The Crimson Phantom

As Elliot stepped forward, the intense pressure coming from the palace draped around his skin. He was more sensitive now that he could feel the strong dormant energy coming from inside the large red-brick castle.

Shivering, he made his way down the path to hunt for the beast he needed.

The ground was red, the sky was dark. The Crimson Palace was an area where a dark lump of cloud covers all of its domains. A vast land of blood-red soil with a castle sitting in the middle. The Crimson Palace is a scary place.

Francoise told him that the phantoms roam the grounds. With his power level, a single Crimson Phantom is what he could fight alone. If he sees one, he should surprise him to avoid getting attention from the others. If he fails to do so, he should retreat and try again.

Two or more Crimson Phantoms would only mean death for Elliot.

Taking a step forward the barren lands, a figure emerged from afar. A humanoid beast that was covered with a crimson cloak, hovering in the air as it roams the red colored grounds.

<< Crimson Phantom >>

Level 50

HP: 25,000/25,000

Strength: 7,500

Speed: 8,500

Magic: 9,750

Defense: 2,500

Elliot was surprised that with its level, it was rather weak. But bearing the warning Francoise gave him, he still shouldn't be careless. After all, he didn't know what weapon the phantom uses.

As he ducked to avoid its gaze, Elliot bent his knee and brandished his Might Boar Shortsword. Channeling his energy into his speed and hand to generate a flash sprint and a rapid cut, it should be enough to ensure his win.

Hunting Midnight Pheasants harnessed this specific attack form of Elliot. The pheasants were slightly camouflaged that he has to calculate his movements carefully.

The phantom turned away from him and that was a cue for Elliot.

With the fastest speed he could, Elliot dashed towards the beast, leaping slightly to reach its neck. A swift swing of his sword slashed the phantom's neck, securing his victory.

Elliot landed on the ground, panting as he waited for the message to pop up.

But it didn't.

A slender hand found its way to Elliot's neck as he felt his body being lifted from the ground. His eyes widened after seeing the headless phantom. Its other hand picked its head and placed it above its neck.

As the fabric of its cloak weaved itself, a pair of red glowing eyes opened from the hooded face of the phantom. Its face was covered with darkness, but Elliot could make out the toothy grin it had from under its hood.

A swing of his sword sliced the phantom's hand off that made his butt landed on the ground, making a thud. But the hand around his neck didn't loosen even if it was detached from his arm.

"I-I thought this was the easiest monster here."

Helplessly being choked with the amputated Phantom's hand, a tear escaped from Elliot's eye. He thought he was stronger. He thought he could do things on his own. He thought that he was an actual Adventurer.

But those thoughts were just fantasies.

This is reality.

"Broken Starlight!"

A flash of multi-colored light erupted from above the phantom. It was screeching as the scorch of magic slowly burnt its body, helplessly waving its hand in pain.

The grip on Elliot's neck loosened, making him gasp as much air as he could. His vision became hazy from the lack of air. His mind was boggy.

The last thing he saw was Francoise carrying him out the palace grounds before he passed out.

Opening his eyes, he squinted it back after a ray of light hit his face.

"Good morning," a voice said from beside the bed he was in.

"M-Midnight? What are you doing here?" Elliot asked after seeing the black-haired Adventurer.

"Uncle Francoise said you were here, so we came and took a look at you." It was Sun who answered this time. He stepped forward and shook his head.

"How irresponsible," Frederick said. He was standing by the doorway, leaning his body on the frame. "Attacking a phantom without an elemental attack. Pathetic."

"Guild master," Midnight shushed but Frederick only rolled his eyes.

"Uncle," Sun greeted when Francoise came inside the room, carrying a tray of food.

"It seems like you know Elliot?" Francoise said and placed the tray in the bedside table. "Ah, Elliot, these are my nephews, Moonlight and Sunshine."

"Uncle Frank!" Sun narrowed his eyes that made Francoise laugh. "Please use our Adventuring Names."

Francoise rolled his eyes, ignoring his nephews. "You'll get over it and live. Elliot, eat. You should eat," Francoise said, gesturing at Elliot's food. "I'm sorry I forgot to tell you. Phantoms do not use any weapon. Instead, it uses their victim's fear to amplify their stats."

"But I chopped its head off," Elliot mumbled and ate his food. In any other situation, he would be ashamed of even accepting the food. But he was upset. He had a clean blow on the beast, yet it only reattached its decapitated head.

"Beasts like phantoms need elemental magic to die," Francoise said. "I'm sorry I forgot that you don't have any affinity. But I thought you'd make use of the corpse so I also brought it."

The old man couldn't miss the smile on Elliot's face. In a way, this kid had also become his nephew.

"You remind me of someone I used to know," Francoise said and sat on the bed beside Elliot. The others left them after seeing Elliot in good condition.

It seemed like they forgot about the contract. Elliot thought.

"He was a strong Adventurer and he was also as cheerful as you," the old man said and looked over the window "But love does unimaginable things to people. That's why I never married."

Elliot stopped eating after seeing the welling eyes of the old man. In his short span of becoming an Adventurer, Francoise was his main supporter. Sure the old man would nag at him from time to time, but that was only because he cared for the boy.

Elliot could feel that clearly.

"What happened to that man?" Elliot asked. He knows he shouldn't but his curiosity got the best of him.

"He died" Francoise's expression suddenly darkened. "By the hands of his best friend."

The sky darkened along with the change of atmosphere. The pressure inside the room coming from Francoise was getting a little too much that Elliot couldn't help but place his hand on the old man's shoulder.


Seeing the boy gasping for air, Francoise shut his aura of and apologized. "I'm sorry, I was too careless."

"It's okay," Elliot said and smiled. "Just take it easy."

A smile etched in Francoise's lips as he ruffled the boy's hair.

"You take it easy. I'm just gonna open the shop," he said and stood up. "Finish your meal and bring the corpse home. It's gonna reek soon."

Elliot nodded and ate his meal. For all the bad luck in his life, having someone to talk to and share your emotions with from time to time felt liberating.

The sky cleared as Elliot finished his meal. He remembered the attack Francoise used when he killed the Crimson Phantom.


The short list went on and he instantly opened Francoise's profile.

<< Francoise Fitch >>

Level 100

Class: Grand Knight

Occupation: Weaponsmith

Subclass: Blacksmith

Elliot couldn't believe his eyes. He looked at the door Francoise exited just a few moments ago.

Adventurers get to choose between five basic classes, Fighter, Acolyte, Archer, Stealth Knight, and Healer. As the levels rise, the opportunities for Class Upgrades show. And the Fighter class' last Upgrade is called…

Grand Knight.