Not An Adventurer

Elliot signed his name under two contracts. One was about becoming an Adventurer and the other was a waiver.

If he returns with a level above ten, the guild will fully accept him. And if anything happens to Elliot while he's in the middle of the contract, the guild will not be held accountable for him.

It was a big risk, but Elliot has to risk everything he had. After all, there wasn't any more guild that would want him in.

This guild was his last chance to fulfill his and his mother's dream.

'Welcome to Azure Scorch Guild, Elliot Max.'

The boy's eyes widened when he heard a woman talk in his head. Midnight saw the distress in the boy's face and said, "That is what we call as the Guide. The voice in every Adventurer's head. You'll get used to it."

Elliot nodded hesitantly, to which Midnight gave out a chuckle, "Try saying 'Status'.


'Loading Status...'

Out of nowhere, words and symbols appeared in Elliot's vision. On the right part, there were arrays of circles with symbols inside them. In the center, Elliot's face was shown with his name and his basic information.

His thoughts were interrupted by another chuckle from Midnight, "Now that is your Status. Being an Adventurer will give you a lot of things as a bonus. Apart from the enhanced capabilities, you have the pride of being one. Your level, items, persons interacted, and skills."

"Woah," was all Elliot could say.

He was instructed as to where everything was located. His current level is 0, but when he defeats monsters, it will level up slowly. His skills tab was gray to which Midnight wondered why. When they first saw their console, the skills bare is unlocked already.

< Status >

Name: Elliot Max

Guild: Azure Scorch (Unofficial)

Affinity: /Unknown/

Strength: 250

Speed: 125

Defense: 100

Magic: 50

When he got the hang of it, Elliot was instructed to say 'Status Off' so it will go away.

When he was about to go, Midnight gave Elliot a pin. "You can wear this pin and show it to the merchants in the market. They will give you discounts, and some offers adventurer-only items. Frederick wouldn't have wanted to give you this but I settled things with him." Midnight gave Elliot a wink that made the boy blush.

After Midnight was done, Elliot thanked him. He still had his savings from working at the bakery when his mother passed away. He was saving every coin he received as pay, eating the leftover bread at the end of the day just so that his money would grow.

"Now, go," Frederick said sternly. "Or else I'll revoke the contract."

Elliot nodded and grinned at the tall man. Frederick scowled at the boy before walking away. With a toothy grin, Elliot went out of the guild and into the market. Midnight also gave him a map to where the beginner monsters are located.

The boy waved goodbye to Midnight and the other Adventurers that was inside the guild house. He will start another journey that he longed for. He will fulfill his promise to his mother and become the strongest Adventurer.

No. He will become the mightiest.

Just like his father.

"So, you're here," Midnight said. A figure emerged from nowhere, looking at Elliot who just got out the old wooden door.

"You pamper him too much," the man said.

With a sigh, Midnight answered, "Don't tell me the boy doesn't remind you of him?"

"He does," the man replied. "Do you miss him, big bro?"

Midnight smiled but a tear fell from his eye, "I do. I miss him every day."

Meanwhile, an excited Elliot wandered around the market.

In their city of Alorde, everything was busy. The previously renowned capital city still retained most of its former glory. Located at the Southwestern planes of the Kingdom of Avancia. From the market, to the establishments, to shops, the city offered a good base for Adventurers.

The only downside of the city was the number of beasts in the wild. Being the former capital, it used to house more than an eight of the kingdom's population. The Adventurers raided and hunted the beasts faster than they could repopulate.

Although in the recent years, the beasts started to increase, a lot of Adventurers stopped paying attention to the city, coming to the new capital instead.

In the market, Elliot walked past the booths of produce and trinkets. No one paid attention to him. Not a lot of people knows since he doesn't get out a lot. The only interaction he had with others is when they go and buy at the bakery he worked at.

"Let me check my money," Elliot said to himself. He had 2,571 bronze coins and 62 silver coins. He was underpaid when he worked at the bakery, but no other place would take him. It was his only choice.

"An Adventurer!" an old man's voice cheered when he saw Elliot's pin. "I have just the right items for you, young one."

The old man dragged Elliot inside his shabby shop. There were a lot of decorations everywhere. From jewelry to weapons to armor, this shop has everything.

"Hello sir," Elliot said with a bow. "How much does your cheapest gear costs?"

"It's very cheap sir," the old man replied. "The basic gears costs between 50-300 gold coins while the more expensive ones range from 1,000 to 10,000 gold coins."

Elliot's jaw fell to the ground after hearing the merchant. A gold coin is equal to 25 silver coins while a silver coin is equal to 100 bronze coins.

"H-How about a weapon?" Elliot asked. If he could only get one weapon as a starter, it would be enough. He could slay monsters and sell their valuable parts and earn money.

"The weapon is the most expensive piece of any set, my cheapest weapon is 25 coins," the merchant replied. "I could not go any lower."

At most, he could only provide was 3 gold coins. "W-What can I buy with 3 gold coins, sir?"

The merchant's smile faded. His eyes turned dull and his lips curved down. "3 gold coins?! Are you really an Adventurer?"

Elliot looked down in embarrassment but nodded. Angry, the merchant pulled the boy's collar to look at his pin.

"Oh, so that's why you couldn't afford anything," the merchant spat. A layer of venom coated his words that Elliot couldn't help but flinch. "Pathetic. Your guild always brings pathetic customers."

The middle-aged plump merchant kicked Elliot out his shabby store, making sure to let people see the shame he put on the boy. "If you can't pay, don't try to buy!"

The people around them all looked at the poor boy who was on the ground. The impact of the fall bruised Elliot that his body felt numb.

Even after all that training, huh? Elliot couldn't help but feel sorry for himself.

Indeed he was training his body everyday. He was exercising, running, doing heavier loads at the bakery. Even taking in more criticisms just so he could motivate himself more. In the end though, they all seemed useless. It was as if nothing happened.

With a heavy sigh, he stood and walked home. It was a few hours worth of walk from the city's market. And even though Elliot was used to it, his feet felt tired.

"I'm sorry mom," Elliot cried and fell to his knees when he got home. "I thought I could do it, but I can't. I'm way too weak, I'm way too poor. I'm–"

He paused and never thought that there comes a time that he will say the words. "I'm not an Adventurer."

A few minutes of sobbing and a reflection of light found its way to Elliot's eye. The boy squinted and saw that it was from the frame of the portrait of his mother. The glass reflected the bright light the moon shined and into the sobbing boy's eyes.

One of the things he always have wondered was how his mother could afford such grandiose painting. The painting itself was perfect, as if made by the hands of angels themselves.

There was something else in the frame. The glass didn't cause the reflection, a lustrous metal piece did. A shiny metal part of the frame that stood out from the rest of the frame.

Elliot quickly stood up and inspected the shiny portion. As expected, it wasn't part of the original frame. His fingers traced the area where the shiny part started. He ripped the shiny piece and a paper fell out.

Putting the metal away, Elliot read the paper.

'Dear Elliot,

I don't know how long I have until the takers take me back. But I know I don't have much time left. Being an Adventurer means more than just fame or money or having the pride of becoming one. I hope you will know what being an Adventurer means when you become one. Because I know you can do it.

The tree that stood in the middle of the backyard holds secrets. As well as the metal that was used to cover this letter. Bring it to the blacksmith by the Cacten Port City in the East.

I wish I had more time with you, my darling Elliot.

Love, Melissa.'

Tears gushed from Elliot's eyes after reading his mother's letter. All this time she had supported him and even after death, she did.

"What was I thinking?" Elliot asked himself. "I AM an Adventurer."