Water Breathing Scales

'Freshwater Merman killed. 750XP earned.'

[ Item Dropped: Water Breathing Scales ]

'Level Up'

'HP recovered.'

'Level Up'

'You are now Level 4.'

XP: 250/800

Elliot fell to his knees in triumph. It was a close call. He only had 150 HP left that he thought he was going to die. He had suffered but he ended up being victorious.


<< Elliot Max >>

HP: 2000/2000

MP: 200/200

Level 4 XP: 250/800

He inspected the item and read its description.

// Water Breathing Scales will let you breathe underwater for 15 minutes. All stats when submerged will double.

Elliot smirked at the information. This was a perfect item he could use when he reached the lake. He could inspect the dangers underneath. Although it was only for a short period of time, he will take his chances.

Again, like some pull, he brought the weapon the Freshwater Merman used. For some reason, he was allowed to hold the weapon. Strapping the spear to his back, Elliot walked to the direction where the beast came from.

There was a small dirt path that he suspected to lead to where the lake is. Beasts with water affinity needs constant bathing. There must be a water source nearby.

Walking around, the forest seemed to be quieter. He knew other beasts roamed these woods. After seeing him win a battle against a strong beast, they were scared to face him.

This was somehow a good thing for Elliot. This way, there would be less obstacle for him to go to his goal. To get the Weapon Suppressing Gem.

A few minutes more of walking and he finally felt the wet atmosphere. Maybe it was because of his increased level that his senses were slightly sharper. The air seemed to have more water than a few meters back.

Even so, he was still Level 4. Strong Adventurers would be at Level 75 and up. Elliot was still far behind them.

"You're here."

The voice said when Elliot saw the large fogless lake. It seemed like the fog cover the large body of water. A small island was in the middle of the lake, there stood a familiar tree.


Elliot couldn't believe his eyes. A tree that was similar to the one in his backyard was in the middle of the lake. Its branches, form and trunk were too similar.

But there was something different. He was just too far away to see what it was but if he could get closer, he could spot it.

His eyes squinted when it spotted something by the tree's roots.

"Those are Magical Gems!" he said and smiled. While he's inspecting the tree, he could find the Suppressing Gem for his sword. It was killing two birds with one stone.

Taking in the item the Freshwater Merman dropped, Elliot prepared himself. He hid the horn of the Woodring Stag and the spear of the Freshwater Merman under a large bush. The area seemed quiet, and the weaker beasts were afraid of him. This shouldn't be too bad.

'You can now breathe underwater.'

Before he could go, he saw a sign by the lake. It wasn't there before which made Elliot look around. Still, no one was here.

'You have earned the right to swim The Lake. Know this: a stone for a stone. Take more and the punishment is severe.'

"A stone for a stone?" Elliot asked himself and looked at the tree's roots again. All the matter of gems were in its roots.

He wasn't really sure what the sign meant but he snatched three stones from the lakeside and put it on his pocket.

Elliot gripped his sword and inhaled deeply before diving into the lake. His body tingled at the contact of the cold water in his skin.

'Your body is submerged. All the stats are now doubled.'

He tried breathing and the effect was true. He didn't need to hold his breath.

As he swam under the lake, he felt body got lighter. Like he was still on the ground. In fact, it felt like he was lighter than he was on the ground.

Water type beasts were nowhere to be seen. Although the depth he swam wasn't deep, creatures of under the lake should feast on him right now.

As he reached the tree, he felt eerie after seeing the tree's trunk. It was black, opposite to the white tree they had on his backyard.

"So that's what's different," he said and explored the tree.

Gems of every kind were scattered throughout the small island in the middle of the lake. One caught his eye. A dull blue gem with a familiar rune on it. It was the same rune Francoise instructed him to collect.

He grabbed the Suppressing Gem and replaced it with the stone he got by the lakeside. As much as possible, he should avoid fighting. Stronger beasts reside by the river. If the punishment was to fight several of them, he knew he wouldn't survive.

When nothing happened, he continued on his plan to investigate on the tree. How this tree looked the same as what he had in his backyard was intriguing. As far as he knew, no tree were the same. Each tree had their fair share off differences.

But this one and the one he had, their only difference was their color.

"This is so weird," he said and touched the trunk. Maybe like when he touched the white tree, he could go home.

"Finally," a voice whispered and a black tree glowed.

He closed his eyes because of the bright light. It was too bright for him that his eyes couldn't take it anymore.

When the glowing had stopped, his eyes opened and felt a heavy object in his arms. It was a large old book. The cover was tattered, and the pages looked old.

He read the front cover and his eyes met.


"April?" he asked when he heard a thud that made him snap his head back to see what it was. His eyes widened at what he saw. It was another sign.

'Another presence has been felt. A presence that is not worthy. You shall be punished accordingly.'

Looking around, nobody was there.

The ground he stood on shook and the waves formed in the waters. A strong wind gushed and hands rose up from the now raging lake.

When he looked back, a man stood and grinned at him.

"Give me the book," he said.

Elliot shook his head that made the man sigh. The man tried to grab the book but Elliot held into it. Gems started to fell to the lake after they stepped into it.

"What a bother," the man said and stopped. He lifted his hand and faced his palm in front of Elliot. A whirl of fire appeared and shot directly towards the boy.

He covered himself with the book and closed his eyes. When nothing happened, he opened his eyes to see that there was a forcefield around him.

"So, it selected you," the man said. This time, fireballs appeared on air behind him. "I didn't think I'd have to kill a child but… I have no choice."

The fireballs rushed towards Elliot but the forcefield was still intact. He took the chance and ran away. Even the water was repelled by the forcefield. He rolled the sphere towards the ground to get his items when the man floated in front of him.

"Die!" he yelled and raised his hands. A burst of water emerged from the shaking waters. A dragon formed from the water and dashed towards Elliot.

"He's a dual caster?"

The forced pushed him but it was still not enough to break the barrier. The forcefield was sent away, with him rolling inside it.

More dragon-shaped water monsters appeared, passing Elliot like he was a plaything. The man was hovering over them, watching over the sphere of energy with a boy inside it.

Elliot, meanwhile, was dizzy from all the rolling around. When he thought this was the punishment the sign meant, he saw the man fighting with something.

'Multiple beasts detected.'

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