War's Forms

Uriel dragged his sword and ran towards War who was waiting for him on the throne. The former yelled and slashed his sword, destroying the stone throne that War was sitting on.

The stone shattered into a dust smoke that blocked Uriel's vision. He growled and threw the sword behind him, blocking an attack that came from War who was now midair.

"Wow," War chuckled. "You can defend my attack, huh?"

"I can also do this," Uriel vanished from where he was and reappered behid War. He swung his sword forward, firing a crescent-shaped light energy to War who only grinned before blocking it with his bare hands.

"Scattered Scars," Uriel whispered. Suddenly, the crescents-shaped attack blew into tiny dusts that exploded into large bursts of light.

Uriel landed on the ground, smirking as he felt his victory. "That was quite easier than I thought it would be."

"Burning War."