The Clash of the Dragons Part 3

'When Eternals pass their powers to their Heir, they become faded.'

"Now, you're giving out free information?" Elliot rolled his eyes and returned his gaze at the scene.

Lance was still snobbing him, acting like he did not exist at all. He felt bad, but he knew why Lance acted this way. Hope had a special place in his heart and his reckless actions almost hurt Hope.

"This was not the first time," Elliot sighed.

Meanwhile, Liberator slammed his palms on Clan's head. He continued pounding his hands on the dragon's head, Clan groaning in pain every time his father's palm hit him.

"You f*cking c*nt!" Liberator yelled. "You took advantage of your brother's death and stole the Eternal Crystal from me and locked me up? You didn't think I'd break the seal after all these years, huh?"

A thin sphere had appeared on top of Clan's head. It was though Liberator was doing something with him.