King 13

Final part of chapter 8

Tawny : '' ' Pleassse ' .. ' DON'T ' .. play .. dumb Igi. I bet while I was in that mysterious royals den with Dawl - loving her up , snout kissing her up and ' ready ' to screw her out of love - hehe - * he says as Igie gasps a bit loudly in front of Tawny in ' even more ' hurtful , heartbreaking rejection , Tawny gives her a fake , mocking gasps and then smiles meanly at Igie , having no regrets of what he did in the mysterious den with Queen Destiny earlier * you were talking about me behind .. my ' back ! ' , like you've been doing throughout the months that we've been in this relationship together. Yea , so I've got A-LOT of cat skeletons in my closet , but you're ' NO ' better yourself ! ''

Igie starts to cry in begging desperation right in front of Tawny not allowing herself to feel anything , at this point , with Tawny. This is where Igie's desperation , Igie's end of her loose ends and Igie's last bit of strength easily dies out and is stomped cruelly on by Tawny - ' this ' .. is where Igie's desperation ' finally ' starts to kick in. What could she do at this point ?

Igie : '' Tawny , ' please ! ' - Okay ! , you're right , * sniffling aloud * you're absolutely right. I ' am ' no different , I ' am ' no ' different. - I can't ' BELIEVE ' .. that you admit , cheating on me .. with my royal , lioness , best friend : Desi. I- I thought that we were in a loving , happy relationship together. I-I .. thought .. that you loved me. I thought that you liked me a lot as you said that you did. Y-You .. made me feel special , made me feel pretty , made me feel beautiful. How could you ? I love you. ''

Igie continues to cry very , very cutely and pleading in front of Tawny.

Tawny's not going to fall for any of Igie's false show of emotions , insincere and fake tears right now. Too enraged in cold rudeness to even think at this second.

Tawny : * heartless , soft chuckle * '' It wasn't like I loved - nor liked - you anyway ... I want Dawl , and I'm ' going ' to use you .. as my help. To put it .. in more simpler words for you beautiful , I'm ' using you ' .. as my lioness girlfriend .. just to make my Dawl jealous. , so she can come back to me all on her own and I'll take it from there. Ohhh , don't cry , my fake Igi , ' don't ' .. cry ! * he snarls aloud enraged at Igie , Igie collapses into a cat , sitting upright position , covering her furry , pretty face with her furry , front paws * You ' really ' .. wanna know .. how I feel about you ? Okay Igi , write this .. on your forehead : '' I can't ' STAND ' you. I want nothing to do with you. You .. mean ' NOTHING ' .. to me .. in this fake relationship .. of ours. If I touch you again , I guarantee .. ' will get ' the opportunity .. to rape you. And that's the truth. '' I don't ' WANT ' you. Get it ? ''

Igie : * still crying * ( voice breaking awfully ) '' Wow Tawny , * sniffling some more as she looks up at Tawny * how could I have NOT seen your true intentions and plans for me more clearly , when I first agreed to be your lioness girlfriend. How overly naive , nice and ' stupid ! ' I was , wasn't I. You ' really are ' a cruel , cold lion. Just like Red. I love you and you do this to me ? ''

Tawny : '' Oh ' damn you ' Igi. Damn you , and ' all ' of your pretty , FAKE .. lioness that you surround yourselves around my Dawl. You're NOTHING .. without her. You all wouldn't - nor couldn't ' - be ' anything ' .. without my Dawl. , and .. if she ' hadn't ' decided to allow you , to join her lioness collision. Originally belonging to : Queen Lad La La. - ( says in a coldly warm way ) Thank you for that ' cold , cold ' compliment Igi. Makes me feel all ' cold ' .. deep inside , being called that ' all ' .. of my royal life as a Prince .. of Sundaya. What , did you ' honestly think ' .. that I would get into a relationship with you , and let my ' HOT ' Dawl go ? HA ! * he laughs heartlessly in front of Igie * , you could NEVER .. compete against Dawl. When .. will you ' EVER ' realize that. ''

Igie continues to sniffle more wildly than before.

Igie : '' I .. HATE .. you .. and your lions ' SO MUCH. ' You'll NEVER .. be Prince of Sundaya. , and Desi , would NEVER .. allow you .. to be her King of Sundaya. So you can go ahead and give Desi back the rest of the percentage of Sundaya's , royal territories and royal grounds - including the ' out skirts ' of Sundaya too - that you domineeringly took away .. from her. Desi should've NEVER .. accepted that deadly deal from you , ever since you firstly returned back to Sundaya during the hyena invasion. I hope Touphy becomes temporary King of Sundaya and I wish of Desi ' all ' the best .. in her relationship .. with Touphy right now. Touphy ' may be ' a killer lion , but ' at least ' .. it's better for Desi .. to be with ' him ' , than with ' you. ' I .. am ' SO HAPPY ' .. that Desi didn't accept your .. '' forced marriage '' , wedding , cat proposal and cat nymphcies. Who would want to go on a cat honeymoon with the cold , furry likes of you ? ''

Tawny : '' Oh > , it's funny how you say that Igi. Because during dinner time , big O whispered into my ear the ' same thing. ' So he ' is ' .. telling the truth. Hmph. Look at you , caught all up ' in ' your lies and back talking about me. That's NOT .. a lioness girlfriend that I want. Oh no , Dawl's been a ' better ' lioness girlfriend to ' me ' .. than you've ' EVER ' been. She's the only one set aside from ' all ' of the other cats that I've ever been with , here in Sundaya. She's the one , and I be ' DAMNED ' and ' cat murdered ' in my sleep .. by Sombi , if an a-nnoying and i-rritiating lioness like ' you ' .. gets in my way of personally getting and owning Dawl ' my-self ! ' I don't need explain myself to you. ''

Tawny : '' - The feeling is mutual Igi. I .. ' HATE ' .. you .. too. ''

Tawny says to Igie as he gives Igie a proud , cold , furry smirk. , crossing from the right side of his furry cheek. Sounding as if he was coldly proud to say how much he hated Igie right .. in front .. of her furry .. face.

Igie widens her furry , gray , cryin' eyes noticing that this ' very moment ' , every act that she did , ' all ' came rushing at her and cat scratching her so hard , in front of her furry face. Igie realizes this now , still being exactly ten feet away from Tawny.

Igie : '' That's it. , I-I don't care ' how much ' .. I love you. We're over. I don't want you anymore t-then I thought I did. ''

Tawny : '' Oh no we're not. ' You ' .. want .. ' me. ' , and together , we're going to keep it that way. You tell Dawl this , you tell your annoying , sassy and easy to get to lioness in Dawl's collision this , you tell ' ANY cat ' this .. and I will ' personally ' .. have my lions and ' I ' beat you to death , kill you and then ' I'm ' going to rape you as ' many times ' .. as I want to .. in your sleep. You're mine. ' I decide ' when I don't need you anymore , ' I decide ' when I'm done using you , ' I decide ' .. when this relationship is over. You keep loving me , and I'll keep hating you. Understand Igi ? , ''

Igie : '' Yes Tawny ! , * sniffling more and crying even harder * yes ! , ''

Tawny : '' You .. love .. me ! , re-peat it back to me. * Igie flinches as Tawny shouts this to her in cold enrage * NOW ! ''

Igie : ( says slowly out of heart aching fear ) ( , Tawny joins her ) '' I .. l-love .. y-you. ''

Tawny : '' Say it , like you want me. AGAIN ! , and this time , you say this to me without me. I want you to mean it with feeling. I want ' every word ' .. to move .. from your small , furry snout. Well ? ! ''

Igie : ( trying to sound loving , but her fearful voice for Tawny fails her ) '' I .. love you Tawny. I love you. There ! , I said it ! ''

Tawny : '' Verrry good Igi. ( says in cold sarcasm ) , my good , fake lioness ... ''

Igie sniffles as she continues to cry quietly in front of Tawny.

Tawny : '' Stop all of the crying. You ' knew ' what I wanted from you. You saw the furry ' look ' .. into my eyes. You should've known this was coming , since the moment that you stupidly agreed to be my lioness girlfriend. I bet Dawl's lioness collision warned you ' NOT ' .. to go out with me on a date. But you went. And I ' also bet ' that Dawl's lioness collision told you ' NOT ' .. to fall deeply in love with me. But you did. And finally , Dawl's lioness collision told you ' NOT ' .. to get in a relationship with me. But you did. Who's fault is this ? ''

Igie : '' I HATE you ' SO MUCH ' .. but I hate myself , for ' still ' loving you. , and never wanting to let you go. ''

Tawny : '' You know what happens to you , when you let me go right. You know better. ''

Igie fiercely wipes away her endless tears that are stained onto her furry snout and are already soaking her furry cheeks enough as it is.

Igie : '' Y-Yes Tawny. I-I do. I .. am ' so sorry. ' ''

Tawny : * enraged , soft chuckle * '' No you're not Igi. You knew ' exactly ' .. what you were doing. You're smarter .. than lookin' dumber. You planned ' everything ' and ' anything ' .. that happened and that all lead us , at this very point. Guess I'm stupid with you too. That's what happens , when cats fall deeply in love , with ' another ' cat. They don't know the kind of cat they're dealing with , ' until ' they fall in love and get into a relationship .. with that ' same cat. ' Equally , the ' both of us ' are stupid. I should've underestimated you and look lightly upon you. I belittled you strongly and thought less of you. ' At least ' before we go to bed , I can fairly admit this to you. , so you ' won't ' feel like the only , stupid cat between us in our relationship. , ''

Tawny : '' I should've picked a more ' better ' lioness , within Dawl's lioness collision , ' more wisely. ' And that's ' my fault ' , on ' my part. ' ''

Igie : '' I'll do what-ever you say Tawny. Just p-please. Don't hurt me. I won't treat you this way ' ever ' again. ''

Tawny : '' Damn right you won't. I'm going to make you ' REALLY , REALLY ' sorry. You're going to feel the same ' pain ' .. as I am , you're going to feel the same ' suffering ' .. as I am , you're going to ' FINALLY ' .. get a taste .. of your ' own ' medicine. And I ' PROMISSSE you ' .. that I .. ' will ' .. be the cat .. that's going to gulp down the medicine .. ' all ' down your furry throat. And I don't ' care ' .. how much you try to gag , refuse and deny it. You're going to ' wish ' .. that you were NEVER .. in this relationship with me .. EVER .. again. You're going to ' WISH ' .. that our relationship .. was just a cold dream , and not reality. Take this all as you will. And I'll ' see to it ' personally my-self ! ''

Igie : '' Please ! , I know that I'm in absolutely ' no position ' .. to ask you for a favor. , or beg you for anything , really , but please .. find it .. in your cold , sick twisted , lion heart .. to give me mercy. And then maybe - maybe - * Tawny narrows his eyebrows even more in mean trickery at Igie as she says this * , somehow find it .. in your heart .. to forgive me ? '' * sniffling roughly *

Tawny looks at Igie in cold , unforgiving and dismissing trickery. There is no feeling in his voice , there is no feelings seen through his very light , hazel eyes. Deep inside Tawny , there's only the intention of crushing Igie's furry , well being .. till there's NOTHING .. left .. of her anymore.

Tawny : '' I'm sorry Igi , but I don't owe you ' any ' kindness. What you're ' going ' to do now , is pretend .. that ' none ' of this .. ' EVER ' .. happened .. between me and you. K ? , let's pretend .. that our huge argument never existed , let's pretend that I never snout kissed and held you , - out of ' all ' disgusted ness - let's - for now - pretend .. that I wasn't ' extremely ' rattled all up in a cage at you , when we came here to talk our relationship issues. Let's forget .. that you said your peace in this huge argument .. and conversation , and let's forget .. that I said my peace .. in this huge argument .. and conversation. Mm-kay , miss fake Igi ? , ''

Igie : '' S-Sure Tawny. * still crying even harder * , s-sure. We can do that ... ''

Tawny : '' Good. You're going to stop crying - because you ' aren't ' right in this huge argument .. ' and conversation - you're NOT going to tell ' any cat ' in the Indenius pride about this , with me , you're going to stay your perky , annoying , loud self , put on a happy , furry face and act like NOTHING .. is happening to you , you're going to let me own and control you - do whatever I want with you - and finally , you're going to let me use you , while I ' CHEAT ' on you .. with Dawl .. right .. in front .. of your furry face. And Dawl's gonna LOVE it .. when I give it to her. Clear ? ''

Igie : '' No ! , please don't bring Desi into this ! , don't let Desi pay because of my mistakes. ''

Tawny : '' Oh ? , you and Dawl's ' stupid ' lioness .. need to ' stop .. thinking ' .. that I'm going to hurt Dawl. I freakin' love Dawl with all of my heart and I would NEVER hurt her. Do I ' have to ' lecture and preach to Dawl's lioness collision .. ' and then you ' , about this .. over and over and over again ? ' When ' .. will cats in this pride realize that ? Now ' what ' .. did you say to me ? ''

Igie : ( quickly changes her opinion a bit , because of Tawny ) '' I said clear Tawny. W-We're clear ... ''

Igie puts her small , furry head down again and then continues to cry even harder. This time , laying in a cat , spinx position. Gently tucking and sinking her furry , small head into the small spacing of her right , furry , bend , long arm to cry even harder onto the dirt ground. Overly ashamed and way too hurt to even allow Tawny to have the evil , cold , trickery and sick twisted satisfaction of seeing her like this. , ' because ' of Tawny fearing her.

Tawny : '' Goood lioness. Next time you see me again , you're going to worship the dirt ground that ' I ' walk on. You're going to throw yourself onto me , you're going to act happy , you're going to be holdin' me , lovin' me , snout kissing me ... - and you're going to like it ! Resist , back talk , fight me , anger me and test me ; and you ' will ' regret , beg for and ' pay for ' the consequences and punishments .. that come along with it. Oh , and don't even ' try ' to act difficult and have an attitude like Dawl. * sick twisted , soft scoff * Let's not use that ulterior motive to fight against me. Let's not be a lioness that we're not , K ? I HATE .. lioness .. that always try to be like Dawl , when they're ' NOTHING ' .. like Dawl. ' Unless ' you want to test me ... ''

Igie doesn't respond.

In this filled with threats and danger silence , Tawny could hear Igie crying even harder inside of her right , furry , bent arm. Her small , furry head shaking and gasps a bit softly for air in such small spacing that her small , furry head is making use of. Not wanting to show her furry face in front of Tawny right now. At this pathetic , sensitive , soft and weak display coming from Igie , Tawny rolls his very light , hazel eyes not being this kind of soft , weak and sensitive lion. Leading Red's collision with a huge amount of cold and heartless lions. Including him needing to be cold for good reason.

Tawny says this to Igie as he turns his big , furry , royal head ahead while starting to walk heading for the direction of his huge , lioness , royal territory. His last , final words talking to Igie for the night.

Tawny : ( says a bit sing song in a cold way to Igie ) '' Try to have a good night Igi. , I know ' I ' will. * cold , soft sneering * Oh and , I ' DON'T ' .. love you too. ''

Igie could hear Tawny's soft , cold sneering one , last time before Tawny's laugh starts to slowly fade away. Completely walking out of the royals throne area and is already lazily making his way to his royal , big , lion territory through the pitch , shady darkness. , for once , not having Queen Destiny on his furry mind. Tawny leaving Igie behind to cry so hard her life away in this royals throne area all by herself.

Igie is in danger , and she knows that. Igie's furry , lioness life has been threatened dangerously by Tawny , and she ' already knows ' .. that when Tawny makes these kinds of threats , these threats ' really do ' happen and Tawny will personally see to himself , that they ' will ' follow through. Igie can't tell any cat , Igie can't ask for help , and ' if ' .. she could ask for help , she wouldn't know what cat to go to. Igie wouldn't know what cat to talk to , that could help her. Igie knows that her furry mouth is going to get herself jumped violently by Tawny and his lion collision to death. , maybe even lucky enough to walk away , her blood dripping and draining out her life excruciatingly slow. , living to fight and survive another day. Then once cat jumped , maybe ' every lion ' in Tawny's collision , will rape her in her sleep and she can NEVER .. leave .. Tawny's royal , lion territory again.

' member what I said about Tawny's royal , lion territory earlier in this book. , earlier on in the prologue chapters ? About no cat ' ever ' being able to return from Tawny's royal , lion territory ? Well , Igie may be the ' second lioness ' that personally gets to see .. what's so dangerously serious and cold about Tawny's royal , lion territory. ' Along with ' Queen Destiny , as Tawny's ' main ' , cat napped , love prisoner.

Igie knows that there's nothing that she can do. Nothing !

So she cries even more harder to herself in the pitch , shady darkness of Sundaya. Alone. Lucky enough to - Kinny forbid it - get hit by Tawny , raped by Tawny ... - hell , even cat napped by Tawny. Maybe Tawny let her go. Maybe Tawny let her off easy. Maybe right now , Igie , can consider herself lucky for NOT pushing her luck any further with Tawny.

Serves her right.

... ? !

At Tawny's royal , lion territory ,

In the pitch , shady darkness of Sundaya , Tawny roughly storms his way through his very wide , royal , lion territory. Passing through acacia trees and African , wild life trees where endless amounts of cold heart , sick twisted and mean lions all alike belonging inside of Tawny's royal , lion collision. , originally formed from scratch with his abusive father Red and Fein. During his royal time to be Prince .. of Sundaya , - during Princess Destiny's royal reign - Red originally ordered his eldest , trouble making , lion son : Tawny , to look after , take care , protect , lead , teaching , lion hunts for Fuse and Burn. , so when Tawny's spoiled , triplet , lion brothers reach an older age where they're also royals , to help Tawny look after Red's lion collision together. And also help Fuse and Burn create lion collisions of their own. As was the original plan and how Prince Tawny's royal life was ' supposed to ' start , that is .. until the hyena invasion arrived.

Ignoring the constant - yet occasional - thoughts of his other two , triplet brothers going through his furry , royal mind , without thinking and still rattled up in a cage with Igie ; Tawny angrily shoves the once happy , missing thought of his triplet , royal , twin brothers : Fuse and Burn. Still passing by lions rough and intensely talking a loud to one another , a few lions doing chin ups on tree branches , lion fathers rest on very high , stone ledges while cubs are running amuck down below. , trying to burn off as much energy as possible from their very heavy , dinner meal with the Indenius pride. Still walking onto the very , very , very deepest part of the dirt ground within this extremely high , stone built , huge tower resemblance area. , where lion dens are placed onto very thick , strong and stone ledges. With thick , dark green , long , tree branches that lazily lay and seem to decorate and compliment the lion dens really well. , giving off a tree house , wild life : lion den styled , lazy , ruling lifestyle.

Tawny ignores the constant , usual clamoring of loud , very loud roars and snarls coming from different kinds of lions within his royal , lion collision all alike. , used to his lions playing or fighting ' extremely rough. ' Sometimes , the fighting goes ' too far ' as to always challenge or promise to battle a lion back at the poseidome. Tawny doesn't care ' where ' .. his lions in his royal , lion collision are , Tawny does care ' who ' .. is making all of that very loud roaring and snarling noise in the extremely crowded , out of control , lions and cubs everywhere background that he's not happy such sounds , are assaulting both of his furry , ear drums.

For the night , Tawny just cares about going into his ' own ' , royal , spoiled to his likeness , lion den where Fuse and Burn ' used ' to sleep , cat nap and nap with him. , as the ' only ' lion family by royal blood that he has.

With powerful strength , hopping up a stone ledge with a dark green bush or a small stem group of grass ; up a second stone ledge and then another and another and another and another. Passing by Dillid , Ocedensis and Tawny's usual , lion group that always talks with him , goes everywhere and anywhere on Sundaya grounds and always keeps Tawny company whether Tawny wants the company or not.

Both Dillid and Ocedensis could only make out a whipping angrily , long , furry , golden , reddish and dark brown streaked tail ; Ocedensis laying onto his left , furry side and Dillid sitting upright apart from Ocedensis ; outside and behind a very , very dark on the inside lion den. , where endless other lions are already crowded up in this lion den. Talking and lazy-ing around for hours it looks like ... Both Dillid and Ocedensis figured that it must be Tawny finally returning back from , either : eating dinner , roaming around Sundaya this very late at night to cause mischief trouble like always , looking for Queen Destiny so he could bother her and keeping trying to get her or talking to his lioness girlfriend : Igie alone.

Dillid : ( saying in his sparkling , jolly and happy tone of voice ) '' Hey Tawnyyy ! , what up my favorite lion ! Sooo ! , how'd it go ? , how'd it go ? ''

Ocedensis : '' Tawny. ''

Tawny : ( in an extremely bad , ugly mood ) '' ' DON'T ' .. want to talk about it. ''

Dillid and Ocedensis give one another the same furry , caring , concerned and thoughtful look in deep , curious , mean thought about Tawny while in the lion den that they're both in , they could hear a lion's deep , thick , rich voice all up in a very long and juicy story that got all of these lions sitting upright or laying up close , next to or near by one another ; immersed into - what sounds like a fib or trouble talking - about that lion's personal , cat experience. , and it sounds like this lion was lucky enough to live to tell about it.


Finally , alone , in his own , royal , spoiled den to his likeness , Tawny enters alone : ' still ' all up in his enraged , furious , rattled up in a cage condition and is already so furry , red up in the face because of Igie ; now starting to almost quickly walk up closer to his huge , wood made throne. That's located in the further , farther side of his royal den. Dillid followed by Ocedensis three seconds after Dillid hops onto the final , stone ledge to the entrance ahead of Tawny's royal den ; makes the perfect jump while pulling himself onto the stone ledge and begins to calmly take his time walking onto his long , furry fours. About to let himself in un announced , inside of Tawny's royal den without Tawny's permission.

Three , quick seconds later , Ocedensis hops right onto the stone ledge a very , ten foot gap away from Dillid ; also taking his slow , sweet time walking right behind Dillid also into Tawny's royal den. A very long gap between the two lions , that Ocedensis could see Dillid entering Tawny's royal den walking way up ahead.

All at this same time , Tawny hops onto the right , arm rest of his royal , huge , made of wood den. Tawny throws himself down into his royal den : furry , long back first letting on the run and constantly on the move , long , furry , hind legs dangle over the right ledge of his royal den. , as if for Dillid and Ocedensis to see from outside of his royal den. His long , furry tail lays straight down and out of his royal throne to a point where it lays over a mini , bright tan ladder attached to his royal throne. , the same kind of mini ladder that's attached to Queen Destiny's throne at the poseidome.

Not realizing Dillid or Ocedensis furry presence , Tawny growls a loud in enraged , pissed off thought about Igie. Hating himself for blowing his cover with Igie , telling Igie that he's using her , telling Igie that their whole , fake relationship is nothin' but a lie - ' not exactly ' .. his exact words , but he knew what he meant when he said all of those cold words to Igie back there - lucky enough not to expose or tell Igie his ' true ' , cold plans and intentions for her.

Tawny lays his long , furry back further against the left , arm rest while leaning his big , furry , royal head sideways. Surprisingly not dropping his golden , red gemmed crown a top his furry , big head that represents him being a royal. , and a Prince of Sundaya in the first place. Or , simply being apart of the royal family and the royals , cat , family tree legacy. Simply , a royal by birth.

When Tawny hears the energetic , slick , flirty , loud and confident voice of Dillid al throughout his empty , royal den - the very same den he ALWAYS remembers his Dawl being in or constantly cat napping Dawl just to get her attention or seduce her in - Tawny rolls his very light , hazel eyes in nasty , annoyed attitude. NOT because of Dillid , but because of NOT .. being in a talkative mood right now. Tawny just wants to be alone. Tawny just wants peace of mind.

Dillid : ( says a bit loud in his chirpy , always be all smiles and normally grinning tone of voice ) '' Course ya wanna talk about what happened out there Tawn ! , ''

Tawny : ( says almost quickly ) '' No I don't. Now get out. I'm NOT in the mood. ''

Dillid continues to talk to Tawny as he cocks a hoop like trots more further into Tawny's royal , empty den clearly unwelcomed by Tawny. As he curls into a U-turn after being a good , ten feet away from Tawny and his royal throne. Easily getting comfortable and as if making himself right at home , Dillid sits upright confidently , breezy and cheerfully like he always does right in front of Tawny. Cheerfully ignoring Tawny when he said that he didn't wanna talk about it. Now get out , he isn't in the mood. Ready to hear Tawny eventually give in to him and Ocedensis - through much struggle , restrain and effort - and talk his troublesome , cold , mean and trickery problems out that he always seems to get himself into with other cats in the Indenius pride In Sundaya.

Dillid : * says this in chatty , smoothness as he leans closer to look at Tawny * * smiling broadly and ever so smooth * ( despite his cheery personality , Dillid's voice sounds smooth just this once and Tawny could hear the smoothness in his voice ) '' just what ' other ' cats you gonna tell this to , besides us ? Come now Tawn. Let's not be stubborn. Big O and I just came over to help comfort you in ' all ' of you trickery coldness. , completely out of unconditional love in your lion collision. We're very concerned about you. ''

Ocedensis : '' Don't you know I ' HATE IT ' .. when you drag me into these forced conversations with Tawn Dill , ? ''

Tawny softly sighs in cold pleasure and in very cold agreement with Ocedensis overly smooth response on Dillid. Tawny could hear Ocedensis usually overly deep , overly rich , overly manly , the ever so deep base and volume into Ocedensis voice. His words always having a slickly cold , un welcoming and un inviting ring to it. Tawny smiles smugly in thought of Ocedensis listening to him speak on to Dillid , listening.

Ocedensis finally enters inside of Tawny's royal den. Exactly from a ten foot , long distance exactly like Dillid , finally seen in all of his overly fluffy to his rainbow colored and streaked to the furry tips and ends of his mane. Swinging his way in left and right , left and right , left .. and right .. into a U-turn. , then sits upright like Dillid. His long , furry back slightly raised high up in confidence , but out of smooth laziness combined.

His big , furry , heavy head looking directly at Dillid from their six foot gap afar in Tawny's royal den. Dillid , who is at the further right sitting upright in Tawny's royal den. Ocedensis ominous , seriously calm , furry , facial expression always on his furry , big , heavy face to his big , furry snout simpering scornfully at Dillid.

Ocendensis : '' mention my name ' as if ' .. I don't have a mouth of my own ' one , more time ' , and at that very ' same time ' that you told us all , that your ' stupid tail ' was stuck near by that very heavy , verbose , moss covered from below boulder , ' I'll ' make sure of it .. that this time , * leans his furry , heavy head closer to Dillid in angry , promising strongly threat * * , and Dillid quickly moves back as if away from Ocedensis with a genuinely uncomfortable , furry face as Ocedensis goes on * your tail gets stuck near by that same boulder permanently. ' Make ' .. no .. blunder .. of .. it. You ' hear me ' loud and clear ? ''

Dillid : '' Yes , * quickly nodding his furry head to Ocedensis saying : '' Yes '' three times * ( Dillid says quickly to Ocedensis while he watches Ocedensis lean his big , heavy head backward as if away from him and after three , sure seconds , Dillid leans his furry head forward comfortably too ) I forget .. that you always hated it .. when I did that to you. ( says nervously but quickly runs his furry mouth , very much used to Ocedensis ominous personality ) And I ' don't know ' why I keep doing this. Knowing that the next time this happens , I ' will be ' walking around without a tail. , ''

Dillid says as he quickly whips the front tip of his long , furry tail in front of him as he goes along.

Dillid : '' and I happen to really ' like ' my tail big O. Hehe ... ''

Dillid nervous and stupidly chuckles right in front of Ocedensis and Tawny , who now starts to sit upright inside of his royal throne while still smiling smugly at the usual lion scene between Dillid and Ocedensis. Dillid liking Ocedensis for the kind of lion he is A-LOT , having lots of respect for Ocedensis , being ' way too friendly ' to lots of lions in Tawny's royal , lion collision , Dillid stupidly considers Ocedensis as one of his close , best , lion friends and Dillid is NEVER scared or intimidated with Ocedensis , but just .. ' wouldn't ' mess with an ominous lion like big O. But Dillid is incredibly loyal and willing to eavesdrop on ' any cat ' that Tawny would always be known to tell him whenever this happens. Dillid is an extremely strong and skillfully impressed lion. For getting by through his chirpy , overly happy personality and never taking ' anything ' seriously , even for just a second.

To show how much Dillid likes his long , furry tail , he holds his long , furry tail a bit closer to him right in front of Tawny and Ocedensis.

Ocedensis starts to smirk inauspiciously at Dillid as he nods his furry , heavy head. Taking everything that Dillid said in all of his overly talkative with so much energy chat , into simple , short version words of : '' I'm sorry , I won't do this again. ''

Tawny softly laughs at Ocedensis ominous , but his cold , welcoming greeting and invitation to talking to Dillid and other lions in his royal , lion collision. Always enjoying Ocendensis unfavorable and sinistrous humor as a lion.

Tawny : '' At rest , big O and Dil. At rest. I can't stand that loud , bouncy lioness Igie. I'd rather use Cassy than Igie's ' irritably loud ' self. ''

Ocedensis : '' You better speak up about it. You don't have much of a choice. You got us all in your plans and intentions with Igie , now you gotta give us a fake relationship update 'tween you and Igie. ''

Ocedensis says to Tawny in smooth reasonable ness the same time that Dillid bubbly nods his furry , big head at Tawny turning his furry head to look at Ocedensis. Nodding his furry , bubbly head for Ocedensis to see. As usual , Ocedensis gives Dillid his usual , interested , furry , side look to the right sides of his furry , rainbow , glowing eyes in the pitch dark shady ness in Tawny's royal den.

Dillid : '' If I may speak on , Prince Tawny , ''

Tawny slightly turns his furry , big , royal head to look over to Dillid.

Tawny : '' You may Dil , you may ... ''

Dillid : '' from the furry looks of it , you looked like you got into a ' huge argument ' with Igie. Everything alright Prince ? , oh wait , don't tell me ! .. You're not catching feelings for Igie aren't you. ''

Tawny : '' What ! , DAMN NO Dillid. You and big O know , that I can't ' stand ' Igie and all of Dawl's lioness friends. They NEVER liked me or trusted me from the start. ' Ever ' since the day that I first met Dawl. ''

Ocedensis : '' You better not catch feelings for Igi Tawny. Focus on your intentions and plans. Igi , is simply a stealth opening , into Miss royal highness , lioness collision ' without ' .. blowing your cover. You need to make Igie feel like you're ' just strictly ' .. in a relationship with her. ''

The same time that Tawny , Dillid and Ocedensis are talking , from outside onto the stone ledge in front of the entrance of Tawny's royal den , a large group of other lions coming from Tawny's royal , lion collision also come lightly dashing and lightly sprinting right inside of Tawny's royal den. , ' still ' unwelcome and ' still ' unannounced.

More voices of Sill dawg , Mill , Ioan , Blankey , Nip and other cold lions in Tawny's royal , lion collision , Tawny could hear ringing voices starting to make room so very easily inside of Tawny's royal den. More true colors from Tawny's lions in his royal collision are shown through these lions that are described to be : ugly , heart rending , hard , very tough , cold , bitter , harrowing , grievous , grim , distressful and harsh.

Ioan : '' Still tryin' to get the Queen of Sundaya I see ? ''

Sill Dawg : '' Hey Tawn. ''

Mill : '' What it do , what it do ? ''

All lions start to stop lightly dashing and sprinting inside of Tawny's royal den as if taking their respective , random seats onto the dirt ground on their own. Sill Dawg and Mill sitting upright whether slightly hunched up or lazily hunched up ; near Dillid but also behind Ocedensis heavy , furry , huge , cat figure. Nip sat upright tall and as if proudly close by the right side of Tawny's royal throne. His long , furry body facing just ahead and his furry , big head already turned to look over his left , furry shoulder bone. , very high up at Tawny who still sitting upright close by the right side of his arm rest , royal throne.

Ioan laying into a relaxed , cozy , cat spinx position five feet diagonal in front of Nip while looking up a bit raised at Tawny's tricking , furry , even more narrow eyed , still red in his furry face , facial expression. Always being smoothly silk with his very straight forward question about Queen Destiny , his voice always has this smart , mocking tone to it.

Sill Dawg and Mill , as usual and as if they hate Tawny , cold and slickly greet Tawny , just like how Ocedensis lion reinforcements - except Dillid - always greet not only Tawny , but also the endless , many lions in his lion collision.

Nip kindly fake and ever so calmly greets Tawny in his emotionless , stone less tone of voice. NOT exactly a cold lion , but an extremely loyal and trusting royal servant. He Is only but a heart rending , brutally mean , fairly honest and a heartbreaking kind of lion.

Nip : ( saying to Tawny as if sarcastically , in his kindly fake and calm tone of voice ) '' Lovely night that it's been for the Indenius pride , huh Tawny. ''

Still smiling smugly in over confident mean ness at his main , lion buds , Tawny slightly turns his furry , big , royal head to look down at Nip who is still closely sitting upright near the right side of his royal throne. Tawny caught the fakeness , the sarcasm , the brutally mean yet .. appreciating the honesty in Nip's voice.

Tawny : '' Don't be a wise lion. , oh wait , ' too late. ' ''

Nip gives Tawny a fake , amusing chuckle that couldn't get any meaner than this. Then Nip smiles in brutally rude , furry pleasure back at Tawny. In return , Tawny gives Nip a rude , furry , smug wink in greeting to Nip.

Blankey is the last lion to address and announce his furry presence inside of Tawny's royal den. The last lion to let himself inside of Tawny's royal den for the night. , as if Tawny needed to know if they are any more cats that he needed to know about , that are about to rudely enter inside of his royal den and force , troublesome , very bad conversation on him as always.

Blankey : ( a talkative , joking around , fun to be around kind of lion , Blankey sounds softly monotoned , not himself ) '' Hey Tawn. ''

Hearing what once was Blankey's jokes making , very fun to be around , extremely sociable , yet cat biting - only when it comes to cat , tag teaming and being a huge part of Tawny's plans and intentions in the collision - voice , Tawny quickly moves while putting his furry , front paws over to the left arm rest of his royal throne. , while his furry , big , royal head looks down at Blankey's long , furry , light blue streaked to dark blue streaked and ringed eye , furry figure. Who is in the middle of slowly walking three feet passed the left side of Tawny's royal throne. , and keeps on walking even further inside of Tawny's royal den.

Tawny taking very alert and calm attention on Blankey's strange behavior. Blankey is not himself. Blankey is not okay. Ever since Tawny had that talk with Blankey when Golden forced a deadly , cat criminal raid on himself , his Dawl and all of the Indenius pride , getting Queen Destiny cat napped in chains and separating himself from his Dawl ; Tawny still remembers clearly yet at the back of his furry mind , everything that himself and Blankey talked about to everything that Blankey said. When he talked to Blankey about how overly self possessed he is about getting Dawl and when he does get Dawl , he's going to make sure that she'll think twice about getting into their relationship and royal marriage together again. How Tawny talked to Blankey about wanting strongly to get his Dawl back and that was his cat , game plan that all linked up to his troublesome to trouble bringing intentions and plans when he first walked into Sundaya. , making his overly ruling , thunderously cold , trickery , persecuting and vengeful re appearance from : '' Juviselle Dawn. ''

Tawny remembers Blankey questioning him unsurely - yet sensitive and very hurt about it , Tawny noticed - about his cat , game plan at getting Queen Destiny back and that was that. Not until none of this , was agreeable and cool on Blankey's feelings and concerns about this , when Tawny remembered Blankey mentioning that he knew that Queen Destiny was going to be trouble. That Queen Destiny is ALWAYS taking up his royal time and is always wasting his time. That Queen Destiny , would always come in between the two of them and Blankey didn't like it. That Blankey just wanted to be with Tawny and that's plain and simple. Of course that wasn't exactly Blankey's words , but that's what Tawny got out of Blankey words. Blankey may not have said this to Tawny , but Tawny already knew for sure that Blankey felt this way with him and meant ' exactly ' that.

Tawny finds his voice - as it rings deeply through his royal , big den - a little sweet and having a very warm , love bringing ring to his voice. Tawny starts to feel a little nervous and hesitant , deep inside of his long , furry body. His big , red heart starts to beat as if he's in love , his furry , hind legs go numb - as if they fell asleep - as if seeing the sight of Queen Destiny deeply turned him on and gave him a furry erection. Tawny didn't know why he was feeling this way for Blankey after their private , very open talk. Tawny didn't know why he was talking this way to Blankey. Mainly always talking to Blankey in a way where he doesn't want anything to do with Blankey , or just treats Blankey like dirt. But he'll NEVER admit , that out of all love in his lion collision , that he loves Blankey a lot as his best , life long , lion friend since cubhood. , and Blankey means everything and anything to him.

Tawny didn't know - or didn't realize - that right now , he was starting to feel something so real , so loving , so mysterious , so pulling , so ... '' tempting '' with Blankey. Tawny has always felt this way for Queen Destiny , for Kip , for Strippes , for Slyi more , for Fuse , for Dale , NEVER for Igie , for endless cats in his lion collision that have not returned back to Sundaya to cats that are currently left in the Indenius pride. But as Tawny narkily said for Blankey to change the subject , and for them to NEVER talk about them once getting '' way too curious '' and ending up snout kissing each other secretly. , just to know how it felt and just to explore what the both of them have , deep inside of their friendship. A .. loving .. connection. A connection that Tawny back in his past with Blankey already admitted to him that they both had and their furry , snout kiss ' can't happen ' between them again. Because if it ' ever ' goes any further between the two lions , the two lions .. may NOT .. be able .. to go back to how things were between their friendship.

Both lions , Tawny and Blankey , may NEVER be the same again.

Tawny : ( says his a soft , loving and calm tone of voice ) '' Blank , w-what .. - what are you doing here. - ( stops himself from hesitating and stuttering , he quickly thinks about keeping it smooth and cool in front of Blankey ) Hey ... ''

Nip , Ioan , Ocedensis , Dillid , Sill Dawg and Mill are all watching and noticing Tawny's nervous and as if in love , furry change in behavior and body language. Nip's furry smirk widens at the upper , furry corner of his left , furry cheek noisy at Tawny , Mill widely smiles in interesting , cruel humor at Tawny , Sill Dawg gets a bit narrow eyed as if in playful teasing at Tawny , Ocedensis lifts his left , furry eyebrow in intriguing promise. , a smooth : '' Mm-hmm ! '' , furry smirk onto his furry , big snout. From looking at Tawny first , Dillid quickly turns his furry head to look back at Ocedensis in extremely lively attention. , almost excitedly hearing Tawny and Blankey start to go back and forth with each other. There are very witty , droll , extremely chuckle some , quick witted and very ,very , VERY .. sharp witted snarls and growls coming from the lions while they watch Tawny and Blankey right in front of them. All very , very sharp witted lions continue to listen noisy and in mean , repartee humor at Tawny who continues talking with Blankey not so privately.

Blankey : ( lying ) '' Fine. , ( voice continues to go mono toned , still upset and overwhelmed with Tawny ) what. Just cuz our private talk didn't go too well , doesn't mean that I can't check up on my best , life long , lion friend since cubhood. And see what's been happenin'. I bet ya snout kissed Desi so hard , you were ' this close ' to havin' sex with her. You were ' that close ' to me , but you NEVER pursued anything further with me. ''

Tawny blushes a little red already understanding exactly what Blankey is trying to say. Blankey said - from what Tawny is getting - that he enjoyed the both of them snout kissing back in their past , but he wished that himself and Blankey ' did ' take it further. Further enough to end up being inside of a lion den secretly and then wake up in each other's furry , big arms together , having a witty conversation with witty remarks back and forth with one another about how both cats can't go any further into their friendship. In which ' may turn ' into a further , possibly pursing , lion relationship.

Tawny tries to reason rather sweetly and very , very , very awkwardly with Blankey. Feeling completely embarrassed and NOT at all himself , as he does this with Blankey and especially in front of his main , lion , best buds.

Tawny : '' Blank - listen..uh , I can ' definitely ' explain about that .. and definitely talk with you about that some other time. It's complicated , I'm sure that you wouldn't understand. ( he quickly rephrases his words so as not to offend or upset Blankey even more , when Tawny sees Blankey lean his furry , big head a bit low while staring very offended and unexpectedly at Tawny ) ( realizing that Blankey was standing in place this whole time , Tawny watches Blankey sit upright sideways five feet in a diagonal right direction towards Tawny's left side of his royal den ) ( his voice speeds up so as not to offend or upset Blankey even more ) But I also feel .. that you strongly ' would ' understand , ( his voice slows down a bit more calmly , loving but still very awkwardly ) because I know .. that I can always tell and can always talk to you .. about these kinds of things. ''

Just like he knew that Tawny would always speak this way to him , ONLY in order to spare his feelings and not hurt or offend him , Blankey rolls his furry , light blue to dark blue ringed eyes at Tawny like Tawny is full of crap or full of himself. Blankey sighs softly to Tawny , in a way where Tawny already understands that Blankey ' isn't ' trying to hear him spare his feelings ' or ' even try to hear this from Tawny right now.

Blankey : '' Oh ' spare ' the act of sparing and having so much love .. and concern .. for my feelings Tawn. I don't wanna hear what you have to say about this. Just cuz I walked in your royal den , doesn't mean that you have to try to smother me , by trying to reach out to me and speak to me. I'm ' still ' very upset and angry with you , and that's not going to change. ''

Tawny : '' Oh I understand Blank. ''

Blankey : '' No Tawny , ( he says calmly firm ) you ' don't ' understand Tawn. You don't understand how I feel about this ' at all ! ' * Tawny looks a bit carefully at Blankey's very upset , defensive , fighting and arguing facial expression onto his furry face * * , Tawny starts to look a little soft and sympathetic back at Blankey , valuing Blankey more than anything * I know that I've crushed on Desi back in our past once before , but I guess when all of that was over , Desi is always going to come between us. , and you - as always - , are going to pick , choose , wanna be with her and spend ' more time ' with her , than as you do with me. ''

Tawny : '' Blank , if you don't want us to go here , then how ' bout we drop it for now then. If I would've known how much you were very bothered , huffed up and troubled by this , then I would've made Dawl my main , game plan. And you .. would've been my main , game plan firsthand. ''

In a flash , Blankey is cut off from his train of thought real quick by Tawny.

Blankey : ( raising his voice in huffed up anger , overwhelmed and still upset with Tawny ) '' Oh ' STOP IT ' Tawny , just ' STOP IT ! ' .. - I NEVER was - and - never ' will be ' , your main , game plan .. and you and I ' both ' already know that ! Guess you're always going to '' get even '' and love Miss royal highness as much as you want , but I bet you NOT even once - it ' won't even ' mean anything to you anyway - no ! , that I haven't even ' crossed the back of your furry mind ! , because all you ' ever want ' .. is Desi , and NOT me. ''

Tawny : * sighs a little soft and regretfully at Blankey's hurtful comeback * '' Blank , try to listen to me .. and calm down for a sec. I'll deal with all of this .. with you some other time , but right now , Igi's got me all rattled up in cage. ''

Blankey : ( raising his voice a bit more louder in hurt because of Tawny ) '' See ? , right there ! ' That's ' what I'm talkin' about ! ( voice gets a little lower , but still in hurt as he explains to Tawny * Anytime a cat takes over your attention , just when ' I'm trying ' to get your attention , you always cast me to the side and act like .. what keeps happening in our friendship ' DOESN'T EXSIST ! ' Well guess ' WHAT ' Tawny ? , it ' does ' exist ! , whatever we keep hiding , whatever we keep covering , whatever we keep '' making '' .. a secret between us .. deep into our friendship ... - I-I can't ' take ' it being kept a secret any longer ! , maybe you can , but I can't ! ''

Dillid , Ocedensis , Mill , Sill Dawg , Nip and Ioan together , all murmur a bit softly in snarls and roars in very powerfully strong unconditional , fighting love , support , caring and protective concern for Blankey. All are ' completely ' knocked right back down onto their long , furry , hind legs at Blankey not being himself. , and Blankey not like himself at all today. What has gotten into Blankey ?

Tawny blushes even more redder out of secret love for Blankey that both lions agreed so very long back in their past , that neither cat would NEVER pursue this '' secret love '' and '' loving connection '' for one another. , because they got '' way too curious '' and once stuff like this starts and goes on , then it's going to keep goin' , keep goin' and both lions aren't going to be able to ' still stay ' as life long , furry , best , lion friends. Tawny continues to reason with Blankey out of love , support and cautiously in order to spare Blankey's feelings. , but at the same time , also let Blankey know that he cares and that he's always willing to listen to him if he needed a furry ear. , to let Blankey know that he will always do his best as a royal - and as a past Prince .. of Sundaya in the making - to make time for Blankey and to spend time with Blankey.

Tawny : '' Blank please , not in front of my main lions right now. * looks from Blankey quickly and then back to his lions in his royal den ) ( , then quickly looks right back at Blankey ) I'm kind of in the middle of something. I got a lot on my mind right now. I completely blew my cover with Igi , I lost it .. when I was with Igi , I was beyond pissed off with Igi that I couldn't think straight. , or even had time to speak with you. I was ' honestly ' hoping .. that right now , I could spend some time with my lions right now because - you and my lions always know that I hate to say this - I ' could use ' my lions to speak with right now and ' I could ' also use company right now , in my royal den tonight. , ''

Dillid : '' You blew your cover Igi ? ''

Ocedensis : '' That can't be good. ''

Nip : '' What .. were you thinking Tawny. ''

Randomly in this questioning silence with the lions - even though Tawny didn't finish his sentence and doesn't get the chace to answer Dillid , Ocedensis and Nip's questions - Mill slightly turns his furry head to look at Blankey. At first , hearing Mill's voice talking right to him , Blankey looks ahead at either Nip , Ocedensis , Ioan , Dillid and Sil Dawg. When Blankey finally looks at Mill , Mill continues to speak to him.

Mill : '' Look Blank , you know we lions love you .. in Tawny's royal , lion collision. Even though we NEVER say so , because we don't believe in being soft , sensitive , expressing our feelings and ' sharing ' our feelings. Hell , we ain't Miss highness , lioness collision that always does that. If you want to express and share your feelings all soft and sensitively , then why don't you join Miss highness , lioness collision. , ''

Mill : '' no offense - and ' do not ' .. take this the wrong way - but we ' all ' .. would like to hear what Prince , royal Tawny , has to say about his fake , tricking relationship with Igie. And apparently , we won't be able to hear that .. because of you comin' in here , not being yourself , not as talkative and happy as you are , you dump and spill ' all ' of your feelings out there .. to Tawny ' right ' in front of us and you throw yourself onto Tawny. ''

Ocedensis : ( saying soft and very deeply , as if agreeing with Mill ) '' Mm. ''

Mill : '' Look , I'm going to say it just like this : most of us sharp witted lions - such as myself , big O , Sill Dawg and Dillid , just to name a few - already know how you feel about Tawny , being his life long , best , lion friend since you both were cubs. You secretly love him a lot , and you have powerful , begging , pleasing and needing love feelings for Tawny. You're incredibly needy , I notice that you ' have been ' very attentive , wanting and demanding .. when you want to be with Tawny , when you want to speak with Tawny and when you want to spend time with Tawny. We're ' NOT ' .. trying to hear any of this warm , lovin' feelings .. that you have for Tawny right now. So right now , - and I'm ' ONLY ' suggesting here , not to offend you. I know you're sensitive - Prince , royal Tawny is right. You're not listening to him. Now ' isn't ' the time to be talking with him about your growing friendship that's already turning into a relationship right before you .. ' and ' before Tawny's eyes. , ''

Nip : '' Wowww , harsh Mill. Harsh ... ''

Mill : '' You can't always have Tawny just when you want to. Tawny has purposes here in Sundaya , Tawny has goals , Tawny has intentions and plans .. that ' aren't pretty ' and aren't as tough as they sound. You need to pick a more ' better time ' to speak with Tawny about your personal , love feelings for him. That is , if he knows that you have any personal , love feelings for him. * Blankey blushes even more redder right in front of Mill and Tawny already picks up on Blankeys strong , love feelings for him loud and clear * From what I'm hearing from you here , it sounds to me .. that you ' don't ' want miss , fine , Queen of Sundaya , coming between you and Tawny. , coming off very hostile and forward with Tawny about this now , because you fear that you're losing your best , lion , life long friend since cubhood. And right before your very eyes , you're starting to see Tawny as your lover too. ''

Tawny : ( says calmly secretly touched with Blankey ) '' That true Blank ? , you've been trying to get my attention ? , is ' that ' .. what this .. was all about ? ''

In this now tension bringing , heart beating silence on Blankey's part , Blankey quickly turns his furry , light blue mixed with golden and dark blue streaked at the tips and ends of his mane head ; at Tawny caught in all of his even more redder in his furry face , blushing mess that Mill put together his feelings for Tawny oh so perfectly well. That Blankey , felt like he just froze in place forever and he also wishes .. that he didn't walk right into Tawny's royal den tonight.

Blankey : '' ... ''

No answer. Blankey can't seem to even give Tawny an answer. Strongly feeling through his beating heart , that seems to be beating endlessly for Tawny , that all of his words that he already said to Tawny right now ; have ' all ' caught up with him. Giving off the effect of his furry , facial expression extremely red in strong , loving feelings for Tawny.

To help Blankey answer and come out of his heart beating shock , Mill gently presses Blankey on. Asking him again if he did tell Tawny - or even took the time to decide to let Tawny know - that he has strong , powerful , love feelings for Tawny. Blankey does like Mav lie , but he ' really wants ' Tawny. When Mill starts speaking to Blankey , as if ignoring Tawny , Blankey quickly turns his furry head to look back at Mill still extremely red in his furry face.

Tawny has NEVER seen Blankey look so furry red in the face - especially over him - ever before. I mean , Tawny knows that throughout his friendship being with Blankey , Blankey always showed that he was deeply interested in wanting lioness. A certain , special , beautiful lioness like Mavlie. But Blankey never showed that he took an attraction to lions. A male lion such as Tawny. Sure , I'll say this again , himself and Blankey 'did ' snout kiss once , but Tawny isn't sure whether since then , Blankey now has an attraction to wanting and taking an interest in male lions too , or just lioness. Tawny would NEVER know .. that Blankey has always wanted him and just .. ' him. ' In this . loving , relationship kind of way. Now this changes everything , Tawny now realizes. This changes his main , game plan at getting Dawl. Or will it ?

Mill : '' Blank , you ' did ' tell Tawny your powerful , strong , love feelings for him , did you. Does Tawny know .. that you secretly love him so , very , much. ''

Already feeling to himself , that if he has to ask Blankey this question again , this means that Blankey didn't tell Tawny his secretive , strong , love feelings for him at all. This means that Tawny doesn't know that his life long , best , lion friend ever since cubhood loves him so very much. This means that Tawny NEVER KNEW .. that Blankey has always liked him , always loved him and always wanted him. But could NEVER have Tawny , because Tawny has always been a difficult lion , with a fighting , love spirit. , and if ' any cat ' had any love or romantic feelings for him , Tawny would not let them down easily. But if Tawny ' were ' interested in a cat , he would make the first move and take control first.

Blankey : ( saying even more softly ) '' Uhhh ... Why Mill I - ''

Blankey doesn't get to answer Mill's gentle , out of all concern and honesty question. That's because Nip tries to talk to him gently. , even though his kind , fake and brutally mean voice says anything ' but ' speaking gently to Blankey right now.

Nip : '' Mr Blank , why you're not yourself , as I have noticed tonight. What has gotten into you ever since you and Prince Tawny has had a private talk together that his royal , lion collision knows ' nothing ' about. You're not you. What's the trouble Mr Blank ? , everything ' isn't ' .. all caught up with you ? ''

Blankey finds himself stuttering into nervous , love , blushing , furry mess right in front of Tawny. , and ' all ' because of his strong , love feelings for Tawny that Blankey already knows , that Tawny .. will NEVER return. EVER. But Blankey knows in his heart and hates Queen Destiny , for having Tawny. Having Tawny's heart , having Tawny's soul , having Tawny in check , having that sex , furry part of him - his virginity out of unconditional love for Tawny - having every furry part and bit of Tawny. And what's worse , is that he's ' still hasn't ' gotten over the fact that Tawny ' still ' loves Kip. , as he told him ten years ' after the : '' Kings ; only Kings '' competition.

But why won't Tawny at least try .. to love him ? , just so Blankey can know what it feels like , to be loved by Tawny ?

Blankey : ( lying to Nip ) '' N-No Nip , course everything's all caught up with me. * quickly turns his furry head to Mill , saying caringly * ( now speaking honest , caring and hurt because of Tawny ) And no Mill , I ' haven't ' told Tawn that yet , and thanks to you tellin' Tawn this right now , I don't think I'll ' ever ' be able to have the courage to tell Tawn this to his furry face again. * quick and lastly , looks back at Tawny * I-I'm sorry Tawn , okay ? I-I think that I may have overstayed my welcome here in your royal den. ' I ' went too far with you , ' I ' pushed you and Mill is right. * he said as he nods his furry head in agreement with Mill , but is still looking directly at Tawny's overly red in the face , blushing , widen very light , hazel eyes a bit , furry , facial expression , staring a gapped at Blankey * This isn't the right time for me to be telling you this , but I came over here thinking that you were all alone by yourself , as you always are. I know you , I know that you won't want to talk to your problems , unless I'm in here with you. , ''

Blankey : '' I-I am ' so sorry ' .. for ruining your peaceful night. , and I know how much you hate lions that ruin your peace and quiet , like I have just now. , ''

Tawny : '' B-B-Blank , - what ? , no , no , no. You would never , ever interrupt my night the way other lions in my royal , lion collision would do. Of course not. , you didn't .. overstay your welcome. You know that you can always stay , chill and be in here with me. I even let you sleep in this den with me , if I need the company .. or if it's hard for me to sleep at night. Please , d-don't go. We can talk this out once I'm done talkin' to my lions here ' bout my fake , relationship problems with Igi. , ''

Tawny : '' don't do this. ''

Blankey : ( gently ignoring Tawny ) '' again Tawn , I .. am so sorry. I'll leave you alone to love miss Destiny and Kip. I-I'm so sorry. I need to go. , ''

Blankey says to Tawny as he almost slowly starts to rise from sitting upright all the way to standing fully onto his long , strong , furry fours. Then starts to quickly walk forward into the direction letting himself out Tawny's wide , open , half , thick , oval entrance , royal den. Still not listening to Tawny's gentle words that are trying to keep Blankey in here with him. , along with his main lions.

Blankey : '' I understand , if you don't want to talk to me anymore. I'm going to go head off to bed. Instead of here , sleeping with you like I always do , I'm going to go sleep somewhere else. In a different den for the night. I think that .. this , is what's best for the both of us. Maybe , you're trying to tell me something with your words. We're just not meant to be , and I get that. ''

Tawny quickly whips his furry , big head while tilting his head to his left. , so passed the back , wood support attached to his royal throne , he could see down below but only ten feet ahead at Blankey's almost quick walking , long , furry body still turning his long , furry back on him. , and completely walking away from all of this , between himself and Blankey.

Only lions like Dillid and Mill could only tilt their big , furry heads to the right sides of them to see Blankey still walking completely out of Tawny's royal , wide den entrance. Now still continuing to quickly walk right outside. , still a very far long away off from hopping off of the stone ledge and out , still inside of Tawny's royal territory. Having his mind set on sleeping in a lion den for the night , all in the pitch , shady darkness of Sundaya still.

Tawny : '' Blank , cut the desperate , sad show. I'm telling you , to come ' back ' in here .. and stay with me. I want - no , need - .. you here with me tonight. I can talk with you for a bit alone after I'm done talkin' with my lions. You don't want to stay ? ''

Blankey stops walking when Tawny says this to him. Right in the middle part of exiting Tawny's royal , wide den. Dillid , Ioan , Mill , Sill Dawg , Ocedensis and even Nip remain silent in sympathy and very strong empathy for feeling just how extremely close Blankey feels for Tawny , but as always , tawny keeps rejecting him and preferring it , that both lions stay as life long , best , lion friends in all of Sundaya since cubhood. , and Tawny doesn't want to believe that he feels the ' exact , same way ' for Blankey. That's why he keeps denying Blankey and what '' loving connection '' both lions have between them.

Blankey : '' Why Tawny ? , so you can break my heart and tell me that you don't love me ? ! Go ahead and say it Tawn , * Tawny starts to part his furry , big snout , ready to deny Blankey and tell him that it's not true , but no words come from out of his furry , big snout * say it ! I already know how you feel about me already. I'm ' NOT ' going to be here for-ever , secretly loving you for the rest of my life and secretly wanting you , when I ' already know ' .. that I am NEVER .. EVER .. going to be able to have you. , ''

At what feels like to be the most desperate , WORST , timing ever for Tawny , Tawny finally forms the words that he wants to say to Blankey.

Tawny : ( says in his a bit voice breaking and hurt tone of voice ) '' Blank , t-that's NOT true. , and .. you and I both know that. You don't mean what you're saying to me right now. You're just hurt , ( rephrases his words again truthfully to Blankey ) ' I'm ' hurting you a lot , and I already know that. But believe me .. from the bottom .. of my cold , troublesome heart ; you ' don't ' know ' EXACTLY ' .. how I feel about you. I promise you , that once you know how I feel , you're going to be ' so happy ' , you're not going to feel hurt and rejected by me anymore. But with me and Dawl , it's - ''

Tawny doesn't get the chance to explain himself , get Blankey to understand and gets to finish his sentence all because of Blankey.

Blankey laughs in as if crazy , but in a very cold , harshly chuckle at Tawny's last sentence. A chuckle that made Dillid , Nip , Ocedensis , Sill Dawg , Mill and even Tawny tremble and froze very uncomfortably deep inside of their furry systems. Tawny's heart trembles and shakes ' even more ' in hurt at the way that Blankey just chuckled at him. '' Just you remember Tawn , Blank isn't himself right now. So , ' don't ' get emotional , don't get hurt and don't get offended. Blank isn't in his right mind right now. He's very , very hurt and upset and I've pushed him over the edge. ' So much further ' than I thought I have ... - what was I thinking while being so caught up in my intentions and plans of owning Sundaya. , and ' finally ' getting Dawl back ? Huh. Of course not. Course I wasn't thinking. I NEVER think at all. '' Tawny say softly inside of his furry , big head in so much painful and hurting thought about Blankey.

Blankey : ( says coldly and harsh , not in his right mind ) '' It's ALWAYS about Destiny isn't it. From the moment that you first met her , from the day that you ' first ' spotted her , walking sexily ' round Sundaya while you were hangin' out with me. Just you and I. Alone , as it always should be. - What does my strong , love feelings for you mean anyway ? , they're not going to matter anymore. You love Queen Destiny , and you always will. And - hehe - yet again , you're ' ONLY ' goin' back to Kip - and all of your other past , cat lovers and past , ended relationships - ' all because ' .. you're tryin' to avoid loving ' me ' .. and ' ONLY ' me. , ''

Blankey pauses and then turns his furry head over his left , furry shoulder to look right at Tawny. His furry , facial expression not longer extremely red. But even more narrow eyed. Tawny could already see through Blankey's light blue to dark blue ringed eyes filled with jealous fury at Queen Destiny loving him up , always has him chasing right after her and keeps on '' getting even '' with Tawny. , only just to not make up her mind , go back and forth with Tawny and keep on loving Tawny up.

Tawny's a bit widen , very light , hazel eye , furry snout a gapped open a bit at Blankey , furry , facial expression still remains the same. Blankey could see some tears starting to form at the left and right corners of Tawny's furry , very light , hazel eyes high above. , while sitting upright inside of his royal throne. His furry , front arms/paws are clawing the left arm rest of his royal throne. Probably trying to resist the urge to not run after Blankey and do the unthinkable. Snout kiss Blankey , get Blankey in a very dark den and do what both lions have ALWAYS wanted to do to one another ever since cubhood for the longest. Have sex.

Blankey : '' myself and Desi , have ALWAYS been trying ' so very hard ' to compete for you. I played - and also loved over time throughout our friendship - the role .. of being your best , life long , lion friend .. ever since .. we were cubs. It made me spend more time with you , it made me get to know you so much more than I ' EVER ' would've hoped and dreamed for , it made me grow to fall in love with and love you ' so much ' and ' so deeply ' .. that I want you ' so bad ' ; it ' hurts ! ' .. that I'm nothin' but a best , life long , lion friend to you. I'm not so-rry to tell you this Tawn , but , you .. are ' SUCCCH ' .. an idiot. All this time , it's been me and Queen Destiny , competing for you. Me and Desi , me and Desi , me .. and Desi ! Do you see ? , do you see that now ? , do you ? ! ''

Blankey loud and roughly demands all out of jealous fury for Queen Destiny , out of frustration , upset , unhappy and tired of Tawny casting him off and treating him like dirt. , even though Blankey will always know .. that Tawny is just being Tawny and Tawny likes and loves him a lot too. Tawny has always been so hard to see , analyze and even read through the lines. Blankey already knows that's the truth.

A little caught off guard and hearing his heart pumping more wildly in panic , Tawny flinches with a little shaky jump as he finds himself - for the very first time in his life - weakly surrendering and letting ' another ' cat take power , control and dominance over him.

The same , very familiar feeling that his royal , overly spoiled rotten , lion father : Red ALWAYS made him feel when he constantly abused him out of unconditional love. , during his royal reign as Prince of Sundaya in the making and when Red tried to get himself and Princess Destiny involved in very serious , royal business and royal matters. Both royals unbeknowst to the ' real ' , royal story behind all of the royal , messy business , love affairs , sex , dominance , fighting for territory , battling , ruling , betrayal , hatred , fighting , surprise cat reunions and royals personal stories in the making to becoming the famous , legendary royals that they are right here , in Sundaya.

Tawny : '' Y-Yes Blankey. I-I do now. Yes ... ''

As if this didn't convince Blankey at all , more like , what Tawny said ' wasn't ' good enough at all to Blankey , Blankey continues to speak to Tawny. Tawny's royal den completely stone cold quiet. , all lions cautiously to death , eager to hear what else Blankey has to say to Tawny. All lions know - and even Tawny - knows , that this is ' completely out ' of Blankey's character. All lions know , that Blankey isn't always as happy , jolly , fun to be around and always jokes around a lot as he always appears to be.

Blankey : '' no ya don't Tawn. No you don't. Because even ' when I ' tell you this , you're cat , game plan is get Dawl , marry her , wait for your '' secret family '' with her to return to Sundaya from the hyena invasion , have sex with her again , '' get even '' with her again , combine collisions and royal territories again and live happily ever after in Sundaya ! , HA ! , I'm ' sure ' .. that's exactly .. what you want with Miss Destiny. , but NOT .. with me. I understand perfectly Tawn. You don't want us to talk about this anymore ? , okay , fine ! We ' won't ' anymore. Whatever you say and whatever you want Tawn. ''

Tawny : '' Blankey stop it , it's not like that. You don't understand. ''

Blankey : ( says sing song coldly again to Tawny , trying to make a point ) '' Whatever you say and whatever you want Tawn. ''

Tawny : '' Stop it ! ''

Blankey : ( shouts coldly at Tawny ) '' What-ever .. you .. SAY Tawn ! , ' any-thing ' the lion that I love you so much wants ! , - FINE ! ''

Tawny : ( shouts unhappily , breaking down ) '' ENOUGH Blank ! ''

Again , silence comes up ' so much ' faster than it comes and goes ; in this conversation between Tawny and Blankey with Tawny's main lions. Some watching intensely anxiously , to hear more of what's going on between Tawny and Blankey's conversation. Other lions continue to listen in on Tawny and Blankey's conversation. , already in their as if respective seats and are already so comfortably deep inside of Tawny's royal den.

Blankey stares in overly bent out of shape : challengingly at Tawny. Tawny looks back at Blankey as if he can't ' BELIEVE ' .. that Blankey .. is talking to him like this. Blankey is his best , life long friend since cubhood. Has Blankey ALWAYS felt this way for him , ' all ' of the years that have already went by in their friendship ? Tawny is ' really ' starting to look like he is saying : '' That .. is NOT .. my best , lion friend. Where is he ? , what have you done with my best , lion friend Blankey ? ''


Blankey speaks to Tawny as if restarting their conversation all over again. Having one more last thing to say to Tawny before the night. Both lions - it appears to be al throughout their conversation - keep trying to cover up one another's awkward and constant silence that continues to keep dragging on and keep coming into what's a ' REAL ' , static and spicy conversation between them.

Blankey : ( says in his low and soft tone of voice , so bent out of shape ) '' When will you ' EVER ' realize that Tawn ? , what. Till now. Well it's ' too .. damn ... late ! ' , to be coming to this ob-vious realization right now. , since so many lions in your royal , lion collision ' already know ' how I feel about you. They're overly observant as you. Will you ' EVER ' .. get this Tawn. Will you ? ! ''

Blankey bent out shapely demands to Tawny. In Tawny's .. oh so sudden feeling of surrendering and answering to Blankey's quickety quick , demanding questions that Tawny isn't ready for nor prepared to answer ; Tawny hates himself deep inside for allowing Blankey to make him feel this way. In this .. in the corner , cowering , surrendering : '' I'll do whatever you say , just don't hurt me. '' kind of way.

Tawny : '' Y-Yes Blank , I mean - who am I kidding with you - To be honest with you Blank , no Blank. I ' won't ' ever get this. Tonight , you ' definitely ' taken .. my furry breath away Blank , you really have. That .. it's going to take me a ' long time ' .. finally getting this , that you're tellin' me right now. You're right Blank. I am stupid , I really didn't see this coming with you. , and I never expected this from you. I'll NEVER .. underestimate you .. ' ever ' again. I'll start to keep a more furry , watchful eye on you. ' Any-thing ' .. that my best of the best , lion , very close friend wants. What do you want me to say , I'm sorry ? Because .. I don't know what to say to you right now Blank. , ''

Blankey scoffs in stupid , cruel humor at Tawny as if he were saying : '' What are you , stupid ? ! '' Letting Tawny go on.

Tawny : '' I mean , I am unable to find ' any words ' .. to say to you , right now ... ''

Blankey : ( starts to say in stupid , cruel humor at Tawny ) '' What Tawn. , ya need ' me ' to tell you .. what you should say to me right now. YOU .. TELL ME .. IF .. THAT .. MAKES .. SENSE. DOES IT ? ! ''

Tawny : '' N-No Blank. O-Of course not. I mean ! - of course it doesn't make sense. I'm not asking for your help. More like , from the bottom of my heart , I'm ' begging ' for guidance from you. You know that I'm not a lion that always says the ' right ' words at the ' right ' time. ''

Blankey : ( now saying calmly , still bent out of shape ) '' Yes you are Tawn. , and you ' STOP ' .. LYING .. LIKE THAT .. TO ME. ''

Tawny : '' Oh-kay Blank , ( saying a little awkwardly to Blankey , still not sure what to say or how to go about this ) you're right. Lying ' isn't ' going to help any of this. So .. ]'m sorry. I'm ' really ' sorry. ''

Blankey : * shaking his furry , light blue and dark blue mane infuriatingly in disagreement with Tawny , getting frustrated with Tawny ) '' Not good enough Tawn. , not good enough at all. ''

Tawny stares stupidly and in all furry blankness at Blankey. , not exactly sure how to go about this with Blankey. Maybe silence is the best answer. Maybe no words , need to describe how Tawny is feeling right now.

Tawny : '' ... ''

Blankey : * snarls softly in frustration with Tawny , seeing that he has to be straight up with Tawny * '' How ' bout I love you too ? , how ' bout I love you more than you'll ever know ? , how ' bout you are my best friend and you are my everything and ' anything ' .. to me. You used to always say that to me when we were cubs right. ''

In Tawny's furry , royal head , Tawny starts to imagine a very familiarized , cubhood , sweet and warm memory between himself and Blankey. He remembers when himself and Blankey hung out by the cat infirmary area - when it was just an abandoned , rock area to explore and claim as their own area together - and Tawny would always remember viciously pinning young , furry Blankey down first. , no matter ' how many times ' the lions rolled over or threw their furry , pint sized , small weight around. In the end , young Tawny would ' always ' pin young , laughing , silly and joking around Blankey all of the time. And for the many cubhood years between the two , Blankey didn't mind it.

Young Tawny's voice : ( still cracked , but slightly deep and smooth , more nicer and friendlier compared to now ) '' Blankey Blank , now I know .. that I don't always tell you this as often as I should have but , you .. are my best-est , lion friend a trouble , tricky , male cub could ever have in Sundaya. I love you ' so much. ' You are my everything and anything. Ya know that ? ''

Young Blankey's voice : '' Aw , Tawn. Ya ' really ' mean that ? ''

Young Tawny's voice : * as if shy , but sly chuckle * '' Hehe , yea Blankey Blank. , ( says firmly , but his voice is still playful and cool ) but don't you ' EVER ' .. tell any cub this .. ' EVER. ' ( joking in his cruel and mean way ) , or else I'mma have to kill you. ''

Still in Tawny's furry , royal head , Tawny could hear young Blankey's softest of the soft , delight bringing in his furry , royal life chuckle. During this time of their cubhood days where the male cubs friendship were just starting out , young Blankey starts to get used to young Tawny's cruel , mean , but playful humor. But young Tawny doesn't always fool around though.

Young Blankey's voice : ( lightly cracked , but still in his joking and fun to be around voice ) '' You don't wanna do that little light. ( one of Tawny's cubhood , well known nicknames ) , because if ya do try to kill me , then who's gonna stay your best-est lion friend in all of Sundaya ? , and forever and ever and ever ? ''

Young Blankey says to young Tawny making a very impressive and fair point. Hopping around young Tawny in wildly , sugary , as if high on crack energy. , in fancy , as if dancing , twirl and hopping like , very quick movement in many circles ' round young Tawny's small , furry , walking figure who is walking ahead out of the cat infirmary , rocky area with Blankey. Already getting so easily bored with the area , having a very low attention span and ready to start a lot of trickery mischief and trouble without his royal parents knowing. , during his cubhood , spoiled , attention getting , royal days.

Tawny could also hear in his furry , royal mind his younger , cubhood version of himself laughing soft and lightly in what sounds like : amusement and humor with Blankey's fun to be around , witty personality.

Young Tawny's voice : '' Goood , witty point there Blankey Blank. * soft , as if annoyed sighs with Blankey * - Okay. Ya got me. I suppose you're right. Guess you ' would be ' my ' only ' , best-est , life long , lion friend .. in all of Sundaya. We'll swing by this rocky area some other time. I'm getting bored. Let's go make trouble. ''

Young Blankey's voice : ( raising voice in energetic bliss ) '' Ha ! , you know I'm in little light ! What we doin' , what we doin' , what ! .. we ! .. doin' ! * softly laughing to himself in what sounds like energetic , quick titters * I can already feel it between us. We're gonna be best .. life long , lion friends FOR-EVAAA ! , holla ! ''

Young Blankey says in very energetic confidence to young Tawny as of right now , he gets tired of hopping like a twirling dancer in movement ' round young Tawny's furry , calm and tough walking figure. , and ends up falling playfully onto his furry , short , young back. Looking backwards at Tawny who takes a second to look down at Blankey's silly , toothy , furry grin. Tawny cracks what looks like a soft , joyfully funny smirk back at young Blankey as if young Blankey was trying to entertain , laugh and make young Tawny smile. Then young Tawny calmly continues to calmly walk ahead passed young Blankey.

Ever so quickly , young Blankey comes rushing into a very cute , cub like gallop over to young Tawny's left , furry side. Rubbing his small , furry head in cute , puppy cat love to young Tawny. , who thinks nothing of this furry , puppy love action that young Blankey gives him. , only being aware that young Blankey always playfully invades his personal space.

Young Tawny's voice : * sweet , soft chuckles * '' Yea , yea Blankey Blank. I don't know what you '' feelin' '' .. but don't you get so comfort-able now. I never said I liked you. ''

Young Blankey's voice : ( says playfully ) '' NOT .. yet ya haven't little light ! Just you wait light , you find yourself liking and getting '' sooo '' attached to me , ' more ' than you'll ' ever know. ' I happen to have that affect on other cats 'n cubs. ''

Young Tawny's voice : ( says sarcastically , but still deeply amused with Blankey ) '' Nahhh , you ? ''

Young Blankey's voice : '' YYYY-ESS ! , ( sing songs playfully in tune ) and so will youuu ! ''

Young Tawny's voice : ( sings song playfully in tune with young Blankey ) '' Personal spaccce ! ''

Young Blankey's voice : '' Ooh , ooh , ooh ! , sorry little light. * says as he swift and playfully moves away from young Tawny * , you know that I like you so much that I got this .. addicting , furry attraction to you. I really , ' really ' like you. We're already getting along ' so well ! ' ''

Young Tawny's voice : ( says impassive ) '' Somewhat Blankey Blank. Somewhat. Now will you just hush up. You're ' already ' startin' to bug my nerves. - ( saying sarcastically and emotionless ) Whoops ! , too late. ''

Young Blankey's voice : * sighs happily * '' That's what I like about you little light. You say what's on your mind. This is what friendship is ' supposed to ' sound like ... ''

Young Tawny voice : '' Shut up Blankey Blank. This is what I ' don't like ' about you. You're always getting on my nerves. ''

Young Blankey's voice : ( continues to talk playfully ) '' Aw come on little light. You know you don't mean that. You know you ' likkke ' me. ''

Young Tawny's voice : ( lying ) '' No I don't. ''

Young Blankey's voice : '' Yess ya do. ''

Young Tawny's voice : '' No I don't. ''

Young Blankey's voice : '' Yess you do. '' * more energetic titters *

And right here , this very fond , personal memory to Tawny between himself and Blankey slowly starts to go away inside of his furry , royal mind. He returns to being in this conversation with Blankey. , as if he never imagined and regaled this memory between himself and Blankey just now.

Tawny : ( still saying calmly , but his voice still breaks affectionally ) '' Of course I always remember telling you that Blank. ''

Blankey : ( still bent out of shape , getting angrier by the second ) '' What , were you ' lyin' ' about that too ? ''

Tawny : '' No Blank. Of course I-I meant it. As I recall in that cubhood memory of us , I ' did say ' I know .. that I never , ever take time in the day telling you .. that you mean everything and anything to me , how important that you are to me and that you're my best-est , life long , lion friend since cubhood. But you should always know that till now Blank. This is childish. You know that I love you and you mean anything and everything to me. , ''

Tawny : '' what ' kind of ' cold lion .. would lie .. about something like that. ''

Blankey : '' Well , I'm lookin' that said , cold lion right now. ''

Tawny : '' You know Blank , that after getting to know me since cubhood for ' years ' , you know me better than that. ( raising his voice a little in upset , very strong feeling ) You .. know me ! ''

Blankey : '' Yes Tawn I do. Yes , so I do. - You don't love me .. in this way that I love you. Do you. ''

Tawny : '' Blank , love's a strong word. You know , that I'm NOT that kind of lion that messes around with that kind of word. ''

Blankey : ( raises his voice a loud in anger ) '' DO YOU .. LOVE ME. YES .. OR NO. ''

Tawny could feel his heart beat so , so wildly that right now , he begins to feel that it's not his heart that is beating in his furry chest anymore. Tawny pauses a little in front of Blankey. , who impatiently waits in anger for an answer.

Tawny : ( says quietly and low ) ( , lying ) '' No Blank. I-I don't. We've been through this already before. I love Dawl. ''

Blankey chuckles nastily in front of Tawny. He shakes his furry , big head in frustrating anger at Tawny saying all of this to him. Tawny is truly un-believ-able.

Tawny's heart goes back to sinking real deep inside of his furry chest after hearing Blankey's nasty , soft chuckle. Probably in judging thought about him , because of his behavior tonight. Tawny is never going to forget the nasty , soft way that Blankey just chuckled at him just now. Never.

Blankey : '' You lier. I can NEVER .. get a straight answer from you. - ( saying in cruel , mocking jealousy ) It's ALWAYS .. about loving Queen Des-tiny ! , isn't it. ( voice returns to being calm , but still upset and angry ) When you're ready to stop lying to me and tell me the truth , you know where to find me. ''

Tawny : '' As I said before Blank , right now , it's com-plicated. You're my best-est friend. I-I thought that you would understand. You know the royal , furry mess that I'm in with Dawl. What with our secret relationship , '' getting even '' and working out our marriage ... - since we .. ' still are ' married back in our past. Neither of us didn't end our royal relationship and marriage. ''

Blankey : '' Oh ! , ( he widens his furry , light blue to dark blue eyes in shocking angry at Tawny's words ) you want ' me ' .. to understand Tawn ? ( raises his voice a bit more ) let me say that again , so you can hear me more clearly this time : you want ' ME ' .. to understand Tawn ? ! Well I DON'T .. UNDER .. STAND ! , and I NEVER will ! , you aren't giving me the chance to ! - Sure , Queen Destiny ' does ' want you , but she better admit it to you soon , or else I'm taking you my-self ! , get your royal stubborn self out of Miss Destiny's ' royal , sassy reins ' , and see .. that I want you ' more ! ' , not her ! , ME ! ''

Tawny : ( now saying quietly , still affectionately ) '' Blank .. I-I didn't know or even realize that you felt this way for me. Y-You never said anything to me. ''

Blankey : '' Don't need to. You never asked and anytime I tried to make moves on you , you NEVER cared and you would ALWAYS reject me and put me down. , then act like you didn't enjoy me coming on to you and making moves on you. I've started making moves on you al throughout our friendship as we got older. You never thought much of it. You ALWAYS returned my feelings , but then denied them and would demand to me privately , that it ' shouldn't ' happen anymore. , or that it doesn't happen anymore. ''

Tawny : ( still saying quietly , affectionately ) '' Blank , I'm sorry about all of that. I most really , most definitely and most ' TRULY ' am .. sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. I didn't mean to hurt your personal , strong , love feelings for me. I ... - can't say that I didn't like at all. I did , I did but ... anytime you ' did ' pull - or tried to pull - a move on me , it would ALWAYS be .. at the ' wrong ' places and at the ' wrong ' timing. ' That's why ' I always tried to talk to you privately about it reasonably so I don't hurt any of your feelings. , or get you to think that I didn't like you or .. I just wasn't feelin' you. I .. ' am ' feelin' you .. and I ' did ' like you .. in this loving , romantic way but , there's no room in my royal life for us. At least , NOT yet. ''

Blankey : '' Not yet huh , not yet. * says has he rolls his light blue to dark blue ringed , furry eyes at Tawny like saying : '' Give me a break '' * Hmm. ''

Tawny : '' Blank , I ' already know ' what you're thinking. I ' DON'T ' .. mean it that way. Please ! , please .. ' don't ' .. get too sensitive and take it too personal. I know you Blank. You do that. Please Blank. Come stick around with me tonight. I'm going to be alone in this big , royal den all by myself and it's not like home without Fuss , Spark and ' especially you. ' I want you .. with me .. tonight. You know that I NEVER .. want to leave you out of my sight. ''

After a furry , as if hard to please , eye roll , Blankey almost quickly turns his furry , big head to look at Tawny for the final time in cold , vengeful and very , ' very much ' resentment anger. Completely over the way that Tawny treats him as his life long , best friend since cubhood and how Tawny treats him in general. But this isn't about those really good , personal reasons from Blankey. This about the way Tawny treats him anytime Blankey keeps on giving and offering his love to Tawny , and Tawny sees it all as a game , doesn't take it seriously and shoves him aside. Blankey can't handle a life long of cold , mean rejection coming from Tawny. Blankey has always had a high patience with Tawny , but over the years , his high tolerance ' also ' used to be high , now it's getting low. Lower and lower and lower again. It's decreasing , quick and panicky.

Blankey really can't do this anymore.

Blankey : '' No thanks Tawn. You had ' plenty ' of chances .. to invite me. But ya didn't. G'night. , I love you - romantically and as best , life long , friends - and in spite of all of this talking between us , let's just try to move on from this. I'm going to need a lot of space away from you Tawn. , and it's nothing personal but , I just need to clear my head and get myself together. * Blankey weakly smiles up at Tawny , with no emotion or feeling * Tell the fellas : '' Sweet , cat dreams '' if you could for me , will you. ''

In this intense , quiet atmosphere of this pitch dark , shady , Sundaya night , Blankey slowly turns his big , furry head up ahead turning his back on Tawny. , and he starts to take his slow , but extremely depressed out of unconditional love for Tawny ; time continuing to walk onto his long , furry fours off of the stone , very long ledge that perfect and safely holds up Tawny's huge , royal den. Getting close enough to the stone ledge , Blankey's long , furry , light blue and dark blue , mixed with golden figure is gone for the shady , pitch dark night. In all quiet stealth and without a single trace. Off to what other lion dens ' round Tawny's royal territory for tonight. , silently hoping and praying in his furry mind that a lion den is open , available or he won't be coldly kicked out of a lion den tonight that ' could be ' occupied by a grown , male lion. , or even a group of very mean , male lions.

Nip looks warmly promising at Tawny. , with kind , hope , patience and touching comfort for Tawny. Ocedensis , Mill and Dillid's big or small , furry heads stare back into each other's furry , facial expressions of discomfort , unsettlement , feeling very bad for Blankey and just plain unhappy for Tawny altogether. Mill looks softly guilty for exposing Blankey's strong , powerful , love feelings to Tawny out in the open like that. , 'specially when Tawny had ' NO IDEA ' that Blankey felt this loving , romantic way for him. No lion in Tawny's royal den doesn't say anything , or just don't have that gift to say the right words during times like this. Other lions like Sill Dawg and Ioan look up at Tawny.

In all as if dramatic slowness , Tawny slowly turns his furry , big , royal head back , but doesn't look at his main , cold lions that are all sitting upright or laying right in front of him and his royal throne. Tawny looks at the dirt ground in stress , overly emotional , overwhelmed , worried , very unhappy , very , very sad and upset thought about Blankey. Tawny's never felt so close to Blankey before. Like , romantically close. Tawny's never felt so heated up so deep inside that his true , loving , personal love feelings that he has for Blankey ; that are indeed at the very , very , very far parts inside of his royal mind , Tawny keeps fighting throughout his friendship and denying his way till this day with Blankey and he doesn't want to admit it. , because he just doesn't want to believe that he loves not only his Dawl , but his best , life long , lion friend : Blankey too.

Blankey had ' so much ' to say about him and his friendship and tonight , Tawny now thinks that he won't ' EVER ' forget all of Blankey's words , that ' will keep ' on playing over and over in his furry head. Tawny won't ' EVER ' forget the cold , resentment , angry , cold ... - and was that jealously he saw through Blankey ? , in Blankey words and through Blankey's furry , body language. Tawny would have NEVER thought - or could even guess ! - that Blankey felt this way al throughout their friendship ' and ' their secret , shocking , lion relationship that ' has been ' going on al throughout the days and time period when Blankey started to make moves on Tawny , make passes at Tawny and would always try as hard as Blankey can to get Tawny alone with him.

Blankoy must've held in ' ALL ' of this - and so much more - throughout their friendship and even throughout their secret , shocking , lion relationship that he would kill himself if ' any cat ' , or ' any cat ' in the Indenius pride would know about this. , or would somehow find this out from a little bird or through the grapevine. Tawny's royal reputation , in the making of ' still ' becoming Prince .. of Sundaya .. would be ruined. , and Tawny's chances at getting his royal , Queenly Dawl .. would ' also ' be ruined. Touphy would have her. Touphy would win. Touphy would be his Dawl's temporary Queen of Sundaya. Touphy would be her brand new , lion husband. '' No. No , no , no , no , no ! , '' Tawny thought aloud in his furry , royal mind. '' T-This is all starting to get a little out of paw f-for me. This is all starting to come runnin' right back to me. , and it shouldn't. I-I-It all just shouldn't ! I wanted Blankey secretly long ago , I don't know whether I was ' still loving ' Dawl , or ' still loving ' Kippity Kip during my abusive , controlling relationship with him , but somewhere along the line I ' did ' want Blankey maybe even ' before ' Blank wanted me. I-I can't do this anymore. A-And neither can Blank. , and I don't blame him. , ''

'' Blank's right. We ' do ' need a lot of space away from each other. To think , to gather ourselves up together - especially me , getting all cat tangled up and still in love with Dawl in my heart , probably going to bounce off to ' another cat ' once more cats return in Sundaya - to start actin' right and figure how what cat I want and what cat .. do I want to be with. Or , should've ' already ' been with since cubhood. Dawl , Dawl , oh Dawl .. . - oh no Prince Tawn , do you ' dare ' go down to thinking that thought. Because Blankey is screaming from the back of your mind , and you know that. You're supposed to be with Blank. Dawl is just a dangerous , sexy , negative temptation to you. You love her and wanna keeping trying with her , so you don't make her feel like she's won against you , but you know that she's going to keep havin' you runnin' for her for the rest of your royal life. But it ' was ' worth right ? , question is right now : is it ' still ' .. worth it ? , ''

'' and what of Blank ? Blank's always been worth it to me. Ever since the day that I've started to secretly grow fond of him. - T-This I tell myself , is starting to get com-pletely out of my control. D-Do I need professional , cat help ? , do I need to take a different direction in my life ? , do I ' STILL KNOW ' .. that I want Dawl ? , or Blankey ? Hmm. ''

Tawny finally finished thinking in his furry , royal mind. This is - ALL of this happening - is ' way in ' over his furry , royal mind right now. Could the reason by because he was ' too cocky ? ' , threw his weight all around too much ? , so sure of himself too much ? , sure of what he was doing at the moment and sure that his time is worth being spent with Dawl ? , or could the ob-vious reason be that his arrogance got to him. Or his ego , or his pride maybe ... - then ' what could ' the reason be ?

Still having that very touched , loving , warm , affectionate , emotionally hurt and soft look onto his furry face , Nip gently tries to speak to Tawny. Trying to get Blankey off of his mind and get him to focus on his cold , trickery and mean intentions and plans that he has for Dawl , troublesome plans and for the Indenius pride too. Nip feels that the best thing that Tawny can do right now , is start over and start talking about his fake relationship issues that he has for Igie.

It's all goin' back to that now.

That ' is ' what Tawny really wanted to talk about with them all , with his main lions , right ?

Nip : ( says soft and very tenderly ) '' S..Sir , prince Tawny , ( he continues to speak more softly and more carefully to Tawny , so as not to upset Tawny any further ) let's not talk about Sir Blankey , right now. Let us all let .. that .. go , for now hm ? For now , it's out of our hair strands and passed our fur. Let's try .. to restart this ' en-tire ' conversation all over again , would you like to talk about Igie ? , ''

Dillid silent and supportively nods his big , furry head twice while looking at Nip. , and then looks up at Tawny. Still as very sad , feeling bad , unsettled and very unhappy for Tawny. , as the rest of Tawny's other main lions that expresses these listed out feelings and emotions differently.

Feeling a little bit of relief and grateful that Nip has gentle and tenderly teared Tawny away from his thoughts , Tawny slowly looks up while turning his furry head to look down at Nip. , who is still sitting upright looking back up soft and warmly at Tawny.

Nip : '' if not , maybe we can talk about something else. If you want ... ''

Tawny sighs so , so stressfully. Like he has no energy to sigh , no energy to think , no energy to talk and absolutely no energy .. to allow himself to feel anything right now. Tawny's main lions can hear his so , so stressful , soft sigh as all lions look up at Tawny in calm , listening intensity. Now it's finally quiet in Tawny's royal den and all lions - as well as Tawny - can finally hear themselves think.

Tawny starts to give Nip a thankful , grateful , furry grin at Nip then finally speaks up after the silence gets way too calming , peaceful , nice to say the least and just plain unsettling , thanks to Tawny. Tawny finally gathers himself , his feelings , his emotions and all of his thoughts together. Tawny finally goes back to looking hatefully arrogant , goes back to trampling and persecuting cats in the Indenius pride. , using fear to control cats ; Tawny goes back to looking a bit narrow eyed , coming off detached away from cats - sometimes his lions in his collision - dry , unmoved , self controlled and his thankful , grateful , furry grin turns indifferent.

Tawny : '' Talk about Igi Nip ? , hm , okay , ''

Tawny almost slowly turns his big , furry head to finally look at all of his other main lions. , as if he took his slow , sweet time looking at the royal , very spoiled style and stone art that his royal , big den is designed.

Tawny : '' It's like this ... ''

... ? !