The Prince of Spice Islands

What a small world it was for Elliot and Jameson. The former had expected to move out of the inn and move all his things.

He was also worried about how the Twilight Cocoon would react when he moves it, but it turns out, he didn't have to do anything.

Elliot scoffed and rolled his eyes in disappointment. "Wow."

"What?" Jameson tilted his head. "The old man here is my acquaintance. He's the father of my childhood friend."

"You mean the old caretaker of the inn?" Elliot asked, his jaw falling to the ground. Jameson looked around and nodded. "He had his hands full with us. Please tell him I'm sorry."

"I just arrived about two weeks ago and I moved here from my hotel," Jameson said. "That hotel gave me the creeps, so I asked him if I could move here. But don't worry, I'll tell him about what you said."

"Wait, let me guess…" Elliot trailed off and faked thought. "There was someone looking at you there?"