Chapter 16 – An Unexpected Visitor

Part 3. After the Party

"A guest from the palace, My Lady," Florinda announced not long after the Crown Prince's birthday banquet.

I had to take a moment to think about what Florinda was talking about before understanding hit me. I clapped my hands together.

Right, Xavier told me that he'd send someone over. I guess he sent me the handkerchief.

I excitedly closed the book that I was reading and placed it on the table, before standing up from my seat.

"Where is the guest?" I asked.

"I showed him to the parlor room."

"Thank you. I'll head down right away."

I smiled warmly, exited the bedroom, and headed down to the parlor room. I knocked on the door twice, and headed in to find an unfamiliar man with straight posture primly sipping a cup of tea.

He was quite good-looking. In any case, his primness somewhat intimidated me and I carefully walked towards the table.

"A pleasure to meet you," I offered as a quiet greeting. Only then did the man stand up and return the courtesy.

"It is my pleasure, Lady Maristella. My name is Dilton Aurus, serving His Highness. I am very honored to make your acquaintance."

"My honor as well. Do sit, Sir Dilton."

I couldn't imagine myself getting used to such formalities, but I awkwardly sat down. However, I didn't see any bags or boxes next to Sir Dilton. I tilted my head in confusion, wondering if he had kept the box hidden in his inner blazer pockets.

"I deeply apologize for my sudden visit, Lady Maristella. His Highness wanted me to deliver this to the Noble Daughter of Bellafleur."

Sir Dilton slid his hand under his jacket to pull something out. So he did have the gift hidden in his jacket, after all.

I excitedly waited for Sir Dilton to pull out a handkerchief from within his pocket. However, what he pulled out was not what I expected.

I looked at it in confusion. "What… is this?"

In his hand was a pale gray envelope that seemed to have been starched stiff. I took the envelope from him, feeling completely nonplussed.

What is this, a new type of handkerchief?

But I had never heard of such a stiff handkerchief.

What came next out of Sir Dilton's mouth was even more shocking.

"It is an invitation, Lady Maristella."

…Say what?

"Why the sudden invitation?"

"His Highness wishes to repay you for the handkerchief that was dirtied, My Lady. He would like to invite you to Thurman Palace."


Thurman Palace was where the Crown Prince lived.

"R-Really?" I blurted out.

"Yes, My Lady. He asked me to find out what time would accommodate you best."

"Um… I'm fine with any time."

Wait, no. This isn't right. I quickly snapped myself out of it.

"But he could have just sent the handkerchief along with you, Sir Dilton. I thought that His Highness was quite busy…"

In the novel, the Crown Prince was certainly described as a very busy person. And yet, he was inviting me out all the way to Thurman Palace because of a mere handkerchief that was dirtied at a party. Why in the world would he do that?

No matter how hard I thought about it, I couldn't understand what was going on through his mind. I didn't even know how to take everything in.


But even the person who was supposed to be the one answering seemed to be at a loss.

Why the hecking heck?

Sir Dilton continued. "That is… His Highness was unsure as to what kind of design Lady Maristella would like, and wanted to ask you first."

Then couldn't I just tell him now?

"I'll just let you know now, then," I replied, still feeling completely vexed.

"Oh, no!" Sir Dilton quickly shook his head and stopped me. "Absolutely no need for that. His Highness, actually… he doesn't really trust what others say."

"Pardon me…?"

"So… he wishes to hear it directly from you, My Lady. Directly!"

Sir Dalton emphasized the word "directly", and I was nodding my head before I could even process what was going on.

"I'm fine with that, but… I'm just concerned that His Highness might be wasting his time on me."

"You need not worry about that at all, My Lady. His Highness is a master of time management."

"Oh…I see," I muttered.

It would also be strange for me to keep insisting otherwise when he himself said that it was fine. I was left with no choice but to nod my head.

"As long as he is all right with it, then perhaps tomorrow is fine."

"Then I shall let him know for tomorrow."

Huh? That fast?

I looked at the man helplessly. "Shouldn't His Highness' schedule also be considered?"

"Well…" Sir Dilton was once again flustered by my question.

Why does he panic so easily?

"I…believe His Highness is free tomorrow. It should be fine."

"Oh, that's a relief. What about the time—"

"Any time that is convenient for you, My Lady."

Seriously though, is it really okay for him to cater everything to me?

I still failed to understand this situation, but I nonetheless let him know that I would be visiting tomorrow around 3 PM. It was impolite to intrude during mealtime.

Sir Dilton confirmed my words and quietly left the mansion. After seeing him off at the doorway, I stood blankly on the spot. Florinda had been trying to read the atmosphere from afar, and she tentatively approached me.

"Why did someone come to visit from the Palace, My Lady?" she asked.

"Um…I think I will be visiting Thurman Palace tomorrow," I replied in a confused voice. "Could you prepare a dainty dress for me?"


In the end, I ate an early lunch the next day, got dolled up, and headed for the palace in a carriage. Since this was my first time visiting the palace for any reason other than a party, my heart was filled with half-concern and half-excitement.

To be honest, I still couldn't understand why such a busy person would invite me all the way to Thurman Palace just because of a handkerchief. According to what I had read from the book, Xavier barely slept three hours a day because he had so much work.

"We have arrived, My Lady," the carriage driver announced. Thankfully, the palace wasn't too far from the Bellafleur House. Since carriages weren't allowed entry into the palace, I had to get off in front of the palace gates. As soon as my feet stepped on the ground, a voice called out to me.

"Lady Maristella?"

"Oh, Sir Dilton!" I cried out as I spotted a familiar face. Sir Dilton, who also spotted me, smiled gently and approached.

"I bid you welcome, Lady Maristella. It's a pleasure to see you again," he said in a graceful manner.

"The pleasure is all mine. I didn't expect you to come out to greet me."

"The palace is like a maze, after all. It is easy to get lost. His Highness asked me to bring you to him."

"Wow, really?"

"Yes, My Lady. Please follow me."

Just as described in the novel, despite his cold-looking appearance, Xavier was a strangely warm man inside. However, that was problematic, since in the story his kindness was only directed towards Dorothea…

"His Highness seems like a very kind and gentle person," I murmured. It was my honest impression. However, as soon as I finished my sentence, Sir Dilton eagerly agreed.

"Do you think so as well, My Lady?"

I was weirded out by how excited he sounded, but I replied with a nod.

"Yes. I honestly did not think that he would invite me to the palace just because of a handkerchief."

"His Highness is truly a kind man. He is incredibly good to his people. Welfare for those working in Thurman Palace is also multiple times better than that of other palaces."

"I see."

"And His Highness is also very gentle, as exemplified by…um…oh, when he sent me medicine when I was ill!"

"Oh, really?"

Although I continued the conversation, I felt a little strange. When I met the Crown Prince yesterday, he didn't give me the impression of a talkative man. When did he become loquacious all of a sudden? I just assumed that the servant was very loyal to Xavier and continued walking after him.


We finally arrived at Thurman Palace after a considerable amount of walking.

Sir Dalton showed me to a reception room within the palace and left after instructing me to wait. It seemed like he was leaving to let Xavier know that I had arrived.

Several other servants in the room approached me. "Is there a type of tea that you prefer, Lady Maristella?" one asked.

I replied that anything was good. However, as soon as I finished my sentence, the servants suddenly seemed discouraged. I hastily changed my answer.

"Some rose tea, please!" I exclaimed.

Only then did the servants' faces brighten up. They brought a cup of rose tea in no time at all, along with an assortment of desserts, including macarons, dacquoise, and pudding. This was almost my first time indulging in such luxuries since I came here, and I was taken aback.

It somehow feels like I'm being treated really well.

Even the flavor was perfect! My god, people who live in the palace must eat things like this every day. I had never before been envious of those living in the Palace, but today—for the first time—I felt it completely.

"Lady Maristella, His Highness has arrived."