The Monkey

After a relaxing day at the hotsprings, the group made their way around the city. Shyako had nineteen cities within its domain and the city they were in, Tankoma, was the capital.

While they were walking around town, Sayu told them about the history of their kingdom. Of course, Elliot knew the gist of it.

Back when the Son that built Shyako was looking for a domain where he will built his castle, he had found a bath within the mountains. He searched for a source and had found a beautiful underwater lake where the springs come from. Below the lake was a magical volcano that was constantly erupting, but with magical hotspring lava instead of hot lava.

It was then that the Son made his decision to start his kingdom there. He built the castle, invited citizens, and created his own empire. With all his achievements, the Amethyst Maiden was with him. He was one of the few who thinks as the Maiden as his own mother, while the others treated the Maidens as slaves.