In free style playing , as if getting bored from playing : '' Hop , skip and Run '' in the sprinkling rain , young Irediseatiess and young Kip twirl in head spinning circles as if choreographically creating a tiny circle from the opposite of each other. , while twirling in opposite circles in the sprinkling , very light , peacemaking rain. Mewing into very loud , practice roars rather than howling like Tarazan. Both of their once , super soft , super well combed , furry fur glisteningly in dunate. , with furry , hind leg length , thoroughly wet met , saturated from down below both of their small , furry waist levels. Dizzy-making , young Kip and young Irediseatiess throw themselves onto the sloshy , rainy , too much muddy , dirt ground in walking on air exhaustion. , laying very close at paw with one another on their furry , small backs with their small , furry arms/paws almost brought up close in the vicinty of their small , furry , stomach area. Overlooking the quiet , very soft , peacemaking , sprinkle of rainfall that continues as they finish shooting the breeze with each other for today. Having gotten all of their wandering , gamboling didoes out of their furry , small systems for today.
As if this is a fireflies way of being beat with young Kip and young Irediseatiess , the fireflies spell working coast , freewheel and cruise from up above them , but very , very closely to young Kip and young Irediseatiess as if hanging onto their words for today once both very young cubs leave : '' Moonlight View '' for the day.
Young Kip : ( very , very soft , restful tone of voice ) '' Big I ? ''
Young Irediseatiess : '' What's up ? ''
Was the free from disturbance and free from interference , quiet reply.
Young Kip : '' I win ! ''
Young Irediseatiess : ( leisurely ) '' Hehe , yea Kip. You did ... ''
Young Kip : '' Big I ? ''
Young Irediseatiess : '' Hm ? ''
Young Kip : '' You're my best friend ever. ''
Young Irediseatiess blushing a little red heartwarming while turning his furry , small head to the right into the wide , wet , muddy , rainy , dirt ground at Kip. Keeping his fulfilling , leisure , furry smile on his furry snout.
Young Irediseatiess : '' You'll always be ' my ' best friend too Kip. Always know that. ''
Young Kip : '' I ' do ' know that big I , I ' do ' but it's just that ... - ''
Young Irediseatiess : '' It's just what ? Come on , try to say it slowly and calmly for me. ''
Young Kip : '' Maybe I'm too young to understand. Maybe I don't even know what the word : '' love '' shared with another cub is. Maybe I'll NEVER experience it and NEVER feel it , the way I see my parents act. ''
Young Irediseatiess : '' That's nonsense Kip. Love doesn't define how young you are or how old you are. Love is limitless and has no boundaries whatever so ever. Now , what is this about love , that you're trying to tell me ? ''
Young Kip sighs lightly , recognizant that he's going to have to spit it out in complete English for his life long , cubhood , best friend young Irediseatiess. Because .. young Irediseatiess is NOT catching the love hint that he is trying to give to him.
Young Kip turns his small , furry head into the rainy , muddy , dirt ground to look within reach at young Irediseatiess who must've already sat upright closely in front of him while he was talking. , just to look down adoring and devoted at young Kip.
Young Kip : '' Big I , I .. I think I love you. ''
Young Irediseatiess leans his small , furry head nurturing more closer down at young Kip. Just five inches in front of young Kip's small , furry face. Young Irediseatiess voice is struck dumb with young Kip's demonstrative , on fire , love disclosure.
Young Irediseatiess : '' Yea ? ''
Young Kip goes ahead and blushes really , really red right in front of young Irediseatiess with a soul-stirring , furry , romantic look on his furry face at young Irediseatiess.
Young Kip : '' Yes big I. , * he commences to sit upright closely in front of young Irediseatiess who starts to lean his small , furry head backward a bit as if both of their small , furry heads will crash or bang into one another by accident * I care about you a lot , I think about you a lot , I'm always concerned and worried about you , you're the first thought I think of at the daytime and the ' last thought ' that I think of at night. , ''
Young Irediseatiess touching and moving , furry smile comes forth to widen a bit in a taken his breath away kind of way. Kicking off blushing really , really , really red in love with young Kip. Young Kip continues to talk intimately and yearning to young Irediseatiess. , who continues to prick his furry , small ears in listening comfort as young Kip sets in motion the changing arousing and romantic direction of their conversation.
Young Kip : '' I can't eat , I can't sleep , I can't do anything .. unless you're with me right by my side. Sometimes , I forget to eat , I forget to sleep , I'm always romantically in a trance or in a daze day dreaming about being with you and spending ' all ' of my free , leisure time with you. I know that .. you're like my other half to me .. and we have this kind of '' togetherness '' in our friendship that I'm starting to fall in love with more than ever. ''
Young Irediseatiess quietly chuckles in adoring , deep thought after concentrated on hearing everything romantic , everything sweet , everything adoration , everything fondness , everything , passionate , everything devoting , everything emotional , everything caring , everything tender , everything warming , everything so special , everything desiring , everything attaching .. principally to him.
Young Irediseatiess : '' Wow , I-I'm caught on the wrong foot Kip. I-I ... - really ? ''
Young Kip quietly giggles at young Irediseatiess caught on the wrong , furry foot reaction concerning his romance , adoration feelings for him.
Young Kip : '' Yes big I. Really. ( continues to talk very quietly ) , do you .. love me too ? ''
As a part of his personality , young Kip gets underway being highly strung. Becoming fearful of his life long , best friend : young Irediseatiess not returning his romantic and adoring feelings. , or not loving him at all or not seeing him as a lover , the way he sees young Irediseatiess.
Young Irediseatiess bursts out speaking a little emotional and in worshipping fondness of young Kip. An intense feeling caught deep inside of his composed and unfazed tone of voice.
Young Irediseatiess : '' Kip , I don't just love you. * Young Kip stares benevolent , watchful and attends one of his furry , small ears measured to hear young Irediseatiess * I am ' in love ' with you. ''
Young Irediseatiess leans his small , furry head closer to young Kip. Returning the close , arousing , desiring , wanting and needing distance - a very small gap between personal space - between himself and young Kip.
Young Kip gasps into a treading on air squeal at young Irediseatiess returning his warmth and love mania feelings for him.
Young Kip : '' Really ? ''
Young Irediseatiess smiles , but this time , in romantic idolization at young Kip.
Young Irediseatiess : '' Really , really. ''
Looking driven , half lidded , seduced and absorbing , young Kip speechlessly watches young Irediseatiess continue to un dismaying close the unputdownable distance between himself and young Kip. Raising the white flag when young Kip becomes overwhelmed with his very first fellow feeling , tender , begging snout kiss. Both very ripe in early age cubs , start to copy the regard ness , the caring , the concerning and the loving way that both very young cubs cast their small , furry minds back to when they always saw their parents show affection , show care , show deep liking ness and show very deep fondness when they love each other so much. How young Kip and young Irediseatiess couldn't forget the way their parents snout kiss one another the exact , normal way that cats in the wild do.
Keeping in mind the furry , loving image of both of their parents , both of the cubs intensify and hot up their very first , snout kiss. What once was a very shy , unhurried , slow , uncertain and '' don't really know what to do '' kind of snout kiss turns into a doughty , inexorable snout kiss. That arrives into sniffing each other's small , furry , filled with some color snouts , blushing a little red at each other as this very first time , cute , cub like experience grows to be innocent and '' too curious '' , then it digs deeper into a real , snout kiss the way that grown cats snout kiss. Into sure , certain licks onto each other's furry cheeks , licks under their furry chins and licks on their furry foreheads. , adding to heighten decisive and dead set bites and snout kisses. , with their mixed sounds of young Kip and young Irediseatiess soft snarls and mews in their cub language explaining whether their snout kiss was good , up to a pleasurable point , not so good or .. just coming off way too strong.
And away this memory of ex King Kip getting his very first snout kiss from young Irediseatiess goes just when they were very young cubs pass from his sight deep .. into the creases , nooks and cranes of his furry , kingly mind. In his royal , getting very much needed , morning shut eye , where for now , his heading for disaster , his royal relationship with Queen Destiny heading for the rocks , his royal , kingly , ending reign forcing Queen Destiny alone into a very tight corner , his inconveniences , his in a gum tree and his difficulties are being creased from his sight ; ex King Kip unfolds what else happened further on in the day where young Irediseatiess stole his very first , snout kiss from him at : '' Moonlight's View. ''
Ex King Kip bethinks himself when Moonlight , Queen Lad La La , Princess Destiny , Dale , young Irediseatiess and young Kip's parents all had to take shelter in a peace bringing oasis in : '' Moonlight's View. '' , where Moonlight looked back on one of his most favorite , big enough dens and offered a very wise suggestion that all of them can more than welcome take oasis in because the sprinkling rain that poured down earlier , in Sundaya and also in : '' Moonlight's View '' , advanced into a remitting , electrical storm. Moonlight wisely figured that ' if ' all of them traveled out of his : '' Moonlight's View '' - his mysterious and secretive area of Sundaya - on their pop to Sundaya , it would be fraught with danger going out there in an acutely electrical thunder storm where thunder might struck a cat unconscious or worse. Moonlight foreknows that by the time himself , Queen Lad La , young kip and young Irediseatiess parents got out of : '' Moonlight's View '' it would be ' way too late ' to travel all the way back to Sundaya right in the middle of their travels.
And from : '' Moonlight's View '' , it's an awfully , demanding , a substantial and note table amount of energy trip way off back to Sundaya. That's an majorly long way all the way back to Sundaya. Moonlight thought that once this electrical storms ends or passes - whichever happens first by morning - all of them can withdraw from out of .. one of Moonlight's favorite , big dens in his royal , view area and get a move on to traveling right back to Sundaya before afternoon comes around. This very wise and quick thinking plan had already been ordained with young Princess Destiny , young Dale , Queen Lad La La , young Kip , young Irediseatiess , young Kip's parents and young Irediseatiess parents. Besides Moonlight , young Destiny , young Dale , Queen Lad Lad La , young Kip , young Irediseatiess , young Kip's parents and young Irediseatiess parents were content with Moonlight's plan and no cat dared to further argue with Moonlight. , because Moonlight has always been the kind of royal perfect , grown , male lion that ' won't stand ' for any further arguments , demands , commands or protests.
When Moonlight's word is final , it's FINAL. A bit like King Fein , but of course , there's a difference between the two , grown , male lion royals. Young Kip and young Irediseatiess parents markedly praise , pay their respects , showed A-LOT of overwhelming respect to Moonlight and Queen Lad La La. , never knowing how to act the ' right way ' or how to approach royals with respectful , royal mannerisms so as not to be disrespectful , show rude mannerisms and appear to be discourteous to any of the royals in the royal family. Always very intimately sweet , best friends since cubhood , always sweetly applauding Moonlight for always thinking fast on his feet , known to be perfect in all furry edges of him ; when young Kip and young Irediseatiess parents get into their own , personal conversation regarding young Kip and young Irediseatiess safety and ' also ' can't help but get in a tizzy , reasonable quibble always about young Kip and young Irediseatiess ; Queen Lad La La winsome licks Moonlight on the right side of his furry cheek as always. , always catching Moonlight offhand when he was instinctively watching the torrential , thunderstorm rain like the clappers drizzling outside of the entrance to the wide , big den that they're in. , his furry , royal , guardian mind miles away.
His furry , royal , guardian mind fancying to make sure he gets Queen Lad La La safely back to Sundaya. , clued-up at the back of his furry , royal , guardian mind that back at Sundaya , Queen Lad La La's husband : King Fein , is having kittens about his royal , Queenly wife's safety and he knows that King Fein is as like as not wondering if he's keeping Queen Lad La La under his royal , furry protection. His furry , royal , guardian mind ordinarily always taking a fancy to Queen Lad La La , but always stops himself from always thinking about the loveable and seducing temptation of Queen Lad La La. He always has to stop those seductive thoughts of desiring , wanting to love and needing Queen Lad La La in his life , wanting her for himself and seeing her as his lover and wife , but stops himself from thinking these kinds of thoughts because Queen Lad La La is his best friend's - King Fein's - wife and he doesn't want to ruin the friendship with King Fein. , always would like to stay on good terms with King Fein. He also doesn't want to ruin the friendship that he has with Queen Lad La La and he doesn't want to end up being the reason why Queen Lad La La and Fein's royal marriage is going down hill because ' he might ' come off as her amour outside of their royal marriage. , and he doesn't want that to happen.
Moonlight knows that himself and Queen Lad La La are just intimately , best , life long friends since cubhood and , always trying to be professional and respectful as a grown royal , Moonlight doesn't want to mix royal business with pleasure with Queen Lad La La. , or get himself into a hot mess with himself , King Fein and Queen Lad La La. Often , it's always an every night and day struggle for Moonlight , trying his hardest to control his most romantic , fetching temptation of Queen Lad La La. , even when she sweetly licks him on his right , furry cheek - just now - such simple affections like this drives him wild deep inside of his heart for her. So bringing me back to ex King Kip's memory of himself and young Irediseatiess , Moonlight as always tries not to blush red right in front of Queen Lad La La. But each time - like now - Moonlight's furry , fluffy , outlined cheeks end up going scarlet much more than normal all because of Queen Lad La La.
And as always , Queen Lad La La charmingly giggles at Moonlight's go scarlet , fluffy , outline of his cheeks going this scarlet , glowing color obvs hinting to her that Moonlight has always taken a romantic attraction to her. , apparently from cubhood. As this has happened before , there is always this .. comforting , appealing , flirtatious yet alluring quietude between Moonlight and Queen Lad La La. , when in this quietude , Moonlight always gives Queen Lad La La respectful , yet sheep's eyes and Moonlight would always notice Queen Lad La La having this captivating shyness when she looks at him right back , then she shyly looks away remembering a young , voluptuous , lioness place as King Fein's married , royal wife. Moonlight would always be enticed and diverted by Queen Lad La La's elegant , graceful , royal beauty and gripped by her captivating shyness. , no stranger to her since she was just a little , female cub that's her way of tempting him one minute and then flirting with him the next.
Sitting upright close to one another in the center of one of Moonlight's favorite , big den's in his view area ' out ' of Sundaya , young Kip and young Irediseatiess emit into a cute , soft fit of sneezing. , maybe have caught a cold from living it up '' too much '' in what sprinkling rain that turned into nightmarish , electrical downpour. , that got both of them so very bone chilling cold , still wet with the humid , fresh , moist scent of rain on them and got their fur all dried up with sloshy mud at their furry , small , hind legs level. Both have a very short confab about how much trouble both young , male cubs are going to be in. , taking turns giggling it off chuckle-some together like a child playing with a new toy. , to escape , to occupy , amuse and entertain each other just to get away from their lives and Sundaya's lazy , royal , dynamic and mean lifestyle. , ' out ' of Sundaya and somehow .. chance on : '' Moonlight's View. '' One of Moonlight's most secret , royally sacred , magically powerful , secret areas ruled by him far beyond ' out ' of Sundaya's royal grounds and royal territories. But it's beyond Moonlight , Queen Lad La La and the rest of the grown royals of Sundaya how young Kip and young Irediseatiess stumbled upon one of his royal areas ' out ' of Sundaya. , and the ' ONLY way ' .. that young Kip and young Irediseatiess could've known his area is ' if ' both very young , male cubs must've innocently snooped into their grown , royal duties related to Sundaya , very important , long , hourly conferences and congregations while humoring and having cub like fun with Princess Destiny. Having cub , play dates with her and visiting her as they both become her life long , best , cubhood friends for life.
Young Kip and young Irediseatiess continue to shiver significantly from the extra cold , growing , electrical rain storm from outside of Moonlight's big and wide den. , barely able to confab into shivering , stuttering , a little excited talking because of their uncontrollable , cold shivering. Both minding of when they return right back to Sundaya , both of them are off to the cat infirmary where Oll and Doo will take care of them that happen to catch a cold all because of being outside for ' too long ' time periods in the day while it's very , very cold and rainy. Princess Destiny comes skipping over to young Kip and young Irediseatiess on all of her small , furry fours. Sitting upright , all happy and pretty. Lightly dumping all of her worries , fears and concerns of what has happened to him since she noticed that young Kip and young Irediseatiess ' weren't ' in Sundaya. , and both cubs haven't visited her today like they always do for play dates and having cub like fun.
A couple of paw steps behind young Princess Destiny , young Dale comes lightly jogging over to Princess Destiny. Young Dale also joins young Princess Destiny and loving , but overprotectively follows everywhere young Princess Destiny goes. , inviting himself to sit upright very near young Princess Destiny , but always closes the distance between himself and young Princess Destiny by holding her right , small , furry paw into his left , small , furry paw. Romantically dominate over young Princess Destiny , young Dale tilts his left , furry , small head to his right to snout kiss , lick and bite all into one the right side of young Princess Destiny's furry , small neck. Other cats that view this , would mistaken and pass this off as cub , puppy , infatuated , royal , older sibling and first older brother , family affection in their close relationship. But young Dale always passes this off as simply : '' marking '' Princess Destiny as '' his. '' Or that Princess Destiny is '' his '' female cub.
Ex King Kip recollects the younger cub version of himself look a little lustful , a little desiring and very , very jealous at young Dale snout kissing , licking and biting the right side of Princess Destiny's furry neck. Who he's also grown to love during cubhood as well. , so it's very , very weird - and teasingly wrong for young Dale's part - to see young Dale love his Princess Destiny up right in front of his furry , small face. , but also yearning for his best friend : young Irediseatiess on this ' same day ' too. Both himself and young Irediseatiess hearing young Princess Destiny's sweet sounding , soft giggles and her backwards , love language , playful : '' Stoppppp ... '' protests followed by more sentence protests. , that tell young Dale to do the exact opposite. To keep going and give her more love and affection that she doesn't really mind at all.
Young Irediseatiess looks plainly out of place at the intolerably affection , love act between young Dale and young Princess Destiny that - wrong ! - isn't cub , puppy love , as other grown royals - and also the way that the grown royals parents would see this - it's ' real ' love that's developing each and every day that young Dale and young Princess Destiny spend more and more time together. Till they're older , young , grown royals that will eventually find time in their royal reigns to further act upon their love found in their family relationship and finally get together to become one , one day.
Ex King Kip seems to memorize ' exactly ' the dialogue in one of Moonlight's wide , big dens in his royal view area ' out ' of Sundaya , followed by his short dialogue between himself and young Irediseatiess.
Queen Lad La La : ( in her normally soft , too great a degree , sweet tone of voice ) '' Oh thank Kinny that Moonlight and I rushed over here in time just to find you boys here before sundown. You both know better than this. ' Don't ' stray away from the pride and ' don't ' just leave without telling any grown , royal cat - or guardian - in the pride. It's for your own safely , we always stick together. And above all , ' do not ' just run away ' out ' of Sundaya once it gets dark. , ''
Queen Lad La La : '' you both know that Moonlight's pride has predators and enemies that would ' kill ' to infanticide cubs like you. Sundaya ' may be ' a sunny , lazy , cat paradise , wide land , but it's critically unchancy to be travelling out here , in one of Moonlight's mysterious , private , royally sacred and welcoming areas that he rules out of Sundaya. ''
Standing tall three inches from the small circle that young Princess Destiny , young Dale , young Irediseatiess and young Kip without noticing , have created in the middle of Moonlight's wide , open den. Standing all poised and sophisticated , on her a bit slender , light footed , flowing , stylish , tasteful and gracefully very long , furry fours. In ex King Kip's emotionally romantic memory of his young cub version of himself and young Irediseatiess , you will nowhere near .. be meeting Queen Lad La La yet , because she comes A-LOT later , in my dynamic , pippin' hot , shifty , cat book series. In which is , A-LOT of books away .. from meeting Queen Lad La La. At least , I could give you a cat appearance and a furry description of Princess Destiny's royal mother : Queen Lad La La herself.
Having light pink , furry , sweetheart , seductive , charming eyes , very , very , very dark , golden tanned , to a much greater extent fluffy fur alike from her eldest , royal daughter : young Princess Destiny , a very , very , very long , golden tanned tail with a lemon yellow , soft tip at the end , lemon yellow , fluffy paws , white as computer paper claws , nothing but very , very , very long stylish , dark black , tasteful , hoppin' curls of a mane , nothing like young Princess Destiny's also long , stylish , swanky , curly 'n straight , dark black mane. Polished , on fleek , long , curvy , dark black eyelashes , furry , big ears like Cassy , a golden tanned , long snout and a six foot , delectable , very active , furry appearance.
Moonlight : ( in his usual even tempered , polished tone of voice ) '' Miss delectable Lad La La makes an excellent point. What were you boys thinking ? , ''
Also standing onto his very long , furry fours exactly three inches away - and also to the diagonal right - from the small group between young Kip , young Dale , young Princess Destiny and young Irediseatiess. His snowflake , very fluffy white fur sparkling with crystal , reflecting , beaming raindrops - most of the raindrop tips stick at the end of Moonlight's snowflake white , hair strands , other raindrop tips are submerged deep in his fur. Such colorful , milky way , fluoresce , moonlight , furry , beautiful eyes stare leniency down at young Kip and young Irediseatiess. , with gentleness , tenderheartedness , sympathy , understanding , a lot of mercy , a lot of warmth and a lot of affection.
Moonlight : '' and only Kinny knows what ' would've ' happened , if Miss Lad La La , your parents and myself .. hadn't found you boys in time. You both would be laying on the dirt ground : dead , torn in half by other nomad lions that are searching for royal territories and kingdoms to rule. ''
The design of Moonlight's mane , being parti-colored , almost looking like a colorful , milky galaxy way explosion coming from outer space. The outline , furry shape of Moonlight's mane being a huge raindrop , but angled in a diagonal right direction. , where the very long , many colored streaks of his out grown mane end front and behind his right , furry , shoulder bone. Some many colored streaks lay behind Moonlight's right , furry , shoulder bone and a lot of his hair strands from his mane rest in front of his right , furry , shoulder bone. Whenever Moonlight moves his big , powerful , furry head , his hair strands from the left side of his head all move to the right side of his furry head , exactly where his mane ends. Moonlight has white , long , dingy claws , a moonlight colored , big snout and all of his four , furry paws are moonlight colored , stopped almost close by all of his furry fours.
Acting shamefaced , young Kip after some time speaks up after hearing Queen Lad La La and Moonlight out. , respectfully waiting for the grown royals to finish speaking first and are done giving him the Riot act along with young Irediseatiess. He puts his small , cub like head down even as the very young beginnings and growing's of his golden and red streaked , wildly long , small , highlighted mane fastidiously falls down when young Kip put his small , furry head down.
Faint hearted , the grown royals and young cubs could hear young Kip's quiet , reserved , coy and poor spirited voice that sounds very loud and very guilty , but softly muffled as if because of young Kip's golden and red streaked , wildly long , small , highlighted mane is making it increasingly difficult for young Kip to talk to Moonlight , his and young Irediseatiess parents , talk to Queen Lad La La , talk to young Princess Destiny and young Dale.
Young Kip : '' Big I and I .. decided that today would be the day that the both of us would escape out of Sundaya , Mr Moonlight , Mama , Dad and Miss Queen Lad La La. To play in more .. ' wider ' , open and dare devil areas .. other than always playing at that : '' Cub area '' in Sundaya , where you grown royals keep an ' extremely close ' , furry , eye on us. And .. each day that big I and I - sometimes , Desi and all of her royal siblings join us - play in that area , it started to get ' verry borrring ' to a point where we don't want to play there anymore. , because it's '' cub , baby stuff. '' And .. we're not baby cubs anymore. , ''
Young Kip : '' we're big cubs now. ''
Young Irediseatiess joins in the very big , long explanation with young Kip to Moonlight , to Queen Lad La La , to his parents , to young Kip's parents and for young Princess Destiny and young Dale to stimulatingly be sucked in said very long explanation. Speaking in his unhurried , leisure , smooth spoken , a bit mature for a male cub tone of voice. , a little slowly to express just how strongly he feels about this while being with young Kip.
So not only does young Kip get lashed out at by Moonlight , Queen Lad La La and both of their parents right in front of young Princess Destiny and young Dale's small , furry , stimulated in conversation faces ; but he gets a lashing out too and doesn't want young Kip to only be reproved because he had as much to do with escaping out of Sundaya , as young Kip did. So , feeling bad for getting young Kip in trouble , young Irediseatiess speaks up in this very mature , '' owning up to what he has done '' way to let Moonlight , let Queen Lad La La , let his parents and let young Kip's parents know that he's taking full responsibility and full blame for being young Kip's daring , escaping companion out of Sundaya too.
Young Irediseatiess : '' The ' whole point ' of us leaving Sundaya or .. '' escaping '' out of Sundayay - if you want to call it that , then please do so - was to just get away from it all. Get away from our '' overprotective , smothered , cub , family life '' , get away from daily routine of playing at that '' Cub area '' that Kip mentioned just now , that's located near by the cat infirmary in Sundaya , get away from you royals ALWAYS telling us what to do and telling us that we can't go ' any-where ' , because we're ' wayy too young ' to understand anything. ' Wayy ' too young to know what's going on. And Kip and I .. well we had this feeling of being called : '' trapped '' , '' smothering '' , '' imprisoned. ''
Young Irediseatiess : '' Doesn't .. those words sound familiar to you all ? ''
Young Princess Destiny : ( in her normally low toned , plucky , '' I'm game for anything '' tone of voice ) '' Well ' that explains ' why myself , Dal and the rest of my royal siblings couldn't find you both. It ' doesn't ' exactly tell us all where exactly .. did you both go out of Sundaya though. , and ' why ' did you leave us all behind. ''
Young Kip : * side glaring at young Princess Destiny from the right , furry sides of his deep , dark , neon green eyes loving and giving * * while slightly turning his small , furry head in her direction * '' Big I and I went to Mr : '' Moonlight's View. '' We sneaked out when it was our cub curfew .. ' without ' telling our parents , meet up somewhere in Sundaya while being watchful for any of the royal guards and guardians that watch over Sundaya during late night hours , big I told me , Desi and the rest of her royal siblings when we were playing earlier that he overheard Mr Moonlight mention Mr : '' Moonlight's View '' , to you other grown royals during a very important , Sundaya conference. Big I apprised us with a charming twist to it , about a royal , mysterious area ' out ' of Sundaya that we NEVER even .. heard about before. ''
Young Dale : * glaring engagingly at young Kip from the right , furry sides of his light caramel mixture of chocolate , furry eyes * '' But Mama Puffs told us that royal area of Moonlight's is forbidden. Mysterious and easily dangerous. Once you step foot here , in such a innocently , enchanting area , you better be lucky that ' ONLY ' Moonlight escorts you out of his royal area alive. You've heard of the royal , famous stories of Moonlight's royal , mysterious and luring areas ' out ' of Sundaya. ''
Young Princess Destiny : '' That's right Dal. * looking at young Dale from the left side of her dark/light brown eyes while turning her little , furry head to young Dale * * at a rate of knots , she looks back at young Kip * ONLY myself and Sass has been here .. during our very early , cubhood days. Moonlight always had us visit these special , mysterious , royal areas of his .. ' out ' of Sundaya til one day , when he has a family of his own , he can share these areas with his family. ' I ' got to see this area with Moon and Sass .. because I'm only a ' small part ' of Moonlight's royal side of the family. The rest of the percentage - when it comes to my royal family - is I'm ' still ' a huge percentage of the royal family that I'm in. ''
Young Princess Destiny : '' - But back to what I'm trying to say here , Kip and Iredise , I didn't know that you two .. were planning to go : '' Moonlight's View. '' 'specially without Moonlight or ' any ' company all the way. I guess today you both thought that .. having each other .. was enough company as it is. - But if I would've known .. that you two were planning to go to : '' Moonlight's View '' than I wouldn't have told you , Iredise and the rest of my royal siblings about it. , in a way that arouses your senses , your wonders and awakens your curiosities ; making you want to go to such a place that we're in ' right after ' .. Iredise mentioned : '' Moonlight's View '' to us. ''
Moonlight : '' Wait my beautiful Fluff , ''
Like billy-o , young Princess Destiny , young Dale , young Irediseatiess , young Kip's parents , young Irediseatiess parents and Queen Lad La La like nobody's business look back at Moonlight attentively.
Moonlight : '' if I may break in this rollin' conversation here ; did either of them , inform you and your royal siblings that they were planning .. to go here , ' without ' any royal guardian ' or ' Indenius pride's support ? ''
Young Princess Destiny : '' No Moon. As Kip said , when we were playing earlier .. on the day that iredise overheard you mention your view during one of those very long , royal , strictly important , Sundaya conferences that take all day .. ' and ' I hate so much ; Iredise brought up your view into our conversation while we all were playing in that '' Cub area '' , I remember myself and Sass telling the rest of us that you always took us there at the end of ' every ' week , just to spend a lot of private , quality , family time with us , Iredise fussed in all usual , cranky attitude , how much he couldn't stand you grown royals always telling us all what to do all of the time and where to go. , so he wondered about what would it be like .. going to your view. , ' without ' .. the aid .. of any royals or any royal guardians in sight. ''
Young Princess Destiny : '' I remember Kip asking me and Sass together , just what was your view like. Sass said that it was like undiscovering a ' whole new ' different world out of Sundaya , I said .. that the experience was phenomenal. It was truly ' out ' .. of this enormous land. I remember Cassy telling us that even ' if ' we all did want to go to your view - secretly - together , we couldn't go anyway ' without ' .. you knowing about it. And ' without ' your royal guidance , supervision and traveling with you along the way. Adding onto my answer to you Moon , Iredise and Kip must've keep this plan of action privately to themselves - my guess is Iredise must've planned it out first and ' then ' told Kip when they began to play alone together later on that day which brings us back to all being here. , ''
Young Princess Destiny : '' being all caught up in this horrible rain storm. ''
Moonlight : '' Mr big I , is this true ? ''
Young Irediseatiess : * soft , admitting sighs * '' Yes Mr Moonlight , everything that princess Desi and Kip said are true. Yes , I put the idea of your view into Kip , princess Desi and all of her royal siblings furry heads. Yes , I admit that I ' did ' have a grouchy and very cranky attitude that you grown royals always tells us cubs what to do and where to go all of the time. , and we never get to go anywhere ' out ' of Sundaya .. because ' all ' I hear is it's ' too dangerous '' and it's always '' it's for your own safety. '' I was upset ! , I wasn't thinking. I was heated , I felt like my parents .. and the rest of you grown royals were treating us like cubs , but most of us overly mature , advanced , quick learning and growing up too fast cubs - like me and Dale for example - don't need to be treated that way anymore. Maybe , maybe - and it's just an idea and ' jussst ' a suggestion here - that Mom , Dad , Mr Moonlight , Miss Queen Lad La La , that you please consider consecrating us overly mature cubs - like me and Dale - to permissiveness. ''
Young Irediseatiess parents look at one another gob smacked. Always , struck in stupefaction of young Irediseatiess in leaps and bounds maturing , very advanced , very quick , visual learner , cub growth spurt of growing up ' so fast ' as a cub. , and maturing ' so quickly ' and yet so unnaturally for a male cub - like young Irediseatiess - age.
Young Irediseatiess parents : '' Permissiveness ? ''
Queen Lad La La : '' Oh my. ''
Both of young Irediseatiess parents look apace to Moonlight , as if they didn't know what to do or how to control their youngest , cub son : young Irediseatiess.
Moonlight : '' It means a stage where cubs want to be treated like adults. , when we royal parents - or just parents - have to continue treating our cubs like adults , until they get tired of being treated like an adult. But it's also a kind of behavior that is disapproved of and tolerated. In your case , your young , cub son , young I here , wants to be treated ' more ' like an adult , rather than a cub. Considering that young I and young Dale are advanced , in leaps and bounds mature cubs , this cub stage would be ' perfect ' for the both of them to test out. , ' just ' to see if young Iredise and young Dale can handle it. ''
Young Irediseatiess mom : '' Why yes little I , it ' does ' sound very familiar to us. We apologize if .. * looks from her husband : young Irediseatiess Dad gently , then back to looking down at young Irediseatiess soft hearted * your father and I are smothering you and being ' way too ' overprotective of you. But we just don't want to see you hurt. LOTS of cubs in the Indenius pride ' barely ' made it passed their first birthday. We , the grown royals and the Indenius pride ' don't ' want anything bad to happen to you or Kip. ''
Young Kip's mom : '' Are you okay sweetheart ? , nothing bad did happen between you and young Iredise ? ''
Young Kip : '' No Mom , I'm finne. Big Iredise and I .. are finne. We had an awesome time here , spending time together and playing here. The reason why we ' probably ' were here for too long , was because I coaxed big I to please stay here with me , for a little while longer. This view .. is ab-solu-tely beautiful ! , when it gets dark. It's tranquil presense reminds of Mr Moonlight himself. ''
Moonlight softly beams at young Kip warmheartedly. A little touched and feeling a little meaningful that while young Kip was having so much with young Irediseatiess , he must've developed a peaceful connection with his view.
Moonlight : '' My view ' is ' beautiful at night isn't it. I used to take Miss .. Queen Lad La La out here so I could spend some private , meaningful , personal time with her. We used to always play here when we were just cubs , when my royal father named this place after me , with a '' moonlight '' view. Implying my name with the nightly , midnight views are just .. breath-taking at this time of day when it gets dark. Remember , miss Lad La La ? ''
Moonlight , young Kip , young Irediseatiess , young Irediseatiess parents , young Kip's parents , young Princess Destiny and young Dale could hear Queen Lad La La's soft , coy , getting a romantic , remembering , thrill chuckle.
Queen Lad La La : '' Like the memory of us NEVER .. went away ... ''
Both grown , striking and magnolious royals look up as if lovingly at one another. Self possessed , Moonlight also provides Queen Lad La La with a furry , goo-goo look that's serenely confident , but hidden deep into his phosphoresce , furry , jazzy , moonlight , galaxy eyes. A furry , goo-goo eyed look that's '' too '' self possessed , that's lionhearted enough to risk playing these .. provocative , indecent , shameless , come-hither and seductive games with Queen Lad La La in their very long , royal friendship.
Simpering , Queen Lad La La presents Moonlight with a beddable , inviting , very , very easy on the eyes , tempting , furry and still coy look that's dreamy , but she's really , really reticent to equally risk playing these .. come-hither and playing around games ' outside ' of her royally committed marriage with King Fein. Both grown royals like blazes look away from each other , as if they caught each other staring at one another , a shy , cute way to look and almost pretend .. to be amused into the group's conversation. Firstly , listening to young Kip's father finally talk after being so quietly and listening fully to the male cub's dildos coming to an end for today.
Young Kip's father : '' If you wanted to go here so much , then why didn't you ask me ? I would've more than gladly court you and young I right after I tell .. our royal , guardian majesty that we're all going to : '' Moonlight's View '' together. ''
Wouldn't boo to a goose - before young Kip could gently decline his father's warm invitation of .. could've went with him and young Irediseatiess then none .. of this .. would've happened - Young Irediseatiess speaks up bluntly.
Young Irediseatiess : ( almost raising his voice bluntly , tiring of the overprotective , '' parental supervision '' ) '' But that's .. just it ! No disrespect , Mom , Dad , Mr Moonlight and Queen Lad La La , but I don't ' need ' protection from you anymore. ' Or ' the Indenius pride's support. I can take care of myself. I've ' been ' taking care of myself all on my own without any cat's help. Mom , Dad , you've witnessed this while raising me. So you should understand where I'm coming from. Going out to : '' Moonlight's View '' with Kip , made me want to feel like .. ' I ' could take the responsibility of .. - not only looking after myself - but also looking after Kip too. So his parents won't have to worry sick about him so much. , ''
Young Irediseatiess : '' as if I haven't noticed the way that your parents smother and drain you with so much love Kip , that I can see the furry look on your face , that it's ' too much ' for you , but you're always so cute and shy not to say anything. ''
Young Princess Destiny : '' ... ''
Young Dale : '' ... ''
Young Irediseatiess father : '' Woww .. okay , I think I've heard enough from the boys for one day. How ' bout you sweetheart ? ''
Young Irediseatiess Mom : '' He's right hon , maybe we ' should ' consider the idea of getting him into the cub stage of permissiveness. He's ' very ' independent. We should talk about this later. ''
Young Irediseatiess father turns his big , furry head to look thoughtfully at his wife.
Young Irediseatiess father : '' What , really ? I disapprove of this cub stage permissiveness. I ' already ' don't like the way it sounds ... ''
Young Irediseatiess Mom : '' I know honey , but , maybe this'll be like a test for young I. ' If ' .. he passes this test , then we allow I to go through a cub permissveness stage , but if young I fails , then we disagree. Sounds better ? ''
Young Irediseatiess father : * says to his wife assuredly whilst nodding his big , furry head * '' Agreed sweetheart. ''
Looking as if .. he didn't know what his parents were discussing about , young Irediseatiess looks up at his parents an amazed , accepting , furry look and furry grin on his small , furry snout. His parents look down at young Irediseatiess with comfort , support , indulgent for young Irediseatiess , love , understanding and caring. The tone of young Irediseatiess voice blown away.
Young Irediseatiess : '' You're kidding ! ''
Young Irediseatiess father smiles generous to a fault while young Irediseatiess Mom smiles bounteously down at their youngest son : young Irediseatiess.
Young Irediseatiess Mom : * shakes her big , furry , tasteful head '' No '' to young Irediseatiess playfully once * '' Noope ! , you want to be treated like an adult so badly ? Okay , we'll allow it. * Looking at his wife from the left , furry sides of his furry , colored eyes , he nods his furry , big head supportively with his wife * * young Irediseatiess can't help but squeal in hype * Ah , ah , ah ! .. but under ' one ' condition : you ' can't ' complain whenever we ask you to do adult things. , we'll be dumping a lot of responsibilities on you and we won't feel bad about doing it at all , owning to the fact that you think you got what it takes to be an adult , okay. Complain or fuss and we decline. Understand ? ''
Young Irediseatiess : ( raises his voice in hype ) '' Uh huh , uh huh , uh huh ! Under-stand ! ''
Young Irediseatiess Mom : '' If your father and I catch a glimpse of how well you're being an adult , then we'll agree. ''
Young Irediseatiess : '' Yes ! , yes , yes , yes ! ''
In shared , low toned mutters , young Irediseatiess Mom and father have an as soon as possible , but very short interlocution. Young Irediseatiess faint , raised in hype celebration sound in the background is now being blocked out with their interlocution. Young Irediseatiess father almost at once turns his big , furry head to look alarming at his wife in causing disquiet to thought about young Irediseatiess entering this cub permissiveness stage where he'll grow up ' way too fast ' than himself and his wife want him to. , up to a point where , when young Irediseatiess is a grown , male lion , he won't need his parents to take care of him anymore.
This is fear bringing to young Irediseatiess father.
Young Irediseatiess father : '' Aren't we supposed to be hoping and praying , that he doesn't pass this test ? You know how I feel about our cubs growing up too fast. Slyvien ( young Irediseatiess older brother ) already is straying away from us .. and young I , he's not being very much of a '' good , oldest brother , tough and strong influence '' on young I as much as we want to dearest one. ''
Young Irediseatiess Mom : '' I feel the same way too dear. But this could be a good thing for the both of us. Least we'll know that he'll be ' more than ' fine out there on his own. And it's even better that we won't have to worry about Slyvien too. We've done our part raising our boys , now we look forward to us. We can look forward to ' our time ' spending it together. Best part is , the boys can come and visit us anytime in our family den. ''
Young Irediseatiess father : '' Ooh , well I like the sound of that. * young Irediseatiess Mom softly giggles sensual and flirtatiously * In that case , let ' em grow up. ''
Young Irediseatiess Mom : '' But not ' too ' fast. ''
Young Irediseatiess father growls softly placate just when his thoughtful , patient wife purrs softly in serenity with their agreement. , and togetherness on what would be best for young Irediseatiess. Young Irediseatiess Mom and father continue to head rub ataraxy and bring their furry , big heads together poise and peaceable.
Young Dale : '' Hey Ma , can you - Mr Moonlight and Dad - consider me getting into the cub permissiveness stage ? I'd like to give it a shot. ''
Queen Lad La La slightly turns her average , lioness head to look fondly at young Dale.
Queen Lad La La : '' Sure thing Dal Dal. ( nickname for young Dale ) , your father , I and Moonlight we'll discuss it sensibly on the way back to Sundaya , okay ? ''
Young Dale : '' Okay. ''
Young Dale curves a furry smile to the left side of his furry cheek a bit logically to his royal mother : Queen Lad La La.
Queen Lad La La : '' What neither of you have explained to us so far , is .. what made Moonlight's View so special ? ''
Moonlight supplies Queen Lad La La with a very instanter , furry , overbold , sphinxlike glance in his magnanimous enigma. Queen Lad La La is erubescent when she finds herself trying to outstare Moonlight , but she caves in , in all of her royal modest ness , looking away because of Moonlight's princely seduction is trying to tempt and entice her. Mumchance and paying court to Queen Lad La La's come-on , furry looks , Moonlight looks away from Queen Lad La La as if he wanted to continue their seducing outstares some other time together. , as if to plan to make enticing advances at Queen Lad La La just to get her back later.
Moonlight : '' Miss Lad La La presents us with .. a tempting question. To which I have been meaning to patiently ask myself ... ''
Young Kip looks up at Moonlight fresh faced and peart.
Young Kip : '' Mr Moonlight ! , * Moonlight quietly chuckles at young Kip's peart-ness * big I and I went your view. I admitted to him that I think .. I love him. ''
Moonlight : '' Love him ? ''
Young Princess Destiny : '' Oh ... ''
Young Princess Destiny looks sincerely solemn at young Kip. , looking intently just as secretly jealous as he is for her. Green-eyed at hearing that her life long , best friend : young Kip has an amorous entanglement with young Irediseatiess. She once thought that herself and young Kip had something. Had a connection , she'll call it that.
Moonlight says very softly to young Kip and young Irediseatiess as if he can't believe what his colorful , moonlight , furry , galaxy eyes are seeing .. ' and ' as if he can't believe what his furry , slightly big ears are ' hearing ' .. right now. Did he just hear the word : '' Love ? ''
Moonlight looks at Queen Lad La La startling just as her furry , queenly , average , lioness head looks beautifully rip-roaring back at Moonlight. Queen Lad La La breaks into speaking rip-roaring , misconstruing how what young Kip and young Irediseatiess '' innocent , cub , puppy love '' once appears to be nothing or to be concerned about and treated lightly. Likely because she remembers herself and Moonlight having that kind of innocently sweet , cub , puppy love. But what Queen Lad La La - or Moonlight - doesn't catch on to , is just how consequential , real and timeless young Kip and young Irediseatiess love is going to be.
Queen Lad La La : '' Aw-ohhhh ! , how sweet , cub , puppy love ! ''
Greatly offended when Queen Lad La La misconstrued their love between himself and young Kip , young Irediseatiess speaks into a point-blank blurt out. Expressly sensitive about himself and young Kip's growing love for one another.
Young Irediseatiess : '' No ! , with all due respect .. Miss Lad La La , you misconceive ! Kip doesn't mean * air quotes with his furry , tiny , tiny paws in satirize * '' innocent , cub , puppy love '' that ' all cats ' here .. in Sundaya experience , in friendships , relationships and even before marriages. * he views Miss Queen Lad La La softly , cute , affronted , furry face all because of his point-blank blurt out seems to be attacking her * * Spotting this - as if Queen Lad La La is sensitive - young Irediseatiess tries to sedately speak his mind , already driven around the bend with Queen Lad La La misinterpreting his and young Kip's love as : '' cub , puppy love '' * We ' both mean ' love. ' Real ' , adult love. , ''
Both Moonlight and Queen Lad La La share benumbed , strike dumb and backasswards , furry looks with each other. , at hearing young Irediseatiess loud , well , spoken and clear.
Young Irediseatiess : '' like the kind of royal , law breaking , non licet , hidden love Miss Lad La La and Mr Moonlight have. ''
Both royals Moonlight and Queen Lad La come into view. , just when both grown royals act media-shy and reserved. Both grown royals flush pink-colored and rosy pink on both of their furry cheeks.
Queen Lad La La : ( even more media-shy than Moonlight is ) ( says slowly , in cute modest ness ) '' And .. why are you implying this .. love betwixst Moonlight and I as one ? ''
Moonlight : '' How foolish of you to say so. Miss Lad La La and I .. have always been the best of friends back since cub , furry tooth and claw days. I've known her when she was just a little cub and we used to always play here when we were cubs. We're solely closely intimate , best friends that have known each other for a prodigiously long , long time. ''
Young Irediseatiess : * titters all-wisely * '' Don't be modest and dignified , Miss Lad La La and Mr Moonlight. Ever since we've made an entrance here in your den , Mr Moonlight , I've seen the way that you look at Miss Lad La La. I've seen the way that you both look at each other. So it's unmistakably clear that you Mr Moonlight , have an undeniably love connection and a love , sexual magnetism to Miss Lad La La. ''
Moonlight : * in the extreme red-faced * '' We're all starting to get awfully off track , aren't we ... ''
Moonlights says slickly and peace-making , trying to reroute the direction of the conversation the group is going in.
Young Irediseatiess continues to titter all wisely at Moonlight. Very much used to Moonlight's withdrawn personality , Queen Lad La La titters with young Irediseatiess all-seeing and all knowingly. Even young Princess Destiny joins in the tittering laughter with young Kip who begins to snicker in laughter that is too funny to describe in words. , at the same time that Moonlight U-turns away from the group. , plodding onto his very long , furry fours heading for the entrance/exit of the den to sit upright upfront. , to reflect and meditate himself. , as if he were a thinking kind of lion.
Young Dale shakes his furry , small head disinterestedly during the time that he catches the appeal , the pulchritude , the pleasing ness , the heavenliess , the gorgeousness , the picturesqueness and the decorativeness in all of young princess Destiny's killingly funny tittering.
Young Irediseatiess parents quietly chuckles affably at Moonlight's expense. , while young Irediseatiess father pulls his affable and very likeable wife close to him. Wrapping his left , furry , long , tough arm around his wife's furry , divine , standing on all furry , long fours figure.
And just ... like ... that ! , ex King Kip quickly jolts from out of his royal , kingly rest. , no longer out of his dreamland where the memory of him and young Irediseatiess that were ' once ' fresh in his royal , kingly mind are now gone from his memory. What a memory between himself and young Irediseatiess that all felt so .. ' real ' and so lifelike , now is like a cloud that's either : floating away or he's trying to catch this cloud before it vanishes thoroughly between his furry , front paws. Back in Sundaya , in Irediseatiess own , lion den , ex King Kip sat upright not far off from the very bottom level of the perfectly carved and smoothly stoned steps. , quickly zipping his furry , big head left and right as if he either : heard a cat coming or as if he heard the maddening and unceasing sounds of nature that is outside of Irediseatiess own , lion den.
Ex King Kip could make out in his own soft , fast-paced pants , as if one of his worst nightmares had come true , extensively in the heart of darkness that has already in-depth , enclosed everywhere and anywhere ' round Irediseatiess own , lion den.
Ex King Kip : ( softly spoken ) '' My Kinny , ''
Ex King softly spoke inside of his furry , royal , kingly mind.
Ex King Kip : '' it was ' only ' a memory of me and I. Just only .. a memory. It's not real. You're in reality right now. Relax ... ''
As if his soothing thoughts were going to calm him down , ex King Kip forces himself out of Irediseatiess own , lion den. In slow , un hurried steps , ex King Kip turns his furry , royal head in the direction up to the perfectly stoned and perfectly carved steps. He gets on his way springing up three , perfectly stone and carved , cool to the touch and dark grey steps. , walking in furry , a little dragged steps up the dark gray , non railing steps still taking his unrushed time reaching the stone , huge , strapping , authoritative , herculean head entrance/exit out of Irediseatiess own , lion den. , taking after the detailed and so life like image of roaring , male lion.
Hopping through the stone , male lion like hopping through hoops at the circus , ex King Kip steadily , gracious and flowingly stalk walks down two , rectangular , outstretched from left to right , still chilly to the touch , perfectly stoned and perfectly carved steps. , on top of that , stepping onto solid , dark grey ground and what's more , steps up onto two more rectangular , outstretched from left to right , still freezing to the touch , perfectly stoned and perfectly carved steps. At this moment , ex King Kip squeezes his way through the slightly thick gap beneath the thick , stone , huge wall that was cut in half ending almost ' close ' .. to touching the stone , dirt ground. , unflaggingly grunting softly in effort to squeeze his way through again. Reaching the left side of the thick , stone , huge wall , ex King Kip continues to slowly stalk walk his way up to that same huge , sand made , thick wall that he had already leaped over when he first let himself inside of his life long , best friend : Irediseatiess own , lion den.
Ex King Kip stalk ways his way up closer to the thick , stone , huge wall bouncing his way over it like bouncing over a hurdle in a race. Off Ex King Kip goes , whizzing and putting on some speed the further he does a runner out of this very far and further area in Sundaya. , out of Irediseatiess own , lion den.
Ambling ' round Sundaya at two in the forenoon ,
Ex King Kip wends his way on his very long , furry fours detecting himself incapable of sleeping like a top in view of the fact that he can't get his royal , furry mind into a sleeping , inactive state , he can't stopping thinking about his sweet one : Queen Destiny - how ten years ago he had been craving for her , on at long last loving her and on at long lost getting to her to see .. that he shouldn't be in the best friend's zone anymore. , and ' be seen ' as her significant other and later , Queen Destiny's husband to be. Ex King Kip can't stop thinking about how his royal , about to be wed relationship with Queen Destiny comes to this when their love isn't strong , isn't faithful , isn't no longer fought for or .. just isn't getting it anymore like they're love ' used ' to.
Ex King Kip can't stop thinking about him playing around with his inamorato : Irediseatiess behind his lioness girlfriend : Queen Destiny's furry back. , in the get-go of ten years of their royal relationship. Ex King Kip can't stop thinking about how he told Irediseatiess - coming from his memory - in a moment of weakness that he wants him , instead of Queen Destiny. , and had led Irediseatiess on to '' buying it '' , that when the timing is right , he'll end his royal relationship with Queen Destiny so he can be free and be with Irediseatiess. Ex King Kip can't stop thinking about how wrong and '' doing Queen Destiny dirty '' like this , all sounds. It all sounds so wrong ! , it all sounds like .. Irediseatiess is his seductive , enticing devil that's controlling his every move and controlling his conscience. , always there with him ' everywhere ' he goes , persistently whispering into his left , furry ear and telling him that he shouldn't be with Queen Destiny , that Queen Destiny doesn't deserve him the way he does , that their royal relationship isn't going to last so very long , that if he becomes Irediseatiess love of his life , Irediseatiess promises to love him forever and stay committed to him , stay married to him for the ' rest ' of his life.
Telling ex King Kip that they're lovemaking ' will ' be great , telling ex King Kip that he knows that he wants him , telling ex King Kip that he ' won't ' find any cat in the Indenius pride , that will love him the way ' he ' does , telling ex King Kip to NEVER EVER .. go back to Tawny again , telling ex King Kip that he belongs to him and no cat .. is going to take him away from him. And - you guessed correctly - ex King Kip is over bewitched by Irediseatiess the devil , willing to accept this '' sexually romantic arrangement '' and also more than nothing loath to listen to ' EVERYTHING ' that Irediseatiess the devil is saying to him. Ex King Kip can't stop thinking about why haven't he taken any action to .. trying to speak to his love Queen Destiny yet , since they're exchanged views on. After he told his Queen that he foreswears his royal , kingly throne and without warning , doesn't want to be King of Sundaya anymore. Why didn't he run after her ? , why didn't he try to make things right with her ? , why is he fighting shy of Queen Destiny .. ' and ' Tawny ? Why is he away from the ' en-tire ' Indenius pride and no cat knows of what he's doing and of his who-abouts , what-abouts and whereabouts ? Ex King Kip knows what he's doing , ' isn't ' right. Why .. is he doing this to his Queen ? , why is he leaving his Queen in the lurch ? , once again : letting her rule as Queen of Sundaya all over again ?
For years of being Queen Destiny's lower class , poor , royal servant ever since he hit the age of seven , ex King Kip always has been a royal idealist to Sundaya. Thinking of the preteen years that he shared and been in the company of young Princess Destiny , always telling her when he becomes King of Sundaya one day , he gave her his words of honor that he'll be a very good King of Sundaya to her. He'll always love , honor , respect her , he always love her for ' all ' of her flaws , perfections and imperfections , he always work with her to handle and keep Sundaya under wraps and in well , royal order once that kingly crown takes a ' new place ' atop his furry , big head. Ex King Kip thinks of the oaths , the words of honor , giving his Queen his word , that he would make a ' huge ' change and a ' huge ' , royal difference .. being her Prince and ' then ' King of Sundaya one day. And .. - maybe Queen Destiny was foolish , too trusting and too naive to let him assert and give credence to his words. At this minute , ex King Kip ' already ' feels like he's shattering the illusions of and dampening her spirits of trusting and depending on him .. when he is in the present , preteen , cat days with Queen Destiny , that he is going to aim to be a great - or perfect - King of Sundaya for her. Ex King Kip told his Queen candidly that he is going to marry her one day and she's going to be very , very happy to be married to him. He's going to keep Tawny away from her , telling her that Tawny doesn't deserve her , that Tawny isn't good enough for her and that Tawny .. isn't going to love her forever , the way he's planning to.
Look how ' all ' of his words , came back at him now .. to bite and slash him right .. in front .. of his furry .. face. See what he gets for being so ' overly bold ' with his Queen ? At present , he sees where all of his words gets him at. Right now , in the present time of his royal , kingly life , now it's just ... - now it seems - no - appears , to be too late for him now.
Ex King Kip also can't stop himself from thinking about why .. were his Queen and Touphy acting so .. like nothing on earth ? What were his Queen and Touphy talking about outside of her royal , old , family den ? Why couldn't Touphy tell him ? , why didn't his Queen didn't want to tell him about her , Touphy and Tum Tum's cubhood friendship ? Is there something ' more ' .. going on between his Queen and Touphy ? , why were they alone together ? Overhearing himself ask him this question in his royal , furry head , maybe he's making too much of it. Maybe he's sounding like a very , very jealous lion boyfriend of his Queen's and he doesn't want to be that kind of lion boyfriend. , that's always in doubt and that's always suspicious of her unfaithfulness in their royal relationship. He trusts his Queen , he loves his Queen very , very dearly. He knows that his Queen ' isn't ' cheating on him , or would ' ever ' sleep with another male lion ' without him ' , knowing anything about it firsthand. What could his Queen and Touphy could ' possibly ' be talking about ? , what is it .. that his Queen ' doesn't ' want him to know about .. between her and Touphy ? And .. what's good with Tum Tum , ' also ' acting inexplicable when at first hand , when he caught Touphy and Tum Tum argufying in front of him , when he asked Touphy if their argufying .. had anything to do with Queen Destiny , and Touphy said no ; he noticed Tum Tum lying about it.
Or .. maybe not lying. Maybe telling the truth , ' as if ' .. ex King Kip could tell .. when Tum Tum is lying or telling the truth. Nevertheless , ex King Kip could feel in his soul , in his heart , in his bones , in his body , in his gut ; that Tum Tum .. is lying. Oh , he's ' on ' to Touphy and Tum Tum he is ... It's just something about Tum Tum answering ' without delay ' when he asked both seven foot , furry , tall lions if their argufying had anything to do with Queen Destiny. And he found himself looking over to Tum Tum to soon after pick up on his collected and elusive behavior. Why didn't Tum Tum tell him that he can't put his paw on it , pretending to act like he doesn't know what's going on between Touphy and his Queen , when he can't help but feel that Tum Tum ' does ' know what's going on between Touphy and his Queen. Any cat in the Indenius pride knows , that Touphy's furry behavior is always playing his cards close to his chest , ALWAYS look to Tum Tum who is likely to give away Touphy's revealed , true behavior. The other way around with Tum Tum.
On these odd occasions , this is NOT the case. Every so often , the very tall , gigantic brothers normally cage up each other's tell tales , each other's behaviors , each other's thoughts , each other's feelings , each other's actions , each other's personality traits and each other's opinions so as to NOT reveal their purposes , aim and objectives. Ex King Kip can't keep himself from thinking .. that his Queen is ' in all probability ' getting even and in all probability playing around ' outside ' of their royal relationship , as his fiancé , just as much as he is. In all like likelihood , his Queen is in all probability '' getting even '' with Tawny , in all probability sleeping with Tawny , in all probability messing around with Tawny , in all probability mating and getting her oats with Tawny. Or is his Queen doing that with Touphy ? ... Ain't he the hypocrite ! , like he's not doing all of this with Irediseatiess sub-rosa. He ain't no holy saint !
... -
Still and all , ex King Kip keeps on with thinking to a degree that his furry , royal mind will allow. Ex King Kip hates himself for telling Irediseatiess about his and Queen Destiny's royal relationship. Before Irediseatiess left Sundaya all because of him , up the wall with him NOT committed or willing to stick with .. either : Irediseatiess or Queen Destiny ; ex King Kip felt very , very guilt ridden for telling Irediseatiess that he can't get it no more with his Queen like he used to. The act of love between himself and his Queen just ' isn't ' the same. The sexual unions between himself and his Queen isn't happening anymore. , because at intervals , it was always their nightly routine were .. either : ' he ' .. wasn't in the mood of lovemaking or ' she ' .. wasn't in the mood for lovemaking. Or ' he ' was in the mood for lovemaking with his Queen , but she didn't want to. Or ' she ' was in the mood for lovemaking but he didn't want to. Ex King Kip knows that he is ' such ' a deceiver to his Queen. He knows that he should've told Irediseatiess about their lovemaking performance in their royal den. He has too many sexual , frustrated passions. Irediseatiess didn't need to know that he's not feeling as happy and crazy about his Queen , as he used to ten years ago.
Irediseatiess didn't need to know , that he's desiring lovemaking that his Queen - and each other - haven't been giving in their royal relationship very lately. Irediseatiess didn't need to know , that ex King Kip wants him ' SO BAD ' , that ex King Kip seems to be .. forgetting .. that he's ' still ' in a royal relationship with Queen Destiny. In the present circumstances , Irediseatiess knows this already. Irediseatiess knows. First , he's deceived his Queen's privacy and trust in their royal relationship .. by exposing '' their '' bedrooms secrets '' to Irediseatiess , currently , ex King Kip's got a WILD , infinity number .. of '' bedroom secrets '' with Irediseatiess too. Ex King Kip re directs this .. brand new thought to his royal mind right now. Irediseatiess didn't need to know he ' still ' loves Queen Destiny , because Irediseatiess wasn't trying to hear that. Irediseatiess is trying to hear that he loves him and ' ONLY ' him. Irediseatiess didn't need to know that he's starting to fall out of love with his Queen and keeping on falling in love with Irediseatiess.
This isn't any of Irediseatiess concern yet here , it ' already ' is.
In the wake of ex King Kip's thinking , he found himself standing onto his very long , furry fours within the royal , inner limits of Queen Lad La La's royal tower , very wide , spacious and very rocky area. He didn't get a fix on when did he firstly put a returning , royal , furry appearance inside of this royal throne area. He didn't become fully well aware of all the wending his way and .. taking in the air that he was doing , has just now , came to an end : right on the dot.
Turning a blind eye to the sound of whooshing and whipping wind at two in the forenoon here in Sundaya , ex King Kip sets like a bullet out guns about turning his furry , big , royal head from pillar to post setting the seal on that no animal - or cat from the Indenius pride - happens to be around him now. , or happens to be in the exact , same area in Sundaya as him.
In all of this unwarlike silence , ex King Kip startles very , ever so pronto once he lightly overhears the gruff , toneless , unexpressive , flat , bland , detached and cold-blooded tone of Tum Tum's voice in such a composed and controlled way. Cut from the same cloth as Touphy.
Tum Tum : '' Your kindness ! , coming into view from out of hiding I see ? , might I ask why are you out here , in the earliest hours of Sundaya ? If you're wishing to speak to a cat in the pride , that's not possible. Because all cats are still asleep at the moment. I assume that you .. would be asleep too ? , why ever not ? ''
Highly alarmed , ex King Kip like a madman turns his furry , royal head over his right , furry shoulder to look at the back of him at Tum Tum. , who just now made him jump out of his skin.
ex King Kip sighs in opportune relief at a length in this moment , he brings himself at ease that it's only Touphy's second older brother : Tum Tum. , not an intruder , an invader or either .. being met with Tawny or Queen Destiny. Taking a questionably , a little long time answering Tum Tum's unembellished question , ex King Kip almost slowly answers Tum Tum in a quietly soft , anxiety-ridden tone of voice. NOT sounding as all smiles , sugary sweet and kindhearted as normal.
Ex King Kip : '' Oh ... - Mr Tum Tum , it's just you. ''
Slightly as tolerant and a little patient unlike Touphy is , Tum Tum waits very patiently for ex King Kip to stop humming and hawing , and just answer his unembellished question.
Tum Tum : '' Oh I beg .. your pardon your kindness. It wasn't my intent to startle you or .. make you jump right out of your skin. Out of all innocence , I mean no harm this morning. I purely am taking over myself .. and Touph's nightly , guardian obligations and responsibilities by reason of Touph taking Miss unflinching Puffs off to bed very , very early throughout the time the pride , myself and Tawny set our unlikeness and .. like chalk and cheese , differences aside. , so that the pride can have something to eat. The day before today , the Indenius pride hasn't ate all day. , ''
Tum Tum : '' it would seem that .. on account of what cat hell and .. that interestingly '' new '' cat reunion , that has latterly happened in your royal , kingly absence , eating .. grew to become '' be-yond the bounds of possibility '' for us all , for the Indenius pride. ''
Ex King Kip : '' Oh .. - wow. I ' really haven't ' be around as the Indenius pride's King .. of Sundaya , haven't I. ''
Tum Tum : '' As near as dammit ... ''
Tum Tum says to ex King Kip with smoothness in his very gruff as Touphy , voice. Taking it upon himself , to slowly sit upright high , colossal and mean-looking as his eldest brother : Touphy. His towering , furry head leans downward , but forward right in front of ex King Kip's very , very gracious , furry face. In spite of the fact that Tum Tum's hugely long , golden and volcano red streaked mane is already closed up into a very long , long , soft , fuzziest to fuzzy ponytail ; Tum Tum's over fuzzy , soft , golden and eruption , wine red , streaked hair strands over layers other hair strands of his. Very up close , Tum Tum's animated and coming to life hair strands see-saw , blow hot and cold , oscillate and wigwag for ex King Kip to see.
Normally hard-nosed , hard-hitting , badass and attack dog distinctly as Touphy's iceberg , dark blue , furry eyes , Tum Tum's eruption , furry , vermilion eyes unabatingly keep at looking collectedly down at ex King Kip.
Ex King Kip : '' - Oh no , no. Don't worry .. ( slowly addresses Tum Tum subservient ) Mr .. Tum Tum. I already know that you don't mean any harm. I wouldn't have guessed that you would be causing trouble during the early morning hour. - I already know that you're only doing your royal job guarding Sundaya's royal grounds and royal territories as one of Desi's royal guardians since birth. - It's okay , I know that you didn't mean to startle me. I didn't expect to run into you this morning. When I get the chance , I'm going to have to personally apologize to your older brother .. ( slowly addresses Tum Tum's older brother : Touphy subservervient ) Mr Touphy , about how irresponsible and how much of a royal ghost that I've been , to the Indenius pride and being ''
Ex King Kip : '' your new King of Sundaya. * Tum Tum nods his furry , very large head once at ex King Kip chilling in perception * - And to answer your question , I can't seem to sleep ' at all ' because I got A-LOT on my mind. ''
Without bothering to hear by a great deal what else Tum Tum has to say - or , what else .. is on Tum Tum's mind - ex King Kip curls away from Tum Tum into a U-turn. , back in the direction leading farther , farther and farther ahead right back to Irediseatiess own , lion den. Lightly and gracefully trekking in an undecided , having no idea , desired way he wants to go , in mind and in particular.
Tum Tum furnishes ex King Kip with a wiseass and a cross-grained , furry look on his face. Normally showing a cross-grained side and A-LOT of a wiseass side Touphy and Queen Destiny ever so often see in his personality.
Reason why Tum Tum is so cross-grained with ex King Kip , owning to the facts of 1 : he's always had hidden , sexual , loving , extraordinary , strong , fond feelings for Queen Destiny back when they were cubs , 2 : morning , noon and night : Tum Tum tries everyday .. not to permit Queen Destiny to tempt and entice him in the sexual , loving act of seduction. , privy that she's an old , past temptress and seductress - NOT , to have sexual relations with other lions , but to sexually control , operate and manipulate other lions into doing things under ' her terms ' and doing things first , that she wants to do -- ' still ' Tawny's fiancé before the hyena invasion came around. 3 : Tum Tum is au courant that his eldest brother Touphy had sexual , romantic relations with Queen Destiny and he doesn't want to come between their lion , brotherhood over Queen Destiny. , and come in between .. his eldest brother Touphy's and Queen Destiny's growing relationship that was put on hold ' before ' the hyena invasion came.
What else Tum Tum is unknowing and unmindful , is that .. his eldest brother : Touphy had already proposed to her ' before ' the hyena invasion and Queen Destiny had said : '' Yes. ''
Tum Tum : '' Oh ! , ''
Tum Tum's mannish , butch , as outstandingly macho as Touphy's , guttural voice goes from being cold blooded in a composed and controlled way to a laid-back wise-ass. , as always when Tum Tum is in the furry , manly , lion closeness with Touphy. Tum Tum's voice raises self-willed and disobliging.
Tum Tum : '' so that's it then ? You're just going to back down and give up ? ''
Be given to understand , ex King Kip swings his furry , very large head over his right , furry , shoulder bone to look trying at Tum Tum. Ex King Kip raises his voice ornery.
Ex King Kip : '' I ' don't .. know ' what I'm doing , at this point , Mr Tum Tum. ''
Tum Tum : '' NOT ruling Sundaya and marking your territory all over Puffs , that's for sure ... ''
Ex King Kip : '' What do ' you care ! ' Mr Tum Tum ? ! , you already know that I'm standing down from being King of Sundaya. So .. what does it matter ? ! * Ex King Kip takes stock of Tum Tum cocking his massive , furry head backwards at him touchy * * , Tum Tum normally being a touchy kind of lion * The only ' thing ' that matters to me , is Desi. ''
Tum Tum : '' It doesn't ' seem ' .. that way. ''
Ex King Kip : ( his voice raises even more in ornery ) '' Oh ! , and what's ' that ' supposed to mean ? ''
Tum Tum : ( remarkably touchy , up to a no great shakes degree ) ( his voice sharpens getting more cross-grained than before ) '' It ' means ' .. that now in Sundaya .. ' isn't ' the right time to be standing down as King of Sundaya ! It ' means ' .. that you've been acting ego-centric and it's ' all been ' about yourself , ever since you told the Indenius pride that you don't take interest .. in being King of Sundaya anymore. It ' means ' .. that you need to take stock into this royal , kingly stare of affairs and your royal , kingly resolution that's not ONLY .. affecting the Indenius pride , but MAINLY the Queen ! ''
Ex King Kip : ( says softly , taking Tum Tum's words into consideration so easily , like mad ) '' Go on ... ''
Tum Tum : * scoffs in touchy disgust at ex King Kip's words * '' You ' STILL ' unsettled and all steamed up about Puff's cold and cruel past ? ! HA ! , saying this .. with ' complete respect ' your kindness , you don't even know HALF of the story. Mmm , while you were being egocentric and .. telling the pride that you're standing down from being King of Sundaya - when you ' should've ' stuck it out with the Indenius pride , ' like ' a REAL ! .. King of Sundaya should - Puffs past cats that herself and unaccomondating Tawny once again .. became familiarized with ; Golden , set the Indenius pride up into a cat raid - that was covered up into what was called a : '' cat reunion '' or a '' cat visit '' - imprisoning your dearest Queen .. in chains. , ''
Ex King Kip : ( already beset with problems , enough as it is : troubled ) '' What ! ''
Tum Tum : '' Mm-hmm. Yesterday , Puffs was catnapped by Golden , separating her from me , Touphy and Tawny. , who .. Scales and Trail's collision - coming from R and his second older brother back at : '' Paws Repercussions '' - took her away to the poseidome. There , Puffs was forced to content with Golden , Rose , Mane and all of the other evil loving and evil hearted lions in Scales and Trail's collision. It's ' worse enough ' .. that Golden ' now knows ' .. that Puffs ' doesn't have ' a King of Sundaya , thanks to you deciding to turn your back on Puff's royal reign that you're ' supposed ' to be ruling with her. , and even ' hugger ' thanks to you , to turning your back on all of the Indenius pride. Puffs ' didn't ' mention your name to Golden. My guess is , it's for your own protection. ''
Ex King Kip : '' Oh my Kinny , ' my ' .. protection ? ''
Tum Tum : '' Yesss .. now ' do not ' interrupt me again. ''
Ex King Kip : '' Right ... ''
Tum Tum : '' Golden , Rosy , Scales and Trail's collision - coming from R and his older brother at : '' Paws Repercussions - discussed with Tawny and Puffs their royal demands and commands. Puffs pretended .. to agree to these royal demands and commands so as not to anger and enrage Golden. ' All ' of us cats at poseidome .. were in hot water. If we ' didn't ' do as Golden asked , then Golden would've taken your Queen ' out ' .. of Sundaya , to marry , torture and like enough rule ' his ' cat collision , wherever ' out ' of Sundaya .. that Golden was planning to take Puffs. Tawny was ' inches close ' .. to pushing , trying and testing Golden , almost ending things for Puffs as we know , for ' all ' of us. Because of you not showing up , Tawny had to act as an understudy .. King of Sundaya , helping the pride to rescue Puffs. , ''
Tum Tum : '' in the middle of Golden's hellish , cat raid , myself and Touphy fought against Golden. Tawny fought off as many lions as he could , trying to get to Puffs. The rest of the Indenius pride was forced and backed up into corners , near by the white fenced area that crosses hyena territory : outnumbered and cornered. ''
Ex King Kip : ( now speaking quietly ) '' Who's Golden , Rose , Scales & Trail's collision ? ''
Tum Tum : '' Oh-hoo-ohh ! , ( his touchy , sharpening voice lowers down considerably calm , for now ) you don't want to meet cats like that , your kindness. It's best that .. Puffs ' doesn't ' introduce you .. to cats like that. As I said before , it's for your own protection. If you dare have a say against this , don't argue and blow steam and static at me , go confront about it to your Queen. ''
Ex King Kip : '' Oh Kinny , this all sounds so horrendous. .. What else happened , Mr Tum Tum ? ''
Tum Tum slowly blinks his cherry-red , furry , whip-smart eyes at ex King Kip. Also joining in on taking stock of ex King Kip's shared state of affairs and circumstances that have already happened in Sundaya and to the Indenius pride the previous day.
Tum Tum : '' Tawny challenged Golden to : '' 60 seconds. '' And Tawny challenged Touph to : 60 seconds '' as well. , in royal possession of the Queen. Another : '' Kings ; only kings competition '' will be held again. So you my King , have A-LOT of competition. I'm saying this , not because I mean to question your royal decision-making , courses of royal action and your authority. Forgive my recalcitrance and rebelliousness against you this morning. I am .. ' deeply considerate ' of Puffs and very , very attentive to .. how your royal , kingly decision making .. is affecting .. my elder brother Touphy .. ' and ' Miss Puffs very , very much. , ''
Ex King Kip : '' And forgive me .. for getting upset at you and attacking you. I understand your say in all of this , Mr Tum Tum. I am just as attentive and ' very considerate ' of Desi as you are. I know that ' round Sundaya , I have NOT .. been acting like it and I have NOT .. been showing it , but .. I got a life too , you know. ' I've ' got problems of own ... ''
Tum Tum : ( rhadamanthine ) '' Awwww ... you need some sympathy ? , ''
Ex King Kip : ( says softly in appreciation ) '' Yea , I would more than appreciate it right about now ... ''
Curving a light : '' in Tum Tum's debt '' , furry smile across his furry , sizeable snout.
Tum Tum : * furry , narrow eyed at ex King Kip getting in his hair * ( rhadamanthine tone of voice raises balky ) well ' DAMN ' your sympathy ! DAMN IT ALL ! , your kindness. I'm bein' straight from the shoulder here. ' You think ' YOU .. got problems ? ! , HA ! , your kindness , with the Indenius pride , you don't even know HALF of it ! LOTS of other cats in the Indenius pride have problems and they are ' still ' selfish-lessly .. willing to put ' their ' troubles and personal issues aside , ' just ' to attend and aid the Queen in ' any ' best way that they can. Right now , the Queen is important so now ' isn't ' the time to back out. ''
Ex King Kip : '' I NEVER said .. that I was backing out ! ''
Tum Tum : '' Well ' that's ' the way it looks like , to the WHOLE entire Indenius pride ! , and that's NOT good ! ( voice softens reasonably ) For your part ... ''
Ex King Kip sighs draining and tiring softly in front of Tum Tum. At the starting point for being at a loss of words with Tum Tum in this end point of Tum Tum's intervention with him.
Tum Tum : '' If Moonlight were here in Sundaya ' at present ' , seeing ' you ' as King of Sundaya acting like this , he would be downright furious with you. ''
Ex King Kip : ( raises voice to a displeased extent , driven to distraction , because of Tum Tum ) '' That's ' IT ! ' , now I'm starting to get tired of you .. Desi and your older brother Touphy ! , keep talking about Moonlight. Moonlight this ! , Moonlight that ! ' If ' Moonlight was around , ' when ' Moonlight returns to Sundaya ! Well Moonlight .. ' ISN'T HERE ! ' He's NOT here ! , if he's so '' GREAT ! '' .. as you , my Desi and Touphy say , then why ' ISN'T ' he here in Sundaya right now ? ! Why isn't he leading me and helping me be King of Sundaya ? ! Helping ' ME ' lead his own PRIDE ? ! * leans his furry , sizeable , royal head to Tum Tum disillusioned , because he's foolish enough to believe what Moonlight can do as a royal in Sundaya * HMM ? ! ''
Very relaxed , Tum Tum blinks his furry , brick red eyes at ex King Kip. Tuning in very carefully and closely into ex King Kip's words.
Ex King Kip : ( voice lowers a bit , trying to pull himself together emotionally ) ( restarts his sentence all over again ) '' Listen , Mr Tum Tum , I .. am terribly sorry for my behavior with you this morning. I .. am terribly sorry that your intervention about confronting my royal status as King of Sundaya has broken me , dispirited me and .. even knocked the stuffing out of me ! I'M .. SORRY. I didn't realize .. how much I'm affecting the Indenius pride and .. how much I'm affecting Desi. * Tum Tum angles his furry , biggish head as if he were silently saying to ex King Kip : '' Go on your kindness , I'm listening ... '' * When I was just a cub , ' that ' was the first time that I've seen Moonlight witnessed the day that ' I ' was born , and also the days that Oan and Oni were born. , ''
Ex King Kip : '' then he spent a considerable amount of time with my family. Kind of like a cat reunion or a cat visit for the weekend. Something like that ... - but I've NEVER really ' met ' Moonlight before. ''
Tum Tum : ( now speaking quietly in a good-hearted way ) '' That's a bunch of ' cock ' , your kindness. Moonlight is inordinately out-going and is excessively conversant about ' all ' cats in his pride that he knows and to an ' even greater ' degree , conversant about ' all ' cat families in his pride. ''
Ex King Kip : ( now saying quietly ) '' No Mr Tum Tum , no. NOT for me. Well , me and my family are different. ''
Tum Tum : '' Different how ? ''
Ex King Kip set Tum Tum thinking. Tum Tum's furry , collected face doesn't express any lack of certainty or lack of understanding.
Ex King Kip : * pauses in his thoughts collectively before speaking to Tum Tum * '' ... Moonlight ' ONLY ' met my parents and .. the rest of my family. As in : cousins , relatives , aunts , Uncle's , nieces and nephews. Moonlight only greeted us and spent only ' a little ' bit of time with .. myself , Oan and Oni. Moonlight took a deeply strong liking to my little , male cub brother Oni. , and have spent A-LOT of time with him. But .. Moonlight's never really spent a lot of time with : me .. and Oni. I remember shyly saying : '' Hi '' to Moonlight back , but , being in the furry , royal , guardian presence of a Sundaya , fighting legend , how ' are you ' supposed to act ? ''
Tum Tum : '' Just .. like yourself , your kindness. ''
Ex King Kip : '' ... ''
Tum Tum : '' There's no special treatment , when being in the royal , guardian , furry presence of Moonlight. Lions like you charm Moonlight. Because of your shyness , your charm and your quiet reserved ness. Lions like you that keep it all in together , all bottled up inside. I'm telling you , your kindness , so Moonlight tells me - and Touphy , from time to time , believe me .. when I tell you this - lions like you .. knock him side aways ! In a good way. He's mentioned your name to me before , when he would always peer and view you being in the royal , princess company of Puffs. I remember long ago that he told me , that you amaze him. ''
Ex King Kip : * softly sighs a little self doubting * '' Tch , you're only saying that just to make me feel better. I appreciate the gesture though ... ''
Tum Tum : '' Noo , your kindness. - Well , to be honest with you , only a ' small ' part .. of me .. said this ONLY .. to make you feel better , but the other ninety nine percentage ... - well , that all belongs to Moonlight. Really. He ' did ' say that you amaze him. ''
Ex King Kip : ( normal toned lightly ) '' You sound like you mean it this time ... ''
Tum Tum : '' Yes your kindness , I do. I ' do ' mean it this time. Seriously , what makes you amaze Moonlight so , is because of your hidden nerve and charm. It only takes a mini second .. till you turn into a killer lion. Moonlight said that you .. got A-LOT of spunky and pluckiness in you ... ' I ' couldn't believe what I was hearin' myself. , due to the fact that , I didn't know you well enough back then. ''
Ex King Kip : '' Really ? ''
His furry , gracious face lightens up in vastly charming amusement that makes him get a little rosy pink colored in his furry cheeks whenever a cat compliments him. He can't help it.
Tum Tum nods his furry , big head once altruistic at ex King Kip. Tum Tum smiles a little unstintly at ex King Kip lightly catching how amusing it looks to catch sight of ex King Kip blushing rosy pink at time a cat compliments him. Tum Tum admits , it's .. preciously cute.
Tum Tum : '' Really. True as the sea is wet. Moonlight's words , ' all ' Moonlight's words. Not mine. Can't take credit for Moonlight's words ' even if ' I tried ... ''
Ex King Kip : '' Wow. ''
Tum Tum : '' Hehe .. yea .. wow is right. ''
Ex King Kip and Tum Tum reaches the thread of Tum Tum's intervention with ex King Kip. , and now , both lions in the early , early morning , reach a conflict-free stretch of quietness in the unforeseen , blowy , windy and fresh air. At the end of this inoffense stretch of quietness , Tum Tum continues to speak unstintly and altruistic at ex King Kip. Ultimately , bringing his intervention with ex King Kip to an end.
Tum Tum : '' When Moonlight ' does ' return to Sundaya , when : myself , Puffs , Con and Touphy , start to throw a huge , welcome hearted , royal , returning to Sundaya , cat celebration ; I ' could ' talk to Puffs about .. you desiring to properly met and speak with Moonlight for the very first time. Hearing you lose your ' last nerve ' , I take it .. that you sound like .. you feel like .. you're being left out ? , ''
Ex King Kip : ( says more softly , disclosing ) '' Yeah ... ''
Tum Tum : ( finishes his sentence in a way to set ex King Kip thinkin' this time , instead of vice versa ) '' when you're probably ' so much ' more so , put in the picture with Moonlight ? ''
Ex King Kip grew quiet in the thoughtful , full of thoughts , royal mind of his. Tum Tum got him thinkin'. Tum Tum got him turning over in his royal mind. , from this moment ' and ' all things considered when he feels tired and is , in the fullness of time , ready for bed. Maybe he's going about all of this wrong. Or .. maybe he's just asking for attention from Moonlight.
Ex King Kip : '' ... ''
As if letting ex King Kip turn over in his royal mind in peace now , Tum Tum continues to wrap up his intervention with ex King Kip that all turned into a .. very nice , pleasing and pleasant conversation with ex King Kip.
Tum Tum : '' So King , now what ? ''
Ex King Kip : * stops pausing , coming out of his thoughts * '' Why I would LOVE more than anything to meet and speak with Moonlight for the very first time. I NEVER .. got the chance to tell Desi this - you're the ONLY cat , that I've ever told this to - because this topic in our conversation never came up. But could you do me a favor , Mr Tum Tum ? * Tum Tum silently nods his furry , big head in settlement * Could you tell Desi that I've never met Moonlight before ? , could you tell her that I would love to meet Moonlight for the very first time ? I know she .. would be de-lighted .. to grant me the right to meet her god father : Moonlight one day. ''
Tum Tum : '' Anytime. ''
Ex King Kip hop treks into a U-turn beginning to reach ahead of Tum Tum. , trekking swiftly pass Tum Tum without a purpose. Ahead six feet away from Tum Tum - newly in the direction to - what he assumes to be - his Queen's old , royal , family den - Queen Destiny's old , royal , family den , once again ; ex King Kip swings his furry , sizeable , royal head over his left , furry shoulder this time around. , to look plain and firmly at Tum Tum.
Ex King Kip : '' Oh and Mr Tum Tum ? ''
Tum Tum : '' Yesss ? ''
Came his forward reply.
Ex King Kip : '' Do you think that you can keep our conversation between us ? I don't want any cats in the Indenius pride to know what's going on with me. ''
Tum Tum : '' But you heard the pride call after you when you turned your back on all of us. Lots of cats in the pride are deeply concerned and bothered for you. , and what kind of King of Sundaya , you are becoming .. after ten years of ruling Sundaya with Puffs. ''
Ex King Kip : '' I know Mr Tum Tum , ' pleassse ' don't remind me. But ' I said ! ' .. that I ' DON'T ' .. want any cats in the pride knowing what's going on with me. With their King ... Please , don't question why any further and ' don't ' try to protest. There's no convincing me. ''
Tum Tum : '' It looks that way. ''
Ex King Kip : '' So , does that mean you will , keep this between us ? ''
Tum Tum : ( lying ) '' Yes. ''
Ex King Kip : '' Thank you .. so much , Mr Tum Tum. I hope that you will excuse my behavior that I've acted in front of you , this morning .. ''
Tum Tum : '' As long as you excuse my insubordination , then your behavior is excused. ''
Ex King Kip : '' Great. ''
Ex King Kip swings his furry , sizeable , royal head ahead of Tum Tum and treks on. , this moment around , not looking back at Tum Tum over either of his furry , left or right , shoulder bones this time.
Tum Tum smugly watches ex King Kip like a hawk.
Tum Tum : '' Where ' are ' .. you off to this morning ? , back to bed , I presuppose ? ''
Ex King Kip : '' Not yet , Mr Tum Tum. I'm .. going to continue going for a morning walk and ' then ' head off to bed. Now .. you're the ' ONLY ' lion , that I've spoken with .. ever since I stood down from being King of Sundaya to the Indenius pride recently. Could you make sure that you keep it that way ? As in .. ' don't ' tell any cat that you've spoken with me. ''
Tum Tum : ( still lying ) '' Of course , your kindness. Anything that makes you feel comfortable. ''
Ex King Kip smiles fortunately from the left corners of his furry , deep , dark , twinkling , neon green eyes at Tum Tum. The twinkle in his dark neon green eyes as fetching as always.
Ex King Kip : ( his voice is faint , the further he treks away from Tum Tum * '' Thanks , Mr Tum Tum. ' Please ' .. be sure to get some rest. You look like you could use a furry wink .. or two ... ''
Tum Tum : '' Ugh .. do-not remind me. , ( there is a playful smugness in his voice ) it's ' passed ' a miracle .. that I'm ' still up ' at this early morning hour. For you , your kindness , I kindly ' will ' .. try to get some rest. I never liked mornings anyway ... ''
Ex King Kip : ( shouts to Tum Tum faintly ) '' I don't blame you ! ''
Tum Tum : '' Interesting to know ... ! ''
Ex King Kip : * lightly chuckles for Tum Tum to hear *
In Touphy and Tum Tum's royal territory ,
resting deep inside Touphy and Tum's old , family den ;
In the long run , Touphy gets his repose and nightly period of relaxation. And just when the early , early morning period of Sundaya brings flashing , glimmering and very , very glittery sunrise rays gets onto spreading a dawn mixed with hot orange and shiny yellow curtain that slowly spreads around the royal territories , royal boundaries , the kingdom of Sundaya and the areas within Sundaya. The moonlight glimmering , flicking and shiny white light last night , must've seen sunrise - or dawn - has drawn near. , and decided to whisk itself away like a retreating , midnight ghost. Inside of Touphy and Tum Tum's old , family den , Queen Destiny could hear Touphy's raspy , base deep , soft , soft , light snores and even lighter growls in his sleep. A flashing , glimmering and a very , very glittery sunrise rays invites itself inside of Touphy and Tum Tum's old , family den. Slowly shining it's light onto the dirt , stone ground at first , then slowly shines it's curtain onto Queen Destiny's laying , furry , elegantly long , resting figure.
Queen Destiny opens her bonny , dark/light brown eyes in the same , slow moment as she rises her furry , small looking , queenly head upward from laying : furry chin first , onto the stone cold , dirt ground. Into a soft , but feisty snarl , Queen Destiny yawns at the same time that her long , queenly , elegant , furry physique ascends onto her long , still , furry fours that feel stiff at the feel of her fluffy , lemon yellow paws touching the stone , dirt ground. She hunches her long , furry , golden mixed with fluffy white 'n yellow back to stretch and also elongate her furry , long back and her furry , long body.
Ruling her whole , furry , royal life , Queen Destiny brings her furry , average sized , lioness head to look nuturingly and heart touching at Touphy. She quietly chuckles pleasingly to herself in luck and .. seeming to be blessed with good luck to have Touphy set aside his whole , nightly guardian watch with his second , older brother Tum Tum. , just so that he could give her consent to laying atop his very long , skyscraping , furry back and sweet temperedly walk her over to his and Tum Tum territory. , where she can sleep at his and Tum Tum old , family den. Clearly that , last night it was labor-saving to walk all the way to her royal , old , family den when she could sleep the night at his and Tum Tum's old , family den as an alternative just for .. the night.
Queen Destiny slowly takes off lightly walking her way over to Touphy's sky scrapping , very long , seven foot , furry , muscly , ripped , lion body. His lion body softly colored in iceberg , dark blue , winter wonderland mixed with golden streaked fur that compliments his iceberg , dark blue eyes to look like icy , melty , wondering , furry , cloak-and-dagger eyes. Noting the dramatically long , ocean wave , rises and falls of his ripped , elongated , furry chest , Queen Destiny lowers her long , furry body down into a cat , hunting , stalking level and quickly gets ahead to rubbing her furry , average , queenly , lioness head soft-centered and fondly at Touphy's family sized , furry head. When she discerns Touphy soft and raspy growls and snarls into .. what sounds like refusal to get up , Queen Destiny endearing licks Touphy onto his left , furry , huge cheek.