Land of Fantasies

"Land of Fantasies!" Trick cast, trapping Bruno in an illusion that he created.

"What's all this?" Bruno asked as the darkness wrapped around him and swallowed him before pushing him out and entering a world that looked like the one he was on, but he knows it wasn't.

Bruno did not see it coming. Trick's magic used a long time to cast because it was a very powerful skill. Although Trick was skeptical at first— that maybe it wouldn't work, but after he saw how Bruno was affected by attacks, he was determined.

He could do it. Maybe not entirely defeat him, but at least stall him while they prepare for the final battle.

"You little piece of sh*t," Bruno growled. "I always knew you had one trick up your sleeve. I just didn't thought that it would be a cheap tactic like this. Trapping me in an illusion, really?"