The Creator's Greed

It was then that Elliot knew that Frederick's attack was a signal for all the others. A signal to start attacking.


Midnight and Sun took over, flying towards the hoard of beasts. Great Boars were much larger than Might Boars. Their colossal size would match a 2-story building.

Elliot went with the flow of screaming Adventurers.

A girl by the entrance of the East gate raised her staff high up in the air. Her eyes turned purple and a white star glowed inside of her pupils.

"Random… Mass Blessing of the Goddess!"

Elliot's body glowed with a golden light. He looked around and saw that many of them were also glowing.

'Blessing of the Goddess.'

'All stats are temporarily increased by 40%.'

Such magic. Elliot thought.

The girl who raised their buffs was none other than Alice Crest, a guild master of a major guild inside the city. It was rumored that she was a former member of the top guild in the continent, Pentos, but she never confirmed or denied it.

The talk started after people saw her casting massive spells like the one she used just now. Her offensive spells were also over the top, making people conclude that she was a former member of the legendary guild.

With the strong buff, Elliot dashed towards a Great Boar alone. Even when they were all teamed up, each of the Adventurers still has their own agendas.

Leaping to the eye level of the beast, Elliot swung his Might Boar Shortsword, successfully slashing its eyes.

The beast moaned in pain, backing off as Elliot continued hacking his sword until the large beast has fallen.

'Great Boar killed. +5,000XP.'

As expected from a Great-ranked beast. Elliot thought and smiled.

He killed two more beasts. It was almost impossible for him to hide the corpse since there were Adventurers everywhere. It would be too suspicious if a beast glowed and disappeared.

But as they said, if there's a will, there is a way.

Every time a spell blinded the people around him, be it fog, smoke, or light, he would store the Great Boar inside his Inventory and run. This idea was very effective since everyone was very busy.

Looking around for more, he saw another one that was limping. Elliot was going to ignore it, since it wasn't allowed to steal another one's bounty. That was until the Adventurer who was hunting it ran out of mana.

He was a Level 14 with a Caster Class. With a lack of experience, he underestimated the beast. And now, he was going to become its meal.

Elliot tsked and dashed towards the Great Boar who was sprinting towards the boy. With his speed, he hit the boar first, burying his sword on its neck.

The beast roared and swung its body to get rid of Elliot. A smirk found its way to his lips, remembering the first time he hunted a beast. The Woodring Stag also did the same, swinging its body because of the pain.

Elliot rotated his sword like it was a doorknob to loosen it from the beast's thick skin. He landed his feet under the sword and pulled himself downwards, cutting the guts of the Great Boar open.

"Amazing," the Caster he saved said.

"Finish him!" Elliot screamed when he landed on the ground. He knew the Caster had built up enough mana for a destructive attack.

The Caster nodded and raised his iron staff, "Ghostly Flame!"

A lilac flame shot from the tip of his staff and into the face of the boar. The attack was successful since the boar's defense was weakened by Elliot.

'Great Boar killed. +5,000XP'

'Level Up'

'You are now Level 25.'

I can still gain even if I didn't land the last blow?

The Caster ran up to Elliot. "Big brother, thank you for saving me."

Elliot's jaw hung open.

"B-Big brother?!"

He was about to argue when another Great Boar stood a few meters away from of them. There was a green symbol on it too.

'Feature Unlocked'

< The Creator's Greed >

"What is it this time?" Elliot asked and its description appeared.

// Every time a green symbol appears on a beast, you have the ability to randomly steal one of its abilities after killing it.

Now that this feature appeared, he was determined to kill this boar.

"Hey, what's your name?" Elliot asked and leaped when the boar thrashed its tusk to their direction.

"I'm Connor!" Connor yelled.

"Great! I'm Elliot. Let's kill this beast!"

Connor nodded and ran a safe distance away from the boar. He was a Caster, meaning close combat was disadvantageous for him.

Caster Class is the first upgrade of Acolyte. Their stats were mainly focused on Magic, meaning their defense is weak and makes it harder for them to survive a fatal attack.

Elliot dashed towards the boar, avoiding its tusks after it sprinted towards him. He leaped up, using the trick he used to the first boar, and slashed its eyes first.

The boar screeched in pain, backing down. Connor took this opportunity to hit its face to weaken it more.

"Ghostly Flame!"

The attack landed on the boar's face that made the boar fall sideways. Elliot surged his rapid attacks to free the boar from its agony.

'Royal Great Boar killed. +10,000XP'

Royal Great Boar?!

'You have gained the Hasty Aspire skill.'

[ Hasty Aspire

Cost: 200 MP

Hasty Aspire impulsively boosts Attack and Speed by 150%. Lasts for 30 seconds. ]

Elliot's eyes glimmered in happiness.

My first skill!

To test his new skill, he targeted another beast and brought Connor along. He invited Connor to his Party so they could contact through their minds.

It was a trick Francoise taught him when the old man was concerned that Elliot was always alone.

'Party Added'

<< Connor Carp >>

Level 14

Class: Caster

Occupation: None

Subclass: None

< Status >

HP: 12,500/15,000

MP: 100/750

"Use this." Elliot handed Connor an MP boosting potion. He didn't know if it would work on other people, but it was worth a try. Connor was running out mana after all.

"What's this?" Connor asked.

"Just drink it."

Connor gulped the bluish liquid inside the glass bottle. He scrunched his face at the taste, but his eyes widen after hearing his Guide.

'Blue Cinnamon Potion taken. MP is replenished.'

"Thank you!" Connor smiled.

Elliot smiled back and returned his gaze at the large boar.

"Are you ready, Connor?"


"Hasty Aspire!"

Elliot's body glowed with a red light and he felt like he was very light. As if he wasn't wearing armor at all.

"Let's do this!"

His movements were agile and quick. Instead of dashing straight forward, he was zigzagging towards the now confused beast.

He leaped to the eye level of the Great Boar, smiling at the angry beast before disappearing.

Connor prepared himself, waiting for the signal.

Elliot appeared on top of the boar, screaming inside their heads, "Now!"

"Flame Boost, Dexterous Luminosity!"

'Dexterous Luminosity'

'Strength increased by 30%.'

Elliot pushed himself down, focusing his sword on the boar's neck. He landed straight through the boar. It was instantaneous that the beast died after the boy passed through its neck.

The Great Boar fell sideways, revealing Elliot that was slightly covered with blood. Although he was fast, he wasn't fast enough to avoid the boar's blood.

Connor laughed after seeing his teammate.

That wasn't a great idea. Elliot thought.