The Clash of the Dragons Part 2

A large figure flew past the buildings and dove straight into the street where beams from Lilith's attacks were lighting the area.

"Let's go!" Lance yelled.

Him, along with his teammates, the dragons, and all the Sacred-tier Adventurers dashed to where Clan was. A loud roar shook the ground as two dragons emerged, flying and clashing in the air.

An old man with a broken staff tapped his weapon on the ground three times. A large green magic circle appeared under all the Adventurers as the man chanted unfamiliar words under his breath.

"Gravity Zero."

Elliot felt his body levitating. He panicked at first but realized it was the man's magic. Only a few hovered over the ground after the magic circle vanished.

"That's the Top 7 Adventurer of Avancia!"

"We're rooting for you Pommel!"

"Pommel is really strong!"

"But he's rather old."

There were talks that raved the Adventurers as they struggled on floating.