Chapter Twenty Five - Finding Neverland

The sky was a peaceful shade of blue this morning. The clouds floated around like fluffy, white marshmallows – it made me crave for a smore. The summer heat was refreshing for a change. The trees were greener than I remembered this time of year. The birds fluttered around whistling joyous melodies. The air, despite the notorious New York pollution, smelled fresh and light. My shiny, black Merc was waiting for me with its door open and a number of bouquets placed neatly inside.

After three weeks of non-stop sleep – I can't believe how I missed three weeks of my life with a blink of an eye – I was finally being released into the world. Sure, I was confined to a wheelchair for another week or so, and I had to wear a neck and collar brace because of my broken bones, but it still beat staying in the hospital.