Similar Dreams

Elliot's body jolt up in shock. His eyes snapped open, finding himself inside a room. He was sleeping in a bed while Lance was sleeping on the other bed.

He pinched his arm to make sure that he wasn't dreaming. After confirming it, he got out of bed and ran to the window, opening it to be greeted by a loud music coming from the city.

"Close the window," Lance moaned from the bed. "It's too loud, Elliot."

The boy immediately shut the windows, but his eyes were still staring at it for a brief moment. He shook his head to try and remember the images that played in his mind the night before.

There was no city, only a barren and destroyed houses. He shut his eyes and remembered the castle being filled with cracks on the floor, webs on the ceilings, and tears in the walls.

"What happened to you?" Lance asked, slowly getting up from his bed. "You looked like you had a nightmare."

"I-It's something," Elliot said. "I just had a bad dream."