Freshwater Merman

<< Elliot Max >>

HP: 275/500

MP: 50/50

Level 0 XP: 0/50

No matter how he looked at it, he was superior to the stag. Yet, how is he having a hard time? In fact, he was losing.

His health was rapidly depleting. His strength was decreasing. His movements were getting sloppy.

It was almost hopeless.

His speed was almost double than the Woodring Stag. But Elliot kept on slowing down. He was slower than the beast.

It was then that it hit Elliot. The weapon attributes. The stag's horn must have a Potential of at least 3. Beasts, after all, had different sets of rules. A level 10 beast could wield a weapon with a Potential of 5.

"Damn it!" Elliot cursed after taking another blow from the stag.

<< Elliot Max >>

HP: 200/500

Even when his equipment was premium grade, he was still level 0. That meant that his life points and mana points were still low.

Looking at the beast, Elliot wielded his sword once more. He now knew how it would attack.

It would lower its head and point its horn that formed a ring. Elliot couldn't match the impact of the horn. It had enough force that he would stumble back and lose his ground. The stag would continuously attack him with its horn.

When the stag bent its leg, it was ready to attack. Elliot wished his plan would work. If not, then it would be his end. He tried running away from it but the beast kept up, this costed him 100 HP.

The stag dashed full force forward, its horn was pointed at Elliot. The boy got down on his knees and laid down on his back, pointing his sword upward that met with the stag's stomach.

<< Woodring Stag >>

HP: 1,750/2,500

"Yes!" Elliot cheered and pushed his weapon further into the beast's belly.

With all his might, he used all the strength his limp body could muster and pushed his sword up. The stag went on a rampage because of the pain. It leaped in every direction, trying to get rid of Elliot.

<< Woodring Stag >>

HP: 1,000/2,500

Elliot's plan went on for a couple of minutes until the stag was too weak to move. With one last flinch, the beast succumbed to its death, with Elliot winning the battle.

'Woodring Stag killed. 250 XP earned.'

XP: 250/50

'Level Up'

'HP recovered.'

'Level Up'

'You are now Level 2.'

XP: 100/200

Elliot was confused. On what level should he receive his first skill? The others said that they had one skill after becoming an Adventurer. He's now Level 2 and he still doesn't have any skill.

With another look at the stag, his stomach growled in hunger. It took him at least 2 hours to fight the beast that the sun was nearly setting. He needed somewhere to camp and stay the night.

The fight also gave him a surge of hunger. Meat was expensive so he often settled for the leftover bread from the bakery.

"I can't believe you tried to kill me earlier," Elliot said. "And now I have to eat you."

The ring that formed as the stag's horn was attractive in the eyes of Elliot. Though the meat too was attractive, there was a different pull from the ring.

The boy decided to take the ring along with a fair share of meat after praying. He prayed for the stag's soul to rest in peace.

His mother always taught him to pray for the deceased. No matter what it was. Prayer always helps soothe its soul while it ventured towards the light.

Elliot settled under a large rock that has a dent under it. He could camp here for the night and start to explore out in the morning. The fog seemed to disappear as the sun sets.

He gathered twigs and firewood and started a fire. Beasts from forests which usually had flora affinity would be scared of flame. Their wood or leaf parts would easily burn in contact with fire.

Cooking the meat, Elliot was pleased that it didn't taste awful. In fact, it tasted good. The meat helped him regained the energy he lost at the battle with the stag.

After eating, Elliot decided to sleep, but opted to keep the fire going. Another sound of galloping was heard from nearby but it ran away at the sight of the fire.

"You're close."

Elliot awoke to the sound of the deep male voice that he heard from his house. Looking around, he was the only one within the now foggy forest.

He would've gone out to find the exit but since he was already inside, he decided to find the Suppressing Stone Francoise needed. If he could only see another rather weak beast, it could help him level up.

"Status," Elliot commanded. His status screen showed, and he focused on his stats.

HP: 1000/1000

MP: 100/100

Level 2 XP: 100/200

While he was figuring out how things worked, his eyes caught a glimpse of something a few meters away.

Elliot was pacing forward when a humanoid fish attacked him. Its head was of a fish, but its body looked like a human with fish scales. It carries a long spear with a thin but long blade on the tip.

'Beast Detected'

<< Freshwater Merman >>

Level 15

HP: 5000/5000

Strength: 6,500

Speed: 4,500

Magic: 4,200

Defense: 7,250

Elliot was about to smirk after seeing that he was on the upper hand when he remembered the Woodring Stag. It was only Level 5, but it overpowered him. He didn't know what the Freshwater Merman is capable of.

The best shrieked before dashing towards Elliot. Its movements were too fast that it was almost too late before he drew out his sword.

Their blades clashed, creating a loud clanking sound and a bright spark. Elliot lost balance after the beast's first attack, meaning he was inferior to it.

After regaining his balance, Elliot took a step back to analyze his situation. If the beast would overpower him, he had a slim chance of winning. But like the stag, it doesn't have any critical thinking skills. That's how Elliot would defeat him.

Before Elliot could think more, the Freshwater Merman attacked again. His slashes were strong that it was getting harder and harder for Elliot to block each one.

A few moments later, Elliot knew how the monster attacks. It would first attack from the top, then the right then left. Its movements were getting predictable.

Successfully blocking each of its attacks, Elliot was getting the upper hand when the creature spewed its acid. With no time to leap away, the acid landed on Elliot's chest.

<< Elliot Max >>

HP: 500/1000

"What?! It took half my HP?!"

Although it felt like his chest was burning, his chest plate was fine. Now he was worried about how to block the acid. He couldn't bear to receive one more attack, or else he'll be dead.

With a deep inhale, he readied himself for the battle that he was clearly at a disadvantage when facing the beast but there's nowhere to run. His only option was to fight.

And he will do just that.