Pulling the Guards

Elliot's eyes snap open, his pupil's dilating as the question continued to float inside his head.

"What does my mother had to do with The Manual?" Elliot asked himself. "W-Why haven't I thought of this before?"

There was a knock on his door that made him confused. He wasn't expecting anyone and his friends would just barge inside if they ever need something from him.

He crept in his room and took his sword with him, slowly walking up the door with his sword brandished from its scabbard.

"Who's there?" Elliot called out. "I have a sword."

"It's just me," Frederick's voice came from outside. This made Elliot sigh and open it.

"What's up–"

"Sleep." A small purple magic circle appeared on Elliot's face. The magic circle blasted a magical shock in him, rendering him unconscious.