Raid of the Azure Palace (2)

As though he was merely painting with his flaming hands in the air, Frederick absorbed all of the arrows. He was the front line while he absorbed the arrows. Luck, Midnight, and Sun were behind him, acting as guards in case a beast attacks Frederick.

"This seems easier than I would've thought," Hope said to which was immediately shut down by Connor.

"Don't jinx it," Connor said. "We don't know what lies beyond that front door."

"Jinxed or not, it is a fact that there are things beyond that door that are much better to be left unsaid," Irus said. "The aura of these Palace beasts alone are already comparable to the aura of the ones who are supposed to be inside."

It was a general knowledge that in each Palace, the deeper you go, the stronger the beasts are. This being said, the end game of the Palaces are the Throne Room where the Kings reside, these are the hardest to defeat.