The Reason for Things

Lance was silent, and he needed to be silent. Elliot may seem to slowly calm down now but anything he say could lead to the worsening of his mental state. Lance knew that whatever cheat Console he had, it was slowly corrupting him.

Whatever was giving him power was also swallowing him piece by piece. There was a thin thread Elliot was holding on to from this darkness and when that thread breaks, Elliot will be fully consumed.

"So…" Elliot trailed off. "What do you think?"

"I think you're a hero," Lance said finally. "You did what you had to do, to save Connor, to save our Realm, multiple times. So, even when other people call it murder, then you're a murderer, but that doesn't make you less of a hero that you are. You're just doing your job."

There was a chill in the air for a moment, Elliot's aura was fluctuating as he processed the words that was just spoken to him.