We're A Party

The Strike ended in the town's victory. Midnight and Sun told Elliot that Frederick would weaken the hoard of beasts. Although their city – Alorde – had strong guilds for its protection, they shouldn't let their guards down. There are instances that the indicator of Strikes was wrong.

Cacten's Alpha Strike was initially labeled as Gamma, after all.

After they collected their fees, Elliot and Connor decided to visit Francoise's shop for repair. Connor decided to tag along. After all, Elliot did save his life. He was walking behind Elliot like a tail. It wasn't uncomfortable, but the feeling was foreign for Elliot.

"So, where are you from?" Elliot asked as they were walking towards the old man's shop. He tried to start a conversation, seeing as he started to feel comfortable with Connor's presence.

He was still wet after a water mage gave him a bath. The stench of the boar's blood was still in him but at least he didn't look as messy.

"I was raised here by my parents," Connor said. "They're only farmers and could barely afford anything so I decided to become an Adventurer to ease their financial struggles."

Elliot nodded. Maybe it was because he could relate with Connor to a certain degree. Poverty wasn't rare in the world. Anywhere you go, there will always be people who are bound to become poor. It was a harsh reality.

"What about you?" Connor decided to redirect the attention. "You seem pretty strong. And your equipment seems fancy."

"I'm an orphan," Elliot answered simply. "I had never met my dad while my mother died years ago. As for my equipment, I was just lucky to meet–"

"Is that you, wimpy coward?" a deep voice asked, cutting Elliot off.

Three men stood in front of Elliot and Connor. They were big and buff. Their clothes weren't as clean and sweat had coated their bodies like oil.

These were one of those that ridiculed and bullied Elliot when he was still working at the bakery. They were working in the market as shippers for the vendors. And based on their strong build, they worked out a lot.

"It is you!" When the tallest boy walked towards Elliot, his hand found its way to the handle to his sword, gripping it tightly. The years and years of bullying had made him feel scared when facing big thugs like them.

Even when he was now far superior to he was before, the panic still lingers.

"I'm sorry," the darker boy said. "For everything."

The other two nodded, "We were wrong to have humiliated you when you had nothing. We're very sorry, Elliot."

"We heard you're one of the Adventurers who saved the city today," the other boy said. "Thank you."

The three bowed at Elliot, completely surprising him. Just a few weeks ago, these people were the ones who laughed at him. Although they didn't bring physical pain, the mental trauma they gave the boy still irks him.

Elliot breathed before saying, "It's okay. It was my duty as an Adventurer. But I'm not sure if I could forgive you for now."

The three smiled and thanked Elliot. They walked away saying that they'll continue their jobs. The Strike wasn't big, and life goes on. The Market was busy again as if nothing happened.

There was only silence between him and Connor so he decided to check on his new skills. The Creator's Greed skill was a passive skill that requires no mana. It only activates when a green symbol appears on a beast and Elliot can only randomly steal one of the beast's skills after killing it.

His other new skill was Hasty Aspire from the Great Boar. This skill made him strong and fast. This skill was common in strength-type beasts. A boost in speed and strength was their pride.

When they got to Francoise's shop, Connor's eyes glimmered in pure delight and awe. He was starstruck by all the fine and exquisite items that were displayed in the walls and the counters.

"How come I never noticed this place before?" Connor excitedly cheered and walked up to the Acolyte section.

Elliot shook his head and headed towards the counter where two girls were talking to Francoise. They both wore equipment that was lavished with the color blue. Looking at it, their hair was also blue and their skin was pale.

"Thank you. Come gain," Francoise cheered as the two walked out of his store, not paying a single glance at Elliot.

"You have other customers too?" Elliot mocked. He placed his sword on the counter when another message popped up.

'<< Might Boar Shortsword >> Repair available.'

I can also repair my equipment too? Elliot asked himself and took the sword back.

"Aye, you're not going to let me fix that?" Francoise asked. He was worried about the condition of the sword. Elliot had been hunting monsters with it for a while and it looked chipped and damaged.

"On second thoughts, no," Elliot said. "In fact, I'll head home right now."

Confused, Francoise only nodded as he watched the boy drag his friend out of the shop. Elliot was so focused on the possibilities of The Manual. Apart from forging equipment, it can mend them too.

What an overpowered item.

When they got home, Elliot removed his equipment and placed them in his table. The same message popped up again.

'<< Might Boar Shortsword >> Repair available.'

"Repair," Elliot said.

The sword glowed before it hovered a few inches from the table. It rotated before returning to the table and the light died down.

A gasped made Elliot's world stop turning. He forgot that Connor was with him.

"I can explain," Elliot said and hurried to Connor.

The boy shook his head, his brown curls bounced as he did. "You don't have to say anything. Since you saved me, I owe you my life. I'll keep your secret."

Elliot sighed before he fell to the ground. The overwhelming surge of relief traveled all over his body.

Connor was poor but he wasn't dumb. An ability like this would shake the continent and Elliot would be sought after kingdoms. For his state, it wasn't good. For evil would also knock on his door along with the opportunities. He had to get stronger before he shows off or before the public would find out. That way, he can defend himself.

The night came. After repairing all their equipment, Elliot found a recipe for a comfortable sleeping bag made out of boar fur.

Connor was sleeping comfortably on the bag while Elliot scanned the new contents of the book. It seemed like some of the pages are unlocked, making the book thicken again. It contains pieces for Acolytes now.

Elliot looked at Connor's sleeping figure. If he adds another Adventurer to his party, then it triggers something on The Manual and adds pieces for that party member's class. The Acquaintances feature did not unlock the pages, so that's not the one that caused it.

He skimmed the pages until he saw a fitting weapon. Connor's staff was a bit worn out, considering he was also poor like Elliot. Maybe he didn't even have a home to sleep for the night.

<< Great Boar Tusk Staff >>


Great Boar Tusk X2

Rare Weapon Gem X1

Elliot sighed when he saw the tier of the WG needed. Rare weapons require Level 25 and above. After the Strike, Connor was now Level 17. Although his level improved quite a bit, it was still not enough.

Flipping another page, Elliot grinned at what he saw.

<< Freshwater Midnight Staff >>


Merman's Spear X1

Midnight Pheasant Feather X30

Fine Weapon Gem X1

This weapon answered a lot of Elliot's problem. One of which was how to dispose of his overabundance of Midnight Pheasant Feather. He was killing too much and the pile was stacking.

For the WG, he collected River Pebbles when he was chased by a hoard of Silver Mantises. He figured he might have a use for them in the future. And now he does.

It was also a good thing that the Inventory takes in similar kinds of items as one space in its storage. Even after getting 63 feathers, it only occupied one box out of the 15.

He couldn't let a member of his party make do with his old wooden staff. Elliot had to help.

With the extra Slim Mucus, the Midnight Pheasant Eyes, and his sword, Elliot brewed the Essence. He took out the Green River Pebble and crafted the Weapon Gem.

The Freshwater Midnight Staff was forged right after. The spear glowed. Its kris-like blade divided itself into three, loosely intertwining before the Weapon Gem sat on the tip. The feathers lined up by pair from the bottom of the staff before it wraps around the spear's shaft.

The forging completed and it laid itself on Elliot's table. It looks far different from what it used to look like. The wavy tip has a now a gem on it and the shaft had gray feathers engraved on it instead of just a pole. The Freshwater Merman's gem was spewed out.

<< Fine Freshwater Weapon Gem >>

The beasts use WGs too? Elliot asked himself.

A growling of a stomach interrupted Elliot's thoughts. Connor was sitting up, his hand on his stomach. He was suppressing his face from contorting but Elliot could see through that. He knew what he looked like when he had nothing to eat after all.

"Have you starved yourself?" Elliot asked.

Connor looked down in shame. "I have to save up a lot of money for my parents so food wasn't really an option. And I couldn't really wander into the forest to find food because I might gett attacked."

"How many hours has it been since you ate?"

"Two days."

Elliot's eyes widened at Connor's confession. He was starving for two days. What a wonder how Connor found the energy to participate in the battle.

"That's not good, Connor."

Elliot rummaged The Manual and saw a recipe that could save his friend's stomach and his overabundance of boar meat.

<< Great Boar Blade Steak >>


Great Boar Meat X1

Elliot went out and fetched the Great Boar from his Inventory. The Inventory preserves anything that was sent to it, so Elliot didn't have to worry about rotting.

"Why are we outside?" Connor asked.

Elliot looked at him and chuckled, "The boar wouldn't fit inside my house, silly."


The boar glowed and a plate of steak floated towards Elliot. He handed it to Connor who was hesitating.

"Take it. I couldn't let you starve yourself," Elliot said, cooking one more and returned the boar in his Inventory. "We're a party. We should help each other out."

Connor grinned and ran back inside, preparing the candle on the table.

Just when he was about to go inside, a message popped up.

'Daily Quest Completed.'