The True Emperor

The once bustling and joyful streets of the capital of Shyako was now filled with gloom. All the people that used to litter the streets, the band that filled the city with life, and all the bright lanterns were now gone.

It was void of life and barren with joy.

In this lonely city centre, a cloaked man was roaming around the streets. His cloak was made from fleece that was dyed with a dark blue color. His face was covered with a hood, hiding his light brown locks.

"What happened here?" he asked himself.

He looked around to try and find anyone but he was met with two armored guards. They wore the same clothing as the guards in the palace, but they havea different helmet.

While the palace guards wore helms that had wings curling up from their temple, these guards had beetle-like helmet. They have horns that erected from the middle and split up at the tip, forming a Y shape.