Power of the Twelve Suns

"Lie!" Elliot yelled. "That's a lie. Lance— he's Lance!"

"He's our emperor's child, the Prince of Terra, and the one who is the rightful heir to the Eastern throne," Xing said. "And you cannot change that fact."

"Fine," Elliot lowered his weapon and sighed. "He's the One Sun's son, but that doesn't change the fact that he's still our friend!"

Elliot pierced his sword through the ground. The soil cracked as his blade swiftly went past it. The boy closed his eyes shut as he concentrated his magic into a connection of a thousand miles.

"Can you hear me?" Elliot asked from the void.

He saw himself in the middle of a dark and empty space. There was nothing around him but a small black orb. The orb was the size of a barrel and it resembled a black pearl by how shiny and smooth it was.

"Hello?" Elliot called out again. "I know you're there somewhere, please tell me something. Anything."

"I know you'd call."