Great Bear

Elliot leaped to the side when the bear swiped its claws in his direction. The ground shook after the bear hit it, making Elliot gulp.

"This is out of my league."

<< Great Bear >>

Level 50

HP: 25,000/25,000

Strength: 23,250

Speed: 11,500

Magic: 5,200

Defense: 19,500

He knew he was no match for an enemy like the Great Bear.

Elliot was leaping, rolling and doing all he could to avoid the beast's attacks when a message popped up.

'New Quest'

[ Sudden Death

Defeat the << Great Bear >> ]

Elliot looked at the message and the colossal beast in front of him.

"But how?!"

'Feature Unlocked'

< Borrow >

// Borrow items at the cost of MP.

Elliot barely dodged another attack from the bear. While he was slowing down, the bear was constantly attacking him mercilessly. It was as if the bear wasn't even getting tired even after making huge craters on the ground.

"Borrow!" Elliot yelled. His leg caught on a small hole and he tripped.

'Choose your weapon.'

<< Drake Blade >>

<< Glass Dagger >>

<< Iron Greatsword >>

The bear was raising its claws, preparing to attack Elliot. Without even letting all the options to load, Elliot chose.

"Drake Blade!"

'Your mana isn't enough to Borrow Drake Blade.'

"You've got to be kidding me!"

The bear's claws was on its way to crush Elliot. The boy could only close his eyes, preparing for the impact and awaiting his fate.

Is this the end? He thought.

"White Pierce."

The Great Bear growled in pain. A white ball of light pierced its stomach, instantly killing it.

Elliot opened his eyes to see what was going on. He though that he would be dead by now.

"Is this heaven?" he asked and held his face. "I thought heaven would be… brighter."

The Great Bear was lying on the ground. Its lifeless body and its scattered guts stained the river.

Looking around, nobody else was in the area. Elliot swore he heard someone before the bear was killed. Who could it be?


Another thing Elliot discovered for Scan was that it could connect with The Manual. He could scan Valuables that were ingredients for crafting.

'Meat inedible.'

'Valuable: Claws, Fangs, Fur, Eyes.'

"You really like eyeballs," Elliot said and cringed. Brewing required a lot of eyeballs for as much as he discovered. The thought bugged him a bit.

He felt as though it happened to him in the past.

Shaking the thoughts away, Elliot collected the valuables from the beast and as always, he prayed for its soul.

"May the Creator guide your soul to the afterlife," he said and cringed again after realizing that his class was also Creator. "What a weird life I am having."

Looking around the destroyed riverside, Elliot could only rub his temples after seeing that most stones were covered in dirt. His easy task just got harder. He looked at the bear again.

"Your materials better pay off the damage you did here."

<< Great Bear Claws >>

<< Great Bear Fangs >>

<< Great Bear Fur >>

<< Great Bear Eyes >>

It took him a couple of minutes after he found a green stone. He snatched his flask from his bag and poured the contents into the stone.

The stone floated a few inches from his hand and rotated before glowing.

'Brewing Fine Weapon Gem.'

With a flash of green light, the stone transformed into a green spherical gem. It was shiny and semitransparent.

'Creator Class Level Up'

'You are now Level 2.'

A smile found its way in Elliot's lips. He forgot about the leveling up of his Class. It said that if he reached a certain level, the quality for his crafts would also increase.

When he was about to put the gem on his full bag when another message appeared.

'Feature Unlocked'

< Inventory >

// You can store items through your console and retrieve them by calling out their name.

"Now we're talking."

Since his level was still low, his inventory could currently store up to 15 items. For Elliot, it was a lot. He was still new to crafting that his focus was still on leveling up and getting more powerful.

He placed the items on his inventory to save him the hassle of carrying the bag. The inventory used some kind of spatial magic that the weight of his items was lifted from his shoulders. Literally.

Elliot was on his way to Francoise's shop so he could get the last recipe for the Might Boar Shortsword. He would also ask the directions to Crimson Palace.

"What in the name of heavens is this?" Francoise said after seeing Elliot.

The Acquaintance feature Francoise taught the boy only activates when the acquaintance is around the vicinity. But since Elliot was in the middle of the forest for a few days, Francoise's record of Elliot had just updated.

"Are you hiring some kind of mercenary?" Francoise asked the boy.

Elliot shook his head and smiled, "No. I couldn't even afford a decent equipment. I owe you that one, Mr. Francoise."

The old man rolled his eyes at the sudden compliment of the boy. It was the first time Elliot called him "Mr." which made him flush.

"What do you need?"

"A leather strap," Elliot answered and looked around. "I will forge a weapon myself."

Francoise's eyes widened and a grin etched on his face, "So, you have taken a liking to the Blacksmith occupation?"

Elliot gave the old man an awkward grin, "N-N. Not exactly."

The smile on Francoise's face fell. He rolled his eyes and went to his studio that was behind a curtain behind the counter he always stood on.

"Just so you know, I don't sell items. If you need something like this another time, buy at the market," Francoise said and gave Elliot the leather strap he requested.

Elliot grinned and went to the counter. "Hey, old man. I have a question."

Francoise pursed his lips but leaned in to listen. "Just a moment ago you called me 'Mr.', where had the privilege gone off to?"

"How do I get to the Crimson Palace?"

The Crimson Palace was an area that was ruled by the Crimson King. There are Five Palaces that was ruled by the strongest beasts in the continent. Each palace was located on different locations and only one had been conquered, the Azure Palace.

The only positive thing about these beasts is that they do not come out of their domain. Only when an intruder steps foot on their kingdom that the beasts inside the palace attacks. Apart from that, the beasts do not go out.

Holding his new Might Boar Shortsword, Elliot walked towards the direction of the Crimson Palace. His hunt for the Crimson Phantom begins.