To Our Future

A clanking sound echoed the dark halls of the castle.

"Your father is waiting for you inside, sire," an Officer said. He signaled for the two guards to open the large wooden door that led to the throne room.

"He abandoned his office?" Lance asked. The Officer silently nodded, looking away and clearing his throat.

"The Prince has returned!"

Inside the dark throne room lies two torches beside the large throne. A man with gray hair that was slicked back sat on the throne. His elbow was on the armrest while he laid his head on his arm, eyes boring into the boy that entered.

"I can see that you have changed," the king said.

"I can see that you haven't," Lance retorted. "I only came here because I don't want you to ruin the guild. Don't even try pulling one of your tricks on me."

The room resounded with a deep laugh. "You can say that sort of thing to you father now. Is that what they taught you?"

"Enough talk," Lance said. "I know coming home was just a part of your plan. If you promise to not let any harm come to the guild, I will fulfill your every wish. I'll become the king and rule over this kingdom after you. But one mistake, then I will never come back."

The king withdrew his elbow from the armrest and leaned back, "You will rule this kingdom as soon as possible."

"But a king needs a queen to rule," Lance said. Then the realization dawned him, "F-Father… you don't mean."

The king held a sinister grin. "You can still catch up after all."

"Where is he?" Connor asked, pouting. "He's never late. Elliot too."

Connor, Hope, and Ed waited in the guild lounge for their other teammates. Today was the day that they planned to go to the Comet quest Lance received from Glitch.

"Do you think this has something to do with what happened last night?" Ed asked.

Connor sighed, "I don't know. Maybe?"

"What did happen last night?" Hope leaned in.

Connor looked around, making sure that no one was listening. "Midnight had an argument with Frederick. The guild master told him that he had to hide for the full moon. When Midnight asked why, Frederick wouldn't answer."

"Honestly," Ed interjected. "Midnight's Full Moon Morph is like a monthly tradition for the guild. We don't hate cleaning up after him since we just felt like it was a regular thing for us."

"But why did master want Midnight to go away?" Hope asked.

"That's the question," Connor said. "And now two of our members are missing. Even Midnight isn't in the bar."

"I really have a bad feeling about this," Ed said. "Elliot's not in his room, Lance is out, everyone seems to be tensed. What is happening?"

"Hey," George called to the three. "Are you three okay?"

They looked at each other, completely confused.

"Yes, why?" Connor asked.

The caster behind George, Boron, tsked. "I don't think they knew."

"What don't we know?" Ed asked.

George looked at Boron, as if they were talking inside their minds. "We received news this morning…"

"Elliot!" Connor banged his fist on the door. "We know you're in there. Open up!"

No one answered him.

Connor banged the door again when it slowly creaked open.

Elliot peaked on the small crack of the door. "Yes?"

"We have to go!" Connor said.

"Where?" Elliot asked. "Oh, the quest? I don't feel so good today. Can we postpone it?"

Hope shook his head. "No. You need to come with us."

"Why?" Elliot groaned. "I really don't feel good."

"It's about Lance," Connor said. "We need to get to the castle, now."

"This suit you well," the woman said to Lance. "I couldn't believe it. It felt like you were just a little boy yesterday."

"Madam Hoot, please," Lance chuckled. "Do I look good at least?"

"You always look good," Madam Hoot said. "From birth, to puberty, and now you're getting married."

"And you were always there," Lance smiled and gave the woman a hug. "When I needed a mother, the gods gave me you."

Madam Hoot couldn't hold the tear that fell from her eyes. She was crying, failing to contain all her emotions.

"I'm sorry, I might ruin the suit," she said. "But to marry your classmate from so long ago. You didn't even tell me you were already seeing together."

Lance gave Madam Hoot a forced smile, letting her know it wasn't his choice.

"Oh, God of the Five Virtues, really?" Madam Hoot gasped. "Love should be free. Love shouldn't be forced on you. You should free who you love and who you choose."

"I chose love, Madam," Lance said, tears brimming in his eyes. "I chose this because I chose to protect the people I love. I-I…"

Lance took a deep breath. "They're my family. I couldn't let my family fall apart."

"You're very brave," Madam Hoot said, taking Lance in her arms. "Only a handful of people can do what you'll be doing."

"I couldn't even say goodbye," Lance muttered.

Silence followed the two before a knock interrupted them.

"Sire, the Royal Grand Priest is ready," a maiden said.

Lance nodded and hugged Madam Hoot one last time. "I guess this is the end of my life as an Adventurer."

He was about to walk out the door when he stopped. Lance returned to his bed and removed his swords that hung from inside their scabbards on his belt.

"I don't think I need this anymore," he chuckled and placed the swords in the bed.

With one last look at his weapons, Lance left the room, leaving Madam Hoot sobbing. She gazed at the weapons when she heard a commotion outside the gates.

"What's happening now?"

"Your highness," the Royal Grand Priest greeted. Lance turned to see that Madam Hoot wasn't following him.

They were inside the hall where the ceremony would take place. The golden halls that were towered with large cylindrical pillars shimmered with the additional golden decorations. Leaves and flowers also adorned the pillars and ceilings, making it look like it was a garden for the gods.

"I am not the king," Lance said.

The Royal Grand Priest smiled, "But you will be soon, sire."

"Yeah," was all Lance responded.

The guests had started to fill the seats. Royalty, nobility, and distinguished figures. The elites occupied every seat inside the hall. The commoners couldn't come since the announcement wasn't expected.

"The guests are all here," another maiden said to the priest.

"We will start then," the priest said.

"Let us in!" Elliot yelled.

The Officer pushed his spear back, trying to tame Elliot and his friends. "You cannot go inside! The King would not permit it!"

"You haven't even talked to him!" Connor argued. "We're Lance's friends. Surely we would be invited to this wedding!"

They pushed themselves through the long series of Officers that guarded the gates.

"Let… us… in!" Hope yelled. "Papa will not get married! Papa said he will raise me with Mr. Moon and Mr. Godfather! I don't want a Mama!"

"What about me then?" Ed asked that earned him a smack from Elliot. "I know, it's not the time, sorry."

"What is this commotion?" a female voice sounded from afar.

"Madam Hoot!" an Officer called. "These Adventurers said they want to enter. We're only able to stop them because we said they'd be jailed when they harm an Officer."

"I don't remember such law," Madam Hoot quirked her brow that made the guard smile awkwardly.

"Lance belongs to our guild!" Connor yelled.

"Yeah!" Elliot added. "He doesn't want any of this! He said all of us would grow old and die together, being as awkward and cheesy as ever!"

Madam Hoot's eyes widened. A smile formed from her lips. "Guards! Let them in!"

"Do you, Lady Cecilia of the House of Vera, take Prince Lance Alorde, as your wedded husband, to cherish in friendship and love, to trust and to honor him, to love him faithfully, through the best and worst of times, promise to rule over the kingdom by his side until the gods rain their wrath upon us?" the priest asked.

Lady Cecilia nodded, "I… I do."

The Royal Grand Priest turned to Lance, "Do you, Prince Lance of House Alorde, First Prince of the Kingdom of Quesentia, take–"

"Grand Priest," Lance cut the priest off.

The king stood, seeing that his son stopped the wedding. "Lance, don't do this."

"Lady Cecilia, you are very beautiful and very charming. But I'm not your prince," Lance said and turned to the crowd. "I am not anyone's Prince."

"I am Lance, Vice Guild Master of the Azure Scorch Guild. I was born as a prince but I'm afraid I couldn't pretend to be one," he said.

The king walked over, "What are you doing?! What are you gonna do with your future then?"

Lance was about to talk when the door opened and Elliot's voice rang inside, "Stop this wedding!"

A smirk found its way on his lips and he chuckled at the sight. "Father, they are my future."

Lance ran to his teammates, receiving his swords that he once put down. "Where did you get this?"

Elliot shrugged, "A woman gave it to us."

Ruffling everyone's hair one by one, he chuckled, "I don't know what I'm going to do without you guys."

"So…" Connor smirked. "Let's go to the quest."

"Yeah," Lance nodded. "Let's go…"

"To our future."