I Will Act as a God

"They were previously humans," Lance said. "Before they kept being reincarnated as beasts, they were humans. Reports have been made that they are capable to create a type of human speech, but they're not able to talk."

"What?" Elliot gasped. "Why are you telling us that now?" 

Lance shrugged, leaping and slashing his sword with a turn. He landed on the ground and smirked.

"No one asked," he smirked. "And besides, I didn't think that they would talk. It happens once in a blue moon, so I thought it wouldn't happen."

"You still should've told us these things," Connor grunted. He walked over to Lance but realized the knight he was fighting was already taken down.

"Good job, Lance," Connor remarked sarcastically. "What's the use of the plan if you can take care of enemies on your own?"

Lance sighed, "What if that beast was a dragon? Would you still not respond?"

"No, you're overpowered," Elliot retorted. "You're already strong enough."