The Old Man

Crossing his arms in front of him, Rade whispered, "Death Parade."

The dolls ceased the activation of their spells. Aquarius breathed for a moment, but the air he exhaled went right back in when the dolls opened their mouths and conjured spheres with the color of their affinities.

With a clanking sound, the spheres shor towards Aquarius. Sybyl could only watch the man being overwhelmed by the magic, his figure disappearing as the dust from the ground formed a cloud around him.

"No!" Sybyl yelled.

"Don't worry," Rade said without looking at her. "You're going to be next, so you can look forward to that."

Sybyl's eyes looked like they were ready to pop out of their heads. The smell of death entered her nose like it was a stench of a dead flower. She looked at the direction where Aquarius was, covering her mouth when she saw that the ground was opened up with a crater replacing it.