Defeat the Thugs

Three days had passed and the trio was amazed by how big Hope grew into.

"Papa!" he called, running towards Lance who had just finished hunting a horde of deadly ostriches. He carried a large broadsword that was almost the same height as Elliot.

"Did you grow even taller?" Lance asked, completely amused. He ruffled Hope's hair who was almost the same height as him.

Elliot and Connor, meanwhile, were narrowing their eyes.

"He's taller than us now," they both sighed.

At the guild house, Hope caught the attention of a lot of their guild mates.

"You're already this big?!"

"You're amazing, Hope."

"It seemed like a few days ago, you were only a little kid."

"That's because he was a little kid three days ago."

The ruckus created by their guild mates did not concern the trio. After all, it's what their guild mates like to do.

"What if Hope becomes an Adventurer too?" Elliot asked out of the blue.

He had remembered what the Console told him.

'Companion may become an Adventurer.'

"If we get him to sign the contract, then he'll gain the system," Elliot said. "Then he can go on adventuring with us!"

Lance shook his head slowly, "It's hard to earn a contract when it's not the Parade season. And even if it was, Alorde is the last city the Parade takes place, so it will take a lot of time."

"I do envy some Parades," Connor added, flopping into the table. "When the guilds reach this city, they're too tired and most members do not show up at all."

"Wait," Elliot raised his hand. "That Parade is already barren of participants?"

The other two looked at each other before nodding and Lance speaking, "The one held at the Royal Capital City, Solaguer, is a hundred times more joyful."

Elliot's right eye twitched. "I thought Alorde's Parade is the best already."

The three continued on talking until their guild mates were done praising Hope. Some even still persisted on praising but Lance snatched Hope away.

"You okay?" Lance asked.

"Yes, papa," Hope smiled. They were walking to their friends when Hope stopped.

Lance turned to face the boy, "Is there something wrong?"

"Papa, the other guild members said Hope should become an Adventurer."

Lance pursed his lips. "Will that make you happy though?"

"Yes. I want to go on Adventures with you and Mr. Moon, and Mr. Godfather," Hope said with determination in his eyes.

"You even use 'I' as pronouns now," Lance clicked his tongue and smirked. "Okay. Let's talk to Midnight."

"Register him to the city hall first," Midnight said. "Then you'll have to apply for a special request in the window 4. They'll give you a slip and you have to activate that in window 8. They'll give you further instructions."

"That sounds like a lot of work," Lance said. "But it's for Hope. So, let's go."

The trio went to the city hall. They registered Hope as a citizen of Alorde and Lance was his guardian. Since Hope is registered as 17 years old, the city hall wouldn't approve for the 23 year old Lance to become a parent since he was too young. So they settled on him as the guardian.

"When you turn 30, you can update your records in here," says the woman in window 1. "Registration would be 25 gold coins."

This made Elliot and Connor wince. They both knew how much it costs for rush registration. This was why they couldn't afford becoming an Adventurer when there was no Parade.

Lance winked at her, "Thank you."

"I'm married," she said with a smile. "You can proceed to window 4 now, thank you."

Elliot and Connor laughed at their friend becoming flustered.

Lance was used to doing gestures like that, it was the first time a woman wasn't happy.

"Their standards keep on rising these days," Lance pouted.

Three hours of processes had passed and their request was finally approved.

"50 gold coins for Rush Adventurer Application received. You will need to wait for the courier to bring you the contract," the woman said. "It should take about 2-3 days."

Lance thanked the woman, making sure to not wink or give her any gesture, and left with his friends.

"Is Hope an Adventurer now?" Hope asked.

Lance flattened his lips and shook his head slowly, "We need to wait for the contract, bud. You can sign that and gain the Adventurer system from then on."

"Ohh," Hope nodded his head a few times. "Okay! Hope is happy!"

"Us too," Elliot said. "Why don't we have a boar feast?"

"Yay!" Hope cheered and clapped his hands. "That would make Hope very happy!"

"Is there a Lance… err, there seems to be no surname–"

"I'm here," Lance hurried to the courier. "I'm Lance without a surname."

"Let me see the slip," the courier asked to which Lance showed the slip the city hall gave him. "Okay, Mr. Lance. Here is your package."

"Thank you," Lance said and took the envelope.

He ran to the counter where Midnight was waiting. They would have to register Hope into the guild too, and Midnight was the one who holds the registration.

"Okay, what did you tell the registrar Hope's name was?" Midnight asked.

"Hope Silver," Lance answered. "Like the color of his hair."

"Okay, just give me his certificate. I'll copy from there."

After Midnight filled up the guild application, he opened the envelope and filled up the contract.

"Here, Hope," Midnight slid the paper. "If you sign, it means you will become an Adventurer. You can never turn back."

Hope gulped, "Never?"

Midnight shook his head, "Never. Unless you have 5,000 gold as cancellation fee."

Hope pouted and signed his name at the bottom of the paper. He felt nothing special after he signed.

"In two or three days, you'll officially become an Adventure," Midnight said. "Welcome to Azure Scorch Guild, Hope."

Hope smiled. "Thank you, Midnight."

The signs of becoming an Adventurer started appearing one by one. The Guide and the Console came first.

'Companion contracted.'

'You may now add Companion to your party.'

'You can now gain one of Companion's skill.'

'Congratulations, APRIL.'

"I'm not April," Elliot whispered. "Delay Gain Companion Skill."

'Gain Companion Skill delayed.'

A week had passed and Hope was already towering them.

"Hope, catch!" Lance yelled, throwing an orc with his magic.

"Dragon's Slash!"

Hope swung his sword. A crescent-shaped attack burst from it, hitting the orc.

'Orc killed. +1,000XP'

"Yes!" Hope cheered. "Papa, are there any more orcs?"

Lance smiled and shook his head. "No, bud. We have finished our mission."

"He had gotten more fluent in a span of a week," Connor said. "I'm pretty sure Lance helped nothing with that."

Lance scoffed, "Whatever, dude."

The group was returning to the dorms when they heard something on a dark alley. It was already dawn so the alley wasn't noticeable.

But not for Adventures.

"Give us the money you owe," a large man said.

There were four people crowding around a boy that's face was beaten. He was beaten so much, he was barely recognizable.

"Give us the money now!" the large man repeated.

"I-I don't have it," the boy stuttered.

"He seems familiar," Elliot said. They got closer to the alley, making sure to hide their presence.

"No one wants to party with me," the boy coughed. "They don't like my ability since I could barely control it."

"Enough talk!" the large man gripped the smaller boy's neck and lifted him.

From there, Elliot could see the face.

Connor grimaced, "It's Ed."

"Stop!" Elliot screamed and bolted towards the men.

Lance was about to stop him but it was too late. Elliot had already landed a kick on one of the thug's faces.

The thug flew a couple of meters back, landing on the street on the other end of the alley. This made the vendors look and gasp.

"That's the Dark Guild, Tattered Gates."

"What are they doing here?"

"That boy's in trouble. He kicked one of them."

The whispers of the vendors flooded the streets.

Elliot stood and glared at the thugs, "What in the hell are you doing?"

"And who the hell are you?" the big man asked.

"I'm his friend," Elliot said. Ed's eyes widened, tears brimming in his dark green eyes.

"A friend?" the thug snickered. "Who would want to be friends with this loser? Do you know he can't control his nullification ability? That's why no one wants him in their team. He had killed a party in his previous guild because of his sick ability."

Elliot's composure did not falter even after what the thug said. It could be true, but Elliot was pretty sure Ed is regretting what happened.

"Who knew that behind your awkward smiles, you were living in fear?" Elliot asked Ed. He then turned to the thugs with a threatening aura.

"He looks like a different person," Connor whispered to Lance.

'Hostile Humans detected.'

'Feature unlocked < Hostile Human Inspect >'

Hostile Human Inspect? Elliot asked.

<< Ron Bartow >>

Level 39

Guild: Tattered Gates

Class: Saber

Subclass: Swordsman

Occupation: None

"You act like that and yet, you're only Level 39?" Elliot raised his head, as if looking down on the men in front of him. "You make me feel disgusted."

'Sudden Quest'

[ Defeat the Thugs

Creator Reward: Nails of Sonova

// An ally is threatened by thugs. Defeat the thugs.

Bonus: Scare the thugs into the brink of sanity.

Bonus Reward: Hair of Sonova ]

The quest was surprising for Elliot. Even Ed could trigger a quest?

And what's more interesting was that he now has the other ingredients for the recipe he had been eyeing on.

<< Tonic of Sonova >>


Eye of Sonova X1

Nails of Sonova X1

Hair of Sonova X1

Effect: Permanently raises all stats by 15%

Elliot smirked and glared at the thugs, "Let's dance."