stop snout kissing each other. , both leaning their furry heads back at different paces.

Queen Destiny : * blushing really red , as she says this to her King * '' Thank you so much .. for always telling me that .. Kip. I really , really appreciate that and it always makes my heart melt alot when you say meaningful and special things like that to me. In this very special , wooing way , you always make happy and smile so much. ''

King Kip * blushing alittle red , as he says this to his Queen * '' I love your smile Desi .. alot. I love everything .. and anything about you , and one of the main things .. that I LOVE seeing about you the most , is your smile. I never really like it when you're frowning or unhappy or even un bothered. ''

Queen Destiny : '' Yea. , ( sounding uncomfortably , but really wooed ) I know that Kip , I know. But you do know that back then , Tawny and I ' really were ' together back then. You knew then .. that it was a secret between us. , then we ' ONLY ' broke up .. because we ' knew ' that we .. were definitely .. going to work out together and we ' knew that ' .. we were going to rule Sundaya together and be together in Sundaya forever , but what broke us up the most , was a very stupid .. yet an extremely argumentative disagreement. ''

King Kip : '' I didn't know this. , scratch that. I .. NEVER .. knew this. - What disagreement ? ''

Queen Destiny : '' Well , long story short , the disagreement started off with Tawny saying that he wanted to have me. , then I gave him my difficult opinion about that. I told him that even though I was with him , he could never have me. I made it very clear to any lion that I already knew , right here in Sundaya - even you , that no lion .. could have me. He asked me very , very challengingly why. I told him that he just couldn't , he just .. couldn't. He kept pushing me at that , and that's what made me get extremely angry and pissed off at him. We were at his den , from what I remember , I think .. that was when we stopped being intimate and we were just enjoying our night and our company together talking , and he wanted to ask me some very meaningful questions about us .. and we wanted to know each other's different opinions. ''

Queen Destiny : '' Our date that night .. was about to end anyway .. and it was that time where we were going to say good night to one another , and .. I think I was debating to myself .. whether I should just go back to my den and call it a night - see my siblings Dale , Cassy and Flaunt , or if I should spend the night and sleep at Tawny's old family den with him. , since his royal parents were out .. to those extremely important , traveling , royal conferences where - I think , they left to the out skirts of Sundaya , to discuss the territories of other areas of Sundaya. Even though back then , that was the time that I first met and saw Touphy and Tum for the very first time .. whom wanted to be defenders towards the out skirts of Sundaya. ''

King Kip : '' You never told me the day that you and Touphy and Tum met. , I NEVER heard that story before. ''

Queen Destiny : '' Well it's a very , very long story Kip . - The real reason why I never told you this story , was because I NEVER really got around it. Come to think of it , you've ' never ' mentioned .. wanting to know this story that I first met and first saw Tawny. ''

King Kip : '' Fair point Desi. , and - same for your reason , I never got around to asking you the first time that you met and saw Tawny. ''

Queen Destiny : ( says in agreement ) '' Uh-huh. , guess we both have the same reason and the same wave length of understanding. ''

King Kip : '' I see that now. ''

Queen Destiny : '' Tell me what else happened in your story. ''

King Kip : '' - Well , ' if ' I remember the rest of the story. ... ''

Queen Destiny : '' ' Well it was a long time ago so , I understand if you don't remember the rest of what happened to your story with Iredise. , I'm just happy and glad that you shared the rest of your story about Iredise that you never told me before .. with me. ''

King Kip smiles alittle sweetly and comfortingly at her.

King Kip : '' Yea. , I guess you're right Desi. ''

King Kip : '' After Iredise and I had our very first kiss , he reluctantly pulled apart from me and I did the same. Neither of us .. wanted to stop kissing that day. I remember that we wanted to keep kissing and kissing and kissing. That day .. I felt like my very first kiss with him changed our history , our love for each other and our friendship for each other entirely. , and truthfully Destiny , it did. Before I had to go - in which .. I did , back to that little den that I cried in and Oni later on found me crying .. in that den ; Iredise and I got into a very small , yet brief and short conversation about never speaking of our kiss to any cat that we knew in Sundaya. We both agreed to keep it a secret and to also pretend that our kiss never happened. ''

King Kip : '' Iredise knew just as much as I did , that our kiss ' really was ' going to change everything between us. Our friendship , our history and even us as best friends since cub hood. We both knew that .. we'd never be able to look at each other the same way that we did before we kissed .. ever again. , we also knew that .. all of this between us .. was happening so fast and only ' I ' .. wanted the pace between us to stop alittle bit. .. So that the both of us can make sense of what is happening between us and we can both decide together what .. do we do from here. ''

King Kip : '' I remember that Iredise obviously could handle the very , very fast pace that the both of us were experiencing after my very first , snout kiss .. with a lion - a cat .. ever before , changed us and everything .. that was around us completely. The reason why he could handle this pace between us , was because he admitted to me .. while I brought this up in our small conversation , that he's always felt this way about me even as we've always been the best of friends for years to come , and he knew exactly what he wanted while he developed a friendship with me. He also knew for sure that he wanted me and his mind was made up and he was always so sure of it. ''

King Kip : '' Back then , I greatly envied that in him. That he always knew what he wanted and Iredise was exactly like you. So strong willed , taking on situations and problems that he accidentally or happened to get himself into out of nowhere ; head on .. and he knows exactly what he wants in life and he's always so sure of himself and knows what he wants exactly .. ' out ' of life. I always had a problem being so .. un sure of what I want and unsure of myself all of the time. Not even sure or would even have time to even ' think ' .. about what I want out of life - in this case , what I else I wanted from him and us after we became the best of friends ; until a situation dawns upon me , until I'm put in a situation - like that very same night speaking with Iredise , and I have to always take a step back and .. re evaluate what do I want .. from Iredise , ' besides ' .. being best friends for life with him. ''

King Kip : You both make it look ' so easy ' .. always being so sure of yourself and knowing what you want all of the time and .. never wasting a minute .. or even a second. And sometimes , I would often think how .. do you both do it. How do you know what you want .. out of life , or when you're with a cat , even ' before ' you both end up doing something .. that was bound to happen anyway , but it .. instantly .. changes your friendship or relationship right away. ? , maybe I'm just .. curious enough to want to know the secret behind you always being sure of yourself and .. knowing what you want , or wanting so desperately .. to get a bunch of tips from you , so that way ' I ' .. could be able to know what I want too , and I can always be so sure of myself and .. know what I want out of my life as well. But I guess . maybe I'm not .. that kind of quick thinking , cocky cat .. that you and Iredise are - not full of yourself cocky , but extremely confident in one's self , and have always been when I'm always spending so much time with either you or with him. ''

Queen Destiny : ( speaks alittle softly and empathetically ) Awoh .. Kip. ... Don't even say or think such things. ... ''

King Kip : '' No Desi , let me. Let me think .. such qualm things like this. I need to. I never allow myself .. to think things like this , ' until ' they finally come to mind. I mean , they always come to my mind .. lots of times whenever my mind wanders off , and while I'm living my best life here in Sundaya , but I'm always blocking out .. these thoughts and keeping them away from my head. Always trying to think about something positive and keep a good , positive image in my mind instead. I always feel that .. if I ' don't ' allow myself .. to even try to think such qualm thoughts like this , then I'll never be curious. I'll never know how it feels to think like this , maybe the way the other cats in Sundaya do. ''

Queen Destiny : '' Kip , you are your ' own ' , individual cat you know. You have your own way and your own style of thinking. You really shouldn't even think things like this .. and then fear that you're not allowing your mind to wander , to expand , to be curious , to be inquisitive , to be open minded and feel like your mind has a reason .. to wander. , or even think that .. making your mind wander this way , will give your mind and your being some type of spirit that Iredise and I happen to have. ''

Queen Destiny : '' If this makes any sense to you , your kind of spirit .. is kindness. ONLY kindness and nothing but kindness. Your mind naturally wanders off to such sympathetic and empathetic thoughts .. thoughts that I honestly envy from you as well .. if you and I are really being honest here. ''

King Kip : '' Really ? ''

Queen Destiny : '' Yeah Kip. , I could never be as gentle , sympathetic and empathetic as you. Also patient. , like I always tell you , you .. have a gift Kip. A very special gift to you. It's extremely hard for me to even have pity for a cat or even go soft on a cat same way for Tawny. Both of us prefer to be as our royal family raised us. Tough , handled , emotionless and stotic. If Tawny and I were ever like you , it would hard and doubtful for us to survive in Sundaya and survive out here in the wild. Our royal parents wouldn't think that we'd even stand a chance. , and life for the both of us , would be as hard and difficult as your life is .. being of your sweet nature and your nurturing soul and heart. We are the way that we are , just like you are the way that you are. ''

King Kip : * sighs , not feeling very satisfied with his Queen's thoughts * '' I suppose you're right Desi. - Not exactly the response that I was hoping to hear from you. , but I guess it's comforting. , in some way. ''

Queen Destiny : '' Kip , do you ' really wish ' that in this way , you were as sure of yourself , confident strong willed and tough as Tawn , I and Iredise are ? , are you even sure that you would like to be as tough , handled , emotionless and made of stone as we all are ? , are you really considering this right now ? ''

King Kip : '' Destiny - ''

she interrupts him with another thought. , that puts King Kip into more thought but it only getting him to make up his mind about this.

Queen Destiny : '' Kip , if you want this , then with my help .. we can ' definitely ' get on this. But is this ' really ' what you want ? ''

King Kip : ( blurts out to his Queen impatiently ) ( almost raising his voice ) '' YES Desi. , yes. I ' do ' want this. I've been wanting this for a very , very long time coming right now. The way that you describe me and how every cat views me , I notice .. that I'm always being taken advantage of .. because of my sugary sweet and soft nature. But I also want to be a force to be reckoned with .. yet ' still be ' my sugary sweet and soft self like you can be sometimes , at the exact , same time. You have that gift of being nice and kind whenever a cat brings good in you , but ' still ' be difficult , hard as a rock and your tough and sassy self at the same time. Why haven't I inherited this gift from you all those endless times that I've hung out with you and spend so much time getting to know you and understanding you ? ''

Queen Destiny : '' Kip , over the years that I've known , you ' have ' changed abit and became abit like me .. if only you could see it , the way that I see it. You are your own kind of tough lion. , you don't need to be as tough and ill tempered by nature as I am. ''

King Kip : '' I know Destiny. , but I want to be. I ' really , really ' want to be. My mind is made up. ''

Queen Destiny : '' Kip , what you're telling me right now , is that you're ' really ' considering a personality change. I love you just as you are. , you can't ' really ' be thinking about this through our conversation right now. This is ridiculous. This personality change could change you for good. Instantly. , it'll come to a point where I .. or any cat in Sundaya , won't even be able to recognize you anymore. .. or even know you for the sugary sweet , sensitive and kind lion that you are. NOT even your family .. won't even be able to know you anymore. , ''

Queen Destiny : '' this can't be what you want Kip. This .. this all makes perfect sense but , this doesn't sound like the kip that I've loved since we were cubs. Once we do this together , there is no turning back - This ' really ' .. want you want ? ''

Trying her best so desperately to try and talk her King out of a personality change. , their very long conversation while being in the windy and cold rain takes a very strange and a very serious turn for the worst. Even as she's trying to reason and get her King to stop considering this , it's obviously clear what her King just said to her a second ago , to how he really , really feels about himself over time. - It's clear that he wants to be a much more stronger , handled and taken much more seriously lion that he's seen herself , Tawny and Irediseatiess be as he's already grew up with all of them in the Indenius pride since they all were cubs.

There's a very short and quiet pause between the King and Queen of Sundaya. King Kip looks at her gently then narrows his eyes abit seriously. , frowning alittle troublesomely. Queen Destiny can see that her King really has been thinking over time for the longest and he needs her love and support on this right now. He needs her on her side on this change and with or without her , he's changing .. changing for the better , for himself and that's final. She obviously lost control over trying to persuade King Kip not to have a personality change , but although she has lots of good reasons , good intentions for him and she's always had his best interests at heart , she is not going to convince King Kip right now. , and that much , that thought , is very clear to her right now.

King Kip : '' Yes Desi. , * takes a deep breath as he straightens his long , furry back again * - now you're my Queen and I need you with me on this. Please. - Now are you going to help me .. or not. ? ''

King Kip's last sentence doesn't sound very nice. , Queen Destiny notices that King Kip's voice sounds very harsh and he's sure of what he wants and he's really dead serious about this. His tone of voice struck her alittle bit in some surprise and deep thought. , as she pauses while collecting her thoughts in her head. After a quick review and a recollecting of her thoughts , Queen Destiny gives King Kip her answer.

Queen Destiny : '' Yeah Kip. , I am. If this is ' really ' what you want .. and you feel to yourself that you're sure about this. ... ''

King Kip : '' Yes .. I am. ''

Queen Destiny : '' - Just promise me , that this personality change is your choice and only your choice. I don't want you choosing this based upon my influence and how I view you as a cat and even how other cats in Sundaya view. You've got to want his new change for yourself. , promise me that this change will benefit you. , that this personality change will bring the good and best in you. I just strongly hope that you'll still be the same sugary sweet and kind Kip that I know and love. Promise ? ''

King Kip : * kind smiles * '' Course I promise. , ( speaking more low toned than softly ) understand where you're coming from. You don't want this personality change of me .. to change me entirely. Don't worry .. it won't. * snout kisses her quickly but passionately * Now I need you to promise me something. , promise me two things. ''

Queen Destiny : '' And what's that Kip ? ''

King Kip : '' 1 : that you do not tell any cat this in Sundaya. You keep this between you and I. No cat must know. Reason why is because I want cats in Sundaya to be surprised by the brand new changes and the brand new sides of me. And 2 : promise me that if this new personality change of mine ' does ' get out of control , let me find myself real quick .. before you take matters into your own paws and start to do things rash for me. Pleasse Desi ? , you do this all of the time. Since this is what I wanted , let ' me ' control myself. Give me time to work through this personality change of mine. Do you do agree and do you promise ? ''

Queen Destiny : '' I agree Kip. ''

King Kip : '' I'm serious and I mean it Destiny. Look me in the eye and promise me. I need a heart felt and trusting promise from you right now. ''

Queen Destiny : '' Okay Kip. , * takes a deep breath out of nowhere * * looks King Kip in the eye * I agree and I promise. ''

King Kip * smiles warm and appreciatively at her * '' Good. , now this is one of our '' no backing out '' promises. I know it's been a very long while since we've made these kinds of promises to one another. - And I'm sure that you make these promises with your family , Tawny and Igie too , but i needed you .. to make these promises to me. Just so it comforts me , and so I know that we're on the same page together and that you ' really do ' mean well for me as you always say that you do. ''

Queen Destiny : * little , understanding smiles * I get it Kip. , no explanation necessary. I get what you're trying to say. I understand. I know that you needed me on your side with this personality change and .. I know how much this brand new change means to you. But you should've told me this a long time ago. , if this was ' really ' .. what you wanted so badly. ''

King Kip : '' You're right Destiny , I know , I know. At first , I ' really did ' wanted to tell you about me considering a brand new personality change but , I thought the same thing that you thought when this idea of me changing my personality for the better .. came to mind. I thought that it was beyond ridiculous too. I told myself that I love myself and my personality and I love the lion that I've become and grown up to be all on my own. Even though I grew up with my Dad never accepting or understanding me. , and I had a mother that had my sugary sweet and kind hearted nature .. in which is why I am .. the way that I am. , all because of my Mom. But the same for her , when fighting or forced into a corner , that's when I ' really ' turn into a nasty and a very ugly lion. You've seen the results before Desi. I don't need to explain. ''

Queen Destiny : '' Yea. , I know Kip. I know. - But about what you said about your mother having the same sugary sweet and kind nature as you , that's ' exactly ' what I needed to hear. That is going to be the ' main source ' of changing your personality in the first place. It's always the cats that are around you , having the similar character traits and personality traits as you , that influence you to be and act as the lion that you are. This is the main source. , if you can tell me more about the relationship , history of your mother and her nature as a lioness when she raised you as a lion all on her own , then giving you your personality change will be easy. ''

King Kip : '' That's a wonderful idea Desi. , great thinking ! , but .. you know that I do not know of the whereabouts of my mother. You know that I lost her right ? , as in .. lost connection with her and I don't know where she went or even what happened to her , right ? ''

Queen Destiny : '' No Kip . you've .. never told me that before. - My Kinny baby , that's awful. And why have you never told me this before ? ''

King Kip : '' Because at first , I didn't want you to feel sorry for me. I also didn't want you to worry about me or give me so much un wanted sympathy and attention. I can take care of myself. I don't need any cat. , well besides you , Iredise , Oan and Oni. You know that already. ''

Queen Destiny : '' And what about Tawny ? ''

King Kip pauses alittle uncomfortably thinking about Tawny.

King Kip : '' Back when I was in a relationship with Tawny - and that was ' way before ' the relationship got super abusive and toxic , at that romantic , loving , safe and sound , meaningful turning point in my life , just that once in my life ; I ' used to ' feel that I needed Tawny , that I could trust Tawny. But after what he did to me , after all that he put me through in our history of being together , now .. I will always .. trust Tawny , but I NEVER .. need Tawny .. as I once needed him before. Needing him so easily was the main mistake that I've made when I was in a relationship with Tawny , when I was first with Tawny. Needing him .. lead me to be at a tangling stage in our relationship. ''

King Kip : '' Meaning that being of how controlling he was ..and how he was able to handle anything and everything that his life threw at him and .. anything that was a threat or threw at our relationship ; he made me feel like .. in our relationship , I didn't need to do anything. , but just love him , honor him , respect him , always give him love and affection , encourage him , take care of him , protect him , look after him , stand up for him .. as he always stood up for us. That's all I had to do in our relationship together. , and I never told you this before , because I wasn't sure if you were interested in hearing this from me or not. ''

Queen Destiny : '' Course I'm interested. , it's all starting to make sense now .. between you and him. ''

King Kip : '' As what you told me between you and Tawny , it ' also ' makes sense too. ''

Queen Destiny : '' Right ! ''

King Kip : '' I became extremely dependent and relied on himself a lot , so much , that I forgot to .. always reply and depend on myself. My Mama always told me that when I get with a cat that I love and he or she loves me dearly and unconditionally , don't you ever .. be too dependent and rely on them for life. , and all the time .. that you're in a relationship with that cat. Remember to always rely and depend on yourself first. It's good to rely and depend on your partner , but don't make too much of a habit into it. Don't forget that you can do things all by yourself. ''

King Kip : '' And when I was with Tawny all of those years , I lost sight of that completely. Probably for being too much in love with him , sometimes .. alittle blinded by love , ignoring all of the strange , private conversations that I kept always getting from other lions and lioness in Sundaya warning me so , so much .. about Tawny and just what kind of relationship am I getting into with him. But after getting so .. many warnings , I NEVER listened .. not even once. I always thought long and hard about the warnings , but since I loved Tawny and I didn't know .. the kind of lion that he was .. or the kind of lion that he was capable of , I would always block out those thoughts and tell Tawny about the warnings .. and what I heard from other cats in Sundaya. , and he would always get so angry at me .. for being so soft , stupid and naive for listening to them. We would always argue because of that and I would always argue that I never listened to those cats. I only came by to tell Tawny what I've been hearing and that there's so much talk about him , and it's just making me want to know if anything that the cats in Sundaya are saying about him , are true or not . ''

King Kip : '' He never gave me an answer to this day. Instead , he would always get so angry and mad at me for thinking that I'm not different. , always saying to me that I'm the same cat as what all cats around Sundaya are saying about him. He would always say : '' I thought you were different. '' , '' I love you .. because you are always seeing good in me .. no matter what cats in Sundaya say bad about me .. behind my back and you always make me feel like I'm a completely different lion. , and I want you to know Kip , that I love you so much for that. '' He would always think that I would turn on him or be against him .. like so many other cats have done to him .. in his past and throughout his life as a lion. , always thinking that I'm eventually going to leave him , eventually think bad about him and never ever come back. And it would be so , so hard to calm him down and reassure him .. whenever he acts this way - ''

Queen Destiny : '' You mean go into an enraged fit. ''

King Kip : '' Exactly that. , - that I'm not that kind of lion and I love him and I will stay with him .. as long as he wants me to stay with him. And before his enraged fit would end , we would always end up crying together while sitting upright , holding each other close until we stop crying and the both of us forget about what we're arguing about , until we feel better. ''

King Kip : '' I remember that you .. were the very first cat that warned me about Tawny. , that sounded so wise , that knew every angle and view and .. true color .. about Tawny. Hearing you talk about Tawny opened up my eyes. I learned and now finally knew .. what I was getting myself into with Tawny. At first , I was surprised and yet impressed .. about how much you knew about Tawny. , and as you told me more about Tawny .. I realized that .. not only .. did you have a history with Tawny , you also were the very first lioness in your pride .. that ever went out with him. Because he's always wanted you .. and you're all he ever wants. He only seems to be with other lioness just to make you jealous to truthfully get you to miss him , and when you see him move on from you , try to bait you .. into getting into a relationship with him. But you were no fool. , you let him be with lioness after lioness after lioness after lioness , until it came to a point where eighty five percent of lioness in your pride , have ' already ' been out with Tawny and broke up with him. I remember that day when we had our first argument and I didn't want to talk to you for the rest of that day. , but you talked to me anyway and tried to stop me from being off on my way to see Tawny again. But I didn't listen. ''

King Kip : '' I remember that one sentence that you said to me , before I left off and stormed away from you .. just angry , infuriated and frustrated. , but I hated the most .. that you were right all along .. and I was wrong. You were very high up in a tree saying : '' Being with Tawny was ' definitely like ' dodging a bullet. I wonder what stupid lioness with be as lucky as I am to dodge Tawny too. ''

Queen Destiny : ( says happily , remembering this day ) '' Oh yeah ! , Kip , that was so long ago ! ''

King Kip : * smiling alot at her in return * '' And at first , I never understood what you meant. I was confused and that sentence of yours .. was stuck in my head throughout the rest of the day. Till I asked you .. what you meant by that sentence , and you told me .. that sadly , you can't tell me the meaning. You told me that .. through being with Tawny over time , I'm going to have to figure out the meaning myself .. all on my own. Basically , create my own interpretation. ''

Queen Destiny : '' Right. , and you eventually did. ''

King Kip : '' Yeah ! , I finally did. It took me long enough. ''

Queen Destiny : '' And do you remember .. what else I told you .. before you walked away ? ''

King Kip : '' Wait. , there was more that you told me ? ''

Queen Destiny : '' Yes Kip. , there was. ''

King Kip : '' Um , I think so. ''

Queen Destiny : '' Try to at least tell me what you remember. ''

King Kip : '' Well .. I remember you saying : '' I've always known from the start , that you are one very resourceful , witty and a clever lion. But I don't know .. what happened .. to the cleverness , the resourcefulness and the wit .. that I once saw in you , the first , three days that I was first starting to get to know you and understand you. Where did all of that go ? '' , and then after that , my mind went blank. ''

Queen Destiny smiles cleverly and then finishes King Kip's sentence.

Queen Destiny : '' And I quote .. Tawny .. is no ordinary or original kind of lion. It's like he's the kind of lion .. that's just not a cat , in human .. but without the human part. You naively have ' no idea ' .. what you're getting into .. with that lion. You don't know Tawny the way I do. , you have ' no history ' or background knowledge .. about that lion whatsoever. Mark my words , you're gonna wanna leave him .. and never .. want to get into a relationship with him .. ever again. You're going to live to regret it and may even be lucky to endure the dating , romantic and loving experience .. that you've had with him. ''

Queen Destiny : '' I'm just saying this here .. just in case .. you end up .. getting tired of Tawny so easily. Knowing the type of lion that you are and passed my knowledge .. of knowing what kind of bred of a lion .. that you are and .. where your parents have came from in the first place ; you are NOT .. going to last very long in this * raises both of her paws to indicate air quotes * '' relationship '' .. that you're in with him. Do NOT .. declare to break up with him. Instead , find a devilishly clever way - that goes .. completely out of your character as a cat and going out of your personality too ; to get Tawny .. to break up with you and end the relationship. If you accost him about your relationship with him and you tell him that you're not happy at all - you're just miserable and you want out , then he's going to refuse to end the relationship with you. ''

Queen Destiny : '' A million no's .. mean a million yes's for Tawny. Tawny isn't the kind of lion .. that easily accepts the word '' no. '' .. and neither do I as a lioness. Get him to say '' no '' to you first .. either on his own , or on his own terms. ''

King Kip : '' Yeah ! , that's ' exactly ' what you said. And then you walked passed me very slow and sexy like .. like you always do , onto your furry two's saying : ''

Remembering extremely well what she said on this day , the Queen recites the very last sentence that the King remembers her saying on this day that he first learned and heard oh so much about Tawny. Hearing such ugly colors about Tawny that goes even beyond what other cats have been sayin' about Tawny to him .. as warnings , grievances and even getting threats from lions that have a very nasty , ugly and double dealin' past with Tawny too.

Queen Destiny : '' Then you'll be out of his life. Pfft ! , like .. getting into a relationship with him never existed. Like what happened to the both of you never happened. It'll be like you never met him in the first place. But don't you worry though , I wouldn't want you to celebrate and take such relief from what I just said. Tawny always remembers any cat that he meets , sees for the first time and has even talked to. He'll always remember .. and use such memories to his own trickery and cruel advantage. If only you could just open up those naive , green eyes of yours .. and see that you're in love and giving yourself .. to the lion devil himself. ''

King Kip : '' And ' that's when ' I stormed away. , probably to the lion devil himself. ''

Queen Destiny : '' I ' did try ' to warn you Kip I .. - you had to learn the ways of Tawny for yourself. , definitely not the way that I learned .. the ways of Tawny by myself. Only through years of studying him , studying his every move and what he does and .. how .. does he approach situations that he finds mean and sick pleasure .. of getting himself into. , years of .. working together with him as a unit .. back in our past together .. and even helping him when I didn't even realize that .. some how , some way , I was being used at the same time .. by him. ''

King Kip : '' Aw Destiny. , you would NEVER let any cat use you. That can't be true. ''

Queen Destiny : '' Oh don't worry Kip , in the past between us .. oh yes , it is. It's true. But I got him back though. To this day now , Tawny now learns what happens .. when you try to use the Queen of Sundaya. ''

King Kip looks at Queen Destiny with such seductive interest that it obviously looks like what she said , just turned him on in such a naughty , bold and a daring way.

King Kip : '' Kinny I ' gotta know ' what happened on that day that you found out he used you .. for the first time. ''

Queen Destiny smiles at her King in such regal ness , usual ruliness , all high and mighty and with such a very , very prideful gleam in her dark and light brown , furry eyes. She straightens up her long , furry back in usual pride and with such a huge ego that she's always very well known for.

Queen Destiny : * little , prideful chuckles * '' I'll be sure to save that story for you later. , hopefully if you and I ever have any free time for story telling like we used to back in those days when you frequently slept in my family den , because you refused to sleep with Tawny and .. sometimes your parents because of your father. ''

King Kip : '' We ' definitely ' .. need to get on to that Desi. ''

He smiles even more. , the interest is at it's high peak. Although he looks cool and calm in interest , we can see the interest and the look in his neon green eyes as he's looking at her right now.

Queen Destiny : '' Oh we will Kip , we will. ''

King Kip : '' You always intimidate and scare me. , and strangely , that is such a turn on for me. But you always pull it off that it's so attractive , hot and sexy at the same time. ''

Queen Destiny : '' Good baby. , and as I bring the heat , sass and attitude ; for all these years that I've been with you , you've always been with it rather than not finding it your fortay at all and gettin' lost instead. ''

King Kip : '' Desi , I've always been with it. And I mean this in the most romantic , seductive , hot and sexy way possible .. to your face. I wouldn't .. have it any other way. ''

Queen Destiny smiles while blushing red , feeling alittle bit more wooed that romance between her and King Kip quickly over powers them. , as both royals quickly lean in to snout kiss one another very hard , passionately and with much real affection and sweet love in between.

Amd with just a second , both royals stop kissing and almost quickly lean away from one another. Both royals get up onto their long , furry fours and start to slowly jump onto the many stone ledges that are stacked about like a very uneven and cluttery tower that leads to the old , royal family den of Queen Destiny's royal legacy , her royal generation and her family herself.

Queen Destiny and King Kip keep talking until they both reach the very wide and spacious entrance of her royal den.

Queen Destiny : '' Now that .. this conversation is strictly between us , and we won't be talking about it for now , you ready to see my Uncle's traitorous face again ? ''

She rolls her eyes in such disgust and with alittle animosity.

King Kip : '' I'm going to have to get used to facing your horrid Uncle anyway. , I gotta be the King that you need me to be for Sundaya. So .. my final answer is : '' as I'll ever be. '' ''

Queen Destiny : '' Good. ''

There is a sickening , cracking rumble into the very , very cloudy sky - the background looking like a very rainy , angry thunder and rainstorm is about start and settle in ; and then it rains even harder as Queen Destiny and King Kip quickly jump and race each other up inside her royal den to get temporary shelter and to be dry for now.
