I Know the Secret to Surpass Level 100

I Know the Secret to Surpass Level 100

Fantasy604 Chapters3.4M Views
Author: Peltivierre
Table of Contents

It was always Elliot's dream to become an Adventurer.

He lacked magic powers to which was why society looked down on him.

His life changed when he was lost in the Forest of Gray Lake, and a book found its way into Elliot's hand. The book was a manual to become strong.

So strong that you could cross the level cap of all adventurers.

A book that contains the secret to surpass level 100.

[ Images on the cover not mine ]

92 Reviews
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Hello! Author here~ I just wanted to say that I am grateful for everyone who had supported this book. Writing these novels had been my rock since my studies are giving me tons of headache. Hope you all would enjoy! Have a great day~

4 years ago

Wow! your book is amazing! Adventures is my favorite genre. I hope got to learn more about magics. Kinda excited to read more of this chapter. Keep it up the good work author!

4 years ago

I like the premise. Very anime-feels. The Mc staring some gallant warriors in the parrade while dreaming of becoming one someday. Really, it is one of the best opening for me in all anime I’d watched. The following chapters is unexpectedly interesting. Immersive and enjoyable. I recommend this book to readers who love system and anime feels.

4 years ago

It's an alright book, however, I simply cannot stand the mc so yeah. This is important for any book obviously. The mc basically has the intelligence of a brick. He is dumb af. When reading books I like the mc to at least have a spec of intelligence to them when reading. It helps with the immersion of the book when reading. Like, the tipping point for me was when he met Connor, was it? It was just overall an sht show. It was so random to the point of stupidity. He was fighting in the wave of monsters, he saves him. All good, but then he lets him join his party leaving out the fact he is like 11 levels ahead of him. The mc shows him is an ultra-secret class he could get killed for. Let's this random dude follow him around and in his home. The uses his secret ability right in front of him because he "forgot" about him. Then decides to give basically all his secrets away to him. All to a RANDOM ass dude, we know nothing about. It's a joke tbh.... Too painful to carry on for me, but if you can stand this sort of interaction you may like the story. He is op af just needs time to grow. Not many descriptions either so yeah.

4 years ago

Reveal Spoiler

4 years ago

So I think the idea that this story is about is interesting (that's what got me into this) but I read the first 3 chapters and I'm pretty sure I can say that while the idea is interesting, the character designs are pretty bad, things seem quite forced and just appear out of nowhere, the grammar is horrible and you can barely tell what is going on throughout the chapters. The story also doesnt really explain why things happen and that it just happens randomly causing quite a lot of people to be confused. Hopefully things are more smooth in the latter chapters, and I recommend the author to re-edit the first few chapters because it actually doesnt make sense. Read at your own risk

4 years ago

Reveal Spoiler

4 years ago

This is a good LN, but a little bit rushed though & also world building is way too low, like no street name, no telling how much bigger is his house or is it near forest or how people view him now he passes through streets character background is also non existent. These things make the story in our mind bit more realistic. Again thanks for the chapter.

4 years ago

Read about 40ish chapters so far and it's fairly decent. Character development is very slow and class/stats are kinda weird as I'm used to standard class and stats 😅. An example of this is their so called stealth knight = assasin. Also Grammer and wording is kinda bad, not as bad as MTL though. If you're the kind of people who don't want to deal with bad grammer/wording then you might want to skip on this. Otherwise it's a decent read to pass the time.

4 years ago

I read the first 20 chapters and i couldnt take anymore. The story doesn't progress in any natural way. The author wants something to happen, thus it does. It gets pretty unbearable pretty fast, and you can tell from the comments people leave. Wouldnt recommend wasting your time.

3 years ago

This story like many others tend to use the trick of making the MC more dumb to drive the plot. Writing an intelligent MC comes with the hassle of how do you get them into dangerous situations since they'd naturally avoid them until they can plan to take them on. Authors then have to either godhand them into accidents, or power their intelligence and make them forget x or mistaken y. That is the entire problem with them book. Along with sub-par characters and poor wording and grammer structuring.

4 years ago

very interesting webnovel, when I surd through the app, I try to find novels like these and they are amazing, this book is amazing, try it out, you will not be disappointed

4 years ago

I want to give this novel a good review, but I can't really do that. I refuse to pad my review to make someone feel better. Author, your premise is decent. I can clearly see from the dialogue that you have a plot planned and there's a deep story being written. The problem that I'm having is that there isn't enough. At some point between conceptualization and actualization your story falls short. We can clearly tell that there's a story behind all the numbers that you want to invent, but the story isn't coming through well enough. While reading this novel, I felt like I was in a cellphone with spotty service. Sometimes it would be there, and other times it would be missing. You're not transitioning your thought processes enough to allow the story to flow properly. It's all jerky and uncoordinated. I feel like for every two or three plot devices, there's only half or less than half of the amount of world building that's required being put in. Sometimes your characters introduce things with zero Segway into them. No build up, no explanation. It's a random thing throw into the middle of a scene that is supposedly used to transition into another scene, the problem is that there's no transition. It feels shoddy.

3 years ago

Reveal Spoiler

4 years ago

Things goes way too fast + the MC is not bright. I felt that my common sense was challenged too much. There is a lot of « fortunate » coincidence I felt like it’s rushed. I don’t recommand that novel

3 years ago