For My Queen

Florencia took Elliot to a back alley where no one would usually pass through. Elliot felt the uneasiness in Florencia's aura and whatever that had happened to the girl, or whatever she may heard, must've been really shocking.

"Elliot, it's about the villagers from Cilca…" Florencia trailed off, taking a deep breath.

"Florencia, I'm calm, just tell me anything," Elliot said, to which neither of them believed. His aura was pulsating, it was screaming kill and it was screaming the desire to know.

"You know, Christina ran away from home, right? Even when her father basically threw her out when she became the rain woman thing, her disappearance would still be ruled out as her just running away."

"Royals and nobles are always like that," Elliot said with an intent of venom in his voice. "They always want to come clean and not want to get their hands dirty or their reputations to be trampled on. Do, what's Christina got to do anything with the Cilcans?"