Knights Do Not Leave the Halls

Elliot dodged the spears that followed after. The three Guards he was fighting seemed to got stronger somehow. Like they were boosted when their fellow guards died just now.

"It's called Revenge Snapback!" Lance yelled after sensing the confusion on Elliot. "Guards have the weakest defenses in all Palace Beasts. When you kill another Guard near them, they will gain 30% boost in their strength and speed."

"If they have lower defenses, why don't they increase that instead?" Elliot whispered with a thick coat of sarcasm. He sighed and shot another set of Lotus Blast. He hit four of the eight petals on two Guards and the lotus flower was on the last one. This was his third cast of the skill but the Guards were still standing.

Lance had eliminated his last Guard now, Elliot had to move quick.

"Supreme…" he trailed his fingers on the blade of his sword dramatically, "Malevolence."