Chapter 17 – A Middling Response

Just then, the reception door opened along with the servant's announcement. I quickly put down the tea and stood up from my seat. In contrast to the cream-colored tailcoat from the banquet, Xavier was wearing a navy-blue uniform today.

That was actually not a very important detail. After all, his beauty was unchanged from last time.

Haah, to think that I'd see that face again… It was a true honor to our family.

"I humbly greet the Little Sun of the empire, His Highness the Crown Prince. Let there be glory to Yonas."

"Take a seat, Lady Maristella," Xavier said with an elegant smile. "It is a great pleasure to make your acquaintance again."


Oh, good lord above, how could a human possibly be so good-looking?

"Thank you very much for your invitation, Your Highness."

How does he make everything seem like a fashion show no matter what he's wearing?

I sat back down as gracefully as possible, inwardly agreeing that one's looks completed one's fashion.

I was incredibly nervous even when we were dancing, and now we were meeting in private! I didn't know if my heart could last the day. This was almost like meeting a celebrity right before my eyes—and one-on-one at that.

"Does the tea suit your taste, Lady Maristella?"

"Yes, Your Highness. It is absolutely wonderful."

I wasn't just trying to be polite—it was actually wonderful. I had thought that the tea back at Bellafleur mansion was also good, but the tea served at the Imperial Palace was certainly exceptional. Even I, who knew next to nothing about tea, could somehow understand that it was a top-grade tea.

"More importantly…is it true that you invited me over just to ask what kind of design I would like for the handkerchief, Your Highness?" I asked.

"Pardon? Oh…"

I wasn't sure what he was thinking about, but the Crown Prince seemed a little flustered. It seemed like the message wasn't delivered, so I spoke again.

"I actually don't mind any design at all… I feel a little bad that you went through all this trouble for me, Your Highness. I heard that you were very busy."

"That is true, of course, but it is also an undeniable fact that your handkerchief was dirtied because of me."

"But if that's the case, I was the one who first dirtied your jacket—oh, I never got the chance to ask about the jacket." I had completely forgotten about it until this moment. "Could I ask about the jacket's repair costs?"

"You need not worry about that, Lady Maristella. It does not feel right to expect a reward out of a mistake," he said with a reassuring look.

"That only means that there is also no need for Your Highness to buy me a handkerchief," I pointed out.


"In fact, I even stepped on Your Highness' feet twelve times that day. I should be the one paying you back."

"Fifteen times," Xavier nonchalantly corrected me—it must have hurt a lot for him to still remember that and I felt a pang of guilt over it—before continuing as if nothing happened. "In any case, don't worry too much about what happened that day. My feet were fine, too."

That would be impossible unless his feet were made of titanium. Although I didn't really trust his claim, I couldn't insist otherwise when he himself said he was fine. I decided to let it go and returned to the original topic.

"I'm actually not that good in design so as to have a preference in a handkerchief."

"Is that so?" Xavier said.

"Yes. So I really don't think I would be of much help. I will be grateful for whatever Your Majesty gives me."

"Is there anything you would like embroidered on it?" he asked.

"Hmm…" After some thought, I slowly spoke. "I like roses. I would be very grateful if I could have a rose embroidered on it."

"You like roses?"

"Yes, they're my favorite type of flower. Red roses are my favorite."

Xavier nodded somewhat solemnly, and I began to worry that I was being too picky.

"Um… you don't need to mind too much about the things I say, Your Highness," I added tentatively.

"Not at all, Lady Maristella. Gifts are only of their true value when the recipient is happy with it. Otherwise, it would be nothing more than a mere showcase."


Ugh, how is this even possible? Even his outlook on life is perfect!

He was wasted on Dorothea, after all.

I figured that I should mention Odeletta, and I took a sip of the rose tea that was placed before me. The fragrance was alluring.

"Um, Your Highness…"

"Yes, Lady Maristella?"

"Is there a lady with whom you are considering marriage?"

"Kregh, kregh!" Suddenly, Xavier started sputtering and coughing into his tea.

My eyes widened in shock. "Are you all right, Your Highness? Would you like my handkerch—"

Right, I left mine behind today.

I awkwardly clamped my mouth shut, and Xavier raised his hand as if to gesture that he was okay.

"I'm fine. I just choked a little, that's all. Though, I must ask, why the sudden marriage talk?"

"Well, you're of marrying age now…and you will be leading this Empire in the future." I glanced at Xavier's expression with a subtle glimmer in my eyes. Thankfully, he didn't seem offended, and I sighed inwardly in relief. "Is there anyone that you have considered as the crown princess?"

"No," Xavier said shortly. "Not yet. But what brought up this topic?"

"Oh, really?" I beamed once after hearing Xavier's reply. To be honest, having read the original novel, I already knew that he didn't have anyone in mind… but it was better to be safe than sorry. My voice quivered in excitement without my realization. "If this isn't overstepping boundaries, could I introduce you to someone?"

"…Introduce me?" Xavier asked slowly, and I nodded. He seemed to have been caught off-guard. He creased his brows slightly and straightened them once again. "Introduce me to whom?"

"Are you acquainted with Lady Odeletta?"

"…Oh." Xavier nodded in acknowledgment. "I believe that I know the name. The young Lady of Trakos, correct?"

"Yes, that's right!" I smiled and continued. "I personally don't think there would be anyone who is better suited to be a crown princess than Lady Trakos. Of course, I am not the most knowledgeable, so I might be wrong… but Lady Trakos is truly a good person."

"…Well, yes." Xavier nodded absentmindedly and added, "I heard that she is an outstanding person, both in terms of looks and personality."

"Right?" I raised my voice in excitement at his positive response, but then slowly closed my mouth after glancing at Xavier's expression.

Although he was complimenting her with his words, his expression… wasn't particularly that of someone who was happy about the topic. He didn't seem like he absolutely hated the idea, but he also didn't seem like he was loving it either… his response was middling, perhaps.

Is he not really enthusiastic about it? Did I push my personal thoughts on him too much? But I didn't think I approached him too rashly or anything…

Or did I bring this up too soon? Maybe I should've brought it up when I was about to leave…

All kinds of thoughts were buzzing around my head when Xavier suddenly called to me.

"Lady Maristella."

"Yes, Your Highness?" I replied automatically, but Xavier continued to stare at me without saying anything more.

Just as I began to feel uneasy and was wondering what I should say next, I heard his voice once again.

"Thurman Palace's back garden is quite beautiful. Lots of flowers, you see."

Why the sudden garden talk?

I was taken aback by the sudden change of topic, but replied with a neutral expression. "Is that so?"

"Yes. The weather is quite beautiful, too. Would you like to join me on a walk?"

Things are going to get even more awkward if I say no here. That was the only thought that went through my mind as I quickly answered.

"I would love to."