Chapter Twenty Six - Sweet Dreams are Made of This

The phone finally stopped vibrating and the screen dimmed out. I stared at the dark screen for a minute, wondering if I should call back. A part of me wanted to answer the phone when it was ringing and tell her that I was sorry and that I would be there in an hour tops. The other part of me, the part awakened by Claire, was telling me to switch off the phone, go make the final touches for tomorrow's show, have an early dinner with my fiancée and call it a day.

I hated those two parts of me, and they hated each other too. They could never get along.

I wondered what she must be feeling right now. Did her heart ache as much as mine? Was she ever going to want to talk to me again? Will she ever find it in her heart to forgive me? Did I blow a perfectly good chance with an amazing woman just because I was a class-A coward? Not only was I a coward, but I could win the award of "Jerk of the Year."