Chapter 9 : Trying to make peace with Irediseatiess
Twelve at midnight , here in Sundaya ,
It is now the midnight hour here in Sundaya. The Indenius pride of endless cats huddled , gathered , amassed , accumulated and joined into groups in lion and lioness dens ' round Queen Lad La La's , royal tower and all over royal , Sundaya grounds and royal territories. It's pitch , no longer shady dark here in Sundaya and all we could hear is the endless , ceaseless and continuous sounds of crickets al through out the Sundaya night. , aloud , chirping voices that could be found simply .. sitting upon a thick , big , green leaf deep inside the growing cool , very , very chilly sea of grass in ' all areas ' of Sundaya. Sir Antevill is sleeping alone at the bottom , stone ledge of Queen Lad La La's , royal tower , Daunnie is knocked out peacefully with O'don , Ioan is resting at random in a very , very deep area within Tawny's royal , lion territory , as nice as pie Solo more is sleeping with Abblie surrounded by the nurturing , providing , dynamic , flamboyant , determined , strong and very , very close collision of Queen Destiny's lioness within Queen Destiny's royal , lioness territory. No cat - except Tum Tum - is in sight. Very , very busy as a royal guardian of Sundaya saunters slowly about Sundaya's royal grounds and territories taking over Touphy and his own royal , nightly shift combined. , since his older brother : Touphy and him agreed that he would watch after and be Queen Destiny's personal , lion guard for tonight. ' Just ' .. for tonight. Nothing permanent right ? Tum Tum is onto his wide , rough , loud , furry , gigantic steps on his very , very long , heavy , furry and very , very tall fours. His furry figure so much identical and alike from Touphy's furry , counter part.
Sure , maybe wild life at this peace bringing , midnight hour of Sundaya happens to be up at this time. Maybe on the move ? , maybe ready to migrate once this day awaits the Indenius pride by morning , maybe sleeping for the night after a rough day , maybe surviving one day at a time just like the rest of the Indenius pride is. Back at Touphy and Tum Tum's old , family den , nestled very close to one another by a stone , dark grey wall ; lay Queen Destiny's long , still at rest , furry , laid out , flawless at royal birth , royal self. In a very , very , very deep sleep , Queen Destiny lay on her right , long , furry side of her body. Both of her long , furry arms 'n paws already spread out comfortably in front of her. As if leaving a very thick gap in between , is just where our royal , furry , Sundaya from princess to Queen highness , lays her small looking , furry , comely head.
The thick , chunk of meat that Touphy had carried from Queen Lad Lad La's royal tower all the way to him and Tum Tum's old, family den , the carcass is now an exposed sack of bones lay four inches to the far left onto the dirt ground : all by itself , apart from Queen Destiny's still dead to the world , overly fluffy , beauty , cat like presence. Having got ' some ' sleep , five inches apart from Queen Destiny just right in front of her , lay Touphy's crazy big , cat monstrous , very heavy , powerful , brutal , furry , very , very long and tall figure. Laying onto the left side of his very , very long and very , very heavy body. His thick , meaty , furry belly laying in front of him trying to disgust and sleep off too much of the overly indulged , giraffe meat that he over stuffed and gorged himself on during the pride's very long dinner. , always needing to eat twice his body weight as a normal lion's diet.
In this witching hour now , the huge , white , up close , shimmering moon is very up close atop of Touphy and Tum Tum's old , family den. Lookin' nothing but like a huge , adventurous , exploring , royal , stone tower from above. Hovering over stone , stair ledges with tiny stems of grass , rainbow colored flowers sticking out of stones and rocks. , what looks like an exploring , stone tower atop Touphy and Tum Tum's old , family den. , alike from the top of Queen Destiny's old , royal family , stone tower. The stones and rocks very high atop Touphy and Tum Tum's old , family den intentionally left cracks in between stones , rocks and stone ledges to welcome the shimmering , sparkling , white light , shinin' moonlight inside of Touphy and Tum Tum's old , family den. , laying a light , white spotlight curtain ten inches in front of Touphy almost half way close by the exit/entrance out of Touphy and Tum Tum's old , family den.
Overtired , from the moment that he finished talking to Golden more than a couple of hours ago from gently placing his Queen deep inside : safe and sound , inside of him and Tum Tum's wide , roomy , family den , since those hours ago ; Touphy hasn't gotten a lick , a purr , a snarl , a growl or a roar of sleep. Without a break , his very big , furry , heavy head turns left and right ' round him and Tum Tum's wide , roomy , old , family den heedful of just how dangerous this is , simply watching his Queen sleep these twelve o' clock hours while the Indenius pride is still in the land of Nod. , these twelve at night hours seem to be the ' perfect advantage ' to catnap the Queen and take her ' out ' of Sundaya. Touphy now realizes , had he not decided to take on his guard , night , cat watch protecting his Queen tonight and risk having a royal servant watch over his Queen for him. , and instead , continues to patrol and ramble ' round Sundaya with his second , older , twin brother : Tum Tum tonight , being in a blue funk about his Queen while doing his job as Queen Destiny's life long , royal guardian and protector since cubhood. By Moonlight and Fein's royal agreement order. , both had agreed to this during Princess Destiny's royal reign as Princess of Sundaya ' just in case ' both grown royals weren't able to be there or get to their eldest , royal daughter and god sibling in time. Touphy and Tum Tum can back Moonlight and King Fein up. Along with Tum Tum and Tim Tim. Had Touphy decided this with Tum Tum tonight , something ' really , really ' terrible could've gone wrong to his Queen.
Right now , trying to keep his dark blue , iceberg blue , furry , mean eyes from drooping down to exhaustion , Touphy can't bring himself to sleep. After much lookout , when he strongly feels that he's taken another , shiny , furry look ' round him and Tum Tum's wide , roomy , old , family den ready to protect and fight with his life for his Queen if he has to , these close knit , adoring moments ; Touphy would turn his heavy , big , furry head to look mildly at his conked out , overly fluffy , fetching Queen and his wife to be. In all of her adorbs , in all of her royal ness , in all of her Queenly highness , in all of her spitting , furry image of Queen Lad Lad herself , in all of her royal ruler , powerful reign. , now goin' solo ' without ' ex King Kip. Touphy would always round-the-clock check on his Queen. Though it's always a pain to get up from his laying position all of the time , Touphy would gently caress her dark black , shiny , very long , in soft loveliness mane that is just a dark black , perfect , non spit ends curtain laying behind her furry , small looking head and onto the dirt , stone , cold ground.
Touphy has ' so much ' on his mind right now.
After what just happened with his Queen today , how could ' any cat ' in the Indenius pride sleep tonight ? , but yet , almost every cat ' seems ' to be catchin' a kip - or cat napping - ' round Sundaya's , royal grounds and territories. Touphy couldn't believe that his heart was ' this close ' to falling through his big , jumbo , dark blue and dirty golden streaked chest when Golden was ' this close ' to taking his Queen away from him for good. , and away from the Indenius pride , inside of the poseidome. Touphy remembered feeling gotten up his nose by Tawny , when Tawny unwisely decided to push his luck and act as if .. Golden was seriously bluffing when he said that if himself , Tawny and Tum Tum ' didn't ' work with him in the poseidome , catnapped and in chains : Queen Destiny would be taken out of Sundaya without further ado. Just .. like .. that. And there's no delays , no begging and no pleading. NOT coming from a sick twisted and enjoying the evil pleasures and thrills of life kind of lion. Touphy realizes that he was ' so close ' .. to losing the love of his life , secretly since cubhood. The ' only ' lioness that he's ever loved in such a very long time. In such a very long time meaning : throughout his ' whole life ' as a lion. A lion killer to his father who has always been his favorite and lil' Tum Tum , being the lion that his father has ALWAYS looked down upon. , because lil' Tum Tum had always been seen to be '' too genial '' , '' too sugary '' , '' company-loving '' and not having a single , cold , savage , lion bone in his body.
To Touphy's father , he believed in his lion family , that is the ' ONLY ' , usual way to detect a lion's survival when said lion - like Touphy , Tum Tum or Tim Tim - grow up to be grown lions one Sundaya day. , out on their own. Tim Tim was NEVER detected whether he is a lion in Touphy's family to survive and grow up to be a monstrous , killing lion in the making , because Tim Tim was secretly born ' after ' .. Touphy's mother divorced her husband who tried to kill Tum Tum more than once already. , then started to control and abuse her just for control and so that in their lion family , she'll respect her husband. Tim Tim came so much later , years ' after ' Touphy's mother was on the run to raise Tim Tim for herself - as Moonlight happened to have told Touphy - all during the time period of the hyena invasion. Before Con knew and before Tim Tim got to see his lion family for what appeared to have been the last , final time. Thanks to the hyena invasion , Tim Tim NEVER .. got to see Touphy and Tum Tum. ONLY since birth as many numerous times as possible , but that time period was very quick , hasted and .. seemed to be forced because so much was going on behind the royals background , royal stories and secretly within their lives. , while ruling Sundaya , ruling the outskirts , the territories and even ruling Sundaya's , royal grounds. And when that time period quickly went by , lil' Tim Tim had ' no clue ' was what going on , when Touphy's mother ran with him ' out ' of Sundaya during the hyena invasion and didn't look back.
'' Some wise , Prince of Sundaya in the making he is ... '' Touphy said sarcastically to himself inside of his furry , jumbo head still in his deep , rich , but soft voice. '' Why ' did ' Red - in which , later encouraged Moonlight and all of the grown royals - make Tawny a Prince .. of Sundaya , in the making ? , what the ' HELL ' .. was Red even thinking ? Allowing Tawn to follow in his furry , murderous , cold , trickery , lovin' trouble , mischief making and royal footsteps ? Red has ALWAYS been the kind of cat that's a cat , riot starter. Always finding the trickery , mean pleasure in putting cats in the Indenius pride against each other and would always flee the scene before cats could even get the chance to point angry paws at him. Always finding the troublesome pleasure to put cats against each other , ruin friendships , ruin relationships , innocently deny everything and then would be a pro at acting dumb. Always been King Fein's best , life long , lion friend since cubhood has NEVER told Fein that he was also a life long , best , lion friend of Trick and Shine too , secretly. For endless reasons that King Fein and that Tawny himself , do not know. - But Tawny has NEVER started a cat riot , here , in Sundaya. NOT yet. Sure , let's not let himself speak too soon now and expect this to happen ' all because ' he thought of the mean idea just now. Sure , Tawny always starts trouble , mischief , is ruling Red's lion collision startlingly well , Tawny has murdered - sometimes alive , MOSTLY in their sleep - cats and infanticide cubs before , Tawny is as trickery and can never be trusted .. as Red has always been during his cub days - or so Moonlight has told him. But .. why hasn't Tawny started any riots yet ? , why ' does he ' lack that characteristic in his royal , cruel father ? , well .. maybe not start a cat riot yet but , NOT .. that I should care the least bit about this. Tawny should've NEVER been the first King of Sundaya. Tawny ' is ' King worthy - very , very King worthy , I'll admit , compared to me - but .. once Tawn has his very first , royal coronation .. and that crown is placed upon his head , making him the official King of Sundaya : it's over for the pride. , ''
'' Tawn is going to turn Sundaya into : '' Tawnaya. ,'' E-ww. Ew, ew , ew , ew ... EW. Touphy finds himself snarling a bit loudly in disgust to himself at the thought of this. Widening his dark blue , iceberg eyes at the realization that he could've awoken his Queen up , Touphy quickly turns his very behemoth , furry head to look at Queen Destiny. Nope , not even close. His Queen is ' still ' softly and first-class resting in her very , very long and deep sleep as if she didn't hear a thing.
Touphy : * lets out a very soft sigh in relief *
Whew ! , '' A relief much ? , heck yeah. It sure is. I hope my Queen is in a very , very , ' very deep ' sleep right now , because .. I don't want her to hear me talking to myself while she's still asleep. I don't want her to think that there's something wrong with me and then feel like she has to stay up till I fall asleep all on my own. No , no , my Queen needs her rest. I don't want her having to stay up tonight on my account. No. Anything can happen here in Sundaya , and I want her to be awake , alert and ready. ''
Feeling to himself that he's ruining his own , tempting need to sleep too , Touphy lets himself go on with ruminating over and about. Touphy profoundly and morosely gives so much thought to , give a lot of consideration to , reflect endlessly into the midnight hours upon , at great , great , great lengths of all of the cat scenes and real life events of today that had already happened. , right in front of his furry , intellectual and intelligently handsome , furry face. With Tum Tum always , always , always by his either : left or right , furry side - if it even matters to him - and with his Queen who he and his favorite Tum Tum have known since a cat's lifetime. , watching deeply inside of himself in trepidation and tremulates when his Queen called out to him when he first ran his way over with Tum Tum much earlier to the poseidome. Setting his eyes on his Queen in chains put him through a rampage. Catching his Queen in chains , sent so many raging and fury nerves down his whole very , very long and furry spine. Catching sight of his Queen in chains , sent him in a rage. Getting a glimpse of his Queen in chains , sent him through a stony , loutish flashback of earlier family days when him and Con used to donnybrook very often over Tum Tum's safety. , and not communicate when either : himself , Con or Tim Tim lost track of which lion's turn is it , to look after Tum Tum during his cubhood days.
But Tum Tum's older , lion siblings during this family , time period , would not own up to their scheduled turns of looking after and protecting him , therefore , causing A-LOT of disagreements , a lot of arguing , a lot of fighting , forcing Touphy as the eldest sibling in the lion family , to take it upon himself to have to discipline , raise and keep his cousin Con and Tim Tim in check. But that would NEVER be easy , because Con would often hullabaloo with Touphy , feeling to himself as their cousin that sometimes , he has rights to look after and protect Tum Tum too. But more so between himself and Tim Tim , there was ALWAYS a problem. ALWAYS a difference of opinion , always a war , always a war of words , always testing each other's patience , always a game - or so it seemed and looked to Tim Tim - and always conflict goin' on when the lion family often had been left home alone. , and their mother always put Touphy in charge.
When Touphy would always not be thinking and would end up putting Tum Tum through viewing him fight cold and brutishly right in front of his furry , little face when the lion family is always home alone in their family , cat den. , while their mother was out of Sundaya participating in the Indenius pride's hunts in order to feed her lion family. If not that reason , Touphy , Tum Tum and Tim Tim's mother would travel far and wide ' out ' of Sundaya to find ' another ' cat den to safely live in. , during the time period where she was still married to Touphy's father , load of pants , hold sway over her , be litting , abusive and ruling signs of their marriage started to be seen through his father - and for Touphy to , at a gallop , notice in hindsight - and their mother noticeably wasn't long-faced in her marriage , but NEVER showed it to their father.
Touphy took A-LOT of consideration in the deal that he made with Tawny. If he won , he would take his Queen , marry his Queen , he would be temporary King of Sundaya until he finally turns out to be King of Sundaya in the making. , maybe to ' still ' be his Queen's royal guardian and protector for life and continue to make it his business to guard , protect and watch over his Queen , the royals kingdom , the royal grounds and royal territories with Tum Tum. If he won : '' 60 seconds '' with Tawny , Tawny would finally be exiled ' out ' of Sundaya again and he would be under royal order to never , ever return to Sundaya again. , and would also NEVER be a cat member of the Indenius pride too. Tuouphy took A-LOT of consideration in how much mess , cat madness , his ego and pride being tested on high alert , preeminence , having a cat eat at the palm of his paw , overthrowing and power that he's unwittingly getting himself into. Worse towards the part that anything that Touphy's involved in , here in Sundaya , so will Tum Tum and his Queen as well. Touphy took consideration into what ' really was ' Golden's whys and wherefores , Golden's prearrangement , on why had he ' finally ' decided to show up out of the poseidome just when he starts to head into the night and lead his Queen to sleep in his and Tum Tum's family den within his and Tum Tum's wide , huge territory. , offered by him for the night so his Queen won't have to deal with all of the stress and all of the night traveling it's going to take in order to reach her old , family den. Touphy didn't want Queen Destiny to lift a furry , pretty paw. He thought at the time when Golden came to pretend to have a decent , cat conversation with him , that his and Tum Tum's royal , family den aren't so very far away. And it's very , very convenient at the time when the Indenius pride went to hunt , for his Queen to rest up inside of his and Tum Tum's old , family den where it's safe , quiet , sound ... - even better - Touphy can be able to watch his Queen sleep without getting into a state and being so apprehensive of Queen Destiny all night. Till tonight , Touphy finds that he can't sleep , while sleeping with Tum Tum like every night.
Why did Golden ask him if his Queen agreed to his marriage proposal that already took place earlier at the poseidome ? , why did he needed to know this question coming from Golden ? , and what were Golden , Rosy , Scales and Trail's collision planning if he happened to '' stupidly '' , hand over a deeply asleep Queen Destiny right onto Golden's long , furry back. , and then take her only Kinny knows ' where ' either : within Sundaya's royal grounds and territories .. or even ' out ' of Sundaya ? If this happened , would Queen Destiny be gone : out of Sundaya by the next morning ? , and he .. is to blame ? And why did Rose want to touch Queen Destiny ? , well .. more like see how she is doing at the time that she was knocked out ? , did Rose want to take advantage of her ? , having so much fierce , lioness , intense , bad blood between them ? What was Golden , Scales and Trail's collision planning that night ' after ' the Indenius pride left ? Touphy believes that Golden , Rose , Scales and Trail's collision had ' definitely ' planned their timing and their moment to walk ' out ' of the poseidome once he was ready to take his Queen to safety for the night. , and for her to get a lot of much needed rest. Why did Golden want to confront him ? , why did Golden want to challenge him ? He isn't the enemy. Tawny is the enemy. Course , Touphy already knows that Golden knows that already , but why did this night , did Golden , decide to confront him ' right after ' he confronted Tawny earlier on ' after ' the cat raid started and Queen Destiny was just about to be lead in chains : all the way to the poseidome ? The question is : what would've Golden done to him , if he ' wasn't ' with Queen Destiny ? , maybe worse : if he decided to leave Tum Tum in charge to look , guard and protect Queen Destiny ? , would Tum Tum have gotten jumped if he was hunting with Tawny and all of the Indenius pride ? Should he tell his Queen once they have a talk together ? , or should he tell his favorite Tum Tum first ? The question ' still ' remains unanswered. Either way , Touphy knows very deep inside of his heart that he ' does ' need to tell his Queen and his favorite Tum Tum about his deal with Golden , his talk with Tawny back inside of the mysterious den , his deal with Tawny and bringing up the topic of maybe - just maybe - considering combining his , Tum Tum and Tawny's lion collisions back together again just like old , past times. , so that all lions can all reach their goals a lot quicker. , because they'll be helping each other , they'll have each other's furry backs and backing each other up. And , all lions would agree that Tawny would get Queen Destiny , as how this normally went back in his , Tum Tum and Tawny's old past as once very , very close , best , lion friends , dare you believe it. And slap yourself silly if you don't.
Touphy knew that his Queen didn't listen to him , back inside of the mysterious den when he warned her NOT .. to go near Tawny again. Fully aware , that his Queen is ' still going ' to see Tawny covertly , but .. he hates himself to know at the back of his furry , almighty head , that his Queen ' still does ' need to see Tawny for royal , kingdom purposes. Or , so that's the excuse that his Queen and Tawny always say , just so this can give them both a lot of time to talk , '' get even '' , make out , fool around , set-to , expostulate together , deny loving each other , in secret work out their relationship and marriage and do it all over again. Touphy wished that he could understand why is his Queen spending so much time with Tawny ? , if both royals are ALWAYS going back and forth , always making it known that their frenemies that just can't stand one another. , all because Moonlight and all of the other grown royals addressed them by royal birth to be wed and married right away one day once both royals grew up , passed a rite of passage , passed a series of cat drills , skills , strategies , tactics and once that's out of the way ; Moonlight and the grown royals will have a royal cat , private convention with Queen Destiny and Tawny. , to praise the young royals to the skies , speak highly of , sing the praises of , congratulate and welcome both of the young royals that they're now a part of the grown , royal circle and that they'll soon to be King and Queen of Sundaya in the making. , once Queen Lad La La and King Red have decided to pass their royal crowns over to Tawny and Queen Destiny. Which is what simply happened - through a short version - up to this point in the royals life to the royal , Sundaya years that went by as well.
Touphy keeps thinking about how Queen Destiny's long , furry , sexy , physical body language gets at her convenience with Tawny. He noticed from jump back at the mysterious den that his Queen .. NEVER .. acted that way when she is with him. So why with Tawny ? Touphy cudgels his brain even more deeply what were his Queen and Tawny talking about for ' so long ' inside of mysterious den ? What was ' so important ' .. that the young royals needed to talk about , with no cat present , inside of the mysterious den. In turn , interrupted their royal , pride gathering ? Something that NO royal in Sundaya ever does. Abundantly , it's outrageously out of the way and dis comfitting to him , to be sharply attentive to and .. want to further investigate to a limited extent about this. And where is his Queen's so called ex King Kip ? Hmm , offbeat. Ex King Kip hasn't showed up within their royal dinner , hasn't showed up forasmuch the day that he announced to the Indenius pride that he can't be Queen Destiny's King of Sundaya anymore. All because as much as he can't - and won't ' - admit the truth , the reason ' really is ' because he's weak and doesn't have a stronger stomach to handle Queen Destiny's cold , inhospitable and unfeeling past. And ex King Kip decided to end his royal reign with his Queen being just Queen of Sundaya , for over ten years now. Within those ten years , ex King Kip has changed. Ex King Kip has become a much better lion. He fights at the poseidome more , trying to get stronger , he starts to hang out with a crowd of cats that Queen Destiny and the Indenius pride has NEVER , seen him hang with before. Touphy guesses that his Queen and King Kip have been circumventing each other and splitting up away from each other within such a short time limit. It's patently clear that the royals need a lot of space , a lot of time to take in what's going on between them , here in Sundaya , as royals. A lot of time keeping one's head above water with loving and dating other cats outside of their royal relationship while ' still ' persist in loving each other. What's more is that , ex King Kip and Queen Destiny have been trying to work out what royal '' marriage '' both royals still have goin' on.
Ex King Kip's personality changed , as him and Queen Destiny had already exchanged views about , back in book one when Kip was testy of being the kind and nice lion that he was. , so he set his heart on sighing for a much more stronger , with a heart of stone and hard as a rock personality - alike from Queen Destiny - so that he could be noticed more , cared about more and other cats in the Indenius pride can stop be litting him and take him a lot more humorlessly. Ex King KIp has grown to be overly confident in himself , more sure of himself when speaking and A-LOT more sure of himself in his royal , decision making when it all comes down to talking through to considering the pros and cons of royal matters here in Sundaya with his Queen and the rest of the royals. Touphy knows one thing though , the old ex King Kip that the Indenius pride and that Queen Destiny ' used ' to know , is now gone .. and gone for so many personal reasons for good. , and ONLY .. if you ask ex King Kip yourself. Ex King Kip couldn't handle his old , sweet self anyway. He was inflamed of being lean on , upbraided , raped , hurt , abused , tortured , wishing the earth would swallow him up right in front of Queen Destiny and the whole Indenius pride , riled up of his Queen Destiny always coming right to his rescue every time she turns her furry , long back around. Made indignant , on every occasion seeming to have a phobia about lions like Tawny and Slyvien - Irediseatiess older brother - and when he felt so defenseless and open to attack. , that he would always plead with and appeal too and give other cats that chance , that say , to harm and bring hurt on him. ' More influence ' , more charge over him and more chances to have an advantage on him , have their way with him and let them treat him like a wimp , a wuss , a sissy , a jellyfish. Ex King KIp is different now , even deep inside his dark , neon green eyes are .. indifferent. Are : stone cold , a little sassy and unagitated , brand new version of him. Course he ' still has ' his good-hearted personality , a lot of niceness in him and all of the time , such cuteness in him , but King Kip rarely shows that anymore. Ex King Kip has ' after a long time ' crawled from out of his shell and after a long time , he has no reason to be shy anymore. In closing , he's proud of himself , every , furry part of him and when push comes to shove , he ' eventually ' saw himself ' exactly ' the positively strong way that Moonlight has seen in him ever since birth. Touphy - and the Indenius pride - ' could say ' : '' Where is Kip ? , no , no , I mean the old version of Kip ? '' and '' What ever happened to Kip ? , why did he change and who brought that influence on him ? '' Sure , all cats in the Indenius pride - and even Touphy - could all point their furry paws at Queen Destiny , but who even cares anyway ? It ain't about any cat in the pride and sure definitely don't have ' anything ' to do with Touphy right now , at this present time.
It's WORSE .. that ex King Kip , isn't the lion that the Indenius pride - and Touphy - had always been used to not seeing , not noticed , not caring or even paying any attention to. Now it's like , throughout the royal period that crown laid onto ex King Kip's substantial , furry head , it was over. That was that. It's a wrap. Ex King Kip owned power , owned paramount , owned quashing cats in the Indenius pride , owned overruling cats , owned strength , owned royal order and owned bossy rights. Through and by the ten years of his royal reign with Queen Destiny , Ex King Kip has NEVER .. had any of this , coming from a dirty poor and a lower class , royal servant to Queen Destiny ' before ' .. he was King of Sundaya. Here and now that ex King Kip has all of these character traits - more like royal , kingly powers as King of Sundaya - all of these new cat character traits had boosted up and increased what ego and pride that ex King Kip maybe deep inside of him had , but .. as I said to you before in the inception of book one , Kip .. had NEVER been .. the kind of lion .. that had ' any ego ' or ' any pride. ' Originating the genesis of book one , Ex King Kip without fail had been proudly cute , proudly humble and .. perfectly okay with being seen in the background. , while always letting his Queen Destiny have all of the spotlight. And because of Kip having no ego and no pride , this is ' exactly ' at least , a couple of reasons why .. Ex King Kip stood out ' sooo much ' from the Indenius pride and from all of the other cats in the pride as well. Ex King Kip was assumed to be .. '' not normal '' or .. '' not a cat '' , because he didn't have a hell of an attitude like A-LOT of cats in the Indenius pride did -- even the nicest and most friendliest cats in Sundaya have nasty , NASTY attitudes secretly and you couldn't even tell because their furry appearances looked so nice , even the cubs lookin' even frisky , but with lots of sass , nerve , so much edge and are ALWAYS pushing their lucks. Wanting to roll with the adults and can't wait to grow up fast as cats so that they can be able to go anywhere they want , face danger , have a thrill and ' still ' be a powerful , royal cat in the pride. - Also because King Kip , just didn't appear to have an insufferable aura to him , like ALL cats did in the Indenius pride , where each cat always has their very own way of throwing their weight around and ' still ' looking flawlessly good while doin' it. What did King Kip have ? , mmh ? , nothing. Nothing special at all to him. , but his feisty ness - as well as other sides of him - that he is always so good at hiding , invariably did make cats in the Indenius pride look at him differently and have a furry , curved smile on their face that made cats in the Indenius pride judge him differently and misjudge him.
Now all of these Sundaya years go by , and look at ex King KIp now. Having one hell of an attitude , but is now the new and improved , sassy version of him. But still got his cute ness , still is nice , sweet , day in and day out helpful and kind , but he finally got a wide ego and a wide pride of his own. Growing ' really fast ' through these ten years , to be filled with himself , to know his self worth as a lion and to know that he's the kind of lion that deserves nothing but the best. , and that he should NEVER settle for second rate or settle for far least than what he deserves. In the mid moment of the ten years before , when the : '' Kings ; only Kings '' , lion competition came , ex King Kip lacked A-LOT of confidence in him , his well being specifically , as a lion and it goes without saying that either : ex King Kip needed a personality change , get into a strong , positive and inspiration intervention with Moonlight - where he'll spend a lot of time with you testing you for weeks , no matter how long it takes , ' until ' you start to see yourself the way that he wants you to see yourself and you grow through the cat experience to be more powerful , stronger and at your confident , best self more than ever - start loving himself more or get under the sassy and hard as a rock influence of Queen Destiny. Explaining throughout their friendship , amazingly , King Kip visually picked up on A-LOT of Queen Destiny's sassy and rude mannerisms that makes a cat have a heck of a : '' Don't mess with me '' attitude.
Touphy ' hasn't ' seen ex King Kip at all , in Sundaya and .. neither has his Queen - come to think of it ? - neither has Tawny , neither has the royals : Daunnie , Sir Antevill and Ioan , not even Solo more , Tum Tum ... - Touphy could ask ' any cat ' this midnight time if they have seen ex King Kip anywhere and they would either : shake their furry heads '' no '' or would say : '' Not since he told us all that he's no longer going to be King of Sundaya. , and now the King of Sundaya throne .. is now empty. '' But where could ex King Kip be though ? , out at : '' The Bad Pits of Uprising ? '' , like that happened over ten years ago ? , hopefully not because , him and his Queen ' barely ' escaped and made it out of Uprising with their furry lives. With Sundaya's royal reinforcements trapping them in the end and then they were driven into a corner together. , and both were safely escorted back to Sundaya. But not as nice as it all sounds , because ex King Kip , was going to be chained up all over again. For Kinny knows ' how long. '
Probably ' round one or two in the morning ,
Up close , we could all see Touphy's dark blue , iceberg , furry eyes move on to droop down more convincingly. More , more , more , more and ' more ' persuading , pegging , furry droops , of his eyes continue to repeatedly open , then close , open , then close. Touphy would keep on fighting determinedly to stay awake , to continue to look after his Queen , continue to protect his Queen , until she wakes up. , then decide to sleep for the rest of today as he now plans to want to do this in his furry head. But this fight between .. staying awake , opening up his furry , dark blue eyelids against the furry bags that ' could be ' dragged upon both sides of his left and right , furry , dark blue , iceberg eye , Touphy is losing this fight very , very badly , even though he already knows this too. Sleep and exhaustion are so quickly and so , so easily are winning this fight alluringly. Like sleep and exhaustion are trying to seduce Touphy into giving up this fight and just fall asleep for the night already. As if sleep and exhaustion would say in a low , but soft , whispery , innocent , seducing voice : '' Go to sleep Touphy. You've already done a job well done looking after , protecting and guarding your beautiful Queen of Sundaya. She's already asleep. Well , you know you can't be stayin' up this late like this at all. You know you need sleep. Pleasse ,, shut your eyes for me , just this once. How ' bout just for a little bit ? , you'll be glad that you did. You need your rest too you know ... who's says while guarding the Queen that you couldn't sleep or .. it wouldn't be right for you to fall asleep ? ' As if ! ' , any cat is going to come and catnap the Queen. Every cat in the pride's asleep ! Shouldn't you be too ? ''
And just like that , Touphy's big , furry , heavy head quickly hits the dirt , stone , cold ground. But alike from his Queen and the cats in the pride , he can't feel just how very cold the stone , dirt ground within this wide , roomy den belonging to Touphy's family is because his fur seems to be warming up the stone , dirt ground up. Well , just the spot that he's laying in near by his Queen right now. All we could see are Touphy's big , up close , furry , dark blue , iceberg eyes drooping down through lack of sleep one more time and then no more. All we can see now is slowly , blinking , darkness. Then we could hear very light and faint snores belonging to Touphy.
Inside of Irediseatiess own , lion den ,
Through the wide , stone wall in front of Irediseatiess own , lion den and needing to slide under another , half cut , stone wall five inches ahead of the stone wall in front of the entrance of Irediseatiess own , lion den ; there is a lion's , nocturnal , shiny eye blinking view in motion and in action , crept walking down two , very well , stone carved steps then walking between a very skinny piece of stone , dirt ground up and down , then walks up another two , very well , stone carved steps ahead. Hopping through a beautiful , brave , ferocious as a lion should be , perfectly craved and made of stone lion's head. , specifically hopping through it's stone mouth and teeth sticking out from the upper and lower rows of the made of out stone lion's mouth. , flawlessly hopping through what spacing their was between the lion's mouth perfectly. Landing onto a stone , perfectly carved to smoothness step. Simply , letting itself inside of Irediseatiess wide , beautiful by stone made , lion den of his own. With the help of the moonlight shining through the half cut , stone wall causing the light to bounce onto the stone , cold , dirt ground and finally through the made of stone , lion's mouth , to the left of us , we could already see a very , very low , very fancy row of perfectly carved , very well made of out stone , to smoothness , flight of steps without a banister. Very wide , long and very spacious row of steps that you're now taking your sweet time walking down each step as you reach lower and lower. To the very , very right side of Irediseatiess own , lion den , this view inside of the den is extremely dark and extremely hard to see what's on the other side of Irediseatiess lion den.
You ' could assume ' that it's probably another perfectly craved , very well made to smoothness , very fancy , flight of stairs , maybe. It's extremely hard to see , even if from a lion's view , we could ' still ' make out plain , empty darkness. Finally coming down the flight of stone , wide , smooth stairs , finally bringin' us back to ex King Kip's mysterious , disappearing , royal who , what and where about in Sundaya , lays ex King Kip's long , furry , royal , in perfect health , strong figure. As if we all wanted to see ex King Kip so badly and bombard him with so many questions as to : why did you give up your royal crown and royal throne as King of Sundaya ? , is that what you wanted ? , haven't you always wanted to be King of Sundaya ? , haven't you always wanted Queen Destiny , now that you're a royal ? , shouldn't you be with your Queen right now ? , instead of away from the pride and completely ' away ' from every cat else ? , why are you in your life long , best friend : Irediseatiess own , lion den in here , unannounced and not welcomed by Irediseatiess himself ? where have you been ? , what about having a family with Queen Destiny ? , what about all of your royal beliefs and being a royal idealist in the making , return to make a change here in Sundaya , so that Tawny couldn't rule Sundaya with Queen Destiny ? , shouldn't you .. be the reason why .. that Tawny ' isn't ' ever , going to be the very first King of Sundaya ? , what are you doing here ?
; ex King Kip is already fast asleep. Because he walked out on the Indenius pride next to the white fenced beyond hyena territory , because he walked out on the royals : Tawny , Sir Antevill , Ioan , Daunnie and cheifly Queen Destiny. , because he also walked out on royal servants : Dan tient tant and other royal servants during his and Queen Destiny's royal reign. , because ex King Kip turned his royal , furry back on royal guards : Touphy and Tum Tum ; what a day that ex King Kip had once he did that ! Just when he walked ' out ' .. getting to the area near : '' Hills and Splivilles '' where so much green bushes and a tree , grassy area lay very near by an under wraps , busy shortcut that lead straight to : '' Hills and Spilvillies '' , ex King Kip came to a decision that he ' really , really , really ' .. needed to get away from it all. Away from the heated disputation that he had with Queen Destiny. , to the hill discountenanced her right in front of her royal guards and protectors of Sundaya : Touphy and Tum Tum and in front of the royals while they all were chatting about the royal , very important matters of Sundaya during their royal consultation. , then out of the air , he storms right out on her with very good reason ' without ' .. even giving Queen Destiny the chance to be prepared for any of this. Away from ten , happy , very strong and improving years of him truly being a King of Sundaya in the making. , keeping his word on everything and anything that he said that he would do and change as an idealist and as a royal servant ten years ago. , ready to make the Indenius pride more safer , more stronger , create a tough , strong and surviving cub generation , but ' still hadn't ' created a cub family of his own with Queen Destiny. Away from Tawny who ' still ' loves him , but isn't really setting his sets on him - not yet , at least so ex King Kip assumes to finally have a break and some freedom ' away ' from Tawny - away from the royals , away from Solo more , but hates himself for NOT .. keeping his word with Queen Destiny about looking after and protecting Solo more like both royals agreed when the male cub : going by the name of Solo more , followed his Queen of Sundaya home. , and she decided to make a solo , buffalo hunt and ' almost ' got cornered and ' almost ' .. got trampled.
Ex King Kip ' already knows ' that he's not running away from his problems. He's not ' trying ' to run away from his problems. Ex King Kip is in the know about , once he comes back from - what appears to be a '' royal break '' of his own to forbear from royal stress -- '' getting away '' from any royal duties , his life and handling his business as a royal and as King of Sundaya ; ex King Kip is going to need to have a one on one , furry , face encounter with Queen Destiny , the Indenius pride and .. even needing to step up as King of Sundaya and boldly confront Golden , Rose , Scales and Trail's collision. He's missed out on almost A-LOT , of what's been goin' on here , in Sundaya. But maybe it's a good thing that he didn't go the poseidome to find that his Queen is in chains , had been catnapped by Golden and was taken all the way to the poseidome. , where Golden , Rose , Scales and Trail's collision will discuss R and his older brother's master plan and proposals and he , as King , King of Sundaya .. has so much royal power to forwith stop Golden , Rose , Scales and Trail's collision right then and there. But ex King Kip is ' still ' in the know about , cannot give himself the thumbs up to isolate himself away from his royal , now changed life as a royal and as King of Sundaya , he can't isolate himself away from Sundaya , away from his Queen Destiny , away from Solo more , away from unforgiving threats like Tawny , away from the cat world. Ex King Kip is well up on that he can-not live this way , he can-not - and is not supposed to - live like this. He's supposed to be stickin' it out with the Indenius pride. , at least having the decency to show up at the pride's big , giraffe dinner. , that he was in no mood at all , during this morning hour , that he isn't hungry.
So he says. Ex King Kip knows that .. he's going to be using Irediseatiess own , lion den as just a little , top secret , privately owned , '' borrowed '' , cat hide out - he thought that Irediseatiess wouldn't mind - just until he is able to think straight , just until he's had plenty enough space away from Queen Destiny , just until he knows in the mid of their royal , ten year relationship and ten year , once strong but isn't , royal marriage ex King Kip has been dealing with loving not only Queen Destiny , but starting to love , miss and yearn for Irediseatiess to return right back to Sundaya more. Just until he catches up with himself and his recent actions as in : his recent , closure , cat actions of stealthily seeing Irediseatiess behind Queen Destiny's back , then when Irediseatiess brought up the topic of wanting to take him back for himself , both lions got into a ' huge run-in ' and Irediseatiess felt like he had to leave Sundaya. , just to clear his mind , be resistant to getting outraged with ex King Kip and beyond any doubt .. needing A-LOT of space away from each other. , in the same royal period in time of his and Queen Destiny's royal reign. Additionally , Queen Destiny and Tawny at one and at the same quietly been '' getting even '' in their approaching marriage and royal relationship. ... - It's NOT cheating on each other seeing that Queen Destiny had already been ' conversant with ' this ten years ago. , besides this fact ex King Kip had already admitted to her that he loved Irediseatiess ' after ' he confessed his love for her when she rescued him at : '' The Bad Pits of Uprising, '' Queen Destiny had to deal with it right after ex King Kip had made a final decision to choose for himself first : to love her over Irediseatiess. Way passed the truth that Queen Destiny ' keeps on ' admitting to ex King Kip that she doesn't love Tawny , behind the scenes : ex King Kip is ' already ' conscious of .. his Queen not telling him the whole , full truth. - Exactly what made Irediseatiess so , so incensed with ex King Kip , that explains perfectly why he left Sundaya predominantly because of him , just to clear his head and would ' ONLY ' come back , until he's ready to sit happily and easily with ex King Kip again. When you get right now to it , just until the cat drama stops , the back and forth stops , '' getting even '' , getting closure stops , building secret relationships come to an end , secret affairs break apart , sex complicating things between cats , cat trouble and the Indenius pride being in danger , till the heat coming from King Kip's royal life as King of Sundaya dies out ; ex King Kip will finally come out of hiding away inside of Irediseatiess own , lion den and start adjusting and balancing out in his royal life again.
Until then - and only then - for now , for just this moment , for just this second , for this short time period spending more time than he expected to , here , inside of Irediseatiess own , lion den ; ex King Kip is going to stay here until the heat , drama , fighting , competition , adrenaline , pressure , ego and pride being tested dies out in his royal life. , till he's ready to confront everything and anything ' another ' , fresh , Sundaya day -- all on his own. Ex King Kip is sleeping right behind the perfectly , stone carved , flight of steps behind three steps. , laying on the right , furry , long side of his body. His furry , big , royal head laid onto the cold , stone , dirt ground. His left , furry paw curled in his sleep and his right , furry arm/paw is stretched out from behind his furry , big , crown wearing head. In view of the fact that Irediseatiess became extremely incensed with him in their previous disputation that both lions last had in Sundaya together , in the last couple of weeks , ex King Kip has been having one dream after another after another after another after another , about himself and Irediseatiess being together. Up to the furry point of himself and Irediseatiess last , non public meet up , ex King Kip can't stop thinking about Irediseatiess. Ex King KIp can't stop thinking about all of their uninterrupted , undisclosed , furry meets up back to back to back. Ex King Kip can't stop thinking of the precious , innocent , gentle and sensual way that Irediseatiess always snout kisses him. Ex King Kip can't stop thinking about how hedonistic , voluntary , passionate , seducing , sexually arousing and exorbitantly exciting way that Irediseatiess touches him. Ex King Kip can't stop thinking about how tempting and attractively luring Irediseatiess voice always sounds when he always spoke to him alone here , in his own lion den , the one den that he's sleeping in now.
Ex King Kip can't stop thinking about how much his furry , royal mind NEVER crossed Queen Destiny not even once , her name NEVER even came up , and just how much his furry , royal mind made ever-so much room for Irediseatiess. Ex King Kip can't stop thinking about how all he wanted in this royal , time period of his life , is Irediseatiess. Ex King Kip can't stop thinking about how very little his love for Queen Destiny is starting to go through the floor. , and how wide his love for Irediseatiess shot up. Ex King Kip can't stop thinking about how in love , how real , how true , how sexy , how exciting and how .. toe curling .. Irediseatiess has made him feel. Ex King Kip can't stop thinking about everything that Irediseatiess said to him before he left Sundaya by dint of him , to clear his mind , by use of giving Irediseatiess enough space and spare time to figure out what cat he wants in his royal life , what cat he wants to spend the rest of his royal life with , what cat he wants to love , honor , respect , to hold and to come to every day and every night. What cat he wants to make love to and what cat he wants , to give him love.
Irediseatiess : '' I .. am ' tired ' of this back and forth with you Kip ! , I LOVE YOU ! , and I want to be with you. I want to commit to you , to us ! , and to spend the rest of my life with you. You can't want to love me secretly on the side and ' then ' go runnin' back off to Queen Desi ! It's either you're willing to love me and be with me , or you're willing to love and be with her. Kip , you gotta stop playin' these back and forth , cat games with me ! I'm committed to you , willing to be with you and spend all of my time being with you. It's not fair that you're not willing to work us out , if you keep goin' back to me and then Desi , me and Desi , me and Desi. I know you love me too Kip , I know you do. , ''
Ex King Kip could hear Irediseatiess incensed and irate voice inside of his furry , kingly head right now. Into the bargain , he could hear his own heartening and patient voice. Fighting on his last breath and with his last , heart pumping pulse to get Irediseatiess to stay with. To not walk out on him and leave him all alone , right inside the confines of his own , lion den. To not walk out on us , on their relationship and what they have.
Irediseatiess : '' You can't keep sabotaging and denying what we have together. We're in a real relationship right now ! If you're not ready for this and you're not ready to commit to me and only me , then we shouldn't be together anymore. Why are we even together ? , we're NOT a cat couple if it's supposed to be just you and I. I can't keep goin' behind Queen Desi like this. It's just not right and it's just not healthy for your royal relationship and when you two are finally ready to tie the knot. I can't take this anymore. I love you Kip , and I want you. But you ! , you have to want this with me too , you have to want us and be willing to either end things with Desi and ' quit ' thinkin' that it's going to be permanent between you two and just be with me until I ask you to marry me. ''
Kip : '' But I ' do ' want to be with you Iredise , I do ! I love you so much more .. than anything else in this world. You are my best-est friend .. and I don't want to end us. I don't want to leave us and I don't want us to end this way. You know that I'm trying so hard to be with you but the timing is com-pletely off when I decided to be with Desi the same time that I wanted to be with you. I just can't break things off with her. It's just not that easy Iredise. She loves me , and I still love her. I'm ' still ' in love with her. ''
Irediseatiess : '' And .. where exactly .. do ' I fit ' .. all up in this Kip , hmm ? Where ? ! It just sounds like you want to be with two cats all at the same time. Well I ' don't want ' that kind of relationship Kip ! , but you already knew that. I want you alone , with me. Taken by me , touched , loved and held by me. I want to be with you , but I can't be the only one wanting this out of us two. ''
Kip : ( unsmiling and taxing ) '' What about waiting a whole , cat lifetime for me ? , huh ? ! You ALWAYS told me that ever since we were cubs ! , what , you're trying to tell me that you're not willing to wait for me anymore ? You're not even willing to stick around with me ' until ' .. I settle my royal relationship with Desi these pass seven to eight years ? ! I thought you loved me. But I guess I was wrong. ''
Ex King Kip remembers himself walking out on Irediseatiess out of his own , lion den. , like an arrow from a bow running and hopping up the perfectly stone , carved , smooth , flight of steps onto his long , furry fours. To stop Kip from walking out on him , Irediseatiess takes a short cut at a fast speed taking a perfect hop up a couple of stone stairs that are exactly three steps ahead of Kip. , just as Kip stops hopping up more few , stone steps ahead of him. His way being blocked in all respects by Irediseatiess.
Irediseatiess takes Kip's right , furry paw.
Irediseatiess : '' No Kip ! , quit always running away from me , anytime we have dissensions or divisions. We're going to have a lot of falling-outs and contretemps as a couple. And just like every other cat couple in Sundaya out there - whether in the boyfriend and girlfriend stage newly , cat weds or being married for years - we're ' going ' to have to meet back up with each other again , talk it out and work it out ! No cat said '' us '' , was going to be easy Kip. Stop always trying to take the easy way out ! , and the next time you run away from me like this again , I'm going to come runnin' back for you. ''
Kip : '' I'm not running I ! , ' quit ' saying that ! ''
Irediseatiess : '' Oh yes you are Kip. You do it all the time. See ? , you've been doin' that since we were cubs. , whenever we fought as friends. Look Kip , ob-viously .. I meant what I said about waiting for you for a whole , cat lifetime. Even since we were cubs. Please , don't get that twisted and don't get me wrong for saying that. But I love you Kip , and you need to give me more time to prove that to you. You need to be willing to be with me , stay in this relationship with me and be with no cat else here in Sundaya , ' unless ' it's me. It's not right for me to be committing to us , putting so much time and energy for us , when you keep goin' back and forth to me and Desi. , ''
Kip : * soft , thoughtful sighs *
Irediseatiess : '' Kip , there's NEVER .. any .. easy way to say this. , and NEVER .. any easy way to tell you this , I don't want to make you choose between me and Desi , but one of these days Kip ; you're gonna have to. I'll try to hold a lot of interdict and wait for you as many times as I possibly can. But I am NOT .. going to wait forever for you. Forever is a ' very long ' time Kip , and .. if I'm going to love you .. until forever , I need to let you to come to me , when you're good and ready. All on your own. I can't keep coming to you like this , when you already have eyes for Desi and your attention is on Desi and then you come back to me , ready to give me the same. This back and forth that you're doing , ' isn't ' right for the both of us. This is wrong , and you know that. ''
Kip : '' But , Desi and I are ' finally ' serious together. ''
Irediseatiess : '' NOT how serious you and I are together. - Oh ? , and ' how serious ' exactly , are you two ? ''
Kip : '' Well ... I-I don't know if I'm comfortable answering that , Iredise. ' Please ' don't go there , right now. ''
Irediseatiess : '' Too late. , and I'm ' only ' going in this direction of our discord , because I'm trying to make a point here. You two are sexually intimate ? , are you two still having sex ? , or has the sex stopped and you stopped givin' it to Desi. ''
Kip : * blushing extremely red right in front of Irediseatiess * '' Iredise , I know that we're ' extremely ' .. close and .. natural .. like that with each other , but I can't talk about anything that's happening in Desi and I's royal relationship. That's an invasion our privacy and she'll never be able to trust me like that ever again. She'll start to wonder if I'm the kind of mate for her that goes around telling my best-est lion friends - like you - my business with Desi. ''
Irediseatiess : * gives Kip a suggestive and slinky , furry look * '' NOT when you secretly , ' really ' .. want to be with me , you will ... ''
Kip : ( speaking quietly and self doubting ) '' I-It's been a long time since w-we've been sexually i-intimate together. , a-and we-we haven't .. had sex in a very long time. ''
Irediseatiess walks up a little closer to Kip. , still standing onto his long , furry two's in front of Kip.
Irediseatiess : ( continues to speak in his racy and tempting voice ) '' Yet when you're with me , I give it to you in more , sexual , sexy ways .. than Queen Desi could. You are , pretty loud when I'm givin' it to you and can ' still ' get it. You said my name over sixteen times. I think the last time we've had sex , you said my name over seventeen times. Must be a new record. ''
Irediseatiess smirks more luring at Kip. , making Kip flushing wholly more redder. His big , red heart skips wild , crazy fast beats through his furry , fit chest. His deep , dark , neon green eyes gaze ravishing at Irediseatiess , but Irediseatiess could still see the hesitation , the fighting , the self control and impede that Kip is trying to hold onto. , that way he doesn't give in secretly to the sexual , enrapturing , loving temptation of Irediseatiess.
Though still stuttering a little here and there , Kip tries to slowly and self-controlled talk to Irediseatiess. Against the atmosphere in his lion den that's just temptingly heating , that's exciting , that's passionate , that's HOT , that's intense , that's utterly persuading both lions to do to one another , what they've been secretly meaning to do. Calling this a : '' sex bringing '' atmosphere would be an understatement.
Kip : '' Y-Yes Iredise , the with you , has been amazing. But Desi and I haven't had sex because of royal business and matters here , in Sundaya. We could NEVER be alone. As royals , we NEVER .. get any privacy. ''
Irediseatiess : '' Let's not change the subject Kip. I .. can give you ' anything ' .. that you want. I can give you love. I .. can give it to you. I .. can ' still ' get it and make you beg , cry , plead , keep coming to me and keep callin' my name for more. I would never cheat on you , hurt you , make you cry or do anything .. that would make you feel uncomfortable. I love you so much with my life Kip. With all of my heart and all of my soul. , ''
Irediseatiess : '' You know me. Don't you Kip ? ''
Kip : '' Y-Y... - ? ''
Before Kip can react and try to get words to come right out of his furry , big snout , Irediseatiess at breakneck speed leans forward to kiss Kip into a very hungry , a little hesitant and needy - for Kip's part - sexy and passionate snout kiss that now sends Kip sexual , hot shivers down his long spine. Kip can hear himself moaning steamy and sexually stimulating. While both lions start to tilt their big , furry heads in opposite directions to deepen their furry , lascivious snout kiss , Kip could hear himself add more moans and groans libidinous to Irediseatiess. A prurient , furry smirk , Iredisatiess widens his furry smirk at Kip while he takes Kip's concupiscent , soft moans and groans to prurient his next move to pull Kip's long , furry , fit , on furry two's body. , smashing his furry , fit body against his furry , build , tough body.
Sexually aroused by Irediseatiess , Kip starts to feet himself get really , really , really , really hard , down there , down south at his furry , very long , grand , lion hood. His grand , very hard , lion hood already poked out into a very , very long and straight line to Irediseatiess furry , lion hood area. Explaining when Irediseatiess had smashed his furry , long body to his furry , long body , the friction , rubbing , stroking and feeling the soft , welcoming texture of Irediseatiess fur , is what caused Kip's concupiscent , soft moans and groans at the start. Deciding to take this even further , Irediseatiess - like a mile a minute - picks Kip up without much further , hesitating or deciding thought and walks his way to a close by , stone wall next to the perfectly stone , smoothed carved , flight of steps that both lions were still snout kissing and standing on.
Kip could feel the shivering touch against the perfectly , stone carved wall : furry , long back making contact first. His long , furry , hind legs wrapped greedily ' round both of Irediseatiess furry sides to his long , furry arms/paws needy wrapped around Irediseatiess furry neck. Irediseatiess , bowled over in the middle of Kip's long , furry , sexually exposed figure ; Irediseatiess fast and furiously acts on giving Kip all of the missed love , admiration , desire , want and need in sexually intimacy - and mostly sex - that he doubtlessly already has been needing , wanting , asking , begging for and the chances are missing out on between his and Queen Destiny's royal relationship. Holding Kip's girlish , soft , soft fur that he can always run his paws through hips , Irediseatiess is able to hold and balance Kip against the perfectly stone , carved wall so that he won't lean or get hurt. Impatiently and dominantly , Irediseatiess attacks Kip with hard , hard , mean bites and nibbles deep inside the middle part of Kip's right , furry neck. So hard and mean enough that Kip moans more in pleasure for Irediseatiess ear-splittingly in sexual persuasion. Deep inside Kip's furry mind right now , Kip knows that .. by the time he's done doing this with Irediseatiess , he's going to wake up to huge , black , tiny holed , bite marks : more love hickeys to come. , claiming their brand new place onto the right side of his furry neck.
Iredisatiess snarls a bit loudly in joining pleasure and persuasion with Kip , feeling their very long , furry , very hard and straight lion hoods brushing up against one another. Trying to get well acquainted , trying to meet up again and trying to smash into each other's lion , furry , manly openings again. , like many , taciturn , seduction , private times before. But this time , both lions furry , sexual arousal meet again right now , as if for the first time. As if getting bored of this furry place on Kip's long , furry body , Irediseatiess lickety-split moves to the middle part of Kip's furry neck. Still tilting his big , furry head to his right , he starts to lick and naughtily nibbling the middle part of Kip's long , furry neck. Kip throws his big , furry head in sexual exultation as if Irediseatiess just found his furry prostate and pounded his furry prostate animalistic more than six to ten times. Kip lets out a loud , needy , sex craving snarl at Irediseatiess as he feels his very hard and very sexually excited , furry member tease his furry , hairy entrance. , by circling around his furry , hairy entrance and keeps on touching the tip of his furry , hairy entrance. His furry , lion member leaking with semen and precum just as much as Irediseatiess furry , lion member is. Staring to drip like light rain onto the perfectly stone , curved step that both lions are standing on.
Kip : ( says softly , talking dirty ) '' Please put it in me long , hard and deep. , * panting sexually * you know how I like it. ''
His furry cheeks still totally flushed in redness as he says this to Irediseatiess. Normally when the lions are all alone , Kip is comfortable and confident talking dirty and naughty to Irediseatiess. , and Irediseatiess loves it. Loving to always tease Kip too.
A dirty , transfix smile now , Irediseatiess stops licking and nibbling the middle part of Kip's furry neck passed his furry chin , just listened to Kip tell him this softly. He in a rush looks seductively at Kip just as he puts his furry , big head down to stare at Irediseatiess sex hungry , furry , colored eyes. Irediseatiess chooses not to say anything yet. He shuts Kip up with a randy , furry , hard , snout kiss while still teasing Kip. Using his very hard , lion hood to rub against Kip's long , furry member and entrance. Now he starts to hump against Kip's long , furry body feeling his very long , hard lion hood ache to be entered into Kip and entered right now. After a five minute , very hard and long snout kiss , Kip crashes his big , furry forehead against Irediseatiess big , furry forehead. Both lions still panting venereal and a little loudly.
Irediseatiess : '' Then beg for it Kip. , you know I love it when you do that. ''
Kip : '' Iredise , * impatient , having gone on the wrong side of the bed sighs * you know I HATE it .. when you do this. Stop playing games. ''
Irediseatiess : '' Beg .. for it. Or do you want me to stop and put you down. ''
Kip could feel himself being lowered down by Irediseatiess. Feeling his long , furry , hind legs start to slip off from Irediseatiess left and right , furry sides. Kip precipitately surrenders to Irediseatiess , as always , when Irediseatiess puts this teasing and surrender game on him.
Kip : '' No , no , no I , I don't want you to stop. * his carnal pants starts to slow down a little bit * I don't want you to stop. * Irediseatiess picks Kip up again , just to allow Kip to re place his long , furry , hind legs around Irediseatiess left and right sides again * If I beg , can we have more sex again ? ''
Irediseatiess : '' Of course. My demands and commands are fair. You know the rules. Now beg for me first. ''
Kip : ( says quietly ) '' I want it. ''
Irediseatiess : '' Louder. ''
Kip : ( speaks normal toned ) '' I want it. ''
Irediseatiess : '' More louder. ''
Kip : ( raises his voice a loud ) '' I want it I ! , please ! , give it to me ! I need you , I need you , I need you ! Oh Kinny , I want you ' so bad ! ' No cat can have sex with me the way you do. Now put it in me ! ''
Irediseatiess watches closely at Kip's furry , facial expression. The once flushed or totally red blushing cheeks of his , now return to their golden color. Irediseatiess notes the sexed up scintillates deep inside of Kip's deep , dark , neon green eyes. Irediseatiess could feel Kip's turned on , horny , long , furry body against his long , furry body. Irediseatiess gives Kip a squirrelly , furry look and then teases Kip in this same , old way that for some time now , both lions have on the quiet been together and '' getting even '' , Kip starts to get tired of Irediseatiess doing this to him.
Irediseatiess stops touching Kip. Irediseatiess gently puts Kip down , back onto his long , furry two's. Feeling Irediseatiess lower down to grant Kip the right to gently un wrap his long , furry , hind legs from both of his furry , left and right sides. As always , Irediseatiess has ' already ' .. gotten used to Kip's behavior when he stops touching him , stops being sexually intimate with him or even stops in the middle of having sex with him. These couple of ways that Irediseatiess teases Kip. Kip starts to adjure whimper and groan a bit softly for Irediseatiess. Irediseatiess listens , but turns his long , furry back on Kip. Leaving Kip standing close by the perfectly carved , stone wall alone. , observing Irediseatiess start to walk away from him up a couple of more stone steps , but still a little way off from as if .. leaving his own , lion den.
Picking out Irediseatiess tease him , seduce him and walk out on him in this tempting , solicit way , this always makes Kip fluster verbally , but brutally , uncaring , unmoved and hard hearted. Kip hates it when Irediseatiess does this to him , because he feels that Irediseatiess is just playing with his feelings. Kip knows .. that Irediseatiess has wanted him and been crazy for him in private , for years , starting from cubhood , but Kip hates it .. when Irediseatiess pretends to stop loving him up , snout kissing him up , feeling him up , being sexually intimate with him , in confidence having sex with him just to '' get even '' with each other and make him feel like Irediseatiess ' doesn't ' want him anymore.
Kip : ( raises his voice aloud in a flustered , uncharitable state ) '' ' Why ' do you always do this I. Make me surrender to you , tease me , ' play ' with my feelings and emotions ... - when you know that I ' HATE IT ' .. when you always act this way ? ! I love you ! , there ! , I said it ! , but you already knew that ' long ago ' since we were cubs. , ''
Irediseatiess stops walking up more perfectly stoned and carved steps. Still onto his long , furry two's , he puts his furry , decent sized head down then sighs lovingly in thought of Kip. In thought of the on and off , Kip going off behind his back , secretive , cat affair situation that they've been going through now. , in the very middle of ex King Kip's royal , kingly reign. When Irediseatiess doesn't answer him , Kip like a shot walks up the perfectly stoned and carved steps , also onto his long , furry two's in a heated snarl willingly grabbing for Irediseatiess left , furry paw.
Kip : '' I will NEVER even .. ' know why ' .. you waited so long throughout our friendship , just for me to tell you that I love you so very much too. Otherwise , I would've already told you that I wasn't feelin' you in the beginning. I do love you , I do want you I. I want you ' SOO BAD ' .. and you know that. , ''
In a fit of bad humor , Irediseatiess turns his decent sized , furry head to look madly vexed at Kip.
Irediseatiess : ( raises his voice aloud , madly vexed up ) '' Making a point Kip ! , * he says as he quickly throws his left , furry paw out of Kip's comforting , soft , left , furry paw * getting you to ' see ' .. what the ' HELL ' you'll be missin' from me , when I always see you ' LEAVE ' my den , ' GO ' runnin' back to Queen Des-tiny and then ' COME ' back for me , whenever ' you ' want to ! , ''
Kip places his left , furry paw onto his left , furry hip shamelessly.
Irediseatiess : '' I'm madly in love with you Kip and ' I .. WANT .. YOU ! ' And I am ' going ' .. to get you. I can't take you coming in here with me , we '' get even '' , get it on , get romantic and you bring your sexually naughty self in here , to seduce me and entice me into loving you up and givin' it to your body , that I ' CAN'T TAKE ' the decoy , the invitation , the attractiveness , the seduction , the allurement , your siren song anymore ! If you're going to come in this den with me again , I'm ' GOING ' to tell you for the ' LAST .. TIME ' : you ' better be ' mine. No cat else ! , but MINE ! , you love me Kip ? ! ''
Emotionally hurt , inconveniencing himself , 'fraid to lose Irediseatiess and steamed tears start to well up at the left and right , furry corners of Kip's deep , dark , neon green eyes. This heated moment between Kip and Irediseatiess already started to get all yelling , loud , snappish , snappy and emotional. Kip before you can say knife hugs Irediseatiess torrid from behind. , as he at once proves his kissy , enamor , true love for his best friend Irediseatiess by snout kissing the right , furry side of his neck. Kip could feel Irediseatiess furry arms/paws place themselves onto Kip's long , furry arms/paws that are already placed onto Irediseatiess hips. Kip bites for the tip end of Irediseatiess , right , furry ear.
Kip : ( voice breaks a little , still all up in a fluster ) '' Yes Iredise , yes ! I .. LOVE .. YOU ! , mwah , mwah , mwah. I love you so much. I know that I've always been shy and it's always been ' so hard ' to express my secret , love feelings for you. But I ' do know ' that I love you. I most truly do. ''
Irediseatiess : '' Are you ' SURE ' .. that you love me Kip. ''
Iredieatiess authorizes Kip to unremittingly to bite his right , furry ear some more. Then snout kiss up and down his right , furry , shoulder bone. Blushing a little bit but still madly vexed at Kip , Irediseatiess turns his decent sized , furry head over his right , furry shoulder hoping to look Kip in the furry , neon green when he just told him that he loved him so very much too. Instead of a furry , neon green look in the eye , Irediseatiess furry , decent sized snout is like (greased) lightning met up with Kip's big , furry snout. Kip steals a hot for , doting and teasingly slow snout kiss , normally how Irediseatiess always likes to be snout kissed by Kip. What excites Irediseatiess more about this new , bold side of Kip , he notices that this snout kiss in particular isn't so slow and teasing. It's like (greased) lightning , but also dramatically slow just when their furry , big snouts pause for air a few times. This snout kiss is new , it's different , it's .. nothing compared or like to the snout kisses that both lions have shared with one another before.
No. Irediseatiess realizes , that this snout kiss says : '' I love you so much '' not just : '' I love you '' or '' I love you dearly '' just like all of their other , many snout kisses said. Their first snout kiss back in their past said : '' I like you a lot , I'm falling in love with you ' more ' .. than as a best friend. ''
After two , more seconds of snout kissing Irediseatiess , Kip so slowly and teasingly pulls back from their snout kiss away from Irediseatiess. Now coming the moment when both lions look at one another's furry , big snouts with half lidded , dafted about , furry , neon green and colored eyes. After another , quiet second goes by , Kip at long last answers Irediseatiess.
Kip : ( speaking quietly , voice still breaking , voice still flustered ) '' Yes .. Iredise. Yes , I'm positively sure that I love you. I love you so much and I know what I want now. I know what I want. I want you. I want us to be together : forever. We can live right here : in your den , for the rest of our lives here in Sundaya. We'll be happy , we'll have it all. We'll have each other. We can even get married if you want. ''
Hearing this from Kip in a romantic , trance state of mind , Irediseatiess weighs up and broods on about all of Kip's bold words. Where did all of this boldness come from ? Kip already knows what he wants ? , he wasn't acting like this when both lions were back and forth in their situation. Where did ' all ' of this bold , reckless , daring , straight forward thinking come from ? Irediseatiess also begins to brood over how this feud will end between these two. One lion , is going to walk away from the other and this time , for good. What if ' he's ' that lion ? What if ' he ' gives up on Kip ?
Irediseatiess madly vexed speaking gets euphonious , sweet sounding , but very , very firm.
Irediseatiess : '' Is this , ' really ' .. what you want with us Kip ? , you ' really ' want me ? ''
Kip : ( continues to speak quietly ) '' Yes I. Yes. I want you. I want us. I'm sure of what I want now. ''
Irediseatiess : '' Then let me hear you choose right in front of me. Me or Desi. ''
Kip hesitates very , very slowly right in front of Irediseatiess. Not expecting Irediseatiess to hit him right across his furry face with this question. Well , a question that sounds a lot like a statement this second.
Kip : '' Y-You ... ''
Irediseatiess : '' Okay , I can ' already ' see that you're hesitating. Let me ask a follow up , love question. Which cat , do you love more. Me .. or Desi. , and I ' better not ' hear Desi. I had enough of you telling me that she's all you love. ''
Kip's furry voice changes his voice from breaking and being all flustered to love sick and twitterpated by Kip.
Kip : '' But Desi ' is ' all that I love. ''
Irediseatiess starts to rolls his furry , very light , violet eyes in tiring , jealous thought of Kip ' still ' telling him that he ' still ' loves Queen Destiny. He wants to hear Kip mention ' his ' name. Irediseatiess isn't trying to hear that.
Irediseatiess : * says detested , very , very maddened and jealous ) '' I need fresh air. ''
Irediseatiess almost slowly starts to turn his long , furry back away from Kip just as he's in the middle of starting to hop up more perfectly stone , carved steps ahead of him.
Kip : '' Wait I , please. ''
Kip in double quick time reaches for Irediseatiess left , furry paw. As of now , this seems to be Kip's way of trying to stop Irediseatiess from walking out on him. Out on their conversation , out on their disputation. Walking out on them as a secret couple alert that Kip is ' still ' in his royal relationship with Queen Destiny. Period. Right away as Kip in double time thinks about it , Kip doesn't want to be the reason why Irediseatiess decides to walk out of his own lion den , ' all ' because of him.
Waiting as Kip said , Irediseatiess stops in place just before he could start to hop ahead onto another perfectly smooth , stone step and heads hopping up more steps until he reaches the entrance/exit of his den. The huge , made of stone lion with his ferocious mouth wide open. , exposing made of stone teeth on both rows of his furry , enormous snout.
Irediseatiess : ( says quiet , bitterly-cold ) '' What Kip. ''
Kip looks gently at Irediseatiess as he notices the bitterly-cold tone in his voice. Irediseatiess didn't mean for his words to come out bitterly-cold , inhuman and inhumane as his words did. Kip starts to curve his furry , big snout into a honestly loving smile at Irediseatiess. Informed that what he's ' about ' .. to do right now : it's going to be the HARDEST thing .. for him to do.
Kip : '' I'm going to choose. ''
Irediseatiess : '' Choose what Kip. ''
Irediseatiess finally brings his furry , decent sized head over to look inhumane at Kip. , starting to lose his patience already. Starting to HATE .. going back and forth , back and forth , back and forth with Kip into full-bore circles all over again. Now they're both back to where they started.
Kip : '' Choose between you .. or Desi. ''
Irediseatiess voice changes into a loving considerate tone. The volume of his words soft , quiet and the mood of his words more considerate and loving for Kip.
Irediseatiess : '' Yeah ? , that fast ? , already ? ''
Kip : '' Yeah Iredise. I'm serious this time. If you're so serious about loving me .. and about loving us , then I can't keep wasting your time. I can't keep having us going back and forth. You're right. We're wasting all of this time and energy. It's just too much for the both of us. When .. we ' could be ' using all of this energy to either : be together and go forth in our relationship. ''
Irediseatiess : '' Well , ' that's ' what I've been trying to tell you Kip. I love you. Now what'll it be. Me or Desi. ''
Before Kip starts to answer Irediseatiess question one , last time , Kip looks down at Irediseatiess furry , big snout silently. , then his deep , dark , neon green , piercing eyes back upward into Irediseatiess tempting , furry , very light , violet pupils. Kip silently takes this time to try to read for any further emotion , any further feelings , any further , facial expression that will express to Kip ' exactly ' how Irediseatiess is feeling with him right now. For just now , Kip could ' ONLY ' see deep , real love for him. Like .. eternal , forbidden , secret love.
Finally , without any further thought .. or regretting his decision , Kip in the end gives Irediseatiess his answer. Picking ' one ' cat between the two of them. Just ' one ' , and that's good enough for Irediseatiess right now.
Kip : '' You. ''
Irediseatiess : ( says softly in heated , hesitate love to Kip ) '' Me ? ''
Irediseatiess repeats softly in a heated , hesitate love to Kip in feeling. A feeling where Irediseatiess just felt his furry , big heart sank right down his chest. Oh , the plummeting , until the end of time , arduous fall that his heart ' just ' had , all because of Kip. Because Kip took too long - or so long - to answer him. Because Kip had him debating , going and back forth wildly in his furry , big head whether he was going to pick him or just still love him , but put him on hold , expect him to wait for him and plan to get to his heart. Plan to get to him next time. ' If ' .. there .. will ever ' be ' a next time ...
Kip could feel his furry , big heart beat faster than a bumpin' , juicy , raise the roof , dub step melody playing on a techno radio station. Right before he could anguish answer Irediseatiess again to make absolute certain .. that he ' did ' chose him over his second love : Queen Destiny.
Kip : '' Yes , you Iredise. ''
Irediseatiess like the wind faces his long , furry body to Kip. Irediseatiess like a bomb pulls Kip's furry , long body closer to his furry , long body. His front , furry paws touching the soft , mini hairs to his fur behind Kip's long , furry , feminine back. Irediseatiess leans his furry face and his furry , big snout closer to Kip's furry snout. , giving him a glee , loving , furry look on his furry , attractive face. His furry , very light , violet eyes start to twinkle in sexual attention into Kip's wondering , wandering , deep , dark , neon green eyes. Eyes that now start to blink and shone like a child's night light.
Irediseatiess : ( now saying quietly , still in hesitate , heated love to Kip ) '' You sure. ''
As if in new familiarity at loving Irediseatiess for the very first time , Kip takes another romantic minute to look at his big , furry , front paws that are laying just beneath Irediseatiess furry snout and furry chin. , as if wondering how did his furry , front paws get here. As if he knew that now would be the time to finally look up at Irediseatiess , Kip slowly moves his deep , dark , wondering , neon green eyes up to get lost in eternal , sacrificing love of Irediseatiess furry , very light , violet eyes. Kip doesn't know that he's blushing crazy , crazy , furry pink - this time , instead of red - at Irediseatiess. , in view of the fact that Irediseatiess asked him if he was sure.
Kip smiles lightly at Irediseatiess as he finds himself getting '' too forward '' with Irediseatiess. Not like Kip. Kip finds his big , furry snout leaning more closer to Irediseatiess furry snout. , only just one , more , close inch until his and Irediseatiess rub , meet up and match up their furry , big snouts again into a lustful , love dance that both lions already know how to do so well by now.
Kip : '' Yes Iredise. I'm sure. I love you too. We can get married. ''
Irediseatiess smiles lovably a bit at Kip. Blushing a faint , furry pink onto both of his furry cheeks right this second in front of Kip.
Irediseatiess : '' Would you like to be my husband ... ? ''
Kip : '' Until death do us part. ''
Irediseatiess : '' I trust that .. whatever you have left in your royal relationship with Desi , will end once the timing is right. Correct ? ''
Kip : '' Yes I. ''
Irediseatiess : '' Say it. ''
Kip : '' Once the timing is right. ''
Irediseatiess : '' I love you eternally Kip. ''
Kip : '' And I love you too I. ''
All Kip could remember from here , is Irediseatiess pretty damn quick and smoothly pulling him really close into a rubbing crazy , sweet licking , passionate hungry , snout kiss till he could hear his soft , pleading moans for Irediseatiess to restart going further in pleasure. Till he could hear Irediseatiess softly let out a prepotent growl , as if owning and overpowering Kip. Till once again , Kip with dispatch wraps his long , furry , hind legs around Irediseatiess furry , slim waist again. , and slowly , Irediseatiess takes his turn walking right back down the perfectly smooth and stone steps extending far down and cavernous inside of his own, lion den. Until Irediseatiess reaches the stone , dirt ground where he is in the center of his own , lion den , he gently lays Kip's long , furry body that's sexually open and exposed all out for him - Kip's furry , very long and straight erection sprung out for Irediseatiess to touch , Kip's furry , big ball sack hangin' farther below him and all - down. Kip gives Irediseatiess a sexually , dallying look at him.
While now on all furry , long fours , Irediseatiess comes sexually , stalk walking to Kip beginning to seductively hover all over Kip's long , furry body. Remembering Irediseatiess push his long , furry , hind legs apart when Irediseaties towers unreservedly over Kip , Kip can one hundred percent wrap his long , furry , hind legs around his furry waist. Remembering Kip wrap his long , awaiting , needing , furry arms 'round Irediseatiess neck as Irediseatiess quickly brings his furry , big snout down onto Kip's furry , snout into a sweet , hot , snout kiss. Till their furry , long figures are consumed all up in the darker , darker spots and darker , darker insides deep inside of Irediseatiess own , lion den.
Ex King Kip begins to dwell on the very few , friendship days when he and Irediseatiess become steady , a hop , a skip and a jump away , inner most , deep seated , best-est friends way back as cubs. He foresees a particular/specific day in memory between himself and Irediseatiess best friendship memories where both cubs were at : '' Moonlight's View '' for the day. Both lions decided to get away from Sundaya - for just a day - just to escape away from it all. Don't it get wrong here , both lions at the time ' seemed ' to have a very good cat , family life. They're cub friendship - or relationship - ' seemed ' innocent at first. Till both lions started to grow up into preteen , older , male lions and that's when things took a dirty turn.
When both lions secretly started to have - and get themselves into - a gay , lion on lion , fond , true , romantic relationship. What once started to be endearment and .. two lion affairs between both hearts. Then it later graduated into much more endearment , fondness , doting , yearning , A-LOT of fellow feelings , altruism -- worked out evenly between both Kip and Irediseatiess - tenderness , warmth , intimacy , carnal knowledge , desire , adoration , devotion , attachment and besotted ness.
Ex King Kip could give ear to himself and Irediseatiess just shooting the breeze for the rest of this particular/specific , ' en-tire ' , showery day at : '' Moonlight's View. '' In the very middle of their social intercourse , brotherhood and chumminess. Ex King Kip could emotionally ador his young , cub voice that was still in the preemie , cub stages when his voice was crackled high , annoying and loud. , hasn't developed yet and hasn't earned any base or volume in his voice yet.
Young Kip : ( his voice crackled high , filled with pep ) '' Big I , big I , big I ! I'm having so much fun with you. Are you enjoying my company with me ? Do you enjoy us being together ? ''
Young Kip says , filled with pep , hops , skips and light sprints everywhere and anywhere in this wide , wide , open , dirt ground area within : '' Moonlight's Realm '' where there is no grass and there is small groups of very long , slim and darkish yellow stems of grass sticking out and partially spreading out in this wide , wide , open , dirt ground area.
Young Irediseatiess : ( voice not so crackled , no base or deepness in his voice ) '' Of course I enjoy your company Kip. I will always cherish and enrich our company , our moments and all of the times that we've spend together. ''
There is a free and easy , stilly silence between young Kip and young Irediseatiess. In the shiny , radiant , dazzling , flickering , glaring , incandesce , blinking , glimmering , moonlight shade ; millions and billions of circumambient fireflies begin to encompass a multiplicity of other colorful , boldly bright and glowing fireflies. Young Kip busies himself with the shining , magical and glimmering atmosphere that the fireflies welcome him and young Irediseatiess with. , rushing into a series of gallops trying to chase after fireflies that zip , dart , swerve , dodge , serpentine like a school of fish in the ocean away from him as if the fireflies didn't like him.
With the sound of his soft , spontaneous laughs at the fireflies kittenish humor , young Kip starts to jump high in order to catch a firefly into both of his tiny , small , furry paws that he's trying a little hard to grow into. Young Kip jumps even higher this time , while stretching out a left , small , furry paw into the moonlight , diamonds , spades , spears rainbow view. Here at : '' Moonlight's View '' where it's always moonlight , very night and midnight all of the time and the day periods are backpedaled backwards and different. Just one more time , young Kip jumps his highest into a perfect , fleet-footed twirl higher into the refreshing , moonlight air figured that if can't get catch a firefly , then he might as well enjoy spending this time with these fireflies. The fireflies create wide , circular , fluid and smooth circles around young Kip as if exaggerating his tricksy , midnight hour , light show.
With a spry curve crossing the left side of his furry , small snout , young Irediseatiess unexcitable sat upright exactly ten meters away from young Kip from the far left side of this wide , open , dirt ground area. Catching a very light violet , dynamism , furry eye on young Kip fleet footed playing with the fireflies that already seem to take a fancy spark to young Kip. Anxiety free , young Irediseatiess closely watches the fireflies gently gather around his small , furry neck to create a very bright , hot pink necklace and then begins to harmonous-ly come together to silly like animate young Irediseatiess to have a very dark , ocean blue , bow tie in the middle , fluffy part where young Irediseatiess furry , front paws split. , and also animate a hot , aggression top hat.
Catching young Kip's furry , sweet kindness , deep , dark , neon green eye , both young Irediseatiess and young Kip begin to let out a care free , upbeat , soft laugh together. Continuing to shoot the breeze with each other.
As if absolutely out of this universe , a plopping , tiny , softly , dripping sound of a light blue , reflecting rain drop like crazy lands on young Kip's beige , pitch dark and furry snout. Young Kip stops laughing carefree with young Irediseatiess and takes in the positive , unhurried silence. Young Kip begins to look laughable at his pitch dark , beige , furry snout where he felt a light blue , reflecting rain drop fall on his furry snout. As if the rain drop was tapping his furry snout for an invitation if the rain drop could join young Kip and young Irediseatiess fun.
Young Kip : '' Big I , big I ! Something wet fell on me. * continues to look very laughable at his pitch dark , beige , small , furry snout trying to see what fell and what felt so wet when it landed on his furry , small snout * ( he queried with cub like , endearing innocence and charm ) What was it ? ''
Young Irediseatiess lets out a sweet sounding , quietly soft laugh at his life long , best , cub friend young Kip since the day that the cubs have first met.
Young Irediseatiess : ( in plain interest ) '' Kip , that's a raindrop. ''
Young Kip : ( says in curious , delighted charm ) '' Ohhh. ''
Young Irediseatiess : '' Means it's about to rain soon. We should probably head back to Sundaya. We don't want Moonlight and our parents to have butterflies in their stomachs when they find out that we're gone and they have no clue of our wandering whereabouts. ''
Young Kip : '' But I don't want to leave big I. I like it here. And I like ' you ' being here with me. Could we ' please ' stay here for awhile , before we head back to Sundaya ? , big I ? ''
In this grinning and joking moment of silence , young Irediseatiess gives young Kip an as happy as a sand boy , curved smile that this time , crosses the right side of his furry , little snout. Young Irediseatiess gives young Kip the once over his furry , jesting and tongue-in-check , wide smile placed and spread from the left side of his furry , small snout to the right side of his snout. Young Irediseatiess can never deny young Kip's intriguing invitation right now , to would like to stay here in : '' Moonlight's View '' for just a little while longer before they head back to Sundaya. Hopefully not the Indenius pride and the grown royals of Sundaya aren't pulling their manes out in panic either : looking everywhere in Sundaya for them or left with no other option but to wait until the both of them come find their way back home to them.
Young Irediseatiess can't resist young Kip's intriguing invitations and charms. , it's always so tough to palliate and quieten down young Kip.
Young Irediseatiess : '' Okay Kip , but ' just ' .. for a little while longer. , and we're shootin' out of here back to Sundaya. Okay ? ''
Young Kip : '' Okay big I ! , yayyyyy ! ''
Remember the light showering that I mentioned to you earlier on in this cubhood memory of young Kip and Irediseatiess ? When all was said and done between young Kip and young Irediseatiess , it gets down to sprinkling , very light , harmless , fall of rain. , plopping loudly when the fall of rain touches the wide , open , dirt ground and hydrates the darkish , light yellow , small stems of grass that barely spread about and surround this empty , dirt ground area. Young Irediseatiess and young Kip have a soft , rapid , dripping of rain , animated aura around them as both lions slowly come forth to getting all soaked so , so fast.
In the loudly , dripping , light rain environment that young Irediseatiess and young Kip circumjacent themselves in , the incandescent fireflies come underway to over brightening even more brighter , but less and less vivid and almost as if into confused , very colorful dots of color into the light rain. Young Kip squeals cute with frisky question while throwing his very small , furry head back at sprinkling rain fall that had already came from the infinity , joined together , dark grey clouds seemed to take over the moonlight , darkness , shiny view from up above. The shards , the diamonds and other magically shapes ' still ' sparkle in front of young Irediseatiess and young Kip as they now becomes the kind of airy atmosphere that young Irediseatiess and young Kip are getting. Young Irediseatiess playfully puts his furry , small head down while giggling as if weak at the knees with young Kip. , knew long enough that ' if ' both young , male cubs left : '' Moonlight View '' sooner , then both cubs would've gotten caught all up in the sprinkling fall of rain. As too late as it already is , young Irediseatiess giggles stated that he no longer cared anymore.
Young Irediseatiess - and young Kip - only cared about valuing each other's company , each other's '' togetherness '' in their growing , coming about , cubhood friendship that had already started not too many days before. Young Kip quickly turns his small , furry head to look kittenish at young Irediseatiess. Young Irediseatiess straightaway turns his furry , small head once he heard young Kip talk to him. , and say his name.
Young Kip : ( loud in kittenishness ) '' Ooh ! , big I , big I ! Let's play a game ! , let's play a game ! ''
Young Irediseatiess giggles at young Kip's giddy side in his personality.
Young Irediseatiess : ( speaking unbothered , his voice too intrigued ) '' Oh-kay Kip. What we playin' today. ''
Young Kip : '' Let's play : '' Hop , skip and run '' in rainy , mud puddles ! ''
Young Irediseatiess : '' Okay Kip ! ''
Young Kip : '' We count aloud how many rainy , muddy puddles that we jump , hop or skip into , the cub that gets the highest score wins ! ''
Young Irediseatiess : '' Okay Kip ! , let's do it ! ''
Young Kip : ( counts down like the deuce ) '' 1 , 2 , 3 , GO ! ''
Ex King Kip could apprehend inside of his big , furry , kingly head the faint , yet very loud giggles , tee-hee , titters and lots of very loud sniggering coming from the young , tricksy and naive cub version of him when he was a cub. , and the relaxed and unhurried young Irediseatiess that's more aware of his surroundings and instincts and isn't so trusting and cub like , like young Kip is.
Young Kip : ( counts a loud each time he hops into a rainy , ankle deep , very muddy , rain puddle * '' 1 ... 2 ... ( counts more like a deuce ) 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 ... ( goes back to counting slowly in cub like glee ) 7 , 8 ... ''
Young Irediseatiess : ( counting slowly in gladness , but more loudly growing more comfortable around young Kip ) '' 9 ... 10 ... 11 ... - ''
Ex King Kip could call to mind the younger , cubhood version of himself and young Irediseatiess going like lightening and darting about coming into a standstill at turns , swerves , zips , zaps , U-turns and swings about. Darting about while seeking the company of each other as the fireflies as pleased as punch hunt , track and trail right after young Irediseatiess and young Kip. Joining in all of the fun and over the moon , sometimes wanting to stop young Irediseatiess and young Kip right in their tracks.
And when young Kip and young Iredisetiess are caught , both very young , male cubs start to as happy as Larry laugh out loud at each other eventually being caught. Overmuch jocose with the fireflies better plans and better tactics at being on both of their furry , small , swinging tails and patiently waiting until young Irediseatiess and young Kip slip up.