King 13

Final part of chapter 8

* Distant cat roars within Sundaya's royal grounds *

No question about it. It doesn't even matter what was on the menu tonight , hunting with the Indenius pride. With Tawny leading the pride and Tum Tum being the pride's extra muscle and extra strength if neccessary. The Indenius pride knows how to work together. The cats in the pride knows how to work together as a unit.

The hunt was a success.

Inside the area of Queen Lad La La's royal , stone , very tall tower ,

Finally , after much chasing , after making up their mind to come up with a cat strategy to use to hunt against their prey on the menu tonight , after much cutting off all exits and escapes anytime the prey tried to make a hasty retreat and fled to their collision , after much silent , killer , deadly suffocation : cat style ; it's dinner time a bit late for the Indenius pride.

And after ' much traveling ' it took , for the Indenius pride to drag their prey on the menu from the point where a cat in the pride has spotted the prey in the first place , all the way to inside the very popular , royal area of Queen Lad La La's stone tower ; next to the tower , the whole , available cat colony of cats left in the Indenius pride from the hyena invasion , are already crowding around the prey of the night. , that is already on the menu. A massive , male giraffe outcasted away from it's fellow , giraffe family or away from it's kind near by. Spotted by a cat in the Indenius pride once the hunt began. It appears that the male giraffe had been noisily chomping on leaves for nutrition all by itself getting what leaves were left on the skinny , exposed tree branches that didn't have much leaves left for the giraffe. When the giraffe's gut started to kick in and said giraffe ' felt like ' there was a predator , ominous , furry presence near by him , on nothing but instinct and a whim to hold on to ; the giraffe shoots through the area that it was peacefully feeding on : all on it's own , at once. And in this giraffe's get away once more cats start to crowd around the male giraffe. , hotfoot it , darting , galloping , zipping , flashing and speeding ; the giraffe had a reverse of misfortune in it's attempt to get away and accidentally slips on a stone , grey , slippery rock. , once it realized that it was inadvertently leading itself into slippery danger.

Said giraffe broke his ankle and tried it's hardest - as you can well imagine in the wild , or like watching a nature show on Nat geo wild - to get itself back onto it's dark black , wet hooves , but the attempt , the fight and stubborn ness to ' refuse ' itself to rather NOT .. be surrounded by hungry , heartless cats that ' will ' eat him alive. , rather than struggle with his life to get up , regardless of his ankle injury - it was all so useless. Happening to said giraffe lead the cats in the Indenius pride at an advantage. And all it took , was for Tawny and Tum Tum to strangle him onto his very , very long , brown spotted and golden neck while the rest of the Indenius pride tries to hold the male giraffe down. , dodging , swerving , side stepping and evading to avoid a hard kick to the skull and also to avoid permanent injury on top of that. Suffocating the death - or could've drown in ankle length water - it was over that quick for the male giraffe and the Indenius pride : 1 , the male giraffe : 0.

In the process of eating , the eating rules in the Indenius pride are simple : the royals eat first , the guardians of Sundaya eat second , the cubs eat third , the parents eat fourth and the rest of the pride randomly , eats last. Whatever is left. As for this case of this male giraffe being on the menu tonight , this male giraffe will last the whole Indenius pride for ' more than ' a week. And ' within ' this time limit , the Indenius pride won't be hungry , but ' will be ' alright for a long while. There is plenty of meat to go around , no cat - or cub - goes hungry and ' every member ' of the Indenius pride can happily dig in. , build up all of their strength , muscle and energy whether the reason is to practice fighting at the poseidome , practice cat skills , drills , techniques - how to stalk , chase prey , how to move , how to maneuver - build up on what it takes to ' be ' a hunter - or huntress - and be a more stronger cat member in the Indenius pride.

In this late time of the night with the Indenius pride , Touphy effortlessly trots off with a huge chunk of meat for Queen Destiny who he is still on very important , life or death , royal duty to watch after Queen Destiny tonight. , and make sure that she gets all of the rest that she needs. The royals : Tawny , Daunnie , Sir Antevill , ex King Kip and Ioan have had their fill , for now , the guardians : Touphy ' and ' Tum Tum , have also had their furry , thick bellies full. Both being the size of a house. The fearless , gutsy , endless cubs in the Indenius pride lick , gnaw , bite and grip the meat with their little , bitty , sharp claws. , trying to get off as much of the giraffe meat into their small , sagging bellies as possible. The parents that spend Sundaya days guarding , protecting and taking responsibility raising their cub families eat greedily/hungrily , stuff , cram , fill , over eat and swallow hurriedly. , needing to be on top of everything. Get their strength up so that when the parents need to hunt again , the parents can operate at their best , they can step up to the plate and keep their cub families watching and learning. At random right now , other cats that have NOT eaten yet , overindulge , wolf , stuff their furry faces and scarf down as much giraffe meat that is left. , wanting to have chunks of meat into their furry systems so all they can do is sleep off the meat. , only to wake up the next Sundaya day ' still ' full and ' still ' content with their furry selves. Without ' any ' complaints.

After a very , very long dinner now , cats families in the Indenius pride group up and then take their separate ways and take shelter into pitch dark looking , wide , spacious dens ready to lay off their very heavy meals and are even more ready to crowd up in heavy , heavy , furry slumber. Mothers with endless , hyped off of so much energy , cubs romp , skip , hop , scamp and trot about as male and females cubs follow after their mothers. , off to more peaceful breast feeding , doing absolutely nothing or just sleeping for the night. Enormous in furry size , male lions link up protectively and close by their wives - or lioness girlfriends - watching after their cub families and aiming to become ' better ' , stronger lion fathers. , wanting to give their cub sons and daughters everything in their life that they never got , as much as the lioness mothers are trying to give as well.

The royals : Daunnie , Ioan , ex King Kip , Tawny , Queen Destiny and Sir Antevill - sometimes - all sleep either outside Queen Destiny's old , family den or at the very low , stone ledge of Queen Lad La La's tower. Taking role of those alert , stayin' keen and constantly moving at the drop of a hat : royals that watch if any cat comes - or returns - to Sundaya. , all the royals can do is either wake up , run off in action and confront who - or what cat - comes by at this ungodly , unholy , dark hour. Tonight , it's different for the royals. Sir Antevill cat naps at the very low , stone of Queen Lad La La's tower , Daunnie sleeps with O'don , ex King Kip is around , but ' where ' exactly in Sundaya is ' still ' unknown , Ioan is still walking off with Tawny's collision of lions. , all who talk disparaging and troublesomely about cats in the Indenius pride that they obviously plan ten or more steps ahead to make trouble with. , under Tawny's royal mark of course.

Tawny however , ' doesn't ' join his collision of lions who are all taking their slow , mean time heading their way inside of Tawny's wide , royal territory. , filled with nothing but lions , lion cubs and cat dens on many , many , many stone dens that are on top of high , high to low , low stone ledges. . near by tree branches to make the dens .. kind of look like den , tree houses.

While Queen Destiny is still out of the world - very deep .. in her royal nap - , her collision of lioness are walking in a very thick , huge group of nothing but lioness walking close by one another. , to happy , happy cubs bouncin' and quickly skipping about from below their long or short , hind , furry leg to dirt ground level. All lioness are ' still ' way off from Queen Destiny's royal , lioness territory in which is coincidentally , located at the opposite left , far side of Sundaya. , where Tawny's royal , lion territory is also coincidentally , located at the opposite right , far side of Sundaya. When the royals first got married back during Princess Destiny's royal reign , their royal territories were combined. , and it was agreed between Princess Destiny and Prince Tawny that both madly in love royals would constantly have their lioness and lion collisions reunite and joining in cat bliss and .. lazy , doing nothing harmony. , happily living their lives and planning to raise their secret family ' once ' .. cats separated , surrounded , ganged up on and retreated from the Indenius pride return to Sundaya from the hyena invasion , once Moonlight returns and once her royal family is reunited with her once again.

But .. - it's like the hyena invasion came at ' just ' .. the right time .. for this to NOT happen with the royals , and these countless plans NEVER happened. Now the Indenius pride knows that they're in serious minded danger , the cat colony in their pride ' is ' at the end of their furry rope , cubs are at stake to make matters worsen , cat families may forever be separated if this hyena invasion ' keeps ' going on and no animal stops this and the Queen is in danger. To the Indenius pride , the royals , even the Queen , is ' all ' .. that they've got. , and each other.

Igie however , ' doesn't ' join Queen Destiny's lioness collision for the night.

See , here's what happened between the two during the very long , cat dinner : fate , destiny , true love , love at first cat ... - whatever the hell you wanna call it ; these possible , listed reasons are what somehow made and got , Tawny and Igie to find themselves eating dinner while bumping into one another together. Tawny noticed that Igie ' wasn't ' her perky , very loud , filled with energy , enthusiasm and nervy spirit self like she is always known to be this kind of lioness. , that he knows - but doesn't love - in Sundaya. , as well as the whole Indenius pride knows. Tonight , it brutally and strictly shocked Tawny , that Igie sounds ' exactly like ' the royal , fiery , sassy , difficult , rude , mean , egotistical , prideful , acting arrogant , royal , furry mannerisms of Queen Destiny. Tawny thought - and knew - that a lioness in his Dawl's lioness collision ' must've ' encouraged an attitude giving , bad influence on Igie to act this way towards him tonight. , for a reason ? He doesn't know the reason. What lioness pushed Igie to the limit to ' act ' .. like another Dawl ? He doesn't know the answer to that question neither. Course Tawny smooth and coldly ' tried ' .. to put Igie in a lioness place , like Igie is ' supposed ' to be handled and controlled under his royal , furry reigns , but Igie turned out to be the kind of lioness in a relationship that LOVES .. to make a bubble .. in front of the ' whole ' Indenius pride. , and act like the innocent lioness that didn't do anything wrong to not deserve Tawny owning her in his usually , domineering way. As of tonight , Igie pushed Tawny to a very , very ugly , heated limit .. that most of the time , Tawny remembers his Dawl pushing him. , that he was left with no other choice but to force Igie to get into a very private , ugly conversation with him about their relationship.

igie refused this , left the bubble that ' both cats ' appeared to have already acted out , right in front of the Indenius pride. But Tawny was NOT .. having any lioness .. that he was in a relationship with , trying to make ' him ' .. look like a bad lion. , because he could've treated Igie A-LOT worse in their relationship. , only if she would stop pushing him to the limit that is. Being an extremely persuasive lion , all Tawny needed to do .. was walk away ' as if ' .. out on their bubble that turned into a ' HUGE ' argument for ' ALL ' of the Indenius pride to watch , right away stop eating and quickly bring their furry heads up to see what was going on between himself and Igie ; so that way Igie will feel oddly embarrassed right in front of the Indenius pride and goes running after Tawny. , who easily manages to privately lead her into a private conversation ' exactly ' .. as he wanted from her , but Igie denied.

Igie didn't have much of a choice.

... Through the furry , long walk on all fours till both cats reached the royal tower area where Uncle's old , royal tower is ,

Tawny didn't say , couldn't say and ' re-fused ' .. to say a word to Igie. , because he was ' soo ' drivin' mad , ' be-yond ' rattled up .. as if in his cage , his blood ' soo ' boiled up in dangerous , whistle steaming and blowing from out of his furry ears levels , ' soo ' apoplectic , ' soo ' besides himself .. that Tawny can't even ' THINK ' straight .. because of how far and how ' wide ' .. that Igie .. has ' just ' pushed him. , ' all ' in front of the whole Indenius pride to see. Igie got him bent out of shape. Igie got him incandescent with madden fury and so much anger , than Queen Destiny is known to make Tawny feel sometimes. , when their spats , deals , debts and scores to settle .. just become ' too much ' for him.

Igie is overly frustrated with Tawny. How dare Tawny ' try ' to own and control her , how dare Tawny ' try ' .. to tell her what to do and when to do it. Making her look stupid in front of all of Queen Destiny's lioness in her collision. What kind of lioness would she be , if she allowed Tawny to control and own her , the same way that he keeps trying to do to her in their relationship ? In her fumed up nerves for Tawny , while walking silently with Tawny - who is a very big , walking gap away from her - Igie couldn't help but notice Tawny's furry , physical , body language on his long , furry , strong fours. Through the stompin' , undomesticated , having a very brutal mind of it's own , his furry , tough , left shoulder bone that bumps left after the right ; Igie watches intemperate , violent and goin' all out cruel walk that Tawny is performing right in front of Igie. His cold , relentless and cutthroat silence and walk speaking for itself. , that he doesn't need words to describe how he feels with Igie right now.

From enough furry , eye sight seeing , Igie assumes that Tawny is just madden .. or angry with her. And stupidly , - as if she was acting dumb - Igie doesn't know why. Igie feels like in their huge argument that it's Tawny's fault. Tawny should've treated her that way in front of the whole Indenius pride. It's even ' worse ' that Igie ' still ' strongly feels that Tawny is cheating on her with her best , lioness friend since cubhood : Queen Destiny. And goes ' so far ' passed feeling this way , that Igie ' doesn't ' trust Tawny in their relationship but she ' still ' loves Tawny. , and over the couple of Sundaya years - three to four - that have went by during Queen Destiny and King Kip's royal reign , Igie is getting the feeling that Tawny is ' really trying ' to use her and just string her along in their relationship. , ' just ' .. so Igie .. could lead him .. to Queen Destiny. The lioness in Sundaya that he ' really wants. '

Igie isn't stupid. Igie just bets within in this dangerously quiet silence between herself and Tawny , that back inside of the mysterious den that both royals spent ' hours in ' , Tawny and Queen Destiny were probably '' getting even. '' Tawny was probably snout kissing her and feeling Queen Destiny up. , and Igie also bets that Queen Destiny - falling so hard for Tawny , but she keeps on denying it - allowed Tawny to feel her long , furry , sexy body up. So ready to open her hind legs for Tawny , have sex with Tawny and have cubs with him. To add insult to injury , Igie ' doesn't ' even know .. that Tawny and Queen Destiny , ' already ' have a secret , cub family together back during Princess Destiny's royal reign. I swear , if Igie knew about this , she ' would've ' broke up with Tawny right then and there.

But since Igie ' doesn't ' know this - and this is one of Queen Destiny and Tawny's great deal of skeletons in their royal closet - , Igie ' isn't aware ' at all .. what in the hell exactly .. did she get herself into with Tawny. And what the ' hell ' .. kind of a lion , did Igie agree to get into a relationship with. ' Without ' .. Queen Destiny knowing about this , so Queen Destiny can be able to give Igie her personal insight on Tawny. , and give Igie enough warnings not to mess with Tawny or even ask of Igie , NOT .. to mess with Tawny. , because she's secretly working her relationship and royal marriage out with Tawny. ' Or ' .. ' without ' Tawny even telling his Dawl that he's in a relationship with Igie , when they're ' supposed ' to still secretly be working out their relationship and royal marriage together. ' As if ' .. Queen Destiny needed to know Igie and Tawny's business in their relationship. As if Queen Destiny needed to know that Tawny is with her best , lioness friend since cubhood : Igie. As if the Queen Destiny - or Tawny - needed permission to confirm that Igie and Tawny are together in this relationship.

But as messy and thorny as this all sounds , before Queen Destiny found out that ex King Kip was trying to impress and get her at the : '' Kings ; only Kings '' lion fighting competition ten years ago - Igie remembers that both lioness talked about this. Igie ' did ' help Queen Destiny figure out her royal , big issue of finding a King of Sundaya of her own , Igie ' did ' narrow Queen Destiny's options and choices down to two lions : Tawny and Kip , unexpectedly leaving Touphy , Tum Tum and a lot of other lions in the Indenius pride out. Igie ' did ' already knew that her best , lioness friend : Queen Destiny liked Tawny from the beginning ' way before ' Igie secretly took a liking in Tawny.

So all of this ... - all of this goes right back to Igie. Bottom point is : Igie ' shouldn't ' want to talk to Queen Destiny and feel upset that Queen Destiny ' is ' after - or could be - after her lion boyfriend : Tawny. Igie knew .. as much as Queen Destiny NEVER admitted it , Tawny .. ' is ' off limits and Tawny .. is only nothin' but a lion in Sundaya , that keeps on goin' back and forth from a lioness and then back to Queen Destiny , lioness then Queen Destiny , Queen Destiny , get bored , then go after a lion. Tawny couldn't stay in a committed relationship even if Ocedensis make a bet with about it. Even if Tawny tried. Tawny and Queen Destiny deserve each other. Tawny , is better off with Queen Destiny and ' ONLY ' Queen Destiny.

It continues to get dangerously quiet between Tawny and Igie. Up ahead , both cats could see their furry selves getting closer and closer to approaching this royal throne area that ' all ' famous , cat royals and legends here in Sundaya : Red , Moonlight , Trick , Uncle , Fein , Queen Lad La La , Uncle and Lydia - used to constantly hang out in. , mostly ' round the cat weddin' area where Fein would always sit upright on a high , stone , tower ledge just to get some peace and quiet to himself. Just to marvel at the wild life , cat , breath taking , landscape view of Sundaya from a high , bird's eye view.

Hate being ignored by Tawny and at this point , getting pretty darn ' sick ' of the silence , Igie tries her hardest to cut right through the dangerously quiet , tension bringing silence. , knowing that trying to talk to Tawny when he's ' this ' incandescent and ' this ' rattled all up in a cage , - literally - Tawny is going to be ' incredibly difficult ' trying to speak and reason with.

Igie : ( in her usual perky , energetic and sweet voice ) ( , but this time , her voice is calm and begging ) '' Tawny , ( starts to raise her voice a bit when he hears that Tawny ' isn't ' answering her , her voice raises more loudly starting to become more sure about calling Tawny this time ) Tawny ! , please talk to me. I didn't realize that I made you so madden and angry with me. ''

Still no answer from Tawny , as Igie starts to quicken her walking pace while she gets more closer and closer to Tawny. Only just an arm's length of reaching Tawny. Tawny continues to aggressively ignore Igie as a part of him in his furry , big head thinks and tries to quickly form words that he really wants to say to Igie right now. The other part of Tawny , just wants to keep ignoring Igie and is ' this close ' to ending their relationship with her.

Pfft ! , he didn't love her anyway. But Igie doesn't need to know that. NOT yet at least. Igie doesn't need to know his cruel and sick intentions that he has for her. He already told Dawl that he didn't love Igie , not exactly his intentions for Igie quite yet but , that's besides the point. Up to this point , ' all ' Tawny could think of right now while ignoring Igie's voice and now her - all of a sudden - pleading , calm and begging words that sounds like she ' finally ' knows her lioness place and she knows just who in the hell .. is she talking to. Igie wasn't talking to him like that right in front of the Indenius pride while the pride was having their dinner together in just munching , eating , bone or rib cracking silence. Igie is partially a ' big part ' of Tawny's treacherous , returning to Sundaya , cruel , trickery , mean and cold plans ' and ' intentions.

Tawny needs Igie by his side for now. Just .. ' for now. ' Just for a little while longer. , until he figures out how to get Dawl back. Till he figures out how to get Dawl to be his lioness again , take him back in their royal , continuing relationship , royal marriage , raise their cub family when they all returned : all grown up here in Sundaya , get his Dawl to follow through with marrying him ' again ' and spend the rest of his royal life with her. Right now , Tawny needs to remember Igie's purpose and Igie's importance here .. in his plans and intentions with Igie. Tawny is just using her. There's no love in their relationship. He only said that he loved her just to get Igie to side with him. , and have their relationship cover up his ' whole ' cruel and mean feelings.

'' Igie doesn't mean anything to me. I'm just using her. Remember little light , try to stay calm , try .. to stay calm. Don't go sayin' somethin' to Igie that you're ' going to ' regret. Remember that you need to use and side with ' at least ' .. one .. of Dawl's smart , sassy , not so easy and sometimes difficult lioness. But Igie is perfect. She's an easy lioness. She's easy prey to me. I can string her along ' longer ' .. than I intend. , so just remember : keeping her longer , is ' so much ' better , for your part. '' Tawny says to himself a loud in soft , cruel , trickery and reassuring thought to himself. But this ' ONLY ' calms Tawny down for just a little bit. A-little bit. Only giving Tawny a moment in his furry head some silence , some peace.

Igie : '' Tawny please ! ''

Extremely rattled up in a cage ' because ' of Igie , Tawny quickly swings his big , furry head looking overly messianic with fiery , madden fury at Igie. Tawny NEVER .. looks like himself when he's perfervid and pushed to enraged and madden limits that ' ONLY ' Queen Destiny .. is capable of exposing these furry sides to his trickery , maddening personality. Right now for Igie to see like never before. For the very first time.

Tawny : ( shouting in maddening intensity ) '' Please what Igie ! , please what ! ''

Igie gets quiet again and freezes so deeply in place like she was slowly starting to form into a block of ice. , or fall into icy , deep , zero degrees water and she returns to the surface a thick , very long , rectangular block of ice. Igie looks crying mad right back at Tawny who's NEVER liked , had any furry , attraction to , liked anything about - or even have an interest - in Igie AT ALL. Igie ' just isn't ' Tawny's type of lioness.

Tawny wants a lioness that ' isn't easy ' to get to. Tawny wants a lioness that's extremely difficult and he would need to spend a ' WHOLE ' cat , lifetime , trying to chase after and make her his. Although Tawny is also attracted to lions too , Tawny wants a lioness with a lot of attitude , sass , fire , spark , nerve , spirit , stubborn ness , MAINLY resistance and spunk that makes him want to do ' everything ' in his power to change her mind and get her to resist and surrender to him. ' EXACTLY ' the kind of lioness that Queen Destiny is , that has a really sassy resistance to her personality that just makes Tawny hot blooded to the max for her. That makes Tawny wanna pound her ' so hard ' when they make love again , that Queen Destiny will ' swear ' to herself that she will remember hearing herself say Tawny's name by the time the cat sex between them is over.

Igie ' isn't ' like that lioness. Counting the three to four years being in this fake relationship with Igie , Tawny has been turned off by Igie giving up too easily , surrendering and doing what ever he says personality ' so much ' , that he's trying his ' hardest ' .. not to break up with Igie. , because he ' still ' needs Igie in his plans and intentions. He discussed this with his lion collision. Ocedensis and Dillid told him this is going be an ' incredibly difficult ' cat mission - or vengeful trouble , as lots of cats in Tawny's lion collision call it - that he's forced to go along with no matter how much he ' doesn't ' like Igie , not even a little bit. Well let me tell you what's going to happen : if Tawny denies Igie right now , ' wayyy ' .. too early in their fake , untrue , no trust whatsoever and lying relationship , Tawny's plans and intentions with his lion collision will somehow come back like a hypnotizing arrow , and nip him right into his furry butt. As Tawny told himself , he ' needs ' one of Queen Destiny's main , trusting lioness , best friends - like Igie - that are screw balls , screw ups or just plain easy lioness , that he can take advantage of. , just to step all over Igie when he's done using Igie , so he can get to Queen Destiny more faster.

The rest of Tawny's plans and intentions , ' won't be ' mentioned. Because this ' isn't ' about Tawny's plans and intentions for Igie , this is about their relationship and how ' oh so ' wrong it's turned out since the day that Tawny had a trickery , mean , furry eye on Igie - thanks to Dillid's furry , good , double dealing , cat eye - and decided to ask Igie out : to be his lioness girlfriend. , so it'll get Queen Destiny's denying , jealous attention on him , make her wonder ' why ' .. Tawny decided to be with Igie - so it'll further lead Queen Destiny to ' think ' .. that she is ' supposed to ' be with him , but also make her forget that she's with Touphy now - get into it with Tawny ' bout why is he with Igie - exactly what happened between Queen Destiny and Tawny in the mysterious royal den - and just when the timing is right for Tawny , when Tawny feels like he doesn't need Igie anymore , he'll break up with her cryin' , easy , weak , perky self and he won't care not ' one ' bit.

Tawny : ( continues to speak in maddening intensity ) '' Please talk to me , just so you can start ' another huge ' argument with me again ? ! , please make up with me one minute : and stupidly have me thinkin' that we're alright as a cat couple , and then ' another minute ' , you come back arguin' with me again. , ruining the peace in our relationship like you always do ? ! ''

Igie already feels like her perky , energetic heart has ' completely ' dropped down her furry chest. , as if inside of her furry chest was a bottomless , endless pit and her heart was nothin' but a little , little rock or a pebble. Igie stares back at Tawny , still in cryin' mad , fumed up with nerves and overly frustrated silence. Right now , Igie can't seem to form words to come out of her furry snout. , and each time she feels like her furry snout parts a bit to leave a tiny gap in between , no words come out.

Tawny keep going , refusing to allow himself to stop and calm down. Before he says something to Igie that he just ' might ' regret. , or before he says - or does - something that is going to make Igie cry or something that he'll regret ever doing to Igie. Tawny can't stop now , oh no , he can't. As rattled up in a cage with Igie as he is , thinking calmly and breathing softly - anything that will stop him from shouting his enraged , tired of Igie anger at her - could get him to stop talking to Igie so violent and intensely right now. But Igie deserves this.

Tawny : '' Please ' WHAT ' Igie ! , ''

Tawny is now on his long , furry two's with his long , golden and brown streaked tail that has already curled perfectly around his long , furry , muscular built body. Pissed off , furry , long arms over his furry , iron hard chest and furry , physical body language that either says : '' Go to hell '' or '' I'll be seein' you ' in ' cat hell. ''

Igie ' still can't ' bring herself to say anything back to Tawny. What could she say ?

Tawny : ( voice still maddened , but thundering calm ) '' I .. have ' NEVER ' been .. embarrassed like that .. in my ' en-tire ' , royal life ! You made a bubble in front of the ' WHOLE ' , Indenius pride .. that .. I don't ' THINK ' .. that I'll ' EVER ' .. be able to forget. You ' acted ' .. like I'm abusing you , like I'm hurting you , like I'm raping you ... - like I'm causing you any harm. ( almost says quickly ) Like you're in an ' ab-usive ' relationship with me ! ( voices goes back to being thundering calm again ) You were not ' THINKING ' .. at all .. when you were acting that way .. in front of the pride , were you. ''


Igie ' finally ' manages to say something to Tawny. Just one word though. Ehhh ? , at least it's something. Better than being furry , snout , lippin' tight ever since Tawny ' finally ' decided to talk to her. But this ' isn't ' a talk , Igie realizes , this is Tawny getting her into an argument so it further leads him .. to put her in her place. To get Igie to see .. that ' she ' caused this whole argument and ' all ' of these arising problems and issues that they've been having in their relationship is ' all ' caused by her. Not him. Her.

Igie : '' Tawny , I was just trying to - ''

Igie doesn't get to finish her sentence. In enraged domineering behavior , Tawny shows this ugly , furry side of Igie - that Queen Destiny has ' already seen ' before - as he verbally and savagely cuts Igie off. Tawny is NOT even trying to hear what Igie has to say to him right now. Igie is wrong , he is right.

Tawny : '' Weren-'t you ? ! ''

Tawny thundered savagely. , repeating himself in a way where in their growing argument between himself and Igie , Tawny ' still ' is in control , Tawny ' still ' has the upper paw and Tawny ' still ' is in the driver's seat.

Igie weakly sniffles as if to herself and blinks stupidly in all innocence at Tawny. , as if this was Igie's way of answering Tawny's fear bringing question.

Igie : ( easily answers Tawny trying her hardest NOT .. to make Tawny angry at her anymore ) ( , still speaking in her pleading , calming and crying tone of voice ) '' N-No Tawny , I- w-wasn't thinking , when I embarrassed you right in front of the Indenius pride. Okay ! , so I wasn't thinking at all ! , but didn't you see what I was trying to do ? ! I was only trying to get you to see how wrong you were , when you went in that mysterious den with Desi. , ' knowing ' .. full well .. that you're in a relationship with me. ''

Tawny : '' Igi , I ' DON'T CARE ! ' .. what it is .. that you were trying to do. , or ' trying ' .. to get me to see. Alright ? ! , I don't Igie , I ' DON'T ! ' .. That doesn't give you the reason to act like I'm a bad lion that brings harm to you , that probably hits or beats you , that rapes you and doesn't take care of you in a relationship. , like how .. a relationship .. is ' supposed ' .. to be ! ''

Overly frustrated and stressed out with Tawny tears that are at the very corners of Igie's furry , gray , perky eyes , start to fall , drop and disappear into her soft fur. , tears that are unable to be seen , but if Igie touched both of her furry cheeks , her cheeks would ' definitely ' .. be soaked with tears.

Igie : '' But you said before you and Desi went inside of the mysterious den , while we all were talking with the pride , that you ' already know ' the reason why .. that I was acting the way that I was acting. You ' already knew ' how I felt about you and Desi being in that mysterious den together : alone. You're not supposed to be with other lioness - like Desi - in that mysterious den. , snout kissing her up , loving her up and feeling her up. You NEVER snout kissed me , loved me up and felt me up ever since the three to four years of our relationship that we've been together. ( says in a whiny and desperately jealous way ) You're supposed to be with me ! ''

Tawny : '' Uh-uh. Remember that ' I ' .. asked you out first ! , damn all of that Igie. DAMN .. IT .. ALL ! You're mine and you're with me in this relationship. I'm in control of this relationship and if I have to fight against you to have control in this relationship , then I ' WILL ! ' I can do whatever I ' DAMN .. WELL PLEASE ' .. and there is nothing that you can say - or do - to change or stop that. ''

Igie bursts into a shouting , desperately jealous of Queen Destiny having and owning Tawny. , and she ' isn't ' getting all of the love , all of the quality time , all of the sex , all of the mating , all of the romance , all of the sexual , cat intimacy that a relationship ' normally ' has. , being Tawny's fake , lioness girlfriend. Why is .. her best friend : Queen Destiny getting ' more ' love , more sex , more sexual , cat intimacy and gets to spend ' extra private ' , quality time with Tawny , and NOT her : being Tawny's lioness girlfriend ? This makes ' NO SENSE ' to her right now.

Igie : '' Yes I can ! ''

Tawny : '' HA ! , ' QUIT ' .. bein' funny Igi ! , ''

Tawny continues to speak disparagingly cruel to Igie. And .. - whether he sees this in this way or not - Igie could already obviously , clearly see .. that Tawny either ' can't ' stand her , her personality , the kind of lioness that she is. , ' or ' Tawny just - flat out - doesn't like her. But as naive as Igie ALWAYS is , when she fell in love with Tawny - and fell ' way too ' deep than she wanted to , with Tawny - Igie can't help herself to ' keep believing ' at the back of her furry mind , that Tawny does love her. Tawny said that he loves her. Right ? , shouldn't she believe it when Tawny said that she loved her ? , or should she ignore it ?

Tawny : '' I ' already know ' how much you liked me and ' then ' fell ' way too deeply ' .. in love with me from the moment that I first laid eyes on you and ( lying ) one of my lions in ' my ' lion collision , would always notice you shyly looking at me. , so he dared me to go speak to you. Which - in turn - made me wonder .. what's the deal between you and I. You were feelin' me and you know it ! , ''

Tawny : '' you love me , don't you Igi. ''

Igie : '' Tawny I - ''

Tawny : '' ' DON'T .. YOU '? ! ''

Igie : '' Y-Yes Tawny. , of course I love you. But the point of being in a relationship is , if one cat is ' ob-viously ' interested in ' another cat ' - like you for example - and anytime I try to be romantic with you , try to talk with you - ''

Tawny : ( says in his infuriating , agitating tone of voice ) '' You mean ' ar-gue ' with me ... ''

Igie : ( repeats what Tawny says admittingly , a bit slowly ) '' - I mean , ' ar-gue ' .. with you - ( voice returns to being a cryin' mad , pleading , furry , begging mess over Tawny ) But I'm trying Tawny , I am ! I ' try ' .. to act like a good lioness girlfriend to you , but no matter how much or how hard I try , you always look like you hate me. You always treat me in a way where you always disregard me and like you don't love me at all. But I don't mind , I know that you love me. I do. , ''

Tawny watches Igie almost slowly walk closer to him onto her long , pretty , furry two's. , and tries not to gag inside of his furry snout when he sees Igie gently and calmly , unfold his furry , long , front arms from off of his iron hard chest. And then takes both of his furry , front , hurt giving paws - that are a bit bigger than her furry , front paws - and holds them lovingly into her front , furry paws. Igie starts to sniffle a little bit more because of Tawny making her cry in desperate , very saddening jealous that Tawny doesn't want her , but only wants Queen Destiny. Igie starts to calm herself down by using her left , furry , front paw to wipe away anymore unseen and un visible tears that are ' still ' falling , dropping and then disappearing into either : onto her furry cheeks or falling onto the dirt ground.

Tawny grits his teeth inside of his furry snout so his snout looks like it's crossing to the right side of his furry cheek in stone , cold attitude. Tawny grows silent and in all such incandescent , enraging domineering behavior , all rattled up in anger and enraged with Igie pushing him ' be-yond ' limits that he can't stand ; Tawny starts to look at Igie in cruel , trickery , sneer at her , all knowingly. '' Wow , I can't believe what I'm hearing from her right now. Dillid is right. Igie's the ' perfect ' target ! , '' And as Tawny thinks about this , he tries his hardest not to laugh cruelly right in front of Igie's furry face in cold , sinful rejection. Even though at this point when he still thinks all of this in his furry mind , Tawny wants to laugh ' so badly ' at Igie. '' Igie is ' soo ' stupid when she falls in love. I realize now that I ' could ' use this .. to my advantage. , and I ' will. ' '' Tawny thought aloud again to himself in his furry mind in cruel , sin bringing thought about Igie.

'' This is ' too easy. ' '' Tawny thought to himself aloud ' again ' inside of his furry , royal mind.

Tawny : '' You do. ''

What doesn't even sound like a question , Tawny now starts to speak to Igie in his normal , trickery calm tone of voice. Now remembering ' again ' in his furry , royal head , that if he's ' going ' to use Igie into his plans and intentions like Dillid and Ocedensis said ; he needs to be his normally calm , subtle and trickery self so that it's ' so much harder ' .. for cats like Igie , to detect , if Tawny is ' really ' up to no good , up to trouble like always or if Tawny is planning some special , messy trouble. If he ' allows Igie ' , to rattle up his cage and enrage him , Igie is going to want to end their relationship. And he ' can-not ' allow her to do that. He needs to keep Igie in this '' fake '' relationship with him , so that way it'll get Queen Destiny ' even more ' closer to him. Now that Tawny ' already got ' Queen Destiny's attention.

Igie : '' Yea Tawny. , of course I love you. I don't mind the way that you treat me. I know that as nasty and disregarding cruel that you always treat me in our relationship together , I already know that you don't hate me or don't like me. You ' do like ' and love me. , otherwise , you would've said that you loved me and that you liked me a lot. Right ? ''

'' HA ! '' Tawny starts to laugh cruelly cold on the inside at Igie's naively innocent stupidity for actually believing ' every , nice , seducing thing ' that he already told her. How Tawny told Igie that she's so beautiful - no , Igie's actually pretty - how Tawny told Igie that he has been her secret , cat admirer that has been admiring her from afar for a ' very long ' time now - no , Queen Destiny has been Tawny's secret , cat admirer and he has been admiring her from afar in Sundaya for a ' very long ' time , since cubhood - how Tawny told Igie that he liked her ' so much ' - no , Tawny doesn't like Igie , Tawny doesn't like Igie at all. He HATES Igie - how Tawny told Igie that he loves - oh don't he lie like that to himself about Igie ' ever again. ' Tawny doesn't love igie , not even for a tiny bit. Tawny loves Queen Destiny and his heart will ' ALWAYS ' belong to Queen Destiny.

And in their relationship of three to four years , Tawny has felt ' NO LOVE ' , no lust , no passionate , no romance for Igie ' ever since ' he firstly asked her out on a cat date. , and ' then ' asked Igie to be his lioness girlfriend. But ' didn't ' tell Igie why he wanted Igie to be his lioness girlfriend : ' because ' , he's trying to make his Dawl ( Queen Destiny ) jealous so she can come back to him.

Tawny : ( lying in front of Igie's furry face ) '' Of course I like and love you so much Igi. Right. ''

Igie looks a little carefully at Tawny. , already feeling to herself that Tawny is lying to her and is also NOT .. being truthfully and completely honest with her. To paint a furry picture , Igie begins to arch her furry , left eyebrow from above her sparkling , perky , gray eye at Tawny while turning her furry , small head sideways. For now , to express her confusion at this moment with Tawny. Igie's not sure whether she should believe Tawny or not. So out of nowhere - in their big argument - Igie starts to speak softly to Tawny. For what reason , I do not know.

Igie : ( says softly ) '' If you like and love me so much , then why don't you snout kiss me. ''

Realization didn't dawn upon Tawny until he started to feel confined all forced up ' in ' Igie holding his front , furry paws into her front , furry paws. Tawny didn't feel ' even more ' confined , till now , when Igie starts to gently pull Tawny's long , strong , iron hard body close to her long , long , soft , thin built and furry chest. The furry , dark brown , thick bush of Tawny's chest hair smoothly slides and glides against Igie's soft , but with a hard texture kind of fur. Tawny has never felt so cramped , so un tolerable with Igie at this point , so disagreeable with Igie's romantically sweet antics and furry mannerisms that she's performing in front of his furry face at this point. Tawny never felt so , so awkward and so tense. Then again , Tawny ALWAYS tenses up .. when Igie hugs him romantically , pulls him closer to her romantically , rubs her furry , small head against him romantically.

Even when Igie snout kisses him onto his left or right , furry cheek sometimes. And when Igie is not looking , Tawny quickly wipes Igie's wet , moist , snout kisses from either his left , furry cheek or right , furry cheek. Realization didn't dawn upon Tawny , till now , he starts to widen his very light , hazel eyes at Igie. Obviously making it show through the very , very light hazel ness .. that is deep inside of his furry eyes , that Tawny .. ' DOES NOT ' .. want to snout kiss Igie now. Tawny realization basically .. paw slapped him across his furry , fine face when he realized again - still right now - that Igie wants him to snout kiss her right now.

Tawny : ( says stupidly , all up in his normally trickery , cold voice ) '' Oh ! , y-you mean right now Igi ? , s-snout kiss you right now ? ''

Tawny wishes that deep inside of his furry , royal head that he can paw slap himself hard .. while finding himself stutter tensely , oddly and awkwardly right in front of Igie. , and all ' because of ' Igie.

Igie sweetly smiles a bit as she giggles silly at Tawny's stupid ness and nervousness. And just this second , Tawny starts to blush a little red all over his furry , big , dirty golden snout for Igie to see and find cute. Tawny can't lie and ' will admit ' to himself right now in his furry , royal head : Igie ' does have ' a cute giggle. At least .. that's ' one ' good , lioness character trait in Igie that Tawny ' could ' get used to liking. , as he's leading this fake , lying , cruel relationship with Igie.

Igie : '' Yes Tawny , yes now. I've never kissed the most cold hearted , heartless , cruel , mean and trickery lion in ' all ' of Sundaya. That's a true , furry , royal legend and is leading a mag-nificent , gutsy , strong cub generation in Desi and King KIp's royal reign. I've ALWAYS .. wanted to know what it was like , snout kissing a lion as ' deeply ' and manly attractive as you. ''

Tawny can't help but laugh a little nervously and a little tense right up in front of Igie's pretty , honest , true , trusting and meaningful face.

Tawny : '' Yea ? , you .. ' really do ' wanna snout kiss me huh. ''

Igie : ( says in gentle , convincing , a bit exciting reassurance ) '' Yes. Come to think of it , in our relationship , we haven't snout kissed each other yet. And .. knowing you - through Desi , anyway - you're an extremely domineering , controlling , ruling and overly bold kind of lion. You've always been the kind of lion that comes on ' way too strong. ' Just like Desi is that ' same type ' of lioness. I'm deeply surprised .. that you haven't made a pass or move at me yet ... ''

Igie : '' It doesn't sound like you at all. Not from what Desi always tells me about you. Desi used to always tell me that you're overly bold and you come on so , so strong in way where you're overly persuasive - and it's like , you got a cat under your control like a puppet tied to so many strings. , and you got that cat doing whatever it is that ' you ' want to do in the relationship. ''

Tawny continues to go back and forth with Igie. , trying to use this time to talk his way out of snout kissing Igie. Even though he ' already knows ' , that the inevitable is about to happen in the next , few seconds.

Tawny : '' Dawl used to tell you all of that about me huh. ''

Igie : '' You're always all , that she ever talks about ... ''

'' So Dawl ' really does ' have A-LOT of feelings for me. Guess it's safe to say that she ' really does ' love me ' more ' .. than she says she does. So all of that denial , resistance , being difficult , arguing and fighting that she gives me , it's all just her way of saying : '' Yes. '' Yes to me , yes to loving me , yes to everything. '' Tawny said aloud in his furry , royal head in doting thought. Extremely mad and crazy about Queen Destiny.

Tawny : '' Really. I..I never knew that. She ALWAYS sounded like she couldn't stand me. , besides fighting with me and always being in denial. Who would have thought .. that I would be the ' ONLY cat ' .. that she ever , always talks about. ''

Igie : '' Huh , ' I did ' .. and so did all of Desi's lioness in her collision. - So all of that denial , that fighting , that playing hard to get , that attitude , that sassy , that feisty ness in her , that spunk , her always challenging you limits that ' NO cat ' is capable of doing - but her - , denying you all of the time ... - that all just means that Desi's falling ' so hard ' for you. But she's ' going ' to keep fighting it , in a way where she'll - forever - allow herself to deny it. ''

This is ' exactly ' what Tawny needed to hear. Being in this fake , lying relationship with Igie - if Tawny just keeps on playin' his cards right , keep a stone cold , furry , poker face and all it takes .. is ab-so-lute patience , ' this ' is what Tawny ' needs ' to hear from Igie. , if Tawny ' keeps ' doing this , Tawny will get ' so much more ' out of Igie about his Dawl than he wants. To further and deeply investigate - through Dawl's best , lioness friends - so that not only .. will himself believe .. that Dawl loves him so much and has ' so .. much ' , powerfully strong , love feelings for him , all of his Dawl's best lioness friends will strongly believe it too.

If Tawny keeps sticking around with Igie in this fake , lying relationship , Tawny will get to hear ' more ' deeper , vulnerable , extremely personal and private feelings from his Dawl , thanks to Igie shooting off her furry snout to him. Like right now.


Tawny can't help but give Igie one of his trickery , cold , cat back biting , smooth smirk onto his furry face. A furry , tiny , tricking smirk that crosses from the right side of his furry cheek .. er , snout. If Tawny can ' keep ' getting Igie to talk to him about his Dawl like this - in a way where Igie ' doesn't ' know any better , or is un-aware of the danger of Igie telling Tawny this or in a way out of ' all ' naive innocence - when Tawny sees his Dawl again , and both cats are alone and in private , Tawny can just sweep his Dawl ' right ' off of her furry , sexy , hind legs , make her think ' twice ' .. about being Touphy's fiancé and think ' twice ' about Golden's marriage proposal , make her ' think ' only once , about accepting his marriage proposal and decide to let Tawny take her once and for all. As how Tawny's endless plans of getting his Dawl ' normally ' goes.

Igie is oblivious and stupid , not understanding the tiny , tricking , furry smirk that Tawny is giving her.

Tawny : '' You don't say ... ''

Igie : '' Oh ' I do say ' Tawny. Course Desi never told me about this , but , I see the way you and her always act. You guys ' really are ' meant for each other. * she smiles in a way as if she ' already knows ' that Tawny doesn't want her , but ' doesn't know ' .. that Tawny is using her just to get to Queen Destiny * - But let's stop talking about you and Desi. You're supposed to be with me. Now please , snout kiss me. ONLY if you're ready to snout kiss me , of course ... ''

There is another quick second of silence. ' Awkward ' .. silence for Tawny.


Tawny : ( starts to say a little awkwardly , but still softly ) '' Oh. , let's snout kiss then ... ''

And in this fake , romantic silence between Tawny and Igie , this time , Igie takes control and leads their furry , very first , snout kiss ever .. in their relationship first , almost slowly leading her furry snout closer to Tawny. Her furry , sparkly and perky gray eyes closed in a way to allow this fake , romantic moment to overcome her and sweep her right off of her furry , hind legs. Igie's furry , small head starts to tilt to the left side of her as starts to reach closer and closer to Tawny's furry snout vacillating ' once ' .. she finds it hard to realize that she's almost ' close ' .. to touching Tawny's furry snout.

Giving Igie a slightly grossed out , silently disgusted , furry look to furry grin , Tawny leans his big , furry head vacillating from their very first , snout kiss in their relationship. Ready to lie to Igie and tell her that he's just not ready to snout kiss her. Even though it normally comes to being in relationships with other lioness and other lions in Sundaya , Tawny is ALWAYS ready to go for that very first , furry snout. ALWAYS ready to steal that very first snout and confidently make sure that the ' other cat ' wants it.

When Igie's small , furry snout reaches the middle , the distance where both cats furry snouts are ' supposed ' to come in romantic , close and very intimate contact , Tawny finally speaks his feelings out to Igie about their very first snout kiss. Right now , a small part of him , feeling guilty ' lying ' in front of Igie's furry face and another big part of him , cruelly not caring that he's lying in front of Igie. Why ? , because he doesn't care about Igie.

Tawny : ( lying ) '' I'm not ready to snout kiss you yet Igi. Just .. a little nervous , that's all. , ''

Hearing Tawny's soft , tricking tone of voice , Igie almost slowly opens her furry , sparkly , perky gray eyes while blinking in reaction to seeing that neither cat's furry snouts meant up in a romantically intimate and close way. , and right now , Igie can-not seem to understand why. Igie could've sworn she heard Tawny say : '' Okay. , let's snout kiss then. '' And then when she decides to be attractively bold and lead their furry , very first snout kiss in their relationship , Tawny hesitates , changes his mind very quickly and doesn't want to snout kiss her. This .. doesn't .. make any sense. Why ?

Igie : ( speaking a little more softly , hurt ) '' There you go again , denying me .. like you always do. What's really wrong Tawny. ''

Igie asks Tawny softly , tenderly , gently but ' still hurt ' that Tawny keeps on swerving and rejecting her romantic , true loving advances towards him. Isn't this what Tawny wanted in their relationship ? So what's the problem then ?

Tawny piles on ' another lie ' right in front of Igie's pretty , furry face. Igie doesn't know that Tawny is lying to her. Igie can't tell because she doesn't know Tawny as ' extremely well ' as her best , royal , lioness friend : Queen Destiny does.

Tawny : ( still lying , speaking more softly to Igie ) ( , trying to reach out to Igie ) '' Igi , don't take this personally. There ' is ' no problem. I'm not trying to deny you. I said that I wasn't ready. I'm not trying to hurt you. It's just that .. now that I'm with you , I'm NOT used to it .. because I've been in a royal relationship and a royal marriage with Dawl for ' sooo long ' now. That being with another lioness or lion , makes me feel kind of awkward. ''

Igie gently takes her front , furry paws from out of Tawny's front , furry paws. She gently lets go of her furry , soft and tender grip on pulling Tawny closer to her long , furry , slim body. Igie starts to turn her furry , small head away from Tawny , the same time that she continues to turn her long , long , furry back away from Tawny and then starts to walk five steps away from Tawny onto her long , furry two's. Igie holds herself while slightly looking down at the dirt ground. Feeling the forming , hurt and sensitive tears that are already starting to form from the left and right corners of her furry , sparkling , perky , gray eyes. Ready to cry right in front of Tawny.

Igie : '' Why. ''

At first , Tawny didn't understand what Igie meant when she just said the word : '' Why '' to him. Why what.

Tawny : '' Why what Igi. ''

Igie : '' Why .. do you feel that way Tawny. ( saying with a little strong and upset feeling ) Answer .. my question. ''

Tawny : '' Because for so many , royal Sundaya years with Dawl , I've gotten so used to Dawl's royally difficult and feisty attitude , furry , always wanna be on top behavior and especially , her feisty , hot mannerisms. It already started to become like a daily , always routine to me. ''

Igie : '' Do you love her. ''

Tawny : '' Igi , we're not going to talk about that ... ''

Igie repeats her question to Tawny again while almost raising her voice. , in strong , upset and still crying , jealous feeling. Forcing Tawny to answer her question and please , just be straight up and honest with her.

Igie : '' ' Do you ' .. love .. her ! ''

Tawny : ( lying ) '' No Igi , I don't. I'm with you aren't I. What , that's not good enough for you ? ''

'' I love Dawl so much. Damn right I love her. ' Hell yeah ' I want her. I ' need her. ' I can't live my life without her. I can't ' ima-gine ' .. my life without her. She means everything and anything to me and I'm ' going ' to get her. I don't care ' what cat ' gets in my way , or ' what cat ' tries to stop me. ''

Tawny says more softly this time , in persistent determination in his furry , royal head to himself.

Igie : * saying as she shakes her furry , small head in crying , upset , jealously strong thought * '' No Tawny , ''

Igie says as she quickly turns her long , long , furry , slim body to her furry , small head so that Tawny can see her furry , facial expression from five steps afar. Igie continues to go on.

Igie : ( almost raising her voice ) '' that's ' NOT ' good enough for me. What , you ' really think ' I'm stupid ? ! I saw the way that you were looking at her ! , when the whole pride was getting an huge update about what happened with Desi , Touphy and Tum Tum against Golden and his lion crew at the poseidome. I heard how your voice sounded when you told your story how Desi fought against Rosy for you. , and you ' said ! ' .. that you owed her your life. You ' said ! ' .. that you snout kissed her and after that , you and her became history ! ''

Igie : '' I'm on to you Tawny ! , I'm ' NOT ' .. as stupid as you think I am ! You .. LOVE Desi. ' QUIT ' .. lying to me ! , right now ! You LOVE her , you LOVE her , YOU .. LOVE .. HER ! Don't you ' EVER ' lie like that , to me .. ' EVER ' again ! I don't believe that Tawn , -hooo ! , I ' DON'T ' .. believe that. Every cat in Sundaya knows .. that you ' BOTH ' love each other. So ' STOP ' playin' these cat games , ' STOP ' chasing your royal , furry life away with Desi and just ' MARRY HER ' already ! , ''

Tawny looks at Igie in calm , silent anger. Igie is ' REALLY ' starting to push Tawny all over the edge ' again. ' She ' already ' rattled him up in his cage , now she's tryin' to rattle him up ' all over again ? '

Tawny : '' Just ' marry Dawl ' you say. ''

Igie : '' Yes ! ''

Tawny : '' You .. want me .. to marry Dawl. , causing me .. to NOT .. be in this relationship with you anymore. ''

Igie : '' When you put it that way , yes ! ''

Tawny arrogantly folds his furry , long arms over his iron hard , furry chest. With this overly arrogant , angry display that Tawny is simply showing Igie through his furry , body language , Tawny folds his furry , long arms in a way that means : he's trying to make a point to Igie. , and Igie .. ' isn't ' getting this point right now.

Tawny : ( in his calm , tricking , cold voice slowly starts to builds up to becoming all rattled up his cage all over again ) '' So , let me get this straight here , you ' THINK ' .. that it's easy .. to marry .. one of t-he most ' DIFFICULT ' , intense , tough , hard .. as a damn boulder , made-of-stone , sassy .. like I've NEVER seen so much ' sass ' before .. in all my royal life - outspoken , rude , nasty , ' HOT ' , overly confident lioness .. in ' ALL ' of Sundaya ? ( voice shouts all rattled up in a cage still ) ' That's ' what you're trying to tell me right now ? ! ''

His furry , facial expression gets overly rattled up in a cage. , just .. goin' back to ' exactly ' how he felt for Igie when both cats started to talk. Having an overly rude , furry scowl , furry eyebrows narrow eyed in a dangerously red zone , button pushing limit , furry , hazel eyes incandescent in testing , nagging rage , trying ' so hard ' to be patient with Igie and not fly off the handle. Too late.

In furry , thousand mile , dead serious , furry shock , Igie stares back at Tawny. Overly intimidated and already feeling that she has pushed Tawny to ' even more ' pissed off and enrage heights than she thought she did. , when she made a bubble in front of the ' WHOLE ' Indenius pride. , and embarrassed Tawny completely in a way where Tawny feels like , he can't even show his furry , fine face in front of the Indenius pride ' or ' ' round Sundaya , royal grounds anymore.

Igie : ( saying softly in stupidity , hesitating in an overwhelming , stuttering , furry mess ) '' Yes , I mean .. I-I think so Tawny. I-I think ... ''

Tawny : ( after building up , his tricking , cold voice gets calm again in warning ) '' Get the hell ' OUT ' .. of my furry face .. before I say something - or do something - that I ' might ' regret. That Dawl will ' most likely ' be pissed off at me , for what Kinny right now , needs to ' PLEASSSE ' .. give the tempting restrain and urge .. to NOT .. say .. or DO .. what I'm about to do to you right now Igi. , and this is my first warning .. that I'm about to give you right now. ''

Igie : ( still speaking in upset , angry jealousy at Tawny ) '' But ! , But ! - this conversation between us .. is ' NOT ' over ! ''

Tawny : '' Oh ' YES ' .. it is Igi. ' ALL ' patience .. that I used to have for you , just flew into the sky and NEVER .. came .. back. This conversation is over. We're ' DONE ' here. ''

Igie tries to challenge Tawny. , as if pushing her luck with him.

Igie : '' Oh ! , when you say our conversations are over ? - We're ' NOT ' done here Tawny , and you .. ' know ' that ! ''

Tawny : ( snarls extremely aloud all throughout this area , all up in his rattled up in a cage enrage at Igie ) '' I said ' WE'RE DONE ! ' , you hear me now ? ! ''

Igie quickly leans her furry , small head back. Tawny's enraged , rattled up in a cage , roaring extremely loud outburst shut her up like nothing ever shut her up before. It's come to this now. Don't push Tawny anymore , and right now , Igie already knows this. Igie ' doesn't ' want to see what happens next when ' any cat ' goes beyond these limits with Tawny. ' ONLY ' Queen Destiny , has seen passed Tawny's enraged , wild limits when he's pissed , angry , madden , infuriated , upset , seething with storming anger and hostility and all rattled up in his cage. Like as of right now.

Igie did what Mavlie said about confronting Tawny. She did the best that she could. She barely got enough out of Tawny about how Tawny ' really feels ' for Queen Destiny. Igie knows - oh yes , she ' knows ' - that Tawny is lying to her. Telling her ' all ' of these furry , love , bold faced lies .. and she , doesn't know why. , and ' doesn't ' .. exactly .. know what did she do , to deserve being lied to by Tawny. Was it because of being his lioness girlfriend ? , was it because she was being naive , stupid , unaware , not observant and she can't see that Tawny is ' really ' playing her ? , ' REALLY ' playing her like a fiddle .. or a violin ? Or was it also because Igie can't see that she's being used in the pitch , shady darkness of tonight ? , when nothing but their furry , very light and gray eyes twinkle and blink brightly back at each other in pitchy shady darkness ?

Well then .. if ' any ' of these reasons aren't correct - or ' don't seem ' .. to nip it right in the bud - , then ' what did ' Igie do ? , and .. ' where ' did .. Igie go wrong ?

In this silence where Igie seems to be ' spoiling ' .. for a fight , Igie and Tawny continue to stare each other down. Igie starts to break down right in front of Tawny all over again. , in all of her cold , cold , upset and angry jealously that Tawny ' doesn't ' want her. Tawny wants Queen Destiny and she , ' already ' know this. Igie knows that she's being used by Tawny now , but anytime - like now - when she tries to confront Tawny about it , Tawny acts in his trickery stupid way where Igie ends up thinking twice on how ' stupid ' and how ' dumb ' she sounds. , so that she'll never know that Tawny ALWAYS .. keeps trying .. to prevent her from thinking smartly that she ' really is ' being used by Tawny. So that Tawny can continue using her , continue stringing her along in their fake relationship and Igie will NEVER know this.

When Tawny sees Igie break down , he automatically comes right out of his enraged , rattled up in a cage state at Igie , hostile , fighting , lashing out and snapping behavior , and as if Tawny had a heart and had ' so much ' sympathy and empathy to give to Igie ; Tawny quickly trots to Igie who sits upright upsettingly with an angry : '' plop ! '' onto the dirt ground. , softly crying apologetically knowing as much as she loves Tawny , she really doesn't want to make him madden and very , very angry with her as she already made him feel today. When Tawny walks up in closer distance in front of Igie in soft caution , he's back onto his long , furry two's again. Gently , he helps her wipe away her tears with her front , furry paws while his front , furry , bigger paws gently grip around both of Igie's furry wrists, And as this moment starts to get a little tender , soft and like a moment between two cats truly being in love with one another , Tawny helps Igie almost slowly rise from sitting upright all the way to standing right back onto her long , furry two's.

Before Igie could raise her small , furry head to look up a little softly sure at Tawny , Tawny expertly fakes out the romantic act of giving her their very first , snout kiss in their relationship ever before , that both cats will ' NEVER forget. ' His furry , big head tilted to the right as his furry , front paws are gently gripping Igie's furry , left and right cheeks. Tawny and Igie's very first , snout kiss is really movin' , grinding and rollin'. In all of this extremely sexual heat and energy , both cats didn't realize that they were holding ' all ' of this energy inside of their furry , long , cat like systems before. Both Tawny and Igie work together deepening their furry , snout kiss that goes from extremely rushing , lustful and needy - on Tawny's part - all the way up to strongly and forcibly taking things between them to the next level. Now Tawny and Igie's furry , snout kiss starts to turn into rushed , hurried , begging , pleading and desperately soft moaning , light purrs and groaning in sexual pleasure at Tawny , all coming from Igie. As Tawny tries his best to fake act out their very , first , snout kiss , make all of this believable to Igie - so it'll mean something to Igie - and now adds in a fake , deeply low growl in fake , romantic , pleasing pleasure back at Igie.

This progresses between the cats ' even further ' , when Tawny puts his furry , front paws down and such naughty , overly bold , strong , claws out paws , start to roam around Igie's furry , thin built chest. Claws coming from both of his left and right , furry paws , Tawny's left , clawed paw cuts right through the mid section of Igie's furry , thin built chest like pushing through two , thick parts of hair that act like curtains. Exposing Igie's size B , big , soft , nice to the touch breasts. Still in their furry , uninterrupted , snout kiss together , Tawny picks Igie up with manly , lion power ease as Igie starts to almost quickly wrap her long , furry , hind legs around Tawny's waist - her way of allowing Tawny to pick her up - and Tawny almost lightly crashes against Uncle's royal throne. Igie's furry , long , long back making furry , soft contact against the left side of Uncle's wood made , fancy throne. Quickly , Tawny teasingly breaks apart from himself and Igie's very first , snout kiss in their fake relationship , as his furry , big head quickly tilts to his right. Tawny quickly doves for Igie's right side of her neck and starts to firstly , snout kiss up and down Igie's furry neck and then bite onto Igie's right side of her furry neck hard. Trying not to be disgusted on the inside giving Igie a love hickey marking her as : '' his. ''

And while Tawny does this , his front , furry paws that want to be all up in this sex bringing action too , start already feeling up and roughly squeezing Igie's already exposed , furry , big breasts. Tawny in the middle of squeezing Igie's left , furry breast. Hating himself because this sexual , furry act that he's sharing with Igie is ' already ' making him hard. Tawny would rather have Queen Destiny make him hard , than ' any cat ' that he's ever been in a relationship with in Sundaya.

Quickly shooing this thought from his furry mind , Tawny tries to concentrate on pleasuring and pleasing Igie , just so it could stupidly get her to shut up about not loving her , not wanting to touch her , love her up and feel her. ' Still ' hating it that he would rather love Queen Destiny up , feel Queen Destiny and touch Queen Destiny up as much as he's forcing himself to play the act of doing to Igie right now. Tawny could hear Igie moan a bit loudly - as if a whore - in sexual , pleasing pleasure at Tawny as he hates and feels ' so ashamed ' with himself , that igie's moaning is starting to make his furry erection start to brush up against Igie's pink , furry , womanly , lioness opening.

Tawny hates himself ' even more ' .. that at the same time he gets sexually aroused and excited with Igie , he finds himself biting more harder into the right side of Igie's neck like a blood thirsty , blood craving vampire. And teasing Igie out of nowhere , - as if saying to Igie silently in all of this sexual action : '' That's enough for now Igi '' - Tawny stops biting Igie's right , furry side of her neck , Tawny puts Igie down onto the dirt ground till her furry , long , long two's hit the dirt ground close behind Uncle's throne and finally , Tawny walks a few steps backward away from Igie as if he wasn't feeling any of this furry , sexual and erotic action with Igie.

Panting a bit softly in sexual pleasing , seduced and turned on by Tawny , Tawny watches Igie giggle in romantic , doting stupidity. , for now , satisfied with their very first , snout kiss and Tawny ' finally ' deciding at the last minute , to feel her up , to love her up and to touch her up. No matter how disgusted and how much he regretted doing this to Igie deep inside. Wishing .. ever so strongly and deeply , that he was with his Dawl. Clearly , the ' ONLY way ' that Tawny was able to do this to Igie , would be to imagine seeing Queen Destiny's hot , furry face instead of Igie's furry , honest , pretty face , so it'll be easier for Tawny to carry out this fake , loving , sexual act. If not doing this , otherwise , Tawny would NEVER lay a paw on Igie and he wouldn't tell her why.

Igie leans a bit by the left side of Uncle's royal throne while she starts to close up her furry , thin built chest area so that no cat can get a full view of her size B , big , furry , nice to the touch breasts. On the inside , Tawny tries his ' hardest ' .. not to be repulsed .. by the flirty , as if juiced , in the mood for sex , furry , half eye lidded , look onto Igie's face. Still staring back at Tawny , as he tries his best to put on his returning , seductive , naughty bringing , furry , half eye lidded smirk at Igie. , to show Igie now that he's sexually aroused and turned on by her too. Tawny's furry look and smirk that he normally would always give to his Dawl. When all Queen Destiny does in return , is smile in slick , hot , eye winking seduction at Tawny. Wanting Tawny to always come to her and chase her first before she starts to get difficult , starts to deny him and starts to resist him.

Igie : ( now speaking in her overly flirty and sensual tone of voice ) '' Oh Tawny .. that .. was HOT ! ,, ''

Tawny : ( in his trickery cold voice , he fakes talking seductively to Igie ) '' You liked our very first , snout kiss huh. ''

Igie : '' Why yes Tawny , it was ' SOO HOT ! ' , I want more. If you snout ' this good ' as Desi says , I wonder how you'll be when we start having sex together. ''

Completely out of his trickery cold , smooth , smooth character , Tawny gives a wide , furry , teeth showing , frightful , frozen smile in rejection to Igie wanting more out of him. Now sex too. E-www. Tawny tries to sound nice about what he's about to say to Igie , trying to stay in his fake , seductive , tricking character.

Tawny : ( still lying , trying to sound nice barely sounding seductively ) '' Umm , s-see Igi , sex .. ' is NOT ' .. what I'm ready for between us. I don't want sex with you because , I don't know if .. I want cubs with you. O-Or a cub family with you. ''

'' Oh I ' do want ' sex Igi. But I ' damn sure ' DON'T .. want sex with you. I want sex with Dawl so , so BADLY. I keep thinkin' naughty , sexually hot , arousing and overly excited thoughts about her every morning and every night. I ' already know ' what I wanna do to that sexy , slim , ' HOT ' body. I wanna pound that body ' SO HARD ' till she's shaking , snarling , moaning and groaning ; at her sexual peak of wanting more. NOT to mention .. that I'm ' already ' a father to Dawl and I's cubs. ''

Tawny finishes saying in calm thoughtful ness softly inside of his furry head. , almost wishing ' so badly ' .. that he could tell Igie this and just dump her like the ' BIGGEST ' mistake and the ' BIGGEST ' regret .. that Igie is to him.

Igie : '' Who said anything about cubs Tawny ? , I really love you so much that I want you to know that .. I'm thinking that .. - within these two to three years of our relationship together - I want us to start to be sexually active , start being sexually intimate and ' then ' start having sex together. ''

Tawny : ( says stupidly , panicking in shock on the inside ) '' Oh really. ''

'' Oh HELL NO ! , maybe I'm getting ' way too far ' .. in this fake , lying relationship with Igi. - Ya think ? , Am I ' just now ' realizing this ? ''

Tawny says in panicked , overwhelming shock about Igie inside of his furry head softly.

Igie : '' Yes Tawny. , I was thinkin' that .. you and I ' should ' start taking our relationship to the next level. Even though we ' already ' been out on a date or two ... - ( Igie almost quickly throws this in to Tawny just to make him feel more comfortable and not rush their fake relationship between the cats ) ' ONLY ' .. if you're comfortable and ' ONLY ' .. if you're ready to get take things further into our relationship with me. Just because I'm saying this , ' doesn't mean ' I'm pressuring you into wanting to do this with me as well. I don't want to do anything with you that doesn't make you feel uncomfortable. , ''

Igie : '' I can wait until you're ready to be sexually active with me. , ' and ' to .. start being sexually intimate with me. We don't have to go '' too fast '' into our relationship if you don't want to. ''

Tawny : '' Well in that case , no. I think we're going too fast in our fake relationship. * widens his very light hazel eyes in front of Igie , cursing himself in his furry head for accidentally saying this to Igie ) - I mean ! , ' wayyy ' .. too fast in our relationship. We've only been out on two dates and I .. ' already ' feel like you've been comin' on ' way too strong ' with me. I also admit .. that I , have been comin' on ' way too strong ' to you too. I just stole our very first snout from you today. , when I should've waited and decided to savor our snout kiss and let our snout kiss come and happen naturally. I should've done that to you Igi. I'm sorry. ''

'' Say ' anything ' at this point , to get away from having sex with Igi. ''

Tawny ' still says ' in panicking shock at Igie. ' Still ' finding himself talk to himself from aloud to softly into his furry head. Since when did this start happening ?

Igie : '' What are you sorry for Tawny ? * she softly laughs enjoyably * , don't be ridiculous Tawny. I didn't mind you coming on so strong to me. It ' did ' take me aback a little bit - I admit - , but I can get used to it .. while being in this relationship with you. I'm starting to get used to you coming on overly strong on me and taking over the ' whole ' conversation. I don't mind it. It's just that your temper sometimes , scares me. ''

This time , Tawny's mind can't seem to come up with anything that relates to what Igie just said to him. His mind is now empty , now quiet , now blank.

'' ... ''

Tawny : '' Well I'm sorry if my temper and anger scared you so badly. I always ' do ' have that kind of affect on a lot of cats here , in the pride and here , in Sundaya. , ''

Tawny starts to almost quickly walk right up to Igie still onto his long , furry two's. Igie straightens up from leaning onto the left side of Uncle's royal throne. Igie also , starts to walk up a bit closer to Tawny. Both cats filling the slightly small gap between Queen Destiny and Uncle's royal throne. Also , both cats having a very small gap coming from in between them. Both cats at the same time , have already stopped walking in front of one another.

Tawny continues to speak to Igie.

Tawny : '' now if you ' really ' .. love me ' just as much ' .. as you say that you do , then you would let this huge argument that we had tonight go and you would leave it all at that. I meant it , when I said that we're done here .. and I ' STILL am ' rattled all up in a cage with you about you com-pletely embarrassing me .. right in front of the Indenius pride. I don't think that I'm ' ever ' .. going to forget about that incident that happened to me tonight ' or ' get over said incident. Don't think that just cuz I helped you get over your dramatically emotional and crying breakdown , that I'm ' still not ' pissed off at you in an angry fury. I guess right now , you can call ' us ' .. making up from our huge argument. ''

Igie : '' Oh. , ''

Igie says as if calmly disappointed at Tawny , but in simple understanding with where Tawny's coming from. Igie awkwardly rocks forward once onto her long , hind , tippy , furry legs and then rocks backward calmly twice onto her long , furry two's again. Her long , furry arms already folded over one another in serious awkwardness still in front of Tawny right now. Her furry , front paws entangled together behind her long , long , slim back.

Igie continues to speak on to Tawny as he nods his furry , big head at her on his final words on their huge argument.

Igie : '' you're still madden and pissed off at me. Okay , I get that. I understand. I was wrong for embarrassing you in front of the Indenius pride. I knew what I was doing , even though you didn't give me ' any chance ' .. to explain why .. I acted and did what I did in front of you. ' As if ' you wanted to know anyway ... - I never got the chance to say that I am ' really , really sorry ' Tawn - no , I really mean it - for making you look like a bad lion in our relationship. So far in our relationship, you've been nothing but good to me , you've been really respectful to me and .. I made a mistake tonight , that I ' should've ' acted out .. right in front of the Indenius pride. , ''

Tawny nods his big , furry head at Igie so far accepting Igie for all that she's telling him. , and having some respect in her from owning up to her mistakes in their fake relationship. This probably took A-LOT out of her , as he listens to Igie tell him this.

Igie : '' I know .. that a simple '' sorry '' isn't good enough for you. And I know that if I was ' really sorry ' than I shouldn't do it again. I also know .. that from what Desi tells me , you're the kind of lion that is ' too cruel ' on apologies. They don't mean anything to you and there are nothin' but words to you , in your opinion. I also know .. that it's going to take A-LOT , just to get you to forgive me. Desi always told me that you're NEVER .. those kinds of cats that forgive and forget so easily. I know that for now , my words ' aren't ' going to mean much to you. So , I'm going to make it up to you. I'm NOT going to tell you that I'll try , I'm NOT going to tell you that I'm trying as hard as I can , that I'm making an effort to , I'm going to suck it up and simply do. ''

Tawny : ( says softly ) '' Mm-hmm. ''

Tawny says to Igie , following her throughout her very long apology.

Igie : '' I ' do ' ask you , if you could ' please ' .. give me plenty of time to make it up to you and to make this right with you Tawn. Even though I know that you don't need to give me anything and even though I ' already know ' that I don't deserve time at all but , I ' really ' need the time to show you .. just how sorry I am. And how much I love you , I don't ' ever ' .. want to madden you , piss you off and make you ' so .. angry ' at me .. ever .. again. I love you too much in our relationship , to make you feel this way. , and I honestly ' HATE ' .. myself .. for doing this to you tonight. I ' really do. ' ''

Tawny smirks at Igie like he was saying to Igie softly : '' Under one condition ... ''

Tawny : '' Course you can have plenty of time to make this right with me ' and ' .. to apologize. I want to see to his personally , if you ' really ' .. mean what you say. Since you say that .. you love me .. and all ? ''

Igie : '' I ' know ' .. that I'm going to regret asking you this , but I gotta ask : you're gonna punish me too , right ? ''

Tawny : ( goes back to speaking in his trickery cold , smooth , deep and low tone of voice ) '' - hoo yea I am. You'll be ' severely ' .. and ' intensely ' punished. I ' won't ' .. hold back on you. You're going to ' pay ' .. for embarrassing me like that ' EVER ' .. in your young , lioness , happy , perky life. You understand ? * Igie nods her small , furry head quickly in fearful , scary agreement with Tawny * , that'll teach you to embarrass me like that ' EVER ' .. in front of the ' WHOLE ' Indenius pride , again. And if I ' EVER ' .. catch you .. making a bubble with me like that ' again ' , * he leans his furry , big head menacingly close to Igie , giving us an up close , furry view of him * oh I ' PROMISSSE ' you .. that I ' WILL ' .. that your word up .. on raping .. the ' HELL ' .. out of your furry , perky self. Your furry , well being and your furry self .. ' WILL NEVER ' - EVER - be the same again. , ''

Tawny : '' hell when I'm done showing you a ' REAL ' , abusively cold relationship that tonight - for some reason - you decided to defame my furry characterization as a royal lion : here in Sundaya ; you'll know the * he roughly pulls Igie's small , furry chin closer to her as she starts to softly and guilty quiver and tremble of seriously cold fear of Tawny , regretting being in this relationship with Tawny already * ' EXACT ' , reason ' WHY ' .. cats all over Sundaya .. be talkin' about my cruel , cold , ' SICK ' and ' TWISTED ' colors as a lion. ' WHY ' .. I'm called a rapist , murderer , cub killer , ' LION ' killer , loving the ' taste ' .. of a cats blood. I swear to KINNY ' himself ' .. that I'll you the ' COLD ' , ' COLD ' sides of me .. that cats in Sundaya NEVER .. want to see from me. I'll see to it ' personally ! ' .. that you get the ' BEST ' , cold seat with me in the den that we'll - once again - ' be ' alone together in. , ''

Tawny : '' then you'll see ' EXACTLY ' .. what other cats .. here in Sundaya , are talkin' about when it comes to me. You want me to be the bad lion Igi ? ''

Tawny asks Igie. , but this time , in overly cold dark , trickery ness and cold hearted humor. Igie is all up in an extremely furry , starting to cry all over again , messy quiver in regretful , begging and pleading fear and terror for Tawny right now.

Igie : ( her normally perky and energetic voice starts to break down and cry ) '' N-No Tawny. I d-don't w-want you to b-be the b-bad lion. In f-fact , I don't w-want you to b-be ' any ' k-kind of lion but y-y-yourself. I-I would n-never-r w-want t-that. I l-ove y-you Tawny. I r-really do. ''

Tawny : '' Do you want me to beat you ? ''

Igie continues to cry in front of Tawny really , really hard. Her speech pattern starting to dither , her once energetic , perky , alive and strong voice starts to falter , waver , tremble , quiver , stammer , stutter and blunder.

Igie : '' N-No Tawny. Oh ' please ' don't b-beat me. Please ! , I s-said that I was sorry Tawn ! I- I love you so much and I w-would NEVER .. think bad about you. ''

Tawny : '' You think that I would ' EVER ' .. do anything to you , that would make you feel uncomfortable , that you would like or not be comfortable doing. , or doing something ' without ' your consent ? Think that I would force you into anything you ' didn't ' want to do with me ? ''

Igie : '' N-No Tawny , please ! , I ' already know ' that you would n-never hurt me. I already know that. Please Tawn. , l-let's just drop this conversation already and call it a night. I-It's getting late and my * says in a trembling , loving caressing and tender tone of voice as she takes her left , furry paw and runs her furry paws through Tawny's overly long , dark golden , reddish at the tips , dark strands of hair in front of his furry , fine face and that's a part of his mane * * , as Tawny looks hatefully at igie's tender , left , furry paw as he listens to her speak , falling apart right in front of him * * gives Tawny a trembling , tender , weak smile * handsome , fierce Tawny , needs to get plenty of rest tonight. Is my lion tired ? ''

Tawny ignores Igie's very weak and not strong enough effort to try to change the subject , try to comfort him , try to drop this matter between them and trying to calm Tawny down. But Tawny doesn't want to calm down. There's no calming Tawny down at this minute.

Tawny : ( raises his voice , a voice that gives of a-million threats in one sitting ) '' Do you ' WANT ' me to rape you ? ! ''

Igie's pupils through her perky , energetic , gray eyes start to wane and dwindle in ' even more ' coldly merciless and cruel fear of Tawny. For once in their three to four years of their fake relationship , now would be the time when Igie is starting to fear Tawny and knows that when a cat is in ' any ' relationship with Tawny , chances are : you'll be walking into an domineering and controlling relationship where Tawny is in control . Tawny is making all of the moves , Tawny leads and you follow and you'll have to do anything and everything that Tawny says. And if you do anything that Tawny doesn't like. , or if you say anything that Tawny doesn't agree to , you'll be punished coldly for it. Such as an : abusive , toxic and cold relationship.

Exactly the kind of relationship that ex King Kip got into with Tawny , back in his past. And ex King Kip ' barely ' escaped with his life , his heart , his soul , his spirit , courage , strength , boldness and whatever dignity that he had left in him at the time. Igie just ' might be ' next.

Igie starts to raise her voice at Tawny very desperate and on her last leg for Tawny to listen to her and please do not make any kinds of these tricky , deadly cold threats that Tawny ' won't hesitate ' to do to her. If ex King Kip went through most of it with Tawny back in his past , if ex King Kip went through cat HELL with Tawny , then whatever ex King Kip went through - rape , being beaten violently , owned , controlled , told what to do , etc - all of this ' will ' easily happen to Igie.

Igie : '' N-No Tawny ! , please ' don't ' rape me ! I-I'm still a virgin ! , I've never had sex before .. a-and I'm trying to save myself for just the right lion who w-will come along the way and find me. P-Please Tawny ! , I'm begging ! , please ! , please ! , please ! , please ! , please ! , ''

All up in Tawny's cold , merciless , trickery enrage , Tawny coldly stares back at Igie as she throws herself at him into a desperate , furry hug. , catching her just in time and allowing his furry , front paws to react upon wrapping his long , furry arms around her waist before Igie could crash into Tawny's furry chest. Tawny could feel Igie's heart beating wildly and immensely , out of fear and out of hurtful , harmful shock , all because of him. From the right corners of his very light , furry , hazel eyes , Tawny continues to stare coldly at Igie as he listens to her continue to break down in front of him and speak her fearful life away to him. So sure that Tawny is going to give her ' MUCH WORSE ' , cat HELL .. compared to what ex King Kip got.

Igie's voice starts to lower down , as if Tawny could take this , as Igie finally starts to calm down from her emotionally hurt , crying , breakdown. So sure that if Igie said anything smart or slick to Tawny right now , Tawny would hit her without thinking. , and - as he already said before - he would do something that he ' might ' regret if Igie keeps pushing him to more dangerous , blood pumping limits. And Tawny would NOT .. be in his right mind once this happens.

Igie : '' I said that I won't do this to you ' ever again ! ' ( saying with trembling , loving , strong , hesitating feeling ) I-I love you ! , i love you so much and everything that you stand for. A-And I don't ' care ' .. what cats ' r-round Sundaya s-ay .. about you. I'll do anything. I'll do whatever you say and I m-ean that. W-Whatever you say , I'll do. Whatever you say , I'll do. ''

Still hugging Igie and holding onto their hug , Tawny widens his very light , incandescent , flickering , very light , hazel eyes in pitch , shady darkness. , and in trickery cold , scorn laughing pleasure of Igie giving into him so easily , of Igie surrendering to him so easily and of Igie letting him control and own her - letting Tawny fear her to a point where Tawny can use this against her - in their fake relationship.

Tawny : '' Anything , you say ? ''

His tricking , cold smirk widens from the right side of his furry cheek. Liking very much what he's hearing Igie tell him.

Tawny almost gently pulls Igie away from him : his front , furry paws almost gently gripping Igie's furry , shoulder bones first. , and pulls her from out of her desperate hug so that he can see her in front of him. He could see Igie's tear stained , furry snout and once go-go , chirpy , furry face turn into emotionally crying and in fearing shock for Tawny. ' So sure ' that Tawny is going to give her ' so much pain ' after embarrassing him in front of the Indenius pride. And did I mention .. that this wasn't all ? Truthfully told by me , throughout the cats three to four years of their relationship , Igie has been doing and acting like the innocent cat victim in front of Tawny for months now. , but has ' ONLY ' crossed the line tonight , when she embarrassed Tawny right in front of the Indenius pride.

- And Tawny has had enough of Igie's pity party , playing the innocent , cat victim behavior. - Tawny stares back into gray , frisky eyes that have a few tear drops placed onto the tip and upper sides of Igie's furry snout. In this dangerously calculating silence with Tawny , Tawny starts to look at Igie a bit narrow eyed in tricking , playing Igie , cruel and cold thought.

Igie : '' Yes Tawny , ( she stops hesitating , stammering a bit and stuttering in front of Tawny ) anything. ( she repeats this to Tawny desperately , without thinking that she's going to regret telling Tawny this ) Whatever you say , I'll do. Whatever you say , I'll do. ''

Tawny : ( repeats Igie's words calmly , taking into much thought on what he's planning to do to Igie right now ) '' Let me get into an understanding here with you : so , ' you say ' , whatever ' I say ' to you , you .. ' will ' go ahead .. and do that such thing , that I just said for you to do. Anything I want .. and anything I need , you say ? ''

Tawny says this to Igie with a trickery , bad , using kind of way where now , Igie starts to think about her bad , desperate choice of words that she just told Tawny right now. Nice , and not in a good way , but in a sarcastic way. Now Tawny is going to use these words against her and she's got no cat to blame , but herself. Igie wonders if she could somehow go back upon her word. Somehow , rewind all of the words that she told Tawny.

Igie : '' Ummm ... ''

Tawny : ( starts to speak in a trickery , honeyed , manipulating way ) '' What's the matter Igi ? , so now you're unsure ' bout everything you just said to me ? I thought you said whatever I say , ' you do. ' From what I'm getting through your words here , ' you said ' .. that you would listen to me and .. would be willing to do ' anything ' .. that I said. Isn't that right beautiful ? ''

Tawny leans his big , furry head closer to stare manipulating right back into Igie's furry , gray eyes. Igie grows to be incredibly intimidated by Tawny staring at her in this manipulating way , that she lets Tawny outstare her. Just out of abusive , controlling fear for Tawny.

Igie : ( lying ) '' Y-Yes Tawny. Did I just say that ? ( she says stupidly to Tawny , as if saying this aloud , talking to herself ) * Tawny nods his big , furry head in firm agreement to Igie * , y-yea. That's.. right. ''

Tawny : '' Now , at least I ' could ' .. agree with you on one thing. It ' is ' getting late and I am getting tired. I ' guess ' we've talked enough. Guess we've said ' more than ' enough to each other , to a point where our tongues are now tired right. ''

Igie : '' Yes Tawny , we have. ''

Tawny : '' Right , now I'm off , heading right back to my lion territory where I'll be sleeping with my close , lion buds for the night. I need A-LOT of space away from you right now , in this point in our relationship. I've had enough from dealing with you angering me and pushing me ' wayy ' over the limit , for one day. ''

Tawny lets go of Igie's furry , shoulder bones and starts to almost slowly walk back onto his long , furry fours over to the direction of where his huge , spoiled , royal rotten , lion collision - belonging to his abusive father : Red - passing Uncle and Queen Destiny's royal thrones and including Igie as he does. His furry , big , royal head not turning back to Igie not even once , still talking his lazy time walking more further on ahead as I speak.

Igie tries to stop Tawny and also tries to push her luck with Tawny.

Igie : '' Wait. , ''

She says as she turns her furry , small head and furry , long , slim body at the same time in Tawny's direction. Who still keeps on walking onto his long , furry fours out of the royals of Sundaya's throne area. Where Queen Destiny , Uncle , now ex King Kip , Sir Antevill , Tawny and other royals thrones are scattered and placed near by one another.

Igie : '' what do you mean : '' You need A-LOT of space away from me ? '' What are you trying to say ? , you can't deal with us as a cat couple anymore ? ''

Igie : '' And , can I come with you ? , to your royal , lion territory ? I hear ' round Sundaya that it's ' much huge ' as much as Desi's lioness , royal territory : here , in Sundaya is. I've never been to your royal , lion territory before. , and you never showed me your royal territory before , ever since we started going out and dating as a cat couple. ''

After hearing this in ' still ' dangerously calculating silence with Igie , Tawny rudely turns his furry , big , royal head over his right , furry shoulder to look at Igie in cold , annoyed rudeness. Igie's bold , pushing her luck speaking even makes Tawny stop taking a walking , head start over to his royal , lion territory by himself.

Tawny : '' Did I say , that I couldn't deal with us ? ''

Igie : '' No , but - ''

Tawny shuts Igie up continuing to overrule their conversation.

Tawny : '' Did I say , that I had a problem with us ? ''

Igie : '' Nooo , but please listen to me Tawny. I - ''

Tawny : ( raising his voice a little bit to shut Igie up once more ) '' Oh , I ' already have ' Igi. I .. have heard ' more than ' enough .. of your constant talking , crying , being emotionally ... - even your ' dirty ' , trickery behavior that you've shown the ' WHOLE ' Indenius pride tonight. So , right now , I am NOT .. tryin' to hear ' any more ' words .. coming .. from ' out ' .. of your furry snout. Do you understand me. ''

Igie : '' Tawny , I didn't mean to push my luck on you. I was just trying to ask you a simple que- ''

Tawny : '' Do you .. ' UNDERSTAND ' .. me. I'll say this ' again. ' ''

Igie is left with no other choice but to shut up and let Tawny overpower her in this conversation. Already seeing , that it's never any use arguing and fighting with Tawny. Queen Destiny would know , have endless , Sundaya years of experience - and for what feels like since cubhood ! - arguing , fighting and winning against Tawny. How ' does ' .. she do it ? , how ' does ' .. she put Tawny in his place ?

Is Igie ' allowing ' .. Tawny , to overrule and overpower her ?

Igie : ( says softly in defeat , acting like a pushover ) '' Yes Tawny , * she says as she puts her furry , small head down letting Tawny speak to her and treat her in this way * I understand. ''

Tawny's trickery cold smirk , turns into an evil , winning grin , this time , crossing to the left , furry side of his furry cheek. Cold , overruling by heart , lions like Tawny , LOVE IT .. when weak ,innocent prey - and weak targets - like Igie , put their furry , small or big heads down and allows themselves to walked all over because of him. It gives him cold , evil pleasure as he wakes up in Sundaya ' every morning. '

Tawny : '' Goood Igi , you know better. - And to answer your question , no. You're NOT going to sleep with me - and my lions - back in my royal , lion territory. ''

Igie almost quickly lifts her furry , small head up at Tawny. A little bit , her voice angry at Tawny for NEVER .. letting her , go anywhere with him. ' Especially ' inside of his royal , lion territory. Igie has seen Tawny take Queen Destiny to his royal , lion territory ' all .. of the time. ' Why can't she go with him ? , what did she do .. to deserve this ? Without thinking , Igie's voice disobediently blurts out to Tawny in anger. Not knowing that speaking ' out .. of turn ' to Tawny like this , ' will ' anger him even more.

Igie : ( raising her voice while blurting out to Tawny in anger ) '' And ' why .. NOT ' Tawny ? ! , you NEVER let me go ' anywhere ! ' with you ! I'm your lioness girlfriend ! , I'm supposed to go ' everywhere ' and ' anywhere ' you in Sundaya. I'm not supposed to leave your side. See ? , there you go ' again ! ' , acting like I'm NOT even your lioness girlfriend ! This is ' exactly ' what I'm talking about with you Tawny ! * Tawny starts to growl at Igie in cold rudeness , warning her to shut up * , I ' HATE IT ' when you do this ! , you would never treat Desi like this ! You ALWAYS invite Desi over to your royal , lion territory many times , but when it comes to me , ' I ' .. can't go ? ! ''

Tawny bursts aloud to Igie in cold rudeness. Igie keeps trying him , pushing him , testing him and he's already getting tired of it to the point where he's done speaking to Igie for the night. Tawny is done.

Tawny : ( overly snarl like says to Igie in cold , rude anger ) '' Because , lots of lions in ' my collision ' .. ' DON'T ' .. LIKE .. YOU ! ' That's why ! ' , I'm ' NOT SORRY ' .. that you had to hear it from me this way ... ! ''

Igie cocks her furry , small head in sensitive , emotional hurt at Tawny. All over again , Igie looks like she's about to start crying in front of Tawny again. Who's looking at her , the way he ALWAYS looks at her in disinterest , like she's a piece of dirt , piece of trash , like a left over bone from a carcass that's ' already ' been eaten off of and left behind for years. Who looks at her cold and murderously , no love for her as he claims to have for her , ' isn't seen ' through his furry , very light , hazel eyes. Nothing , is seen inside of Tawny's furry , very light , hazel eyes. Just coldness and he always being so angry , so rejecting , hating her and strongly wishing harm on her.

Tawny is NEVER this way , when he's with Queen Destiny. Being sensitive about Tawny's words , Igie's furry snout starts to tremble , forcing herself to try to speak up to Tawny some more right now. , while fighting strongly the urge to stay strong , hold her ground in front of Tawny and don't cry anymore.

Igie : ( voice easily hurt in heart breaking rejection ) '' A-And w-why .. not , T-Tawny ? ( goes back to speaking more softly again , this time , very quietly ) , what did I do to deserve your lions cold treatment ? I-i didn't do anything. ''

Tawny : '' ' Pleassse ' .. ' DON'T ' .. play .. dumb Igi. I bet while I was in that mysterious royals den with Dawl - loving her up , snout kissing her up and ' ready ' to screw her out of love - hehe - * he says as Igie gasps a bit loudly in front of Tawny in ' even more ' hurtful , heartbreaking rejection , Tawny gives her a fake , mocking gasps and then smiles meanly at Igie , having no regrets of what he did in the mysterious den with Queen Destiny earlier * you were talking about me behind .. my ' back ! ' , like you've been doing throughout the months that we've been in this relationship together. Yea , so I've got A-LOT of cat skeletons in my closet , but you're ' NO ' better yourself ! ''