Creation Gems

Elliot stared at the Console. The panel of the Skill Shops that were being sold were using a different currency.

< Skill Shop >

[ Venal Slash

Cost: 500 Creation Gems]

[ Supernal Blitz

Cost: 1,00 Creation Gems]

[ Caelum's Ignition

Cost: 1,500 Creation Gems]

What in the quirk is a Creation Gem? Elliot thought.

"You okay?" His elegiac reverie was interrupted when Lance asked.

Lance was, at first, upset because Elliot let Connor go with his parents. It was what Elliot thinks that's right, but Lance completely disagrees. He thought it was wise to keep Connor safe and go with them instead.

But after a while, Lance's bad mood died down. Especially when Elliot wasn't paying attention to him as much.

"Yeah," Elliot replied with a worried sigh.

They were walking back to the city. Lance confessed that he was actually sent by Midnight and fetch Elliot. All participants of a Conquest must complete quests from the guild before they can participate.

"There are three levels of quests," Lance started. "Meteorite, Meteor, and Comet. Meteorite quests are basically, basic quests. You have to transport, guard, escort, things like that. Meteor quests are on a higher level. Maybe defeat a grand-ranked beast, or collect a rare ingredient. Lastly, Comet quests are harder quests. Maybe clear a dungeon or even defeating a mob boss."

Elliot nodded in understanding. The criteria said that he had to finish at least 1 Comet quest or 3 Meteor quests. Initially, he thought a Comet quest would be the best option. But with current his power, he might not finish it. 3 quests meant more chances of him seeing more ingredients and maybe unlock more features.

On their way to the guild house, Elliot was already Level 30. He leveled up while hunting beasts that he saw from the Manual. These carcasses would give him a lot of items that he might need in the future.

'Congratulations! You can now pick your Subclass!'

Elliot scrunched his forehead. Shouldn't I have earned the Subclass on Level 25?

"Elliot!" Midnight greeted. "Are you hungry? Do you want tea?"

Elliot shook his head. He looked at the damaged guild house. It was really old and looking like it couldn't hold on any longer.

"Let him rest, Midnight," Lance said. "Wake him up when dinner is ready. I'll take him to the dorms."

"No, I actually have a house."

"It's kind of required to move into the guild dormitories," Lance said with an awkward grin. "But don't worry, we'll move your stuff first thing tomorrow."

Elliot smiled, "Okay."

Lance led him to the dormitories in the back of the guild house. It looked more decent than the guild house. It had two floors and was made of mixed wood and cement.

"Your room will be here," Lance said, motioning to room 2E. They opened the room and were greeted by dust and webs. "Oh. Well, you can rest in my room if–"

"This room is okay," Elliot cut him off. "Thank you, Lance. I'll just clear the dust on the bed and take a rest."

Lance smiled and nodded. "Okay. But if you need anything, Contact me, okay?"

"Okay. Thank you."

The door closed and Elliot ended up cleaning the entire room. It was noon when they arrived, and it was almost dusk now.

"Now to Craft!" Elliot cheered and sat on the floor.

He opened the Manual and his Inventory.

"What to Craft?"

His eyes landed on a pendant that doubles as a potion container.

<< Mauve Potion Pendant >>


Mauve Sparrow Extract X1

Iron Golem Pendant X1

Elliot pursed his lips, remembering that he still had to Craft the precursor item.

<< Iron Golem Pendant >>

Iron Golem Cubes X5

The Inventory also does something to what Elliot puts into. Like the unavailability of beasts that had no more materials in it, beasts like the golems that had one type of material all throughout their body will be automatically converted to cubes. An Iron Golem ranges from 10-25.

Elliot had 18 and he used the 5 to Craft the pendant, now he only had 13.

'Creation Gems Earned. X1'

His eyes widened and a smile appeared on his lips.

So that's how you gain Creation Gems.

Elliot went overboard with Crafting and Brewing. Along with the Creation Gems, he also leveled up his Craft feature.


<< APRIL >>

Level 30

HP: 35,000

MP: 1,750

'To view Creator Status, say Creator Status.'

"So, it's separated again?" Elliot sighed. "Creator Status."

<< APRIL >>

Class: Creator

Subclass: None

Occupation: None

Elliot remembered the notification from earlier. He can now choose his Subclass.

He was excited at first, but he deadpanned after remembering his Adventuring name and Class. The Manual had already chosen for him. It was as if his entire career was predetermined by the old tattered book.

"Whatever," Elliot said and opened the notification.

'Please select your class.'

[ Available Subclasses

NOTE: You can change your Subclass anytime when you reach Level 75

< Lord of Creation >

< Genesis Monarch >

< Primordial Poiesist > ]

Once again, Elliot deadpanned.

"These are the same thing!" he groaned.

"I choose..." he paused and stared at the option. The third one seemed to be too weird for his taste. The second one wasn't for him either, "I choose Lord of Creation."

'Congratulations, APRIL.'

'You have earned your Subclass.'

'Your Subclass upgrades will be available in the future.'

Elliot sighed. "Creation Status."

<< APRIL >>

Class: Creator

Subclass: Lord of Creation

Occupation: None

Crafting: Level 3

Brewing: Level 1

Forging: Level 1

'Say Vault to view your currencies.'


< Vault >

Creation Gems: 38

Gold: 112

Silver: 7,561

Bronze: 12

It also counts my money?

His thoughts were interrupted when a loud slamming sound blasted from outside. Elliot ran and saw that the guild house was wrecked.

There was a colossal beast that seemed to be made from the darkness inside the building. It was wrecking everything. A few people had their ropes, trying to tie the beast down.

Sun was arguing with Frederick who was sitting on a stool, smoking like nothing was happening.

"I told you that you should never let this happen," Sun scolded.

"Guys, what is happening?" Elliot yelled in panic.

"It's the full moon and everyone seems to forget," Sun sighed. "I was out on a quest and just arrived."

"What happens when there's a full moon?" Elliot asked.

"Midnight turns into that," Sun pointe at the beast who was now breathing black flames.

Elliot looked at Sun, then the beast, then back on Sun. He was hoping that the narrow-eyed boy was joking.

"That's Midnight?!"