A Vampire

In Viper's eyes, everything felt like it was on slow motion. The snake turned, showing its rhorny tail that was coming towards him but he couldn't react on time.

Before he could even take a second to blink, a figure appeared in front of him. Elliot raised his sword to block the tail of the snake, slamming his boots to the ground to avoid losing his balance.

"Hasty Aspire!" Elliot yelled and spun, slashing his sword to deflect the tail away. When the snake felt the immense pressure coming from Elliot it sensed fear and dug back itself under the ground.

"Are you alright?" Elliot turned to Viper, touching the younger boy's forehead and tapping the parts of his body. "Viper, do not do something like that ever again."

"I-I…" Viper was speechless. 

The thing they told him that life flashed before your very eyes a moment before death was true. He saw everything his life in that split-second time.