The Skirmish at the Gray Lake

Elliot looked down and gasped at the scene. Beasts were climbing on top of each other to reach his floating bubble. The water dragons were also being attacked as well as the man.

This was the punishment the sign was referring to. Beasts would hunt them because the man entered the island when the first sign specifically said only one may pass.

This man gave me trouble. Elliot thought.

The beasts looked like the Freshwater Merman. The big difference between the two was that the Freshwater Merknight wore finely crafted armor and wielded tridents instead of spears.

<< Freshwater Merknight >>

Level 25

HP: 10,000/10,000

Strength: 8,750

Speed: 8,500

Magic: 5,200

Defense: 9,500

'I can't fight them.' Elliot told himself in despair. 'These beasts were of a far greater caliber.'

One could instantly defeat him. And fighting this many would be impossible for him at his current state.

The man, however, isn't having a hard time. He was shooting blue fireballs that instantly kills the Merknight and burns them into crisp. His water dragons were made of water, meaning the Merknights' attacks were in vain.

You cannot cut water. I wish I could tell them that. Elliot snickered.

Remembering that the man is a multi-caster or a Hybrid, he was amazed. Most Hybrids can cast one spell at a time but this man can maintain his water dragons and his fireballs at the same time.

Looking closely at the long-haired man. Elliot didn't recognize him. He knew every strong Adventurer in the continent, but this man wasn't familiar.

His thoughts were interrupted when a sound of clank sounded in his bubble. His eyes widened when the beasts had already reached him.

They were hacking their tridents at the bubble. Good thing the bubble was tough. Even the colossal water dragons couldn't even dent it.

Thinking of what he was going to do, a beast from behind him hit the bubble so hard, it flew towards the edge of the lake.

Elliot took this time to roll the bubble and went to the bush he hid his things on. The bubble let the items inside which he gladly took.

After collecting his things, he felt scared after seeing the Freshwater Merknight walking towards him. The calm and serene lake was now filled with large waves and beasts screeching and attacking them.

So, this is what happens when you break the Lake's rules. Elliot thought.

Looking around, a voice was calling him from the tree that was in the middle of the raging waters. He readied himself and dashed towards the tree.

The bubble he was rolling floated in the water, making it easier for him to maneuver his way towards the small island. He avoided the Freshwater Merknight as much as he could. One swing of their trident and he could go back to where he was.

Or to another direction. And Elliot did not want either of that right now.

When he reached the island, a large fireball was shot towards him. His bubble flew a few meters backward and the man was looking at him angrily.

"Why does April like you?!" he screamed his hands glowed with a mix of white and red. He raised his hands over his head and a twirl made of fire was formed.

Elliot knew what that was that he stood up and rolled towards the tree. The man is making a fire tornado. This attack could burn down a whole town. His bubble might not make it.

When he got to the island, the stones were calling him. He looked around and saw that it was a mess. There were a lot of floating crisped Merknights in the water and the ones alive were attacking them.

He grabbed a bunch of random stones and placed it in his bag. When he looked at the man's direction, his mouth opened when he saw a rage of fire tornado running towards him.


A voice sounded from the tree. Again, it was as if he was hypnotized. He walked towards the tree and felt a surge of familiar feeling inside him.

Without him even knowing, a Freshwater Merknight was behind him. The beast screeched, swinging his trident with a great force that pushed Elliot's bubble towards the tree. When his body made contact with the bark, he was pulled inside.

Like the time he was teleported from his backyard, there was an incredibly terrible feeling. He felt like his body was getting pulled from different directions. His head hurts so much that he couldn't help but faint.

When he woke up, he was in his backyard. His head didn't hurt anymore, but the ray of sun that was hitting his face was burning him alive. It was noon when he woke up and he didn't know how much time had passed since he fainted.

"What happened?" he asked himself and quickly examined everything around him.

His armor was still there and the stag's horn and merman's spear were also present. He thought that everything was a bad dream, but it wasn't. "Status."

<< Elliot Max >>

HP: 5,000/5,000

MP: 500/500

Level 5 XP: 650/1,600

'You have gained Item Default Skill 2: [ SCAN ].'

I leveled up?! He thought.

Elliot didn't see what happened after he was teleported through the tree. The bubble that he was inside of bounced back and popped, instantly taking out two Freshwater Merknights.

His eyes gazed onto the book and his mind remembered what the man said.

"Why does April like you?!"

This book belonged to April! Elliot thought and opened it.

There was a bright light that covered his body and multiple messages popped from his Console.

'You have gained [ THE BOOK OF APRIL ]'

'You are now April's owner.'

'April will lead you to Victory.'

'Bonus 15,000 XP.'

'Level Up'

'Level Up'

'Level Up'

'You are now Level 8.'

<< Elliot Max >>

HP: 10,000/10,000

MP: 500/500

Level 8 XP: 850/10,000

He couldn't believe his eyes. He now has the Scan ability. Along with it was that he passed the infamous Level 7.

From Level 7 on, the XP needed wouldn't be the double of the previous XP. Instead, it would base on the nearest multiple of 5 multiplied to 1,000. So, for Level 7 you would need 10,000XP, for Level 11 you would need 15,000XP, and so on.

He placed the book aside and ran towards the tree.


'This tree has no Valuable in it.'

His hope faded after reading the message. There was nothing in the tree that could give him a clue about its origins. The only information he had was that it looks the same as the one in the Forest of Gray Lake. He couldn't be mistaken.

He returned to his things and realized that he had snatched stones from the island. He knew it wasn't allowed but they were already being punished, he might as well take them and leave.

"Sometimes, I love myself." Elliot chuckled and placed the 6 gems he had.

<< Suppressing Gem >>

// A gem that can be infused to an item as a catalyst to fuse two items.

<< Ember Heart >>

// A gem made from a fire dragon's heart fat that will slightly boost Fire Affinity. (Advancement possible.)

<< Diamond Weapon Gem >>

// The most superior of the Weapon Gems. The Diamond Weapon Gem greatly enhances a weapon's Potential.

<< Stat Boost Gem >>

// Boosts one stat of choice. (Advancement possible.)

<< Liquid Heart >>

// A gem made from a water dragon's heart fat that will slightly boost Water Affinity. (Advancement possible.)

Among his gems, one stood out.

<< Eye of Sonova >>

// ???

It's the first time he encountered a hidden description in his Inspect. Taking the other gems aside and hiding them, Elliot went to Francoise to start forging his weapon.

The trip to The Forest of Gray Lake was worth it, after all. The Tree That Held Secrets helped him more than he could've ever expected.

He not only has the Suppressing Gem, he had a Diamond Weapon Gem and his level has increased. He also knew what weapon he needed and what his fighting style is.

Elliot couldn't wait until he reaches Level 10 to pick his class.

And finally, join a guild and become a true Adventurer.